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MARCH 2025

ISIS Launches Counter-Attack In Attempt To Push US-backed Forces From Deir Ezzor City (Map)

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ISIS Launches Counter-Attack In Attempt To Push US-backed Forces From Deir Ezzor City (Map)

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ISIS terrorists have launched a counter-attack against the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in the northern Deir Ezzor countryside in attempt to push US-backed from Dier Ezzor city.

ISIS attacked the SDF at multiple points and the Deir Ezzor-Abu Khasab and Deir Ezzor-Hasakah highways, including the Deir Ezzor industrial zone.

According to the ISIS-linked news agency Amaq, ISIS members killed 7 SDF members and destroyed a SDF vehicle in direct clashes. ISIS also conducted two suicide vehicle-borne improvised explosive device (SVBIED) attacks: one at the Hasakah-Deir Ezzor highway and another one at the the Deir Ezzor-Abu Khasab highway. Some 27 SDF members were allegedly killed or wounded in the SVBIED attack at the Hasakah-Deir Ezzor highway.

Earlier, pro-Kurdish sources claimed that the SDF made notable gains in the northern Deir Ezzor countryside and captured the Deir Ezzor industrial zone, the 113th Air Defense Base, Bi’r Hisyan and some nearby points. With these advances the SDF reportedly deployed in less than 10 km from Deir Ezzor city.

The ISIS announcement of the counter-attack in these areas confirmed the SDF gains despite a lack of their video and photo confirmations.

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Gabriel Hollows

Wow, they are advancing fast. Will there be a clash with SAA soon?


I hope so, enough is enough, the SDF has no place in Deir Ez Zor stealing the oil fields


yet it is unlikely that a direct confrontation between the SAA and SDF will happen, since Russian forces are now embedded into the SAA units operating in the area

Wahid Algiers

For sure, but SAA needs the russian air support too. It is not enough to embed Russians in SAA units because the US will cry “Sorry Mr. Putin, it was an accidential strike.”


Hope so.


There is no one in front of them, hence the speed of their advance. ISIS as mentioned above are being redeployed in order to delay the SAA and their allies


oh my god, I predicted that could happen soon….its a disaster (the fact that SDF has reached Deir Ez Zor that soon). They are playing a dirty game

Ahmed K Hurmizyar

there is already some sort of an agreement between russia ans usa that if the saa crosses the rever they will be bombed by usaf

Moussa Saab

Dumbest deal in human history. I do no think it is true.


Is your source CNN Ahmed ?

Wahid Algiers

Ahmed is a real kurd.


A Kurd who fights remotely with his droning posts here I suppose :)




It was not an agreement, it was a threat send by USA to Russia-Syria army. It is up to Russia-Syria to consider or not such a threat. Of course, this threat is against any international law, but ….. who care ? do you care ?


I don’t know if you follow news or not but Russia has officially withdrawn from Syria and they started withdrawing from a week ago.

Which actully now reveal their true intentions which was only to fight ISIS and keep Assad in power. Their economy is really bad currently and could be declared bankrupt in the beginning of the next year and this war has taken a toll on their economy.. They have apparently sacrificed alot being in syria and they have no future role in syria in my opinion due to their current economy.

You are on your own from this point now that ISIS has been defeated and rebels kept in check

Ivan Kumar

keep dreaming


Oh god you are back, every time old israel takes a hit, be quiet you are draining me – yawwwwn. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/107ae79264ba218cda5c7b15d9559335063ed31711c4ab3ec4f02da56f23b6d2.png


Lmao. Okay. I will leave and go back to lurking now? But hey this is obvious true tho. You can monitor the Russian economy to understand why they withdraw.



There seems to be a massive influx of pro Israel-Saudi comments on SF, which was timed and started on the same day that the SDF-YPG-PKK-Kurds made their move two days ago toward Deir Ez-Zor. I get the impression that these people are all located in a few trailers parked on a new Israeli settlement atop a hill in the West-bank, in Palestine, and probably all know each other.


Porky, you are becoming delusional again! SNAP OUT OF IT! :D

Hind Abyad

Russians ow their Orthodox Christianity to Syria.


you are good… at imagining things that isn’t there.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

That’s why Russian troops and special forces are in DE , now what I say to you. BLEEE BLLEEEEE BLLEEEEP, THAT’S ALL FOLKS!

Terra Cotta Woolpuller


Tudor Miron

Mountains… Do you really think that someone above age 7 years will buy this BS? Lol! You reminded that Obama’s speach – “Russia’s economy is in shubles” which he gave in 2015 :) and than Russia intervened in Surya. And US planned regime change chain was openly halted. Anyone who wants to find out the true can find western statistics on Russian economy in last 3 years. Picture is very unforgiving for your ugly kind :) We’re much better off now than we were before Suryan intervention and western sanctions started. Two years ago you (along with MSM) were screaming that Russia doesn’t fight Daesh but only cares to keep Assad in power. Now it’s the other way around :) So which is it? Guys… you are really pathetic. Try harder next time.


There are two groups in the world.

1. An evil terror group leads by America. They crush nations like sugarcane in the mill and steal their resources rich lands.

2. An anti terror group leads by Russia to protect the nations and their resources rich lands in the world.

Now tell me are you with terror group or anti terror group?

Moussa Saab

More CNN bullcrap

Ahmed K Hurmizyar

no not even a bit every thing is fucked up already


there seems to be some sort of deal in place, but I am not sure what the actual terms are. The tiger forces should have cut off the SDF long before as they did in Al Bab with the Turks/FSA. It seems there were not enough forces availible to accomplish such an operation. Now it´s past midnight.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

There is no truth to that agreement as it was only to with aircraft which the US violated that, it was a Kurdish Commander who added as their whisper so it wouldn’t be attributed from the US . The SAA are already across the Euphrates and will continue on to their objectives.


The map only shows the SAA at the river a bit north of the city. I think a better crossing would be just to the south to cut off the SDF. Maybe from the Jafrah area. There may be a news blackout going on. Godspeed SAA. :)

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

There was another earlier crossing today this one is going eastern flank , the Russians have special forces in DE and had brought some more by armored carriers as they tested the new Mi8’s out in the region in the advance. They dropped the FOAB on the leadership Commanders at Thardeh killing them in the bunker there, it was a good strike.


They made an agreement after the US shot a Syrian plane down. But that agreement doesn’t cover the whole Euphrates. If I remember well it goes only from Raqqa to about Maadan.


This is not true. Show signed document evidance.

Ahmed K Hurmizyar

are you a fool i said there is “some sort” of agreement which anyone who understands language know that l am not sure when and how they agreed upon that


Islamic state : Kurdish state Isis caliphate : Kurdish caliphate Isis over takes cross border nations : Kurds take over Ross border nations (SDF and peshmerga) Isis used American humvees, Kurds use American humvees Isis stole Syrian oil lands, Kurds stealing Syrian oil lands ISis secretly backed up by USA airforce (bombed DeZ high lands) : kurds openly backed u By USA airforce. Isis backed by Saudi, Israel and USA, Kurds backed by Saudi, Israel and USA.


Moussa Saab

I want to extend your answer a bit to add more SDF/IS similarities. -Both portrayed at first as being a revolution for freedom. -No united ethnicity -Forceful recruits -Took advantage of the Syrian ‘Civil’ war. -Destroys cities when taking them. -Used as pawns and heavily influenced by U.S desires. -Same Air Force (U.S Air Force) -Destroyed the Arab/Syrian culture and people within the land they stole. -Heavily uses women and children to fight due to lack of men.


Sounds like SAA too, except change US into Russia/Iran?Hezbollah etc.


Sounds like u only support SDF, Al-Nusra and ISIS! YOU ARE SCUM! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/75117ff5650607b1d92534d5d1d707a37aedb0c5f4a04b00a8308c292b05fa11.png


Lmao. This war just keeps surprising you all the time and now we have reached a point where SAA and all their fanboys are actully secretly cheering for ISIS to crash SDF on the otherside of the city.. The world is indeed full of surprises


Well, as they say, when two fight, the third one laughs.

Moussa Saab

We do not cheer for more death and destruction by IS. What we want are for IS to be crushed. Kurds should dial it back and go back to Turkey, they have a small minority in Syria, and should have served the country that served them before the war. The Kurds are backstabbers, and should no longer be trusted.

Gabriel Hollows

SDF are terrorists just like ISIS. The actually patriotic kurds are in the PMU fighting for their actual lands in Iraq.

Moussa Saab

I wish the best for all those who are fighting for their country.

Black Raleigh

Meanwhile SDF fan boys were cheering up for ISIS. ISIS is the legitimate target for SAA, SDF, FSA as particularly SDF and SAA avoid to confront each other as they have common interests such as kurdish pocket in Aleppo, Arab pocket in Hasakah and Afrin which is under Turkish thread. Both sides are relying on each other on these issues and of course presumably there’s a gentleman agreement between the US and Russians. Still the US is the least credible party as their prime goal is taking over Assad meanwhile Russia has no problem with Kurds.

Moussa Saab

Russia has no problems with Kurds, but with the Kurdish-Arab terrorists in the SDF. Does anyone remember how the media was cheering for the FSA and is now doing the same with the SDF? Well we know what is happening to the FSA.


If Russia trues kurds (USA puppets), that is really a big problem for Syria, and Syria wil finish divided by USA-Turkey-Russia, in the worst case escenario. The best (unlikely) escenario would be that turkeys go back home, and kurds (in agreement with USA) return to its previous area in Syria and follows Syria laws but with independency.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The Afrin Kurds are not the same as the US backed Kurds two different areas and they realize if Assad asks them no longer to protect Afrin then the Russians leave them and the area.


Oh you’re back again… great. Must be hard to keep putting on a brave face whilst the SAA are doing so well.

Ivan Kumar

you are a stupid cunt arent you? lol



Wahid Algiers

Thank you for a photo of kurdy-mountains.


The US and SDF have already settled in on the otherside of the river in my opinion. It’s a done. If you think SDF are alone on the otherside your naive because they are not alone and have US marines and soldiers with them.

Moussa Saab

They don’t deserve anything but the donkey shit that will run their economy.

Moussa Saab

If they even get one


Just as a thief does when they rob your house Mountains.


Exactly, that is the law of war (Sun Tzu).


Mountains has riches in his house – lets go and take them for ourselves – it will be good for the economy!


There is only one legitimate army in Syria. all the rest, including the US and SDF are occupiers and rebels.sooner or later, SDF and SAA will confront each other. Let’s see if SDF and the US can overthrow Assad and be the next legitimate government.


In fact, this afternoon SDF captured Salhiya, the last village before reaching the banks of the Euphrates, two mile remaining. If they want, SDF can shell both SAA and IS on the other side of the Euphrates, which of course they will not do.


Lol those big SAA Smerches with 70km range with cluster munitions sitting on top of Thardar (for that bit extra range) – “oh no the Kurds might shell us” lol really, the Kurds are scared, freaking out they will be surrounded and obliterated off the face of the map to the cheers of everyone else in the Middle East who know see them as the land stealing jews that they are.


If you talk about long range artillery, you are absolutely correct. However, shorter range artillery and mortars with a range of up to 10 miles, they have plenty, both captured from IS and given by the US. As they are now (as in yesterday) some two miles from the banks of the river, their reach is the whole of DeZ city, incl. most of what SAA held before.

As for being scared. there are no defections from SDF to SAA but plenty the other way. Coincidence? (oh, the “leader of Elite Forces” Jabar, went to Assad after his whole force left him and his outfit and went over to DMC, now fighting in DeZ north.)


The only group in the ‘SDF’ capable of shelling SAA and civilian residents of Dier Ezzore are the US Marines artillery, heavy-howitzer, units that are embedded in the SDF and make up the factions true firepower.

Wahid Algiers

The water hole where the SDF lollypops could wash there dirty feet will be shown to them.


Those ISIS retards need to understand that they are arabs at the end of the day. They should negotiate with the syrian government, abandon the part of Deir Ezzor they hold and push back against the kurds instead.

Because as it is now, they will be obliterated on both sides of the Euphrates and allow the kurds/USA to claim all that land and oil.

Moussa Saab

IS are not mostly arabs, if you add them all up. Less then half of them, and Arab is such a broad term from so, so many peoples (ethnicities) and countries different from each other.


True, I forgot about all those Tsetsens and other mongoloids, not to mention all the affiliates in Africa and Asia.

I was just thinking about the arabs, who must be the great majority. They need to put their brains in use.


Ideal time to launch across the river , while ISIS is focused on SDF . Maybe just to the south , giving better access to the oil fields .

Rodney Loder

This is the future, Western media will sell this line anyway, might as well make it a reality, I’ve lived with the Western public since 1950, they only respect what can hurt them.


Wise words Rodney…hopelessly corrupted societies

Rodney Loder

Confucius said corruption was inevitable, which would mean that there was no hope for any leaders at all, contradicting the virtue of self improvement. I’m pretty sure what corrupted the West was the apprehension of missing out on the verisimilitude of primeval instincts being the new best thing, so it’s not a desire to go forward but rather going forward projecting prehistory which corrupted the Western populace. Now, about the leaders, who know that sort of thing is overrated because it is common, and who use its inference to control the populace, their corruption stems from the highly sought after success emanating from being the architects of ideologies of control.

Zainab Ali

not only the western public but also accepted with silence/meekness by the eastern zio lapdog govts

Rodney Loder

Allah doesn’t want everyone, the purpose of Temporal Life is entrapment, it’s not really fair but the priorities are firstly, Allah maintain His impartiality, then development for which you need survival, and last is justice, we really just look after ourselves as best we can.


Religion demands money and obediance to interpret an invisible ‘friend’ who you should love and fear at the same time. It makes complete sense unless you try science as a guide.

Rodney Loder

I was in the Australian Communist Party from 1968 till it folded, but I always realised that the reason Khrushchev was such an idiot was because science alone couldn’t give him a foot hold on to his shoes, I think that’s what started Muslims throwing shoes at idiots, I’m not sure though.The real truth is that science came from specialisation after we departed natural instinct, civil society was always the paradox of those two opposites, fortunately I can prove science and religion are the composite of the Person of Allah and His Persona resides in Heaven most of the time, Idealism was always close but couldn’t prove thought as being independent of biological mass.


Well done for being in the ACP, however ‘prove’ and religion don’t go well together. I mean Biblical and Koran doctrine state the sun goes around the earth. ‘Heaven’ used to be in the clouds, just like the French population who were told they were delusional when they saw metiorites, because there was no athmosphere according to the clergy. Religion is ‘Fear of Death.’ Don’t be afraid.

Rodney Loder

Building collective agreements that became tribes cities and nations was never based on what the people didn’t know, agnostic inference is self defeating because you can’t tell someone else what they should be, when you admit that you don’t know what you are yourself. However atheism and Dialectical Materialism did come into contention from the Romantic writers Schelling, Steffens and Muller from that came the atheists who projected science to be in possession of a future definitive answer, well it’s arrived as my intellectual property, and I’m not niggardly about selling it, in fact it’s free. James D. White author of “Karl Marx and the Intellectual Origins of Dialectical Materialism” is the best book ever written on the subject that I superseded, I got a copy from Book Found. http://www.bookfound.com 1800 132 100.


Thank you, I’ll checkout the book. Then I’ll be back!

You can call me Al


Rodney Loder

I saw that, they kicked me off ALM I think they are a sister channel with SF so I kept them on Patreon, when I looked I was the highest bracket 10$ People complain about Patreon they keep 5% but I think they could become a rival to YouTube who are closing ranks, Steemit is interesting. About IS I think I impressed then with my support for their widows and orphans in Iraq, hope so I need them when I present my claim for the Guardianship.


The above story lacks any evidence to support ISIS attacks on SDF. This is nothing but Yankee black ops propaganda. It has 2 purposes, one is to cause a certain amount of confusion and to give the impression that ISIS are sworn enemies of both the SDF and SAA. ISIS will slither away like a bullied snake over the next 4/5 days, maybe even sooner, and SDF will receive a hero’s welcome which will be broadcast across the world. This “great victory” of the SDF will establish them, as the de-facto force which routed ISIS and drove them from Dyar Az Sur. The second strand to this oft played propaganda trick but much more important will be the filtering of these slithering reptiles into the snake pits of “the pocket”, where they’re venom will drip blood and glory. Embedded western journos with the Daesh vipers will cut a crude slant to polish the redtops, while broadsheets will project their message with forked words of valiant and fated martyrdom for a lost cause. The SAA will be projected as butchers and criminals backed by Hezbollah terrorists, out of control Iranian Shiite Fanatics, fully supported by the Bloody minded Ruskies. This is how it is supposed to play out; the Yanks, the Zionists, MI5 of the Brits and the French SdDECE and their military intelligence DGSE who murdered Gaddafi. They are all in this together. “The purpose of war is to generate enough wealth/resources for the next war”

Tudor Miron

Very well said :) and “fully supported by the Bloody minded Ruskies.”(c) – This one really made my day. Lol. On the serious note… This is very important moment. SF is very good at what it does – reporting on ME war theater. But this is just one chunk of the puzzle. It is very important chunk: Remember that there are “rumors” that “Biblical project started here and here it will end”(c) and that’s talking about Suria, Egipt. Teachings of Christ have little in common with Christianity which should be called Pavlianity. What we have now is one of the most successful tools of “global predictor” created in order to: 1) “Damage limitation” to combat the teachings of Jesus. “GP”‘s power controlling major part of this planet is based on smple principles which could be described by this model/metaphore: Imagine two piramids. One piramid with it’s sharp end pointing downwards is representing amount of knowledge i.e. lion share of knowledge (i.e. technology related to all kind of human activity) that is available on this planet is concentrated at the very top (wide edge of the piramid) Another piramid (sharp end points upwards, wide edge is at the bottom) represents population with top of the piramid representing “few members/lots of power” i.e. elites/establishment and bottom of the piramid – working people/wealth productive force/slaves. Because of the above, when ever a teaching/movement arises that spreads knowledge/understanding/awarness at the bottom of the sheeple piramid than it is an existential threat to “GP”‘s aims. In such cases GP try’s to buy/destroy the movement along with one who’s carrying/spreading awarness. If it doesn’t sell and refuses to die than the only way is to infiltrate it, get to the top and than control it – twist it/create internal conflicts etc.) 2) Creating a tool to control very large masses of people. Unlike familiar to us forms of governments “GP” is using so called unstructured way of governing. In short – a way of controlling what large masses of people do, without direct orders and common chain of command (President->Government -> Local officials etc.) It is mostly done by “predictions of future” = images. Which in turn is mostly done by presenting some sort of “informational background” that logically leads people to do something – population is starting increasingly buying some product that is supplied in enough quantity only because there is information that “tomorrow it will dissapear” – thats a simple example of such governing. No one gave any direct orders to ordinary people but never the less, they do what the author of “prediction” wants them to. Such governing is “slower acting” than common “structured governing” with its direct orders but it is more lasting because people (seemingly) act by their own will according to their level of misunderstanding of whats going on :) It will take too long to describe all the theory -(it is available in Russian and some in English). I will jump to the end of what I wanted to say here :)

From GP’s point of view all countries/states are on the same “local level” – There’s state level foreign and domestic policy and there’s global policy which is higher in ierarchy. In this regards each country has its assignment. US was serving as worlds policemen. Russia had its task during soviet era and than (90-s) it had to become gas station and providing territory for new SilkWay/Belt. GP is moving its center of governing from US to China. “Rumors” are that China was groomed to serve this purpose for last 300 years. This means that US role will change – power/benefites will be transferred alswhere. US local (country/state level) elites are trying to prove their worth to GP as hard as they can. While they are rapidly degrading, they still posess enough mil. power/financial instruments that if we play on their field than they will win. Direct confrontation is their only chance now. So they try to provoke as best as they can – Ukraine/Surya/Closing of Russian embassy – its all provocations to direct confrontation. It’s like George Forman’s non stop attack against Mohamed Ali in their rumble in the jungle :) where ageing Ali was mostly defending for several rounds and was taking damage and punishment from “young lion” Forman. He proved to be able to “take a punch” and “weather the storm” and soon Forman started to fall apart by himself and than Ali picked him off with that beautiful 1-2-3 combination :) That’s what is going on now – USA is doomed to be reformated by GP. It is trying to change it by provoking a fight on its own rules while it is still the most powerful state on this planet. Surya is only a part (very important still) of the wide picture. Russia/Surya/Iran should not allow to lure itself into USA’s game. They should be patient and USA’s contoll over this planet will collapse by itself. If Russia/Iran/Surya engage in an open fight than there’s a risk that they will be drown together with US. Those who scream that Russia should start shooting US/Israel jets out of Syrian sky either don’t understnad what’s going on or concsiously work to provoke. I hope that Putin will resist that urge (from those provocative forces) to retaliate and “weathers the storm” – than we have a chance.


Like the metaphor Ali/Foreman, don’t believe Yankee Oligarchy have any intention of passing on the baton of change to China. Not with their amassed weapons of mass destruction, their Naval & Air Power and their disposable Army, which gives them “full spectrum dominance”, according to their neocon generalismos. They believe this shot, so they “will damp implement it” regardless of the consequences.

Tudor Miron

GP is higher ierarchy than local state level elites of US. Don’t think that US was ruling the west :) It’s just that it was assigned a role of policeman and was ruled the same way as others. US establishment will surely fight to try to keep that role but those who created US (GP) will surely overcome resistance from their local servants (US elite)

You can call me Al

Here – https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/isis-launches-car-bombs-missiles-kurdish-forces-deir-ezzor-amid-counteroffensive/


Just looked at your link “al”, which referred me to the article that I replied to. The unconfirmed attacks by ISIS is a lot of smoke, IT DID NOT HAPPEN, this is Yankee black ops propaganda. Unfortunately, SF, has taken on “unconfirmed reports”, which I believe they shouldn’t.


You are right , the SAA has crossed the river , and is in the industrial area , not the SDF .

You can call me Al

Thanks for the info.

Zainab Ali

to save the saa and her allies, russia will be in a very difficult position as the yankees cannot be trusted in whatever deal they make – be wary of these zio satanic desperate losers


I just read that an “unknown aircraft” targeted a SAA convoy near Deir EzZor, inflicting heavy damage. That means that the USA once again did it….Whom knows how many brave soldiers have been killed this time. I hope this won´t be tolerated. Ignoring these provocations may not be the best choice. The USA and their allies are like bullies, and the only way to stop them is to draw a clear line when enough is enough.


Russia should secretly provide satellite recon photos to ISIS to help guide them where to send their SVBIED’s toward the SDF-YPG-PKK-Kurds , who are totally overextended and very vulnerable with this advance.

Do you think the US has not been doing the exact same thing when ISIS has attacked the SAA, like in September of last year in Dier Ez-Zor, when 80 SAA were killed?

The SAA should not attack ISIS during their counter attack on the Kurds.

In fact, the SAA should make a deal with ISIS for a cease fire and guarantee the ISIS still in Dier Ez-Zor an escape corridor in exchange for the bridge over the Euphrates on Hwy 7 inside the small area ISIS still controls there.


So far it seems that ISIS has already took another deal about their conduct east of the river.

Behold a Pale Horse

Aint no space blood. Satellites dont exist. Just high up planes. Think about it. Why would you pay billions for put a satellite in orbit to take pictures, when you can pay thousands to send and plane up? Perfectly good airial pictures from world war 1, yet no satellites then either.


The SDF may be taking a risk with their narrow salient advance. I expect that ISIS will hit them hard from the east and west flank.

You can call me Al

That would be sad, wouldn’t it ?.


:D Boy you are green.


I can read a map, ISIS will not just give up their river road without a fight. Or maybe just a bar room brawl between friends? :)


“maybe just a bar room brawl between friends? :)” exactly.

Behold a Pale Horse

Haha, corridor was created by ISIS allowing them free passage. Raqqa is a fake battle. SDF were bought and paid for a long time ago by Israel.


Israel dont mind which one they control, as long as they balkanise Syria.


US want to separate Syrians from Iraqs, to block future cooperation between them, with the help of Kurds. There is a goal to break “Shia belt” from Iran, to Lebanon. If they will not manage it, Benji Netanyahu will be for drugs…


The Kurds are replacement for ISIS and they should remember they can be replaced if a better treaty comes along with Turkey or Russia. Unless of course Israel have another idea as they dictate US middle east policy. Is there something in the soil that has these people act like rabid dogs to each other?

The Farney Fontenoy

Assad: We need to cross the Euphrates Putin: Suck your dick. Assad: …what? I’m taking my country back. Putin: Bibi doesn’t like that, so y’know, go suck your dick. Assad: …are we on the same team? Putin: Sure, as long as you do what Bibi wants. We can’t make our bombs without Rockerfeller loans.


Russia has no need for Jew money or Rockefeller loans. Look up their national debt to GDP, it’s one of the lowest on the planet. They have $500 billion cash on hand, China has $4 trillion. If you think Putin is a Jew slave you don’t know him very well.


The counter-attack is for show. ISIL has not opposed the SDF in this latest move, probably on orders of their benefactors, so how can this be countering anything. Remember the open back doors in Mosul and Raqqa.


Was the huge ISIS counter attack made by three terrorists located in three different point ? I guess so.


SAA must stop wasting its time, and SAA MUST CROSS EUPHRATES RIVER TO PROTEC ITS OIL FIELDS IN OMAR. SDF is just distracting SAA in Decir Ezzor for SAA waist is time there. WAIT UP GENERALS !!

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