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MARCH 2025

ISIS Defense In Euphrates Valley Collapses Following Months Of Battles (Map, Video)

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Following more than four months of clashes, the remaining ISIS positions in the middle Euphrates River Valley in eastern Syria have finally collapsed.

According to Kurdish sources, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) liberated the towns of al-Baghuz al-Fawqani and Shajlah on January 23. The remaining terrorists are currently besieged inside the very last positions of ISIS in the town of Murashida, which is currently under attack.

ISIS Defense In Euphrates Valley Collapses Following Months Of Battles (Map, Video)

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Prior to this, more than 5100 people fled the ISIS-held pocket in the Euphrates Valley. 500 fighters of ISIS who opted to surrender instead of fighting until death were among them. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) said that more civilians and terrorists are fleeing to the areas every hour.

Despite  this, the battle to liberate Murashida may take several days because the remaining terrorists there are clearly planning to fight until the end. The US-led coalition will likely step up its airstrikes on the town in order to prevent any counter-attacks.

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I wonder what’s going to happen to those 500 isis terrorists (not fighters, lets make that clear) who surrendered. I hope there is some massive prison in the middle of the Syrian desert to put them in for life. Away at least 100 miles from the closest village. If there isn’t such a prison maybe they should start building one. To be honest if it was my call I ‘d put them all on a rocket and sent them straight to the center of the Sun …


Me too. I’d send them at night though, when it is cooler!


I would think that the US will retrain them on humanitarian grounds and give them all ‘Terror jobs’ in Africa and Afghanistan.

A rehabilitation programme for Americans to be proud of :)


They have a bulldozer digging their prison in the desert.


I hope they dig deep ! Throw them all in the hole and let them eat one another. Let them defecate on one another and when it rains let them drown…

You can call me Al

Just shoot them.


Thats way too kind and too generous.

Xoli Xoli

SDF=ISIS defences collapse because USA israel never acknowledged failure and lost.SDF=ISIS is actually surrendering after humiliation which is good for proudly Syrians.


Without American arms and money ISIS won’t last long.

Bill Wilson

Maybe a pep talk tweeted by Trump will give them encouragement to fight on?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

In some areas of Syria the Arab population welcomed Isis with open arms, I suspect this area was one of those places, separating Isis from the local population may be a lot harder than anyone suspects. By my estimates, there are still at least 4,500 Isis fighters still left in northern Syria hiding, by themselves they pose no great threat, but if the Turks invade and attack the SDF they will be, and a big one. I think the SDF priority now should be to find and capture any and all the ex Isis fighters in the territory, lock them up or shoot them before they can take advantage of any possible problems the Turks may make for them. The Kurds don’t want to be fighting a war on 2 fronts.

Bill Wilson

Those areas in Syria welcomed in ISIS because the rebel militias that liberated them from Assad did nothing afterwards but fight each other. They hoped that ISIS would restore the peace and economic stability only to live in Hell under their rule. From what I’ve read, ISIS doesn’t have very many sleeper cells left in SDF controlled regions due to being caught or the cell members taking off into SAA controlled regions where they have more supporters, cells with lots of cash and an easier time moving around, especially if they want to escape thru Idlib into Turkey. I’m curious to hear about the number of foreign nations who have surrendered recently to the SDF. ISIS had to recruit foreign professionals and tradesmen to repair then run the oil and gas fields for them since the Syrians that did that, screwed things up the best they could before taking off as ISIS forces drew nearer. ISIS was paying crazy high salaries to lure them in and probably prevented them from leaving since those products were their main source of income.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The areas in north western Syria didn’t have a rebel presence at all before Isis turned up, and they were the first areas taken under Isis control. What was their excuse for turning to Isis? The rebels only had a presence in this area for a short time and it was only in a small isolated area of Ar Raqqah, and only after the SDF had started beating back Isis and they took advantage of Isis’s retreat. Don’t believe everything you read, Isis does have a presence in Northern Syria, before April last year nearly all estimates for Isis in North Syria were, 5,000 in the large pocket operating in Al Hasakah and north eastern Deir ez Zor, and 1,500 in the area around Hajin in eastern deir ez Zor, the SDF beat the big pocket of 5,000 fighters but only captured or killed 400, where did all the rest go? I do think a lot of them may have gone south to Assad’s territory, but it would be much safer to stay where they are, The Arab population here welcomed Isis in quite a few locations and they still do. Half of the fleeing civilians from the Hajin pocket now would probably be Isis sympathizers. Where are all the Isis attacks happening lately, all above the Euphrates in SDF areas, I’d image that’s because they have not just a large presence there, but lots of support as well. I’ll bet all those foreign nationals will be regretting their decisions to come to Syria now, no matter how much money they got paid to do so, no amount of money no matter how big is ever worth your life, LOL.

Zaphod Braden

ISIS never runs out of ammunition or explosives. ………….. WHY?! ISIS never, ever, attacks ISISrael ………………………………… WHY?! ISIS is completely surrounded by supposed enemies. Everyone of the countries surrounding ISIS is SUPPOSEDLY an ally of the USA. Time for the USA to take a good hard look at it’s “allies”. Our “intelligence” agencies should have identified and destroyed those who are supplying ISIS but have not …… WHY?! “our” Generals have not destroyed those who are supplying ISIS ………… WHY?! You know DAMN WELL WHO supplies their weapons, that kill American Troops. The FIRST thing a general that WANTS TO WIN a war does ….. is cut off enemy supplies. Time to clean out the Traitors. The chaos in Syria was winding down. The TRAITORS in the Pentagon had spent 24 months at $10MILLION a DAY bombing sand. ISIS continued to hold miles long parades of OUR equipment complete with flags on clear, dry, sunny days, and the TRAITORS in the Pentagon “could not seem to HIT them with any of those thousands of bombs”. .. Then the Russians came in and blew the ISIS asses off. Did you notice the parades ENDED. ISIS has ZERO antiaircraft abilities. the TRAITORS in the Pentagon could have dropped bombs from HOT AIR BALLOONS or BIPLANES ……. We KNOW who the Pentagon is working for and it is NOT America. That would be a “tragedy” for Turkey and Israel who are BOTH genocidally flooding White, CHRISTIAN Europe with muslum invaders …………. that war had to get going again …..

Bill Wilson

The Russians missed quite a few out in the desert.

Zaphod Braden

But they did end the parades and what-da-ya-know ISIS is nearly finished …. except for where WE are.

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