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ISIS Launches Coordinated, Large-Scale Attack On PMU Positions in Iraq’s Saladin (Video)

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Early on May 2, ISIS cells carried out a coordinated, large-scale attack on positions of the Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) in the northern Iraqi province of Saladin.

The attack targeted a newly-established position of the PMU near the town of Mukeshefah and another position in the town of Balad.

PMU fighters showed fierce resistance in the course of the clashes. In spite of this, ISIS terrorists overrun the position in Mukeshefah.

“PMU forces killed and injured a number of ISIS terrorists while repelling the attack, they also surrounded the targeted areas to track the criminal gangs of ISIS, after the arrival of aerial and ground reinforcements,” the PMU’s report said.

The PMU acknowledged that ten of its fighters were killed during the attack. Nine from the Tigris Regiment were killed in Mukeshefah and a fighter from the 41th Brigade was killed in the attack on Balad.

Major General Tahsin al-Khafaji, a spokesman for the Iraqi Joint Operations, said the attack on Mukeshefah was carried out by a group of ISIS terrorists who recently fled from nearby Matabija. The group carried out the attack in cooperation with local cells in Mukeshefah.

ISIS has not yet commented on the attack. The group’s agency, Amaq, usually releases details on such large operations within 24 hours.

This was one of ISIS’ largest attacks since its defeat in Iraq in 2017. The attack proves that the group’s influence is still growing in the war-torn country, in spite of the continues efforts by Iraqi government forces.


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Jose Martinez

Solemani was the biggest deterrent to ISIS in Iraq and Syria. Thanks to Donald Dumb@$$ ISIS attacks are getting bolder making it “necessary” for the US to stay in the region. The US’ incompetence and stupidity have become legendary these past years.

good american

If the US covertly supports ISIS none of it is incompetence.

Jose Martinez

You’re actually right. It’s hypocrisy..

Wayne Nicholson

If that’s the case then the last 20 years of bullshit ‘war on terror’ has been nothing but a fraud designed to bilk stupid Americans out of their hard earned tax dollars and your elected leaders are complicit in the fraud and the war crimes that go along with it.

Must be comforting to realize your leaders are not incompetent but in fact very good con artists and thieves.

Jose Martinez

That sums it up pretty well actually..


Just when the US Ziocorporate terrorists need to position their assets against Iran. ISIS’ timing is always so convenient for US/ISrael.


More dead PMU please, all Shia proxies need to be targeted across the ME.

Lev Jacoby

You are openly supporting ISIS head-choppers. You are reprehensible filth.


I hate the Iranian proxy scums more.

Lev Jacoby

You prefer those who chop off 16 year olds’ heads and burn people alive. You are satanically evil.


Don’t lecture me, I don’t support their actions but they have never shot rockets into Israel like the shia proxy scums led by Iran, even the sunni PIJ gets support from them.

Lev Jacoby

I am lecturing you, you fucking filth. Tell me, why has ISIS never attacked Israel?


Shut your fucking mouth, I’m not your friend. Piss off.

Lev Jacoby

Never, filth. Take a long walk off a short pier.

John Wallace

Why don’t you take your filthy lying mouth and dirty arse and piss off yourself. Go flash your big cock elsewhere . It is not as big as your pea brain so only good for scaring kids , of the goat kind.


Oh, it’s worse than that. ISIS has “attacked” “Israel,” but “Israeli” Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon was in a video interview with Eli Levi admitting that ISIS apologized for attacking “Israel.”

John Wallace

They don’t bite the hand that feeds them.. so of course they won’t be firing rockets into Israel.


Really? You don’t support ISIS and the other Al-CIA-da spin-offs attacking and destabilizing countries the Zionist oligarchs don’t like? Yeah, sure thing, mate…

Free man

ISIS did shot rockets from Sinai into southern Israel.


ISIS is Sinai is mostly engaging the Egyptian army, sometimes there are spillovers but it’s not something serious and it’s not a populated area. Hezbollah shot directly on Israeli centers during the 2006 war, we also didn’t have Iron Dome back then. For me they are more dangerous than ISIS, and a conflict is just a matter of time anyway.

Free man

I understand your logic. But there are no good jihadists / Islamists. They are all fed by violence and chaos. I, too, oppose the PMU because they are a sectoral militia loyal to a foreign country and this is a sure recipe for government chaos like in Lebanon. But I think ISIS is worse because it wants to build a cruel Islamic caliphate on the ruins of the Middle East, and from there to spread to the rest of the world.


I agree Free Man, like I wrote to that guy before he started cursing me, I don’t support ISIS and I know they are bloodthirsty Jihadists with a clear agenda to enslave anyone who doesn’t share their views. In the end the real problem is Iran’s actions in the ME, regardless of Israel the Sunnis don’t want to see Iran’s rule over them in Syria and Iraq. We live in a complicated region.

Lev Jacoby

You do nothing but lie, filth. Everyone here can see you here preferring head-choppers to the militias and forces fighting those head choppers.


Do you really expect me to answer you when you call me filth? seriously, get lost.

Lev Jacoby

There is no other way to describe someone who supports evil head-choppers in favor of those, like PMU, who fight against those head-choppers.


The PMU is a part of Iraq’s military, hence why the parliament voted to kick US troops out of Iraq when PMU leaders were murdered. Some support from Iran does not change this.

Free man

They answer to Iran like Hezbollah Lebanon. It can’t be a good thing.


Any evidence of “answer[ing] to Iran”? I don’t know what has you so convinced…

Free man

Who did Qaani visit in Iraq recently? The heads of the pro-Iranian militias, to instruct them which candidate to support for the prime minister of Iraq.


That proves listening to Iran. How is it “answer[ing] to Iran”?


Showing his iron-skulled true colours


What can be better than one scum killing another ?

Icarus Tanović

We all know who are Isis Wahhabi bums master, zionists applaude this anytime Wahhabis commit crange against Muslims. PMU won’t stay silent.

James Adams

Well they will because their dead soo yeah…. Learn your facts.

Astar Roth

And you learn English.

Assad must stay

great job in fending off the attack PMU, daeshbags severely underestimated PMU power


Hmm that was a really educational video

Free man

The PMU demanded that the Americans leave Iraq. The Americans have reorganized their forces and left many bases . ISIS recovered were the Americans ceased operations . Now the PMU unable to cope with ISIS. Middle Eastern logic at its best.

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