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MARCH 2025

ISIS Intensifies Raids Against Syrian Army In Tabqah Countryside

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ISIS terrorists inteinsified raids against the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies in the Tabqah countryside after government forces had reached the important ISIS-held town of Maadan near the Euphrates River.

According to pro-ISIS sources, 7 SAA soldiers were killed and 3 others were captured in a successfull ISIS raid south of the Ghanim Ali village, a battle tank was captured by ISIS north of the Kadir village.

ISIS is now attacking government forces positions nort of Kadir in an attempt to put pressure on the SAA communication lines between Resafa and the positions near Maadan.

Resafa is a key crossroad town south of Tabqah liberated by the SAA earlier this year. It serves as a logistical hub for the advancing government forces.

ISIS Intensifies Raids Against Syrian Army In Tabqah Countryside

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Joe Doe

This is only shows that SAA is an weak and front line overstretched. If SAA will not liberate Deir Ezzor very soon, the SAA Tiger Force strategy will fail and SAA could be cut off from supply line.

Nikola Cvejic

That is the stupidest thing I read today.

Joe Doe

Maybe because you are stupid

Gary Sellars

Pot… kettle… black….

stupid terror-supporter

Joe Doe

Looks like you are the “stupid terror-supporter” and very primitive

Gary Sellars

Don’t speak to me goat raper

Joe Doe

Look punk. In front line most likely you will shit in your pants and cry for mammy. You only can show off from distance and under mammy skirt

Gary Sellars

Still here takfiri nigga? Eat shit and die faggot terror-lover ?

Joe Doe

You are very stupid and primitive piece of crap

Gary Sellars

You fight like a fat little girl… No wonder u ISIS twotz are losing everywhere ?

Joe Doe

First, I am not ISIS supporter. Second, looks like you are product of multiple sperm donors


OH NO GARY! Did Doe Doe just insult you again! :D

Joop Buchtaer

It happened last year: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ithriyah-Raqqa_offensive_(June_2016)

Joe Doe

SAA Tiger force advances was not my first choice. I would first eliminate the packet, before advance to South of Raqqa, but most likely SAA want to prevent the SDF advances, which I understand. Now, SAA Tiger Force have no choice but proceed advances towards Deir Ezzor and should continue expeditiously to secure supply line in Deir Ezzor in case cut off behind. In case the SAA drag on the advances they eventually will get cut off from supply line, as ISIS is moving the elite fighter to Deir Ezzor province from West and Central Syria


These are limited counterattacks by groups that were bypassed during the advance and remained undetected, until now. Tiger and tribal forces should locate them easily and eliminate them.

Joe Doe

Does not looks like SAA try eliminate the ISIS. Rather, I see the SAA prefer and allowing them to leave, which later the SAA will have to fight them, unless ISIS will move east and fight SDF, than SAA will benefit


Whenever you advance on a wide front with relatively few forces, you can bypass small groups of enemy, the infantry forces behind the advancing lines will find them and liquidate them. Now that these small ISIS groups have identified themselves, the tribal forces should clean them out.

Jan Tjarks

While it probably is a bit more of what Daesh is throwing in, in general I can agree to your explanation. I don’t think that they can be much more than an annoyance. Especially, while being under pressure at T2 and trying to retake Sukhna, which is already questionable.


These are bypassed groups that were disjointed from the main withdrawing force, or stayed behind for this purpose. SAA front lines have to be shortened allowing greater concentration of troops per square mile. Even under the existing scenario SAA mobility supported by air power spell doom for ISIS.

Brad Isherwood

Syrian military is a cripple with limited resources…. We should be seeing publish of SAA parade square and 20,000 newly trained soldiers. Russia and Iran are going into debt to rescue Syria, …why not put an effort into that then. WhereTF is Iran’s air mobile or Airforce to support IRGC and Shia Militias?

The war of the Toyotas. .. It’s North Africa WW 2 with beheading Youtubes. US will decide if ISUS gets a Takfiri kookistan in Syria and Iraq. US already decided Turdistan with Burger King drive thru is going to happen, And decided that Israel gets another chunk of Syria Golan for free.

This misery show eventually rolls up on Iran. http://smoloko.com/wp-content/uploads/donaldtrumpZionistMeme21.jpg

Gary Sellars

be silent terror-supporter….


One can disagree with the tone and/or conclusions, and still accept that this is one vulnerable front line. Never thought the ranks of the SAA would contain so many adherents of fractal geometry… Most of the relevant terrain in the East seems to be open desert; are the skies over it adequately patrolled? Does Russia still have to catch up in drone technology? Or are these counterattacking groups in fact so small that they just slip through the cracks? In the latter case, it’s hopefully nothing which can’t be mopped up.


This is an ISUS report. Perhaps you like to believe their propaganda garbage? TIGER SPAM: GO TIGERS! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a3d2c0e48c9c1ee5bfdb12b30df04a9226016649f3d09fa6f16c6984267ec197.jpg


Yes the Americans want to use that air port at At Tabqah , at present it is in artillery range from the SAA. So ISIS has orders to take that area so the SDF can expand their control near the air port .

Jan Tjarks

Even the PMU is in artillery range of At-Tanf.


Ya , that was sad at At Tanf , RIP . But up at Raqqa , US troops are reported to have refused to use the At Tabqah air port because of the close proximity of SAA troops and artillery .


This is only relevant in case of a breakdown between SAA and SDF. At that time it becomes very relevant.

Jan Tjarks

It’s not really in the interest of the SDF to worsen relations, and currently the SAA would have a hard time to take on the SDF too, considering the length of the frontlines. However, with Turkey in the north, pressuring the SDF, it is the same for them.

Mutual interest there.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Yes even US troops they don’t want a confrontation since this would jeopardize their lives more than the ones calling the shots. They hold their lives valuable but won’t risk them for an open illegal land grab war.

Graeme Rymill

How does this pinprick hit and run raid of an SAA position help push the SAA out of artillery range of Tabqa airbase? You are making this nonsense up.


It would be foolish to think that while planning the advance in Der Ezzor countryside SAA general staff and Gen. Huseil Hassan didn’t anticipate ISIL raids on exposed flanks. The war in central Syria is not WWI type static battle with neatly prepared front lines complete with 3 lines of trenches and miles of barbed wire. it’s mobile fight with small units covering vast territory – not unlike US Gulf War 2 operations. And even in 2003 both US and Iraqis planned for raids on lightly defended supply lines and flanks. After 15 year non stop fighting ISIL and it’s alleged ex-Saddam Iraqi Army officers got somewhat proficient at it – but nothing more than that. As long as ISIL doesn’t have sufficient assets to mount a real counter attack taking and keeping territory and developing it’s advance, these attacks are nothing more than annoying but in the end pointless mosquito bites…

Jan Tjarks

Exactly. The question too is, if Daesh is using up its last reserves of manpower to stop SAA from reaching Deir Ezzor, which comes ever closer.

Is Daesh able to defend to the north, trying to take Sukhna and defending around T2 at the same time? It’s highly questionable that they are able to make a stand like this for prolonged periods.

Actually, the prolonged front lines serve SAA better than Deash, having to withdraw troops from central Syria, making it easier to advance from Homs/Hama.


SAA are advancing around Salamiyah after ISIL transferred troops and hardware towards Suknah and Maadan. Current situation surely doesn’t favor ISILs depleted capabilities. As soon as Iraqis start clearing house on their side of the border SAA will be able to take over big chunks of territory in central Syria…

Jan Tjarks

Actually, I’m curios of what will happen with Ma’adan. Not necessarily what Daesh is going to do in the city itself, but where they will try to defend in the first place.

No matter which area they chose, they can always be surrounded and pinned against the Euphrates now. Thus, only the terrain itself would make a difference of where to defend.

Not sure if true, but it seems to me that the area around At Tibni could serve this purpose, even though its far from ideal.


Holding Al Tibni and Shayma would make sense for a delaying action. But as you said ISUS can be pinned along the river all the way to Deir Ezzor, by SAA taking that inland route in more open terrain. A great tactic that the tigers have been using from the start. So I think Daesh is shit out of luck along the Euphrates front. GOOD NEWS :)

Jan Tjarks

Tigers learned something from Rommel. =)


Compared to one year ago, one can see the degradation of the IS forces.

A year ago, IS was able to concentrate enough forces to destroy the flanks of SAA on their advance towards Tabqah. An advance that ended in a rout of SAA forces, all the way to Palmyra.

Especially the fights between SDF and IS and the fights around Mosul have taken away much of the reserves of IS.

Whether they have enough reserves left for meaningfull counterattacks, I do not know. We will see soon.


It’s a little more complicated than that. Fresh GCC and other merc invaders can be introduced where the positions aren’t surrounded like in the west. But they’re vulnerable to Syrian government coalition air power. Which is why coalition ground forces continue to advance and hold expanding territorial gains.

Both sides have degrees of satellite and aerial viewing capabilities to know where the others are. But Syrian coalition forces have air cover, for the most part the regime change forces don’t.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

This was the same type of fight in WW2 small groups fighting in pockets here and there with the occasional large scale battle, many would end up behind enemy lines still fighting.

Jan Tjarks

Interesting point of view. As it is a low density conflict, it is difficult to locate all opposing forces anyway.

Attacking the SAA flank only means, that SAA knows where to seek and destroy. Even the need for a ‘dispatched runner’ isn’t there, as the areas are so isolated, that ones they peek out, they are done anyway.

With other words, they can cause damage ones, but then it is their own fate which is to be decided.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The thing with that war was no one new where exactly the front lines were , they fought the enemy in pockets behind their and the enemies lines.The difficult thing was not finding the smaller units left in areas. Same thing occurs when it is a mobile war which they had a lot of mobile infantry.


If ISIS intensify attacks to Syria army …..well, I would expect that Russia will intensify air and missiles attacks to ISIS, and I hope Russia does this.

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