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MARCH 2025

ISIS Launches Another Attack On US-backed Forces In Gharanij (Photos)

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On January 18, ISIS fighters launched another attack on the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in the town of Gharanij in southeastern Deir Ezzor, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR). The SOHR said that two VBIEDs of ISIS targeted the SDF positions inside Gharanij during the attack.

The ISIS-linked news agency Amaq also reported that ISIS fighters targeted a gathering of SDF fighters and destroyed a Humvee vehicle of the US-backed force around Gharanij town with an anti-tank guided missile.

ISIS Launches Another Attack On US-backed Forces In Gharanij (Photos)

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ISIS Launches Another Attack On US-backed Forces In Gharanij (Photos)

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ISIS Launches Another Attack On US-backed Forces In Gharanij (Photos)

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ISIS Launches Another Attack On US-backed Forces In Gharanij (Photos)

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ISIS fighters also targeted several positions of the SDF inside Gharanij with a SPG-9 recoilless rifle and clashed with the US-backed force inside al-Bahrah, according to the ISIS-linked news agency.

ISIS Launches Another Attack On US-backed Forces In Gharanij (Photos)

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ISIS Launches Another Attack On US-backed Forces In Gharanij (Photos)

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ISIS Launches Another Attack On US-backed Forces In Gharanij (Photos)

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ISIS Launches Another Attack On US-backed Forces In Gharanij (Photos)

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ISIS Launches Another Attack On US-backed Forces In Gharanij (Photos)

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ISIS Launches Another Attack On US-backed Forces In Gharanij (Photos)

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ISIS Launches Another Attack On US-backed Forces In Gharanij (Photos)

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According to SOHR, ISIS still controls the villages of Abu Hassan, al-Bubadran, al-Baghuz, al-Susah and al-Shaafah as well as large parts of Hajin, Gharanij and al-Bahra on the eastern bank of the Euphrates River.

Local sources say that the failure of the SDF attack on the last positions of ISIS in the southeastern Deir Ezzor countryside has forced thousands of civilians to flee the area.

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leon mc pilibin

just a bit of hollywood acting to keep the sheeple believing that they are fighting isis,to justify their illegal occupation of parts of Syrian territory.But their evil zionist plans will never succeed.


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Is it even possible to fire an SPG9 off the shoulder – with forward muzzle balannced on bricks – and achieve any form of accuracy?! It weighs well over 40 kgs and comes with a tripod for a reason!

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

This is a movie you needed popcorn to watch it.


It looks to me like Rita and the Site Intelligence group, have been making some more propaganda videos. Amaq is Mossad.


Yes the US needs reason to stay in Syria and that reason is Daesh, but if they want to destroy those last cells of them they will do it very fast and efficient but they prefer their proxies to be killed everyday with VBIED’s or what ever ISIS can trow on them, because they can’t destroy ISIS they need them to just stay for a reason in Syria. The Kurd’s can go Kurban every day who cares.

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