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MARCH 2025

ISIS Executed SDF Commander & Coalition Spy In Northeastern Syria (Photos)

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On December 5, ISIS’ news agency, Amaq, released photos showing the execution of two men in the northeastern region of Syria, which is controlled by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).

The first man, Musa al-Hashim, was executed by ISIS terrorists with a bullet to the head on December 4. According to Amaq’s claims, al-Hashim was working as a spy for the U.S.-led coalition, the main backer of the SDF.

Local sources denied ISIS’ claims. The sources said al-Hashim, a refugee from al-Hasakah city, was abducted by ISIS terrorists from his home in the town of al-Shheell in the southeastern Deir Ezzor countryside.

ISIS Executed SDF Commander & Coalition Spy In Northeastern Syria (Photos)

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ISIS Executed SDF Commander & Coalition Spy In Northeastern Syria (Photos)

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The second man was executed by ISIS a day later in a similar fashion near the town of al-Secher, which is also located in the southeastern countryside of Deir Ezzor.

Amaq said the man, named Raed Hussein, was a commander of the SDF. The agency shared photos of an assault rifle and documents of the SDF’s security forces, Asyash, which were allegedly found with Hussein.

ISIS Executed SDF Commander & Coalition Spy In Northeastern Syria (Photos)

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ISIS Executed SDF Commander & Coalition Spy In Northeastern Syria (Photos)

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ISIS Executed SDF Commander & Coalition Spy In Northeastern Syria (Photos)

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ISIS Executed SDF Commander & Coalition Spy In Northeastern Syria (Photos)

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During 2020, the SDF and the U.S.-led coalition stepped up their operations against ISIS cells in northeastern Syria. The terrorist group, however, is still active in the region.

ISIS has been taking advantage of the growing tensions between the Kurdish-led SDF and Arab population in northwestern Syria to spread its influence in the region. The SDF is yet to address this issue, which seems to be growing.


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Inner fight between two US proxies It happens from time to time


Those Apes probably killed him because the psychos like it.


That about sums it up,two staunch allies of usas foreign policy,you guessed it!


Mean’t to believe sdf good guys are victims of isis,yawn))

Kenny Jones ™


Linda Wilson

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John Wallace

I got this video over a day ago and as yet heard or seen nothing about it on any other source. Has anyone seen anything at all on this assassination in Israel of a high ranking Mossad agent . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzqdd82AJ0M


R:E Prior posts =comprehensive fake news.

Here’s the real deal update:

The first train carrying goods from Turkey to China arrived in the northwestern Kocaeli province on Sunday.

It stayed in Kocaeli for a while and then set off again.

The train, which will reach China in 12 days, is scheduled to leave Turkey on Dec. 8 by following the Ankara-Sivas-Kars route.

It will make a stop at the Akhalkalaki Station in Georgia, and then travel across Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan before entering China’s Xi’an province.

Operated in collaboration with the Turkish State Railways and Pacific Eurasia, the train will pass through two continents, two seas and five countries.

The 8,693-kilometer journey includes 2,323 kms in Turkey, 220 in Georgia, 430 in Azerbaijan, 420 in the Caspian Sea, 3,200 in Kazakhstan and 2,100 in China.

Reason for everything,cia/freemasons can burn in hell,not getting their stinking world war!


“420 in the Caspian Sea” Why the f***k would they go over the sea 420 km?!?! Wasn’t it faster to bypass the sea altogether?!!


Rail lines are are always looking for the flattest route I guess? Rail ferry shipping and port facilities have been expanded between Baku and Aqtau ( the green line ). https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/50b32a6e2ff35e27c3ba6b22da3d0394dec0f1b5a0fef760bcfeea003e4e1296.jpg


Nice job………… China.


I’m not sure,there will be new links rebuilt later,either way better late than never,region deserves a viable alternative to just cia/hegemon butchering!


I also found a topographical map of that area. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/43157543a2229e375c93ae38e681595d414762ac103e9ebc3f40d67b2490dfe4.jpg


you wan to cement your argument…in case somebody insanely brave dears to doubt your previous comment…nice touch.


Not really, I was also curious why they would cross the Caspian after your comment. So I researched it a bit. :)

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The Chinese are a lot smarter than you are, they know sea travel’s a lot cheaper than rail, and this small diversion from land to sea won’t be that much slower than going around the sea anyway.


Maybe some Chinese are “smarter” than me but everybody is smarter than you. You frustrated little prick :) You are but-hurt idiot. Bringing to the port…Loading and unloading those containers for short 400 km trip over the Caspian is definitely not cheaper or faster dork.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You give me and everyone else you don’t like downvotes and yet you say I’m a “frustrated little prick”, I’m neither.

It is when you take into account long term leases and rail maintenance costs, not to mention possible espionage possibilities for Erdogan’s Uighurs that live in nearby Syria, or disputes with Iran over oil prices.

Why do homosexuals always have to use disgusting innuendo when they try to insult people, is it something you all learn or does it come naturally, you all seem to do it.


I down-vote in my best judgment all bad, ill intended comments. Am I “frustrated” and but-hurt like you are because of that? Don’t think so. Ut is you who tries to start dispute all the time by attacking my comments without single decent argument… I find most of your comments bad, doesn’t mean I will react and make comment on each (but still I have right to down vote it all the same) People usually (for reason) do not up-vote your comments…that speaks volumes. Your counter arguments you give now are all nonsensical so I will not comment them at all.

So I am “homosexuals” ha ha ha ! Have nice day (“frustrated little prick”).

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You’re just unintelligent, ill informed, ignorant, biased, and also remind so much of all those gay night time US TV personalities that use filthy comments to insult people.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Here’s the real important news, China threatened to send their special forces and aircraft to Syria to help Assad wipe out the Uighurs that Erdogan sponsored back in 2017/2018, and Xi keeps telling Erdogan to keep his Muslim Brotherhood fingers out of China’s Xinjiang region and to stop causing trouble there, at least 1.5 to 2 million Turkmen Uighurs locked up now in 2020. So China does like Turkey and most of the Turkish political opposition parties, but they absolutely hate Erdogan, his AK Party, and the Muslim Brotherhood organization, and during the next election in Turkey, they’ll be spending hundreds of millions of dollars on deposing him. So they’ll donate heaps of cash to all their favorite political opposition parties, and to all the anti Government news agencies, and then they’ll willfully meddle in Turkey’s political process as much as they can to get rid of Erdogan, that’s also the truth buddy.

Ivan Freely

Evidence of threat of Chinese military intervention? Serious question as that is a HUGE departure from their usual foreign policy.


You will not receive any “evidence” about that. “Source” comes straight out of his arse.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Won’t he.


You have NO source for that like for majority of the bullshit you are talking about ! You never give valid source ! Now kindly f***k off !


NO HE WONT ! VALID CHINESE SOURCE PLEASE ! Those “news” were only rumors from 2017 orchestrated by CIA most probably . So NO China never had intention to send soldiers there!

US Western PROPAGANDA “source” because NOBODY saw single Chinese soldier in Syria ever!!! We all heard about those bollocks rumors at the time, that were NEVER CONFIRMED by China ! Back off ignoramus!

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Is Fars news agency working for the CIA now, I didn’t know the Iranians worked for the CIA, that’s news to me, well that totally explains why the Iranian news was one of the first news sources to relay that crappy propaganda to the rest of the world, and then the Syrian news agency SANA went and perpetuated the CIA lie too. I’m so glad you explained it was all a hoax, especially since the Syrian diplomat who first relayed the information must also be a CIA spy, now I know I can’t even trust the very people I’m supporting, I’m going to trust you instead. Oh and I forgot to mention South Front, they also ran the story twice that I know of, so they must work for the CIA too. All the Turkish trolls that were using Jewish avatars have suddenly stopped posting and you’ve started posting continuously, are you sure you’re not one of the Turkish/Muslim Brotherhood trolls I keep calling Mustapha, I’m starting to think you are.


IT WAS 3 YEARS AGO and still NO proof from CHINESE SOURCE! So give us proof of presence of SINGLE Chinese soldier in Syria or shut the f***k up on false information!

Put up o shut up !!!

No SANA doesn’t work for CIA but that doesn’t mean that they and some Iranians were not falling for CIA disinformation !

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Oh and I suppose Russia and the US admit to everything they do that doesn’t concern anyone else but themselves, maybe there aren’t any Russian mercenaries operating around the world, maybe Obama didn’t use Isis to wreck Syria, maybe they tell us the truth and the media are just making everything up, they all just quote bad sources or lie.

And no I don’t really know that Chines special forces are in Syria right now, but I sure as hell do suspect they are, China knows details of the Uighurs numbers, identities, movements, and objectives in Syria, they regularly expose plots by the Uighurs and thwart their plans. How do they get all that information, do Russia and Syria pass it on, or do they have their own intelligence operatives in Syria doing the work. They also sent Syria several high tech radars that need experts to operate, and I’ve never seen one report telling us Syrian military were sent to China to be trained by Chinese military experts, so if the Syrians haven’t gone to China to train how did they learn how to use the hi tech radars. The Chinese will have personnel in Syria using sophisticated surveillance equipment, and they’ll be spying on the Uighurs 24/7, no one has to tell me that either, it’s an obvious known for someone like me, something I don’t even need conformation of. edit. Oh and you forgot to downvote me this time.


What is to hide, to “hide” how?!? NOBODY SAW SINGLE EFFING CHINESE SOLDIER !!!! Fuck off moron!!

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You’re the moron dick licker.


Only megalomaniac will have such long moniker. NO CHINESE TROOPS were ever stationed in Syria. Military adviser or two does not represent ”Chinese troops”.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

And who maintains the Chinese radars so they don’t fall into disrepair, maybe the Russians do.


You were talking about presence of the Chinese special ops

Willing Conscience (The Truths

There’s no proof Obama sent Isis into Syria either, but many others as well as myself believe he did, it depends on who you believe and what you see with your own eyes.

“A group of special forces arrived in the Syrian port of Tartous, in order to fight the so-called “movement of Turkestan,” according to Sputnik agency. A special counterterrorism unit of the Chinese armed forces, called the “Dark Night Tigers”, arrived in Tartous port, the agency said Thursday, without giving further details. Russian sources confirmed several days ago that China plans to send two known military units (Siberian Tigers and Night Tigers) from elite forces to Syrian territory to fight the so-called “Turkistan movement.”


So Sputnik said they actually arrived in Tartous, not said they were going to Tartous. That must mean Sputnik made up the whole story. And some lying Russian sources said they were going to send even more. You can’t trust anyone nowadays can you.

“The Syrian conflict has an endless capability to surprise analysts as seemingly every other day a new element, unprecedented in the Syrian civil war, comes to the surface. Such is the case with the arrival of the first Chinese Army special forces unit, “the Night Tigers,” to Syria’s Tartous port on the Mediterranean, according to reports in Arab media close to the Assad and Tehran regimes (the Al-Mayadeen TV channel).2 The Night Tigers were dispatched by Beijing to fight the Uyghurs, the Muslim Chinese ethnic group fighting with the rebel forces against the Assad regime. According to these press reports, Beijing planned to send two units from the Special Operations Forces – the “Tigers of Siberia” and the “Night Tigers” – to assist Assad’s regime against Chinese Uyghurs fighting with radical Muslim organizations in Syria. However, unlike the news reporting about the arrival of the “Night Tigers,” no confirmation has been received yet on the second unit.”


The Jewish news must have it all wrong and the Russian sources must’ve lied, or is it just possible the Chinese had to lie after they realized they’d made a terrible mistake by trusting the Syrian’s to keep their mouths shut. And no I’m not suggesting the photos in the 2 articles are actual photos of the troops arriving at the Russian port, but on the other hand I don’t know where the journos got the photos from, so they could indeed be the actual arrival of Chinese special forces at the Russian port, but I doubt it.

So Jewish, Russian, Iranian, and Syrian news all reported the same thing, they all lied to us, no they didn’t, they just let the cat out of the bag long before the bag was supposed to be opened.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

https://limacharlienews.com/mena/china-considers-military-intervention-in-syria/ https://financialtribune.com/articles/international/77033/china-reportedly-sending-special-forces-to-syria https://thediplomat.com/2017/12/is-chinas-uyghur-challenge-changing-its-calculus-on-syria/ I can remember SF having at least 2 articles concerning the statements but I can’t find them on google, maybe you can on the SF archives.

Ivan Freely

I’m highly suspicious on your sources. Three articles using the same main photo of Chinese soldiers. Was there coordination between these writers? We know of Operation Mockingbird and it’s continued operation as confirmed by Dr Udo Ulfkotte who eventually end up dead in 2017. Interestingly, two of the three articles are from that same year, 2017. Coincidence?

Two of the articles are written by people from NATO countries, Sweden (John Sjoholm) and Australia (Michael Clarke) who have a vested interest in demonizing anyone helping Syria. The continued use of the demonizing word, regime, when referencing Assad.

The writer of the Lima Charlie News, John Sjoholm, had a website, EruditeGroup.org (or Erudite.report as shown in his Twitter account) which is now defunct and it apparently was registered in Canada where most of the WhoIS information have been redacted.

This supposedly Iranian English site, Financial Tribune, gives no credit to the author and it’s registrant contact (according to Whois) is in Greater London. Hmmm…this reminds me of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR).

In addition, there have been writers such as Leith Abou Fadel from Al Masdar News (AMN) who specifically stated that there are no Chinese troop presence in Syria at all.

Articles from AMN: No Chinese troops deploying to Syria (2017-11-30) China will send troops to Syria to fight Chinese jihadists according to Telsur TV (2017-11-30) China officially denies sending troops to Syria (2017-12-01) Chinese military will not deploy to Syria for Idlib offensive (2018-08-20)

Take note of the last article in Aug 20, 2018. The Chinese Special Envoy for Syria, Xie Xiaoyan, confirmed no troops.

One thing interesting is that around 2015-17 time frame, there were reports of China sending their aircraft carrier, CV-16 Liaoning to Syria. It obviously was false as we now know which I knew right away back then as I follow Chinese Naval development. At the time of those claims, the Liaoning was in dry dock!!!

We know there are cooperation between Syria, Iran, Russia and China. IMHO, any Chinese involvement in Syria is confined to the intelligence realm.

IF you want to use those articles of yours as evidence then so be it, BUT I don’t accept them.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Well if you don’t like them as sources how about one from Zero Hedge, they’ve been accused of having pro Russian bias so they should be a little more acceptable as a source, I’ll link it at the bottom. I can’t find the original article from the original Syrian Al-Watan news source, or the article from the Iranian Fars news agency, but they’re the 2 original sources of the story, I’m also pretty sure SANA ran the story, and positive South Front also had several articles you could also probably find on their archives, 1st of August 2018 is date the statement was either made or reported on, so a few days after or on that date is where to look for the articles, if you have the time. And even though China has subsequently denied it will send troops to Syria to assist with counter terrorism operations against the Uighur terrorists, that doesn’t mean they didn’t tell the Syrian foreign minister they would. Do Russia, the US, or anyone else tell everyone what they’re going to do, not always, I don’t think China would either. Now lets look at what they have done, they sent humanitarian aid, medical aid, military equipment, share intelligence, give financial assistance, and a few other things as well. Now those Chinese radars are very high tech and need specialized operators to use them, have you read anywhere at all that Syrian troops went to China to train with the new radars they were about to receive, I didn’t, so if the Syrian troops didn’t go to Syria to train, someone must’ve come to Syria to train them, and someone has to maintain and repair those high tech systems, do you think anyone in Syria is capable of that, maybe the Russian are but I’m sure they won’t be maintaining and repairing Chines radars. So I’m pretty sure China does have military personnel in Syria right now, if they don’t those expensive radars won’t last long. And how do you think the Chinese get such comprehensive data on the numbers and identities of so many of the Uighurs living in Syria, and how do they keep track of their movements so well, and how do they thwart so many of those Uighur attacks that they say are planned in Syria and committed by the Uighurs living in Syria, they know because they have their own intelligence experts and special forces in Syria, that’s how they know. As I said to someone else, it’s not a matter of believing one news source or another, it’s whether or not you believe what the Syrian foreign minister said was talked about, or alternately you believe the subsequent Chinese denial. Since the time in question have you seen the Chinese increase or decrease their assistance to Syria, I’d say it’s increased tenfold since August 2018. China’s policy of non aggressive military support just might be inhibiting them from admitting they’re helping Syria in more ways than they let on. Here’s what I said,

“China threatened to send their special forces and aircraft to Syria to help Assad wipe out the Uighurs that Erdogan sponsored back in 2017/2018, and Xi keeps telling Erdogan to keep his Muslim Brotherhood fingers out of China’s Xinjiang region and to stop causing trouble there, at least 1.5 to 2 million Turkmen Uighurs locked up now in 2020.”

Just by allowing this story to come out the Chinese made a veiled threat, and since then they’ve locked up as many as 2 million Uighurs and sent their best radars to Syria, do you really doubt they’d be willing to assist the Syrians in covert ways that would probably get them into trouble if they admitted it, I don’t.

Here’s the link to the Zero Hedge article.


Ivan Freely

I’m also distrustful of ZeroHedge now. Remember to look for demonizing words and who wrote those articles. ZeroHedge have become Breitbart-lite. They were good in their earlier days especially their financial news.

My contention is with your choice of words, “Special Forces”. You may accuse me of quibbling over semantics but semantics provide clarity. The words “Special Forces” indicates combat operations from military organizations which isn’t the case. Military and Intelligence advisors that strictly train do NOT qualify as Special Forces. Snowy Owl, Delta, and Seals are organizations that qualify. Honestly, I despise how it’s used by the greater journalistic community.

Chinese comprehensive data on the numbers and identities of so many of the Uighurs living in Syria is due to the intelligence cooperation between China and her allies. In addition, China have some kind of local registrar for it’s population that tracks whenever they leave a region especially the Uighurs. I forgot what the Chinese call it.

Another point to consider. China have many enemies, particularly from the West. They are constantly watching China for any missteps that China makes. IF there are Chinese military troops within Syria, I can guarantee you that Western MSM would go bonkers. Do you believe that Syria have been locked down for information? Hell, the West couldn’t stop a video of an ISIS fighter engaging in cannibalism. IF Chinese troops are present, word among the local population would spread along with video and photos of them. Thus far, I haven’t heard from any Western mainstream media complaining about China helping the Assad “Regime” in oppressing those “freedom loving people”. Don’t use Veterans Today, as they’re a bit dodgy. They even took part in peddling that “China sends carrier to Syria” bullshit.

Lastly, locking up 2 million Uighurs is utter bullshit. Typical BBC misinformation peddling. Do you have any idea on the size of the infrastructure and manpower needed for such an operation? You can literally see it from Space if that’s the case. And no, the lockdowns from this plandemic does NOT qualify.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

“Guan and al-Freij discussed the enhancement of training and “reached a consensus” on the Chinese military providing humanitarian aid to Syria, Xinhua reported, without providing further details.” https://www.rt.com/news/356161-china-syria-military-training/

I wonder why the Chinese need military personnel to deliver the aide to Syria? Could it be to hide things from the west. And there seems to be an overwhelming consensus that there are over 1.5 million Uighurs locked up in rehabilitation centers, I don’t know why you find that hard to believe, I certainly do.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Well if you don’t like them as sources how about one from Zero Hedge, they’ve been accused of having pro Russian bias so they should be a little more acceptable as a source, I’ll link it at the bottom. I can’t find the original article from the original Syrian Al-Watan news source, or the article from the Iranian Fars news agency, but they’re the 2 original sources of the story, I’m also pretty sure SANA ran the story, and positive South Front also had several articles you could also probably find on their archives, 1st of August 2018 is date the statement was either made or reported on, so a few days after or on that date is where to look for the articles, if you have the time. And even though China has subsequently denied it will send troops to Syria to assist with counter terrorism operations against the Uighur terrorists, that doesn’t mean they didn’t tell the Syrian foreign minister they would. Do Russia, the US, or anyone else tell everyone what they’re going to do, not always, I don’t think China would either. Now lets look at what they have done, they sent humanitarian aid, medical aid, military equipment, share intelligence, give financial assistance, and a few other things as well. Now those Chinese radars are very high tech and need specialized operators to use them, have you read anywhere at all that Syrian troops went to China to train with the new radars they were about to receive, I didn’t, so if the Syrian troops didn’t go to Syria to train, someone must’ve come to Syria to train them, and someone has to maintain and repair those high tech systems, do you think anyone in Syria is capable of that, maybe the Russian are but I’m sure they won’t be maintaining and repairing Chines radars. So I’m pretty sure China does have military personnel in Syria right now, if they don’t those expensive radars won’t last long. And how do you think the Chinese get such comprehensive data on the numbers and identities of so many of the Uighurs living in Syria, and how do they keep track of their movements so well, and how do they thwart so many of those Uighur attacks that they say are planned in Syria and committed by the Uighurs living in Syria, they know because they have their own intelligence experts and special forces in Syria, that’s how they know. As I said to someone else, it’s not a matter of believing one news source or another, it’s whether or not you believe what the Syrian foreign minister said was talked about, or alternately you believe the subsequent Chinese denial. Since the time in question have you seen the Chinese increase or decrease their assistance to Syria, I’d say it’s increased tenfold since August 2018. China’s policy of non aggressive military support just might be inhibiting them from admitting they’re helping Syria in more ways than they let on. Here’s what I said,

“China threatened to send their special forces and aircraft to Syria to help Assad wipe out the Uighurs that Erdogan sponsored back in 2017/2018, and Xi keeps telling Erdogan to keep his Muslim Brotherhood fingers out of China’s Xinjiang region and to stop causing trouble there, at least 1.5 to 2 million Turkmen Uighurs locked up now in 2020.”

Just by allowing this story to come out the Chinese made a veiled threat, and since then they’ve locked up as many as 2 million Uighurs and sent their best radars to Syria, do you really doubt they’d be willing to assist the Syrians in covert ways that would probably get them into trouble if they admitted it, I don’t.

Here’s the link to the Zero Hedge article.


Potato Man

It seem BS and fake buddy – I saw no dead body. Nor Iran or Zion claim anything, it seem like Zion trying to fool people and don’t say anything to make people make shit up. Don’t fall for it, some people tweet shit means nothing and none of these people live or know anything and claim shit out of their asses.

SF did called it BS and ofc veteran today went ape mode again. It seem fake as fuk TBH.

SF report: https://southfront.org/fake-assassination-of-top-mossad-agent-near-tel-aviv-and-other-iranian-media-victories/ VT: https://www.veteranstoday.com/2020/12/05/breaking-exclusive-iran-assassinates-mossad-chief-in-downtown-tel-aviv/

John Wallace

Thanks for that . That came from Israeli news live which is run bt an Israeli Christian who says he is ex CIA and has sources of information .. He is always coming up with this or that is about to happen but mostly religious horseshit and the return of ??? . I don’t follow him but he has the odd snippet now and then that is interesting. Anyway looks like all of his could be bullshit . I couldn’t find anything else about it , not that I was looking as I was bust elsewhere. Thanks for that heads up , appreciated..

Rhodium 10

settling of scores between oil thieves…


Cia method barter oil delivery contract.

Potato Man

NATO dogs killing each others…LMFAO to hell all of you go.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Not only do we get the before and after photos on SF, we also get the right in the moment photo as well, so SF sure knows how to dredge the bottom of the barrel don’t they At least the sickos will be happy, they’ve got some new material to feed their sick habits now, so good on you SF, you’re catering to all your subscribers needs, you’re not leaving out the neglected minorities needs like most other news sources do, you give them exactly what they want, you sick bastards.

Sadly for every SDF fighter that Isis kills Isis also kills a dozen SAA soldiers as well, maybe even more, so as much as it might be enjoyable for some of us to know the SDF is suffering at the hands of Isis, we have to realize the SAA is suffering even more. So I really don’t understand why the US and Syria don’t cooperate together against Isis, there’s still just as many good reasons for Syria not to cooperate with the US as there ever was, but now there’s a lot of good reasons for them to actually cooperate against Isis, and sadly so far it seems the US is faring much better in their fight against Isis than the SAA are, so the SAA needs the help more than the US do. And before any of you stupid trolls try to tell me I’m an idiot [or a traitor] for even suggesting this type of cooperative venture, check and find out the Russians/Syrians/Iraqis made a similar request to the US back towards the end of 2017 in about August/September, sadly the US refused to participate back then and Russia Syria and Iraq went on alone and wiped out Isis in all of Syrian Government territory, Putin announced in December that Isis had been totally eliminated from the South of Syria [and he was nearly right]. I keep linking Isis to Turkey because I firmly believe that Erdogan [willfully] uses Isis to create mayhem and confusion between the Russians, Syrians, Iranians, Kurds, and the US. It certainly suites his purposes if Isis is keeping them all occupied while he finds any excuses he can to attack even more areas of northern Syria. And he’s not attacking those areas just for the fun of it, he definitely has a plan he’s working to, and I think Isis is helping him.


What World do you live in? the US don’t WANT Isis and the other head hacking rats taken down or to work with Syria,their agenda is to take Syria down for their Zionist bitches.


True all that. Yet if they sucking up to he local Arab tribes, who took century to grow anger against their Kurdish occupation force. ISIS must stage tough action or two, to achieve popularity among local Sunni suckers, to posture as “resistance front” against Kurd nonbelievers occupying Sunni Muslim land. To get new idiotic members for Zionist-jihad.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

It’s not true at all, in fact the Israelis and the Arab League are the only 2 groups that don’t want Assad to lose power, they don’t promote resolution 2254 as the political answer for Syria, and neither does Assad. Assad actually says there’s a good chance he’ll lose the next election if the constitution is rewritten and resolution 2254 is allowed to dictate how the next election is held. And his 2 biggest allies along with his 2 biggest enemies are the people promoting resolution 2254 as the answer to all of Syria’s political woes, which means Russia, Iran, Turkey, and the US are all doing exactly what Assad claims is the worst thing that can happen to Syria politically, they’re trying to force him into implementing resolution 2254. Why don’t you people find out what Assad says about the Muslim Brotherhood, and then find out who Assad claims controls the moderate opposition that Russia, Iran, and Turkey all promote as participants in the next free and fair election, that Assad also claims won’t be free and fair because his allies are forcing him to rewrite the constitution and hold election according to that political resolution.


Total fallacy. Majority of Arab League was directly against Assad, not even to mention Israhell terrorists.

Also Turkey and Iran are more on the same page than Russia and Turkey when it comes to Syria. Russia has saved Assad back in 2015 and you want to accuse them of being anti-Assad?! What retarded logic.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

“Total fallacy. Majority of Arab League was directly against Assad, not even to mention Israhell terrorists.”

Not since the end of 2017 they haven’t been, where do you get your information from, even Israel no longer want’s Assad removed. Most of the Arab league nations are now making a bee line for the Syrian embassy, many have already renewed diplomatic ties, the Saudis even offered one billion in reconstruction costs which Assad refused. And who do you think really started the reconciliation process in southern Syria way back mid 2017, SF told us Russia did but they lied, King Abdullah from Jordan on behalf of the majority of the rest of the Arab League actually did. He brokered a reconciliation agreement between the 60,000 strong Southern Front Alliance and the Syrian Government, the Arab league also convinced the US and Israel to stop trying to remove Assad, they even sacked their own HTS terrorists [rehired at the start of this year], and got the US to sack the FSA and kick them out of Al Tanf, and then they all sat back and watched as 45,000 SAA and Russian air power beat 30 to 35,000 FSA, 10,000 HTS, and 2,000 Isis fighters in less than a month. The Arab League hates the Muslim Brotherhood and the Muslim Brotherhood will be included in the political process for Syria, that’s something the Arab League [apart from Qatar] don’t want to happen, look at Egypt now. And Assad hates the Muslim Brotherhood because of past hostilities and political interference in his fathers time, and currently they now control the Syrian Interim Government that Russia, Iran, and Turkey all support, so Assad hates them and keeps saying they’re the biggest threat to Syrian sovereignty, he says it over and over again, so you mustn’t listen to what Assad says. And Russia is anti Assad because Assad favors Iran over Russia, read what some of the Russian government officials have said over the last few years, they may need Assad to hold the country together until the next election [or the one after that], but after that it’s hasta la vista for Assad. The Russians will deal with anyone they have to, and now they have the Turks on their side, the Syrian opposition won’t try to boot Russia out if they’re elected to power, so Russia wins whoever’s elected. I first questioned Russia’s true loyalties when I first found out who the real sponsors of resolution 2254 were, it was Syria’s biggest enemy, which I didn’t find strange, but I did find it totally unbelievable that Syria’s 2 strongest allies were also co sponsors of that terrible resolution. And Assad has said for 4 and a half years he wouldn’t accept that resolution because it gave the Turkish backed opposition a 50% say in Syria’s political future, but last year when the UN independently offered to amend the resolution to only give the Turkish/Iranian/Russian backed Syrian Interim Government only a 33% say in Syria’s political future, he accepted the new UN resolution the very same day they made the proposal, THE VERY SAME DAY, and that was after four and a half years of saying no to his allies Russia and Iran, and his enemy Turkey. Just a bit of smoke and a few mirrors is enough to fool some people. Resolution 2254 is the real enemy of Syrian freedom, and Russia, Iran and Turkey are all trying to force Assad into implementing the process he doesn’t want to implement, he just wants to kill all the terrorists who won’t stop fighting, he doesn’t want to sit down and negotiate or cooperate with them, they want to kill him so why should he, and why should Putin make him.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Is that why Trumps consistently said since June 2018, that “the US no longer want’s to forcibly remove Assad from power”, he’s also consistently said since that date he’s willing to let the Russian/Turkish/Iranian promoted resolution 2254 go ahead and let the Syrian people remove him from power in the next election, that’s if that’s what they want to do. So what are you talking about, the Russians are right in the middle of implementing resolution 2254 as we speak, and that agenda does way more harm to Syria and Assad’s political future than any cooperation with the US against Isis ever will or could. Get your priorities straight, the Russian/Turkish/Iranian supported resolution 2254 is the real enemy of the Syrian people, and the Russians are promoting that political along with the US, Iran, Turkey, and everyone else except for Assad and the Arab League and Israel, they’re the only 3 parties in the entire world who aren’t promoting resolution 2254 as the answer to all of Syria’s political and military problems. So everyone in the world wants resolution 2254 to shape the political future for the Syrian people, but strangely 2 of Assad’s oldest and biggest enemies agree with Assad and say it shouldn’t be shaping Syria’s political future, you do realize that puts Syria, the Arab League, and Israel on the same political side in that respect, and it places the Russian, Turks, Iranians, US, EU, and everyone else on the other political side. I support the Syrian people and the majority of them support Assad, and Assad keeps saying this over and over again,

“Syria’s biggest threat to sovereignty is the political organization called the Muslim Brotherhood.”

He keeps saying it over and over AND OVER again but pro Russian supporters and pro Iranian supporters never listen to him. And he also says this just as consistently,

“The Muslim Brotherhood controls the Turkish backed moderate opposition and the Syrian Interim Government, and they’ll try to take over his Government if the Syrian constitution is rewritten and resolution 2254 is allowed to dictate how the elections are held.”

But his 2 biggest allies Russia and Iran, along with his biggest enemies Turkey and the US, are all the strongest supporters of resolution 2254, the resolution Assad keeps consistently saying will destroy his Government and Syria.

The UN representative associated to the implementation of resolution 2254 just thanked Iran for it’s participation and excellent help promoting the resolution. So why do you people call me a traitor, I support Syria more than any of you do, you just support Russia or Iran and hate the US and Israel, that’s not supporting Syria.


Sorry it won’t work out for you,conversely mocking the more advanced open media does no justice,coarse as it may be,the clean days of usa is long gone,ark up cnn,bbc.abc theyre the real deal unconstituate sick fks not s.f!

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I haven’t seen any blood splattering out of the murder victims on any of the sites you just mentioned. “More advanced media”, you have to be kidding, SF isn’t a media site, it’s a propaganda site, If you want real Russian news you’re better off with an official Government sponsored or supported source, try Sputnik or RT, they may be slightly biased but at least they try to stick to the truth most of the time. Or better still get some news from independent Russian news sources as well, too much info is never enough. But if you really believe you’re getting advanced open media on SF, you’d should re-evaluate what you consider to be open and advanced, SF can’t even get it’s propaganda stories right let alone tell the truth.

Assad must stay

damn that sucks lol

Jihadi Colin

As a courtesy from one set of headchoppers to another they shot him instead of chopping his head off.

Lone Ranger

Ak-74U fav weapon of al-ciada/CIAisis…


Biden to nominate

Janet Yellen as US treasury secretary Rochelle Walensky as the head of the CD Antony Blinken US Secretary of State

what they have in common ???


A penis?

Shlomo Shekelstein

Not Antony Blinken tho.

Shlomo Shekelstein

They all are really nice people! Intelligent and beautiful people! Chosen people! Same as Kamala Harris’ husband Doug Emhoff.

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