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ISIS Launches Surprise Attack On Syrian Army And Iranian Forces In Southern Deir Ezzor

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ISIS Launches Surprise Attack On Syrian Army And Iranian Forces In Southern Deir Ezzor

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On November 18, ISIS launched a surprise attack on positions of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and Iranian forces between the city of al-Mayadin and the town of al-Kashmah in the southern Deir Ezzor countryside, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR).

“The violent clashes are accompanied by intensive shelling carried out by the regime forces [SAA], in attempts to repel the organization’s attacks and force it to stop this attack, amid confirmed information about casualties and injuries in the ranks of both parties,” the UK-based monitoring group said in a report.

The ISIS-linked news agency Amaq didn’t release any report regarding the ongoing attack. However, it said that terrorist group’s fighters shelled positions of the SAA on the western bank of the Euphrates River with 35 mortar rounds.

The attack was likely launched by the remaining ISIS cells in the Homs desert, which lays between the western Dier Ezzor countryside and the eastern Homs countryside. The SAA and its allies will likely move to neutralize these cells in the upcoming few months in order to secure central Syria.

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Vince Dhimos

If ISIS and its partner the US continue to harm the Syrians, the Russians will wait for the right propaganda moment and then move in with their S-300/S-400 systems and the associated EW, and the US fighter aircraft will suddenly find they can’t fly any more.



Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

A very good video, thank you for sharing!

Zionism = EVIL

US and ISIS is the same thing and US serves as its airforce.


I fear the US will just continue, for every ISIS fighter that is killed, the US will employ 2 more.


The Longer The U.S. continues…. the more of their Mental Patients will be Destroyed…if they sell their Soul to them Devil…. they can go to Hell..


Kill every Western Wahhabi Headchopping Goatfucker…Hey West send a Couple of your Kidkilling ISISrael Mercenaries over to Europe so that we can start killing them too…You will run Out of your Headchopping Fucktards pretty Fast….Create as much as you want….it is a Good Way to Rid the World of Massmurdering Psychopaths….GO SAA & Allies….

Manuel Flores Escobar

Surely these terrorist have their nest in Al Tanf area under the protection of US forces

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Half of them probably came up from Al-Tanf where they’re stationed near the US enforced 55 km exclusion zone, the other half are probably made up from some of the 4600 Isis fighters that escaped the fighting during the US campaign in this area a few months ago. So 1500 Isis in Hajin, 4600 hiding out in Ar-Raqqah/Al-Hasakah/ Dier ez-Zor, and an unknown number in Homs near the US base, that just swelled a little in numbers because the ones the SAA just defeated in Rif Dimashq would have already, or are just about to join them there soon, so 1500 + 4600 = 6100 + ? [ 1000/2000] = at least 6100 and possibly up to 8000+ Isis fighters still left in Syria. We still have some way to go before Isis is finished in Syria.

Jens Holm

275 didnt not escape from Raqqa. It was a trade. The 3500 was not fighters.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The campaign to free Raqqah City was more than a few months ago, I’m referring to the latest campaign by the US. The 4600 Isis fighters are from the large pocket that covered parts of Ar Raqqah, Al Hasakah, and Dier ez Zor, the US [initiated by the Iraqis] launched a campaign against them about 3 months ago and it only took 3 weeks to clean them right out. There were an estimated 5000 Isis fighters in those areas and the SDF captured and killed about 400 of them leaving 4600 to escape. The smaller pocket at Hajin which has 1500 Isis fighters has outlasted the larger pocket to the north that had the 5000 fighters but only because they’re getting reinforcements from those 4600 fighters that escaped from the SDF.


ISIS=An Anglo Zionist Joint Effort


Not reported in our Western media – wonder why????

R Trojson

Why have the Russia-Syria-Iran coalition allowed ISIS to strengthen in areas they control. They are even incapable of taking al Safa after having it surrounded for a year.


Because your USraeli Buddies Keep Breeding New Ones all the time

Vince Dhimos

Southfront has been reporting that the SAA is making progress in cleaning out the Al-Safa ratsnest. Let us remember that the militants in Douma (Ghouta) who refused to reconcile were bussed to Idlib. It seemed insane to me when they could have been lined up against the wall and shot, but that is how the Russians and Syrians handled things.Now they need to deal with the problem this caused. I suspect there is a hidden reason for this but haven’t figured it out.

R Trojson

Key is to judge them by their actions not their words. Two weeks ago SF reported Russis-Syria-Iran resupplied al Safa ISIS with at least 4 truckloads of food, drugs, money, ammunition and weapons. Then they pretended to fight them taking time off for “bad weather”. Now we learn al Safa ISIS fled after being surrounded for almost a year. It is desolate desert with no where to hid so they let ISIS go. My bet is ISIS work for Russia and company who sent them off to fight Kurds and US.

Vince Dhimos

Guess you missed the news. Al-Safa was just liberated by the Russians and Syrians. https://southfront.org/al-safa-is-liberated-syrian-army-eliminated-last-isis-held-position-in-al-safa/

Jens Holm

Again lies below have only lying substances.


You are a Lying Bastard….

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