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MARCH 2025

ISIS Launches Large Attack On Al-Bukamal, Captures Some Positions From Army

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ISIS Launches Large Attack On Al-Bukamal, Captures Some Positions From Army

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On June 8, ISIS fighters launched a large scale attack on positions of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies around and inside the strategic city of al-Bukamal near the Syrian-Iraqi border, in the southern governorate of Deir Ezzor, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR). Reportedly, ISIS fighters targeted the SAA positions with more than one VIBED during the attack.

The France Press Agency (AFP) reported that ISIS fighters had managed to capture several parts of al-Bukamal as a result of the attack. However, these claims are yet to be confirmed.

According to the SOHR, ISIS killed 27 soldiers of the SAA and lost more than 16 of its fighters during the clashes around al-Bukamal.

A source in the SAA told SouthFront that the SAA and its allies repelled the ISIS attack and recaptured most of the positions, which had been lost earlier. Moreover, the source confirmed that ISIS had launched its attack from the eastern bank of the Euphrates River, which is supposedly monitored by the US-led coalitions and the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).

ISIS launched a similar attack from the eastern bank of the Euphrates River on Jun 3. Back then, the SAA also managed to repel the attack within hours after killing dozens of ISIS fighters.

Local observers believe that the US-led coalition and the SDF are facilitating these attacks in an attempt to push the remaining fighters of ISIS on the eastern bank of the Euphrates River towards the Homs desert, which is isolated from the coalition’s areas.

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Daniel Miller

arabs the most useless soldiers on the face of the planet.

Promitheas Apollonious

not respecting your enemies can be a fatal mistake. Braindead and fanatics, with one track mind, that they are but then also the majority of europeans and 99% of amerkans also are single cell and worthless as they proved on all the wars they started around the world and have their asses kicked. And mostly by defenseless countries whose populations have not surrendered but fight back until the end.

What category are you and what is the base, of your judgement?

Daniel Miller

“Asses kicked” While we did lose 12.000 aircaft in vietnam for example we killed millions of enemys in that war oit kill to death rait was amazing same in moder day afganistan while arabs lost the 6 day war 73 yom kappur war (tho to be fair that one was close). And the lebanin war of the 80’s both gulf wars do you need more examples? The US evry time it faced the arabs has wiped the floor with them.

Promitheas Apollonious

you killed millions of civilians yes. That is what you been doing since you exist as a colony of the zionists of city of london. Genocides and attacking defenseless countries it is your expertise, or better was. What goes around comes around and the price will be very heavy for all of you.

But that, was not what the argument is about. I ask to name one war you worthless pieces of shit ever win. Cowards and bullies always have their asses kicked and you dont even reach that level any more been more queers and perverts all trying to steal what is not bolted down from the guy next door.

A war is won when it is over and nothing is over yet. As always in this case too will have your asses kicked. And hopefully this time not only where you bring destruction but in your hometowns. Though there you doing an excellent job all by yourselfs and been slaves of a system that fuck you regularly both you and your children I will be sad to see it ending. I enjoy watch you sleep in the bed you have made for yourselves.

Daniel Miller

well both gulf wars we won no doubt about that militeraly we won vietnam we only lost 50.000 compared to the millions of the NVA same with Somalia it was a strategic defeat (the objective was lost) but in a K/D ratio we won.


Won Vietnam ! What a joke, you don’t remember the heli’s evacuating US civilians from roof tops because the VC owned the streets of Saigon. Winning isn’t your K/D ratio, it is that Ho Chi Minh and the people of Vietnam kicked America out of their country. Won both gulf wars you say, really after 16 years the US installed Iraqi government has politely asked the US to leave, but the people of Iraq will not be polite for long, as shown by who won their recent election. Now the 70 Arab Tribes east of the river in Syria will give the US the boot.


Your planet must be Pluto. Go ask the Spanish and the Portuguese, that fought against the arabs for centuries.

Daniel Miller

Yea thats why they are arab contrys right? Hahahhaha




arabs are the most useless humans on the planet. disgusting, despicable vile little pigs. The world word be a better place without them!!

Gary Sellars

Jews are the most useless humans on the planet. disgusting, despicable vile little pigs. The world word be a better place without them!!

…fixed it for you.

Daniel Miller

Jews invented quite a bit of useful things :D

viktor ziv

Hey mate, please take a dive in flip-flop Houthi fighters. You might get surprised. Also SAA Tigers are very good example.

Daniel Miller

Shure i am not a inbreed arab sub human whom cant fight for shit we wold kick their asses.

viktor ziv

Ubermensch would take care of the spelling. Read Friedrich Nietzsche “Also sprach Zarathustra” before calling anybody subhuman.

Daniel Miller

what dose spelling have to do with being a inbreed sub human?

viktor ziv

Judging people by yourself? Heh.

Daniel Miller

I judge ppl by the collectives actions.


Racist prick

Wise Gandalf


Daniel Miller

You cant be rasist towarss sub humans.


Nice edge you got there…


I like it when an illiterate fool thinks he’s a superior race, i can assure him that there are millions of people from all races have more worth and more good than this pathetic racist scum.


Which illiterate fool; there’s a lot of it about.

Joe Dirt

Death to all Muslims

Saaed Wayan

تضربو انتو والجيش العربي السوري وداعش سوا مو اكذب منكم إلا فرنسا ??

Karo Dndlian


Bill Wilson

So they crossed the river and ran around to attack from the rear?

Joe Dirt

airbonre ISIS dropped from a c130 gunships duh


SAA needs an eastern bank position across from Al Bukamal, thought the PMU’s from Iraq had secured that area.

Promitheas Apollonious

And the isis “fighters“ as you call them, have come from where the frenchies, are deployed?


The SAA have already secured the city.

Joe Dirt

Said who?



Joe Dirt

Leith?! That pro-ASS-ad fuck. Almasdarnew.com….you can believe that bullshit if you want




and is somebody truly surprised.if hes blind and def.otherwise not possible.same with the turkish issue.anybody surprised they backstabbing russia now.lol got to be kidding.fake war from the beginning.not for syria ofcourse.they are taking the beating.and worse to come……


This is certainly a large rescue operation, but the lack of cooperation between the SAA and the Kurds is both predictable and appalling. If the Syrians in general could work as a team then this would be a quick victory, but if that were the case there’d be no war either.

Joe Dirt

Muzzy politics


Syria and their allies just focus on this pocket to release large number of forces and equipments for operation in other areas.

Icarus Tanović

Bomb them with Grand Slams!

Joe Dirt

Apparently Southtard has contacts in Syria but continues to post outdated photos…at least CNN can post current photos…lol Southtard Fake news

Elmarie Muller

USA lies ISIS can be destroy by them lightning fast if SYRIAN GOVERNMENT forces are about to take over areas from ISIS.Same lies in Raqqa, Deir Ezzor, Euphrate River, AL Bukamal and Oumar Oilfields. USA always disrupt Syrian government forces operations just to keep TERRORISM ALIVE in Syria.Russia should tell USA that if their want to be trust led the legitimate government forces go freely through the areas and inspect USA bases in Syria for freedom of movement. Just as USA violate China Sea by navigating Just as USA want under freedom of movement which only USA CLAIMS.

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