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MARCH 2025

ISIS Expands In Afghanistan, Attacks Taliban, Army Positions (Photos)

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ISIS Expands In Afghanistan, Attacks Taliban, Army Positions (Photos)

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On October 28, ISIS fighters captured several positions of the Taliban in Wazir village in Khogyani district of Nangarhar province in eastern Afghanistan, according to the ISIS linked news agency Amaq. 11 Taliban fighters were allegedly killed, and 12 others were injured during the attack.

ISIS Expands In Afghanistan, Attacks Taliban, Army Positions (Photos)

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ISIS Expands In Afghanistan, Attacks Taliban, Army Positions (Photos)

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ISIS Expands In Afghanistan, Attacks Taliban, Army Positions (Photos)

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Amaq also reported on October 29 that ISIS fighters ambushed a group of Afghan soldiers near Judrah village in Haska Meyna district of Nangarhar province. Amaq claimed that 3 soldiers of the Afghan Army were killed, and 2 others were injured in the ambush.

In the last two years ISIS slowly turned Nangarhar province into its main stronghold in Afghanistan. So far ,the Afghan Army has not able to counter the ISIS expansion in the province.

On October 29, Afghan Interior Minister Wais Barmak and Nangarhar Province Police Chief Abdul Rahman Rahimi told the Internal Security Commission of the Afghan House of the People that over 5,000 radical Islamist fighters are active in more than 10 districts in Nangarhar province.

Barmak stressed that the security situation in Khogyani is concerning, and called for joint efforts at preventing militants from advancing. Bamak added that the strategy is being formulated to eliminate Khogyani-based militants who are mainly ISIS fighters.

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US steps up involvement in Afghanistan and guess what, Isis suddenly appears. I wonder if there’s any connection to unmarked helicopters moving terrorists from one battle field to another.


lol what a load of bs moving terrorists from helicopters lol!


Another poster boy representing the MSM media. Thinking for yourself would be a novelty!


Why else have US military helicopters been regularly sighted, and known to have landed, over ISIS controlled eastern Syria in last few years? Helo-frames are largely designed to transport men and material from point A to B. Furthermore, they are very vulnerable to both 23mm cannon fire and MANPADS. They are therefore, not in any way the logical platform for foreign based NATO air assault on ISIS, requiring traveling deep inside of Syrian territory – they have actual warplane fleets intended for these very tasks. Which begs two obvious questions. Firstly, what exactly have US-SOF been doing commuting all over ISIS controlled east Syrian territory in last several years, and secondly, given the complete reluctance of NATO to use helo-frames over Yugoslavia in 1999, due to fear of MANPAD’s, are US forces basically confident their helo-frames are not going to be subjected to any serious ground fire in their operations into ISIS controlled territory, and if so why that confidence?


Hahahaha yeah they need help so the CIA moved ISIS in! hahaha! The world is awake to this! Russia will aid the Taliban so there won’t be any problems!


Another poster boy representing MSM media. The ignorant trolls are out. Congrats.


but u have to laugh at how isis just turns up in areas that are currently at a stalemate for the US military right?

A war in which the US has pushed Trillions into and started losing and now suddenly isis is there lol! WTF?

One could not be blamed for THINKING that perhaps isis is there to help fight against the Taliban. It seems that thats the only group they fight against!


Sorry, I misread your first statement.

Pave Way IV

Are these Protestant ISIS? Amish ISIS? Buddist ISIS? Why, no.. no they’re not. They’re Saudi Wahhabi ISIS, just like the Taliban and every other ‘Islamic’ terrorist group running around there.

Keep sending US troops into the Afghanistan meat-grinder while you fellate the Saudis, Qataris and UAE psychopaths, you treasonous CENTCOM fucks. How many more thousands of flag-draped aluminum coffins does it take before you stupid assholes realize you’ve been cucked by the GCC?

Take off your God damn knee-pads, wake the F#@K up and pay attention to stopping the manufacture of Wahhabi terrorists by Wahhabi clerics. Every time you believe yet another Saudi, Qatari or Emerati lie about ‘moderate’ Wahhabism or ending terrorist funding, you piss on the graves of the 2500 US troops that died there and mock the sacrifice of the 21,000 injured and disabled.

If US political leaders are telling you to ignore the Saudi, Qatari and UAE terrorist pipeline aka Wahhabism, then it’s about God damn time for you to protect the US Constitution for once. Either you serve the little people of the US or you serve the political elite – you can’t have it both ways. Pick a God damn side, you spineless fucks.


Yes, and they are needed at home. US is being taken to the cleaners by an enemy within.


ISIS killing Taliban and vice versa. Keep it up boys!

Real Anti-Racist Action

The Democratically elected Taliban is the only hope. The terrorist Mi6 who has lead the war against the indigenous natives for centuries is the culprit behind all of this. The UK has always been this evil. SAS run the drug trade from Afghan straight into Europe and the streets of London. SAS is an international terrorist ring. In the end the world will unite against the SAS and deal justice to these enablers of Lucifer.


Taliban fights the occupying forces and Afghan Army (collaborating with the US), and hey suddenly ISIS attacks them! Well, how about that? Isn’t that just too convenient.

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