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ISIS Launched Large Attack On Syrian Army Positions On Homs-Deir Ezzor Highway

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ISIS Launched Large Attack On Syrian Army Positions On Homs-Deir Ezzor Highway

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On October 3 and 4, ISIS cells launched a large-scale attack on the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) positions on the strategic highway linking Homs with Deir Ezzor.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported that the army’s positions south of the towns of al-Sukhnah in eastern Homs and al-Sholah in western Deir Ezzor were attacked by the terrorist group’s fighters.

“Warplanes intervened and participated in repelling the attack, which lasted for many hours,” the UK-based monitoring group said.

Eleven ISIS terrorists were killed in the course of the failed attack, according to the SOHR. The SAA also lost at least seven service members.

The attack was apparently launched from the Homs desert, which lays between eastern Homs and western Deir Ezzor. Hundreds of ISIS fighters, including prominent commanders, are reportedly hiding there.

By launching such attacks, ISIS is attempting to reestablish its influence in central Syria. The SAA has foiled all such attempts, so far.

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D24 reports that Sukhnah is already more or less surrounded by IS and that the small city is in danger of falling. If it happens, then IS will have a new small capital.


Forgive my ignorance, but what is D24?

Ishyrion Av

Dutchnational’s television. He’s running it from his basement.

Concrete Mike

LOL !!


Wold consider it, if I had a basement. We dutch hardly have basements. To much water in the soil

Ishyrion Av

That’s why the news are so fishy. They are soaked.


A local newssite for the DeZ region. Unaffiliated. Site in arab and english.

Jose Martinez

These Wahaabis think n!99as is soft. Times like this I wish Obama was around. When Bin Laden was hiding in Afghanistan and US Intelligence spotted him the Obama administration was so cool calm and collective nobody knew s#!t until Bin Laden was in a body bag. I commend the SAA for repelling the attack, however, I believe the Republican Guard, Desert Hawks, NDF, IRGC and SAA along with Russian forces should be preparing themselves for an all out assault on SDF/YPG forces in Deir Ez-Zor. With a high concentration of forces ready to fight setting up a perimeter and conducting recon of the area is first hand, the kind of recon that spots ISIS positions in order to draw up a map for a raid on an ISIS camp. Regime backed forces being concentrated in one area with Russian S-400 missiles is a safe gamble because SDF/YPG will not assist an ISIS assault on regime backed forces lest those forces risk losing their Western backers. On the contrary SDF/YPG MIGHT assist regime backed forces on an ISIS assault which will be a big win for Putin since Putin is pushing for a political solution in Syria stating that the time for major military offensives has passed.


Or was Benazir Bhuto right, and Osama bin Lden died long time before that? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQMAG59y6_Q

Jose Martinez

I highly doubt it


I was in Dubai, when Osama Bin Laden was treated in the American Hospital for kidney failure. He was on dialysis, and could not move by his own. How could he survive such condition for so many years in a hide out in Pakistan, where no dialysis apparatus was present? Sudden healing? I doubt that. The official story stinks big time!

Jose Martinez

Stop. You provided me a click bait video about some chick talking about problems in Pakistan. Bin Laden was Saudi first and foremost plus he was Wahaabi. IDK what the h3!! you trying to do but I don’t like it. Get the f*** away from me


ISI, which is Pakistans military secret service was deeply involved in the activities in Afghanistan. Benazir Bhuto was the prime minister of Pakistan and possessed a shitload of information, which was also a reason she relocated to Dubai. Unfortunately shortly after that video she was assassinated. Open your mind, and let other info in. This would be the first step to really see behind the curtain.

Jose Martinez

Why don’t you take all this Pakistani Intelligence you have and do some work in Kashmir. You trying to tell me Pakistan was responsible for killing Bin Laden. Take a fkn seat. ISIS bombed Sri-Lanka not too long ago yet Pakistani Intelligence were responsible for killing Bin Laden. Do not insult my intelligence. Comment one more time on this thread and I’m blocking your stupid @$$.


I did not tell anything about Pakistan being responsible for the killing. I only said, that ISI was deeply involved in things that happened in Afghanistan. You should better read things twice, if your ability to understand content is that poor. Looks like it would be rather difficult to insult someones intelligence in its total absence.

Jose Martinez

Is that so? Your only proof is a dead woman. If the death was in 2007 and you claimed to have been in Dubai doing God knows what, with your supposed first hand knowledge of the situation and access to Pakistani Intelligence, why don’t you provide me with the declassified report of Osama Bin Laden’s death by the ISI, hospital records of Bin Laden’s poor health, the death certificate and where his corpse was disposed off? If you cannot you are only peddling conspiracy theories that have no reason to be respected. Provide evidence, not a YouTube video with the click bait title of Bin Laden having died in 2007 with a 3 minute interview that says absolutely nothing about Bin Laden. Get to work clown, chop chop.


So you seem to believe that us navy seals killed bin Laden well why don’t you ask them oh that’s right half of the men who went on that mission are dead funny that hey also it doesn’t really matter when he died he is pretty much irrelevant he had nothing to do with 911 other than been the Patsy for it


He is telling you that bin Laden was dead long before Obama sent his seals to kill him.

Jose Martinez

The click bait video says Bin Laden died in 2007, where in the video does Bin Laden’s name even come up? I want him to provide me with the hospital records of where Bin Laden was treated in 2007, I want the death certificate, I want the declassified ISI Intelligence reports regarding everything to do with Bin Laden from 2003-2007, a credible eye witness to testify to Bin Laden’s death in 2007, and the place of Bin Laden’s corpse. If he cannot provide me with that kind of information he is full of s#!t. Watch him fold on providing that kind of evidence just like every other paid misinformation troll on these forums.




Hey “clown”…where is the evidence of the assassination of bin Laden in Paki? there is none. That propaganda you mention was fake as hell…save it. Now the rest of your comment smells just as bad…l i a r

Jose Martinez

The fact that you believe I would in any instance support Israelis is the deepest offense you could ever do to my person. Watch your mouth.

I’m not the one bringing up Bin Laden dying in Pakistan. Mr. “I was in Dubai when Bin Laden was treated for poor health and died shortly thereafter” is the one talking about Bin Laden having died in 2007. What’s more, that fkn moron claims his sources come from Pakistani Intelligence that corroborates Bin Laden having died back then. I want that clown to provide me with the declassified Intelligence reports of Pakistan’s ISI from 2003-2007 that deal with Bin Laden as a subject. Since neither you nor him can provide me with any evidence of Bin Laden having died in 2007 I suggest you both shut your fkn mouths. Unless you can prove to me Bin Laden was killed 2007 your asfull of s#!t as he is.


You are the one that needs to present proof that your buddy obama along with his sh*t head navy seals killed OBL. The videos shoved down the public throat were FAKE. JUST LIKE 911 hijackers to get their ME takeover. OBL was a CIA asset.

Jose Martinez

OK cool. Thank you. You are telling me Bin Laden died in 2001? Mr. Dubai told me Bin Laden died in 2007, so which is it? Both of you have very bad credibility ratings. I’ll look over this information in a bit. Thank you.


It does make sense that Bin Laden took refuge in Pakistan. He was rather tall and easy to spot, so he would go into hiding with protection. I believe he was taken out by a US Seal team, even the Pakistani govt stated than an operation occurred.


And soon after that the Seals died in a training accident ,or something like that, if I recall :)




We have a new and poorly trained Hasbara here , I think, 1691. :)


Have fun! They come and go. I kind of enjoy their desperado state of mind. :)


I do enjoy the details history and today even very recent history is unknown or ignored by the Libtard Retards.

To them the group speak narrative of the day is everything. False and baseless and without any merit.


History is a pack of lies told by people who weren’t there


Well said, Roland. I would add though , ‘ told by people whose side won the fight, who weren’t there ‘.

I visited Colditz Castle some years ago, and as it was Wintertime the German guide, who was a young teenager at the end of WW2, had time to debate with me about the events in Germany in the initial years after 1945.

She was surprised and somewhat moved that I was aware of the many millions Germans who were abused, starved,raped, tortured etc post 1945, and the premature deaths of circa 3.5 million German civilians within Europe.

There were also circa 1.5 million deaths of German POW’s who were caged in open fields without shelter , food, water in the Rhine Meadow cages.


Jose Martinez

Huh. . After a second watching of the video she said Bin Laden was murdered but according to you he died of health reasons…? You got any more information you want to share there? You got a lot of holes in your story plus missing evidence that I asked you for. Don’t tell me you’re not as good as you’re pretending to be….


It was a miracle conferred on him by a Rabbi :)


That’s why she was killed.


I seem to recall that the privately funded Desert Hawks were disbanded a few years ago, soon after their aborted assault along the road to Western Deir Ezzor. The members of that unit were mostly ex SAA. Many were middle aged. On disbandment, some went home and others joined SAA or affiliated units.

Bill Wilson

From what I recall, the Desert Hawks was an “elite” unit from Lakita that managed to avoid combat for several years due to their politically connected commander insisting they were needed to protect the provence. The SAA general staff finally got fed up with that and ordered the Desert Hawks to launch an offensive against ISIS in order to retake Tabqa. ISIS fell back as the DH advanced then launched a surprise counterattack during a sandstorm. The Desert Hawk officers panicked and fled west in the unit’s vehicles, leaving the foot soldiers behind without supplies and leadership. They got wiped out by ISIS and the SAA disbanded the Desert Hawks. I don’t know what became of their disgraced officers. Later on the SAA created a new unit and gave them the name Desert Hawks. By then Syria was scraping the bottom of the barrel for new recruits so were accepting unemployed older men that were more interested in 3 hots and a cot than fighting rebels and ISIS. Those new units were useless for offensives so were used for garrison duty in safe areas where they often fled when attacked by ISIS and militants.


Do you honestly think bin Laden was hiding from the American government if he was alive all those years they would have known where he was the whole time he was a CIA /illuminati asset they don’t just lose track of people like that


Isn’t the SOHR supposed to be kind of ‘unreliable’?

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)


You can call me Al

Bastard Yanks have brought more ISIS scum to battle. Mat they all die as well as the Yanks.


Isis, or SAS or Delta Force or Mista’arvim. What’s clear is they’re trying to prevent Syria reconnecting with Iraq and normalizing the east of the country

Xoli Xoli

As long as Turkey and Saudi Arabia UAE support USA, Britain, France and Germany terrorists, terrorism wont end in Middle East. This western puppets must stop betraying Muslims and arabs for personal benefit.Stop going to Mecca which is in Muslims and arabs slaughter and betrayal country.

Mustafa Mehmet

Bulshit there’s no such a thing as Isis…, there’s USA and yahudi jew

Xoli Xoli

My Mustafa now you are talking the truth.Welcome to the club of truth and reality teller’s.Finally your Chinese closed eyes are opening. Thank you my critic.

Xoli Xoli

Bin laden was never USANATO enemy his name was used to boost fear in Muslims and arabs minds.Bin laden was from Saudi Arabia. Bin Laden’s name was used to cover up Israel sabotaged of Twin towers.Twin tower was bomb by Israel.

On that particular day of bombing Israel Zionist who were making up the number of 800 were informed not to enter Twin towers and were given special leave.Only foreigners died and few Mixican Americans, Japanese Americans, African American,Indonesian Americans. Invasion of Afghanistan was because of Opium and spying on Pakistan nuclear facilities for forcefully hijacking.

Iran and Iraq become so powerful and put Puppets Turkey and Saudi Arabia UAE under uncertainty.New Iraq untouched oil reserves boost fear in Saudi Arabia monarchy for losing first class treatment from USA NATO.

Betrayal for destruction of Iraq under false accusations just like today against Iran have compile by Saudi Arabia and Turkey and handed over to Israel for action from USA NATO. After Saddam was force to limit and destroy all long range missiles. USA,FRANCE,BRITISH warship attack followed from Persian Gulf.

Currently Saudi Arabia oil wells are nearing total completion and Saudis Wants war to cover up pride and world shame.Bush’s families ,USA and,Britain revenues will be severely affected.

USA NATO attempt to annex Abcazia, South Ossetia, Venezuela, Siberian oil has been block by Iran and Russian intelligence. USA,FRANCE,BRITISH and Turkey Saudi attempted to destroy Yemen and used it as oil pipeline exit is ruined by Huthis.

Currently USANATO and Saudi Arabia,UAE are surviving and depending on oil thiefs of Libya, Iraq,Syrian ol Omar oilfields.Smuggling it in desperate nations in Persian and Hormuz strait are daily survival strategy and sabotage Iran oil export.

Saudis have paid Israel few years ago to attacked and destroyed Iran but this didn’t happen until now.Oil tankers fake attack by Saudi forces and M16 didn’t help to attack Iran by USA NATO. It only causes problem between UAE and Saudi because Saudi didn’t informed UAE before the sabotage strategy.Turkey Erdogan is fed up with USA for failing to act against Russia after Turkey downing and accusing Russia for airspace violations according article 5 of NATO. Erdogan is frustrated for loosing out to oil secret deals.Therefore Erdogan will drill illegally in Cyprus to anger its members and protect only remaining oil pipeline in Bahrain,Oman and Qatar.

Erdogan pipeline secret plant hrough Syria looks diminished.Taking over Northern Syria has been block by USANATO and Euphrates river control are currently block by USANATO and Russian and Syrians.Pleasing both USA and Russia by buying defence systems and use them against both superpowers have ruined by Israel and Saudi intelligence sabotage on Saudi oilfields. Idlip hope is also dying because no one believes and support Erdogan. He is abusing taxpayers money by building hidden agenda unfriendly wall.Erdogan forces out if frustrations killed more the 100 Syrian civilians who wanted to enter Turkey. Erdogan camouflaged behind Putin are exposed by Erdogan evil deeds.

Ray Douglas

Its past time that they wiped out the terrorists rather than wait for them to launch attacks. There are enough SAA widows. Time to make a few terrorist widows.

Xoli Xoli

People who protect and mobilize this hidden agenda ISIS should be the accused. Obviously it is USA NATO, Turkey, Saudi Arabia UAE and Israel who launched this attack. No more presence of USA NATO, Turkey and Israel special forces no more terrorists activities.

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