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MARCH 2025

ISIS Claims Killing Of Over 11,000 Army And Peshmerga Fighters During Clashes In Mosul And Its Countryside

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The ISIS-linked Al-Naba Newspaper published an infographic showing ISIS’ claims about the outcome of the Mosul battle that lasted for almost 9 months.

ISIS claimed that its fighters managed to kill 11700 Iraqi soldiers and Peshmerga fighters. 1629 of them were allegedly killed by ISIS snipers. ISIS also claimed that tens of thousands Iraqi fighters were wounded during the battle.

ISIS Claims Killing Of Over 11,000 Army And Peshmerga Fighters During Clashes In Mosul And Its Countryside

Click to see the full-size map

ISIS claimed that it has carried out 482 suicide attacks against Iraqi forces in Mosul city. It also claimed the destruction of 2622 vehicles, including 1049 Humvees, 841 miscellaneous vehicles, and claimed the destruction of 167 BMP-1, 44 Soviet tanks – mostly T-72 – and 76 Abrams tanks.

ISIS allegedly downed 103 reconnaissance drones of the Iraqi Army and the US-led coalition, and 15 attack helicopters of the Iraqi Air Force.

ISIS has undoubtedly exaggerated the losses of the Iraqi Army to show it as the defeated side, as ISIS troops in the city – thousands of fighters estimated – were completely exterminated by Iraqi forces.

The Military Media Cell of the Iraqi Joint Operations Room is preparing to announce own version of the losses of Iraqi forces and ISIS during the battle for Mosul at a joint press conference with the US Department of Defense in the Pentagon soon.

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Battlefield claims are always highly inflated. And methinks that applies even more to an organization that is losing on all fronts and needs something to inspire the faithful.


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