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ISIS Hits 2 More Turkish Leopard-2 Tanks in Northern Syria (Photos)

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For the past two days, the Islamic state (IS) terrorist group hit three Turkish Leopard 2A4 tanks near the Syrian town of al-Bab.

ISIS Hits 2 More Turkish Leopard-2 Tanks in Northern Syria (Photos)

Videos of three attacks on the Turkish Leopard 2A4 tanks for the past two days near the Syrian town of al-Bab were published online by the Islamic state (IS) terrorist group. The first tank was hit with TOW-2 antitank missile system on December 12 – Turkey officially admitted the fact that the tank was damaged and all four members of the crew were wounded.

Two other Leopard 2A4, placed on one and the same position, were hit to the west of al-Bab on December 13. Supposedly, missiles from the Konkurs anti-tank missile system were used against the both of tanks. The first tank was severely damaged by the explosion of the anti-tank missile system, but did not catch on fire. The second tank was destroyed. However, there are no official information from the Turkish side about the losses.

Military experts believe that militants use Soviet antitank weapons systems: the Fagot and Kornet that were captured by them from arsenals of the government forces in Syria and Iraq.

ISIS Hits 2 More Turkish Leopard-2 Tanks in Northern Syria (Photos)

ISIS Hits 2 More Turkish Leopard-2 Tanks in Northern Syria (Photos)

ISIS Hits 2 More Turkish Leopard-2 Tanks in Northern Syria (Photos)

ISIS Hits 2 More Turkish Leopard-2 Tanks in Northern Syria (Photos)

ISIS Hits 2 More Turkish Leopard-2 Tanks in Northern Syria (Photos)

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I am making this comment against my better judgment; but ISIS attacking the Turks does not bother me very much at all. The Turks where happy enough for ISIS to attack the Syrians and now they are reaping what they have sown.


we were happy thats why we took in 3,5 mil syrians into our country.


As a Greek,its so satisfying to see the supposed “Mighty Turkish Army” losing Tanks left and right… Let them kill each other to oblivion. They both deserve it….

Pavel Pavlovich

As a Greek you remember how weak Turkish soldiers are in general.


They are.

They lost the balkan war. And then lost the WWI.

At WWII they are in vacations.

And then win the small conflict in Cyprus when in Greece there was a traitor’s junta and the Greek Army had withdrawn from the island.

Hasan Eralp Koçak

You Greek man and the other…Remember the date 09 SEPTEMBER 1909 /IZMIR..!!!The date when Greek army was defeated ….Ask your grandfather.He will tell you all the history….Ha ha ha.. .


Yes we lost a battle. But when the war was over Greece was bigger and Turkey was smaller. So you loose the war. It’s simple. And learn history: 1922 not 1909. We don’t forget, you should not worry about that.

Hasan Eralp Koçak

Yes.That was 1922.(I might have wrote wrong accidentally.)Be sure I know the history. You are still commenting with no respect as you did at the begining. …Small ,big ?…. Respect my country and my nation..That’s all..


After Turks lost all those wars and supposedly got wiped out, Greeks still lost to Turks in 1922.

Villa Limoncello

Ohhh yee yu like satisfaction with uzo since 1453 :)) yu taste the turkish army many times… Enjoy yrself.


you realize turkey doesnt even use 5% of its military power in syria. those are old tanks that we send out, just old stuff. we have altay tank coming. that is gonna be the real deal.

besides, we are merely supporting the fsa. if there were turkish soldiers on the ground, that atgm would have never even been fired.

Dim Luk

no it wasnt old stuff it was 2 leo 2a4 destroyed and other 2 captured . . . u gave them the best stuff int the world idiots !

Chouwakun Tanthawa

Oh yeah , i understand your hatred since you are Greese.

Ole Johansen

Norway bought 52 second hand Leopard 2A4 from Holland. Guess that was better then the 52 F35, despite the shit blows up like nobody’s business.


the dutch leopard are well maintained and in good order it was budget guts which force de sell of all leopard it’s a bargain for Norway and Finland

Ole Johansen

Yes but look how they blow up man… The 50 we got is like the shit we are supposed to keep the Russians out of North Norway with and all the shit the US got stockpiled in Norway, I now guess is even the export version of the M-1. I am glad I am not enlisted anymore.

Pavel Pavlovich

Wouldn’t want to get your 10 million dollar tank blown up by a 40 year old Soviet missiles…

Jacek Wolski

If the Finns could keep the Soviets out during the Winter War, I’m sure the Norge could do the same if the need arose.

Chouwakun Tanthawa

Maybe UK will consider selling 2nd hands or new Challenger 2 LEP to any other Nato countries . but that is very obviously not the case with down graded armor who gonna want that ?.

Leo 2A7 are neither better than 2A4 in Protection that much those new armor are only Ceramics tile without any touch of it main armor and Ceramics tiles doesn’t 100% protected unlike conventional armor since Ceramics have only probably of chance to destroy incoming warhead against modern Warhead .

Paulo Romero

Such a paradox here. Those TOW2 missiles were gifted by the Turks to Isis.Talk of biting the hand that feeds you!

'Sup Bruh!

Turkey doesn’t even have TOWS… They have a different type of Anti-Tank missile. At least do your research before spitting bullshit.


i think they also do not have kornets. and ho surprisely, the gave it to jihadists.


Turkish Army have got thousand Kornet-E That’s the best in the world.

don’t be panic they couldn’t give them ;)

Paulo Romero

You should do your research about how Isis is being armed before spraying your bullshit. Most of the Jihadis get their weapons through Turkey. These are bought and paid for by the Saudis , Turks and Qattaris. The main source of supply for infantry small-arms is Eastern Europe through US/Turkish/Jordanian broker .The source of supply for TOW missiles is the good old USA itself , feasting on Saudi money. Turkey and it’s intelligence service is the conduit of all the weapons to the Jihadis as it is logistically practical. Once in- country the recipients of these weapons have sold them to Isis or they got captured. The Turkish and Jordanian intelligence services have been known to sell weapons directly to Isis for hard cash or oil which is sold on the black market.Wipe the bullshit fog off your glasses and do proper analysis!

Joseph Scott

Actually, the TAF has nearly 500 TOW launchers in it’s inventory, and they often mount them on Cobras, though they prefer Rafael’s Spike for that.

Villa Limoncello

These are just visiual communication design of isid. No confirmation yet. Purpose is clear : just motivation, thats it. And some ducks jumping on tricks :))

chris chuba

For what it’s worth, here is a report that ISIS is able to manufacture military grade small arms including mortars and even anti-tank weapons. They allege that they get the raw material from Turkey. http://www.reuters.com/article/us-mideast-crisis-iraq-weapons-idUSKBN143007


Hmm, well I won’t be shedding a tear for Turkish invaders, despite the fact that I quite like the Leopard II tank. Taking out 3 Turkish Leo II’s in two days is shows that ISIS are a significant military threat. If they keep this up Al Bab might turn into another Mosul, where they’ve already killed at least 20 allied tanks.

To be fair to the Leopard II, all of the hits seemed to hit their side, thus much easier to penetrate. So I’ll reserve judgement of it until I can see a frontal hit on one.


The pictures appear to be bull, but FSA/TU forces may have a rough time taking Al Bab.


Why do you think they’re “bull”? Turkey even admitted they’ve lost at least one.


Looking at the pictures, the ATGM smoke trail does not change over time. between pix 1 and 2 it is perfect match. In pix 3, there is a 2nd leopard, but not on hilltop. And still the same ATGM smoke trail! This is an obvious forgery. And what about the large themobaric explosion on last pix?


I don’t think so, the smoke seems to have moved a tiny bit. Plus you have to remember that the difference between those pictures is only a second at most – the smoke wouldn’t have moved much.

The second Leopard you’re referring to is actually just behind another dirt embankment (you have to look closely to see it). It was just to the left of the first Leopard prior to the first hit.

The last explosion could easily have been a secondary from ammunition going off, it looks in line with what I’ve seen from other ATGM videos.


Could the second leopard appear within 1 second? The last pix is made up! What about the others?


The contrail does change. There are some dark features in the background (obscured by the missile in the 1st pic) which are stationary and not part of the contrail.

Paulo Romero

I was thinking the same thing. Those tanks are static and not manoeuvring to avoid being hit. Most are being hit from the flanks. The Turks are a professional force . Where is the follow-up infantry to clean up the missile crews?? I see no infantry fighting vehicles accompanying those tanks , that’s standard practice. Either this is fake or the Turkish army is very inept. This could also point to a low morale issue within the Turkish ranks. The soldiers may be tired of Erdogan and know they have no business in Syria. Instead of fighting they are looking to earn their salaries and stay alive. They could be abandoning the vehicles the moment they spot the missiles and running for safety.


I have a feeling that the Turkish army is not quite the force it’s made-out to be, especially given all the recent officer purges as Erdogan expels coup collaborators.

Turkey is not the paper-tiger Saudi Arabia is, but they’re probably not a whole lot better either. People just tend to think Turkey’s Army must be strong because they’re got (mostly) modern equipment, large numbers and are members of NATO. In reality, they likely suffer the same ineptitude and internal corruption as most Middle-Eastern militaries.


Do these pictures look correct to you? Between 1st and 2nd the ATGM smoke trail has not moved an inch. Between 2nd and 3rd the leopard was not on top of the hill and smoke trail is in the same spot! And the last picture depicts a huge and massive explosion. And where is the video?

Joseph Scott

It’s a good question, because last I checked, the two brigades the Turks have in Syria weren’t using Leopards. They had a Sabra battalion and 3 M60A3 battalions. So the appearance of these Leopards is a little mysterious.


I agree with Paulo Romero, and I hope Turkies fall under their own traffic of weapons. Maybe we will see later US-soldier falling under their own weapons.


oh little greeky creekies cry there. heads up u and ur country is just talkin oh no wait i can’t say that.. cuz they are almost not talkin.. u guys just parasite for European Union. Ur first politicians just have a war with each others to fill their pocket ;)

Dim Luk

after the war in syria . . . if a kurdish country is founded how many yeard do u believe it will take for turkey to have a civil war ?


“if” is just a past. There is no kurdish country there and after that it’s not going to happen in my opinion. Also u better check “Lozan Agreement” Turkey goin to take more lands with that agreement and almost all EU countries and U.S signed this agreement too. So Turks are trying to clean their lands for 2023..

Dim Luk

go read some history child if we rid the paper of lozan agrrement we go back to Sevres agreement u know what that is ? go read. . . u and ur stupid gambler president gona tear ur country apart i felt really sory for those burnin soldiers and those killed at the coup but u deserve ur fate as a nation . . . u re not united and u are going to destroy everything by urseves with no enemies just u


Child umm.. did we met before? Anyway. Lol I just read ur comment again it’s just funny and seems like u wrote it in angry mood. “Sevr” Agreement is cancelled by Lozan Agreement my boy and some of Lozan’s provisos will end 100year later it means at 2023, and those 2 soldiers I’m not sorry for them cuz their Facebook accounts founded and around 2014-2015 years they’d posted some ISIS stuffs and also u better check TAF news. U should understand sth ppl can support a football team it’s like that ppl supports something’s u cannot change that even if they are soldier. So they can burn them selfs forever I really don’t give a fuck winter is camed already :) and there must be snow nowadays but there is no snow none of the video they’ve shared. Watch latest Aleppo ops it’s snow everywhere.. oh btw maybe we are not united but we are a memb of NATO my boy and also Turkey also cancelled the application for EU. But if they want to join we can consider about this later :)


We are living u’re reading just stay calm it’s gonna over soon try to make some money and live a good life and take care to ur parents it’s not that hard really.

heli ryot

Leopards stood no chance. Looking at the aftermath footage. Its clear the spare ammunition in the hull exploded decapitating the the tank.

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