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MARCH 2025

ISIS Launches Surprise Assault On Syrian Army Positions In Eastern Syria

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On January 25, ISIS launched a surprise assault on positions of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in eastern Syria, according to the ISIS-linked news agency Amaq.

ISIS units attacked the SAA in the villages of Al-Ramadi and Al-Salihiyah and reportedly engaged government troops near the T2 pumping station. According to Amaq, ISIS damaged an SAA battle tank near Al-Salihiyah and destroyed an SAA battle tank near Al-Ramadi.

Pro-government sources speculate that some ISIS units participating in the attack against the SAA had crossed to the western bank of the Euphrates after they withdrew from the town of Gharanij before US-backed forces captured it.

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Floyd Hazzard

I thought Russia said the war was over? Ruskies and their half-@$$€d commitment have this war dragging on way longer than it should.


Must agree , mind you Putin does face an election back home , still it seems just as they are about to win , the Russians withdraw . Not taking care of business .


Precisely. Putin just wanted to get that declaration of victory in before the New Year so he can look good on the yearly report…

Solomon Krupacek

and before elections


The war would have been over when Putin said that isis is defeated if the americans were not still there stirring sh*t.

Solomon Krupacek

and putin did not know, that there are americans in syria?

John Whitehot

wonder if Amaq reports are published so you folks can flap your jaws again.


Flap their bum cheeks more like John :)

Feudalism Victory

Russia has been there for years spending blood and treasure and it has existential threats on the western border and highly probable war near north korea.

So yea give it a rest. Plus assad kept getting into fights in the deescalation zones and refused to remove the racial(arab) basis of his country so Russia is letting him do what he wants.

Turns out he does need someone to hold his hand but is too arrogant to do that.

Solomon Krupacek

the whole war is,m that assad helped russia with qatar pipeline. so, moscows duty is to help until last day and gratis build up syria. + give each famyly who lost a member 1 million usd.

Feudalism Victory

I cant tell if your serious or sarcastically agreeing with me. The pipeline is part of it but the war was launced to break up syria so israel and turkey could divide its land and to keep unconquered parts in medieval turmoil for later conquering. It wouldve happened even if qatar built its line I think(just wouldve rebuilt after war)

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Just empty talk from about nothing , you sound like a troll.

Feudalism Victory

Its true im a nobody with an internet connection but my opinions are good as anybody elses. Still I find being calles a troll a little dehumanizing. Maybe were all trolls?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Most just talking points from western main stream media sources, alternative sources are out there and loaded with information which is prohibited to be said by US military and Politicians, NATO talking heads. They always say the truth is out there waiting to be discovered many just except the narrative version then it doesn’t show how true reality is. The internet is full of many sources you can research them for various truths and evidence of what is going on.

You may not like being called a troll but it is a term used to describe those who go out to Trawl. Much of what was said in your previous comment is more based on some reporter’s opinion who doesn’t do anything but get a paycheck and is told what to say many in the millions.

Truth is Assad and Russia set up the deescalation zones to control and separate the terrorists from any real rebels. Everyone that is a terrorist is fair game no one wants a radical fanatic head chopper around them except Turks and the US and other of similar bent. These Terrorist groups breached the deescalation agreement too many times and failed to disarm, then launched an assault. The price they pay is minor compared to those who are held hostage and starved and those who have to flee them.

Feudalism Victory

Well google censors the shit out of everything. The chinese engines arent in english and duck duck go kinda suck suck sucks.

Where do you go for info?

I check the english language versions of offical news sites like sana and presstv and the turkish one but its all chest beating propoganda.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Farsi news, Voltaire, CFR,Muraselon, Damascus now, SANA etc. , used to read Yeni but find they are censored. Get yourself a VPN and set up another account in a country that doesn’t censor as it is your local govt who does ask Google and FaceBook to censor it.

Feudalism Victory

Thanks! Got some good links there. Read voltaire before really good site excellent analysis albeit brief.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

i notice that at these think tanks they seem more willing to admit their real intentions and past actions, which is truly sad. Find that those journalists on the ground in these areas will give you a better insight into the regions and it’s politics. Find those who push a familiar narrative not worth reading. New convert to opposing US aggression in the Middle east is Joshua Landis (policy Analyst) whom was an ardent supporter at the beginning.

Feudalism Victory

Plus im pretty sure i say lots of non approved things it you check it out. I never hear that israel wants to annex syrian territory by destroying the syrian state for instance. That is hate speech in Canada here.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

There is no hate just reality and under no law is it.Fact the Golan heights are Syrian with Illegal colonists from Israel , calling facts as hate speech, actually qualifies as disinformation and if done maliciously qualifies as hate speech.

Current announced Israeli operation to create a buffer zone is illegal beyond all groups in Syria and will be considered a violation of all treaties,conventions and UN charters, means it is a planned invasion which is like Turkey and it’s illegal actions.

Feudalism Victory

You should check out 1984 by george orwell. Its like the west is going there now.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Find Animal Farm better ,You should watch Brasil by Terry Guillame , that is how this war is being run.

John Mason

It was a tactic that forced the US to play it’s hand, which Trump did. This is the result. Regarding the ISIS, they were hidden in the refugee camps and the SAA couldn’t get to them. By SAA moving out it allowed the ISIS to move in and hence expose themselves. Typical tactic that is disguised as a retreat but is actually an ambush, has been done before.


Never tell the enemy the truth;

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They chewed them up and the assault was called off 25 dead ISIS in such a short time, mix of elite, veteran and rookie defenders side by side, very deadly mix.

Jason Sixx

There we go. Never took care of that pocket and sent their best units to idlib /faceplam


Yes, this is another (not the first, not the last) tactical stupidity.


The US head-chopping, heart-eating rapers are small potatoes now, the Syrians have to think bigger if they are going to get the most out of the military campaign against the US invasion. The Syrians have to think about relations with Turkey, Iraq, Lebanon and occupied Palestine so what might look like insouciance about the US head-chopping, heart-eating rapers could be a shrewd judgement about dodgy neighbours.

Jason Sixx

And what was urgent about idlib? They were the ones who started it no? (Saa) …. or maybe summer is coming they wanted abu duhur asap? Summer = more sandstorms or something??

Solomon Krupacek

wait for ruskie pigs; they will eat you for such pearly words.

You can call me Al

Never needed to before – we are seeing US tactics at play here (or Turkish) so that the SAA and / or allies need to reinforce positions down there and distract them fro, Idlib / Hama.

This is where the Russian or Iran need to send 500 special forces to wipe the vermin out.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Never believe that it was successful 25 dead terrorists 2 vehicles destroyed, they have defenders there not offensive troops holding the position, but the ISIS hunters do both. The desert has too few and the East Euphrates has not enough, Turkish dogs are advising here as it coincided with another Turkish assault. It is funny how US/SDF had scouted that part earlier and an attack came through the same area.They still are trying to dislodge Assad as regime change entity has never retreated on the idea.


You have to see the big picture: few fighters hiding in the wide desert. It is close to impossible clear it all at once, even if you send the whole army trough the area some will manage to hide and stay as sleeper cells. If this was the only front in Syria then yes, it had been wise to clear it. But there are many areas where the elite troops are needed desperately and a strong enemy exists. So it was a smart move to leave the desert be, a few soldiers can deal with what might come, yes of course there are more causalities there this way then. But in the big picture there will be less suffering as in the meantime the SAA manages to clear other parts of the country for good. Also to recapture Villages is way more important so people can come back, start rebuilding and working to enable a stable economy. There is not that much one can rebuild or do in a desert.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

*Facepalm* Wrong they have some of the best defensive units there ISIS hunters and others, these guys eat Daesh for breakfast! Let’s see 25 dead before the assault got into full swing, means they are advised to retreat by their handlers.

jerry hamilton

This had to happen after Turkey claimed they were killing ISIS. They needed something to justify that claim.

Graeme Rymill

So to justify the claim that Turkey was killing ISIS in Afrin , ISIS obliged Turkey by attacking the SAA 400 km to the south east? Which would prove exactly what?

The theories just get wilder and wilder in these comments.

jerry hamilton

Would prove that ISIS are active in Syria.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Yes on the east side of the Euphrates where the US/SDF haven’t cleared them, the Badiya is unimportant unless the US sends their proxies gangsters at Rubkan refugee camp.

jerry hamilton

America bus their proxies anywhere at the drop of a hat. I think we are yet to see any number of strange things. America is not letting go yet.


Well if they were able to retreat from the eastern bank to the western then it’s obvious who’s fault is that (SAA’s), you can’t just have enemies going over your territory (unless they have some invisibility magic or something) like that.

Pave Way IV

IMO, this was hardly a retreat. CENTCOM and the SDF have been and will continue to use this same story every time they organize another ‘ISIS’ attack on the SAA west of the Euphrates. These so-called ISIS attacks might include a few ex-ISIS recruits, but they are mostly manned by Arab tribal militia mercs/SDF that want to continue to fight Assad (and cut the imaginary Shia arc). The SDF is using the area east of the Euphrates for oil revenue and staging fake ISIS attacks.

The fake battles on the (supposedly) SDF-held east side always seem to happen a few days before attacks on the west. Cover for transport and assembly of the fake ISIS mercs from the east side – or their safe houses on the west side – in case anyone notices. CENTCOM then provides ISIS with sat imagery and intel on SAA troop positions, hands over a few gun trucks and sets them loose. CENTCOM and/or the SDF can dismiss any accusations of coordinating ISIS raids by repeating claims they just bombed them or forced them out of another village.

Makes me wonder about the curious ISIS pocket west of the Euphrates, too. Maybe the SAA and allies decided to play the same game with CENTCOM and the SDF. I can imagine all the hand-wringing at MacDill “Hey! Those bastards are doing the same thing that we are. That’s not FAIR!”

Graeme Rymill

Wow! I am filing this one under “F” for fairy tale. Did this all come to you in a dream?

Pave Way IV

I’ll get some CNN references if it will help you understand how SOFCOM earns their paychecks today, Grimmy. Wait – you’re from across the pond, right? Don’t tell me I have to use BBC references. I always feel like I need a bleach-and-wire -brush shower after looking at their informative articles.

Solomon Krupacek


“IGIL is defeated” /Vladimir Pootin/

John Whitehot


“ISIS is winning”

– Amaq

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Well 25 dead ISIS and 2 vehicles say different to talking “Samaq” media.


It was predicted. Including I had mentioned It before in other link. Leave this pocket without additional operation causes great and unnecessary risks.

You can call me Al

But these vermin were not from the pocket; I smell a Yankee Doodle.

Jason Sixx

Areas attacked are adjacent to the pocket … western bank between mayadin and abukamal

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Well the attack failed with devastating effect on ISIS repelled and wiped out.


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A few rats hiding in the desert. Not worth the effort and manpower.

Jason Sixx

But theyve broken through before remember the map shows red around them but dont expect elite units im every corner l, just ndf checkpts. And its a big pocket not a small one. remember qaryatayn suhknah and even ithriya? Rats got through red areas before

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

ISIS tried and died, the attack came from east of the Euphrates and the desert, 25 dead ISIS terrorists it was devastating defeat for them,happened too fast and retreat was better for them or being slaughtered .


This is a secondary front now. Harassment from ISIS is to be expected, the big game is played elsewhere.


Here we go: isis publishes some propaganda and the losing trolls start the ” 9/11 dancing”.


Some comments are really thoughtless… don‘t you seek to develop further rather than degenerate.

al quaida

Keyboard generals expressing their expert opinions based upon a terrorist media release.


The IS is always making a surprise (?) assault on SAA. Why is the SAA always surprised after fighting terrorists during 5 years? When will they ever learn ?

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