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MARCH 2025

ISIS Lost Initiative In Central Syria, Prepares To Abadon Salamiyah Countryside – Reports

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This week, Syrian government forces have repelled a large ISIS advance in the T2 pumping station area, liberated the key town of Sukhna and further advanced in the area north of the Homs-Palmyra highway.

As a result of these developments, ISIS lost initiative in central Syria and is now in a defensive position in key directions of the government advance.

According to pro-government sources, the ISIS leadership is now steadily withdrawing forces from the area north of the Homs-Palmyra highway. ISIS understands clearly that if government forces overrun the ISIS defense north of Sukhna, they will be able to cut the whole ISIS grouping deployed in the eastern Hama countryside.

This is allegedly one of the man reasons behind the decisdion. The another reason is a lack of manpower to defend the whole central Syria.

ISIS Lost Initiative In Central Syria, Prepares To Abadon Salamiyah Countryside - Reports

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Joe Doe

Southfront forgot mansion about SAA huge losses and that SAA soldiers are demoralized after the attack


Demoralised? The worst is over and ISIS are falling back.

Wahid Algiers

The worst will soon come: the battle for Deir Ezzor of both sides of the Euphrate were the ISIS will concentrate all his power.


isn’t it fatal for ISIS that everywhere it concentrates its power if can be weakend by air strikes most effectively?


Although you are right, defending is much easier than advancing. When the Syrian army tries to advance in deir ezzor battle in the coming months, they will be vastly undermined because Isis will have placed snipers, bombs and mines all over the place. Only way to fight this back is by air support but even that is sometimes not enough. The best solution, would be a machine gun or (tommy gun) that would shoot 100 bullets in seconds. This way, they could kill snipers easily by spraying them.


ISIS does not have control of Deir Ezzor, they are deployed around it having sieged the city a long time without being able to take it. If Tiger forces and 5th Corps make their approach from the north and west respectively, ISIS will be surrounded void of any urban protection, except for the defensive positions they constructed for the siege of the city. If I was an ISIS commander I would completely move southward hoping to make it to the Iraqi border and get “lost” in the desert.

Wahid Algiers

Get lost? They are lost due to the fact that many speak no syrian dialect, are unknown to the syrian population even if they cut off their beards and shorten the hair, they will be identified.


US might airlift some of them after they clean up, somewhere in Iraq for future projects in Africa, Asia or even Caucasus.


Not, the future project for ISIS planned by USA-Israel is Iran and Fillipines.


ISIS still can wait for USA air support, which is possible.

Jan Tjarks

Many thought of this for Sukhna too. But in fact, Sukhna was taken quicker than anyone expected. While it’s still not fully secured, this dealt a major blow to Daesh and their (delaying) strategy.

That they have to move large amounts of troops to counter the taking of the city tells stories of how they are currently faring. Actually, they are not faring very well from what we can see, creating ample opportunities for SAA to take back territory nearly everywhere, beside Sukhna and T2.

And regarding Deir Ezzor itself, the besieged SAA took the cemetery area, cutting off supplies and now already took a part of the city area being cut off. This does not indicate a well organized defense so far.

How this will develop when Daesh will be stuck between the defenders and the incoming SAA formations? Be it from the north, which currently looks more likely, depending on how Ma’adan and beyond works out. Or from the west, which still will take some time, as it seems to receive the big blunt of the Daesh attacks.

I do not see a chance for Daash in such a scenario. The besieged SAA seems to be more than ready for the fight, already taking matters in their own hands in Deir Ezzor.

Sukhna more and more turns out to be the pivoting point of the whole IS nonsense. Al-Bukhama as the last real stronghold is nothing without security from the flanks. The fights between SAA and Daesh around T2 seems to be quite intense, but can’t stop the real advance.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They are sending the Special Mission Forces who excel at Urban fighting to the fight in Ma’adan and to help in Deir ezzoir. Glad the SRG is taking more of an offensive position in reclaiming parts of the city.The issue with Soukhna is the ieds which need clearing then they can clear the city for good of ISIS/Daesh takfiri terrorists.


Your average machine gun has around 600 RPM and are no match for a well positioned sniper, spraying will never help unless you have a thousand machine guns all shooting at the same target with thousands of rounds per each machine gun, you will just make the sniper move.

John Whitehot

ISIS will concentrate “all its power” in cutting their beards and run, like they always do when it comes to fight pitched battles against determined enemies

Wahid Algiers

But where as they are encircled? they are lost due to the fact that many speak no syrian dialect, are unknown to the syrian population and even if they cut off their beards and shorten the hair, they will be identified. So they will fight with all means they have.


That’s not the worst by FAR! Half the city is already controlled by the SAA.


Yes, but here Russia will have the first word, if they want to, since with a rain of missiles and air bombing they can easily erase those terrorists. the question is…. will Russia want to do this ? or they continue with the support given so far such that the war last forever.

John Whitehot


Gary Sellars

agreed, what a sloppy-seconds goat-raper wannanbee…

Jan Tjarks

I see no reason why SAA should be demoralized, quite the opposite. Ma’adan probably won’t be a bloody battle, with Deash withdrawing. Probably the usual “leftovers” as rearguards.

Sukhna, while not fully taken yet, gets better security by the minute, making a push against Sukhna more difficult for Daesh.

T2 Pumping station, heavily defended for a long time, securing Al-Bukhama, the last real stronghold for Daesh, This defense will render itself meaningless, after Deir Ezzor has been taken.

Homs/Hama in the west, as Daesh is moving large numbers of troops out of this area to reinforce the east, it becomes easier to retake this area, which, with its hills and obstacles, otherwise would be very difficult to take.

Especially the last point shows more than blatantly, that Daesh is lacking manpower left and right. And it’s rather confirmed with their forced conscription they issued, than countered.

The only reason I could think of for SAA, would be exhaustion from all the different battles and front lines. But, that is very unlikely, as it is worse for their opponent anyway. If SAA is exhausted, it can take a break, while Daesh is not able to afford itself such a luxury.

That Al-Qaeda is starting to recruit now, shows, they know what is going to happen once Daesh is done.


Do not put attention to these stupidities.

Jan Tjarks

Just debunking nonsense, which everyone can read then. =)

Gary Sellars

fuck off terror-apologist….

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Mentioning ISIS losing at a rate of 4-1 80 dead and as many wounded to the 20 dead and 40 wounded of the SAA , who is demoralized and losing more leaders . The SAA is gaining the initiative in central Syria and expelling ISIS forces while inflicting heavy losses on them. The next group of terrorists to deal with will be HTS after ISIS and then the others will be next.


Dear Joe, you are dreaming at this moment.


ISIS never had the initiative in central Syria, they were in a defensive mode for the last couple of years, now their position is untenable because of its inability to defend long front lines with limited manpower and junk equipment. The question remains, is the central pocket going to be cut off and slowly liquidated, or are the Russians and SAA and allies going to allow ISIS to withdraw gradually and finish them off, as the try to extrictate themselves from central Syria? Having active air bases in Jirah and Tyas would provide Russian and Syrian gunships and Suk 25 with ample opportunities to decimate and render ISIS forces useless.


“withdraw” is “relative”….

Theres not too many places left to “withdraw” to lol


They can make a dash for the Iraqi border west of Al Bukama and hope they get better treatment from the PMU


Yes, this is possible since they will be in USA side (its main supporter).

Gary Sellars

ISIS troops excel at withdrawing… it gives the goats a chance to rest and prepare for tomorrows “fun”

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The Jirah airbase is already active and Tyas airbase will probably be next , ISIS forces are receiving equipment near Deir ezzoir but are finding the fight around the city going not so well for them there as they have lost more ground and lives in the region. If the US/Coalition hadn’t intentionally bombed the Thardeh SRG positions ISIS never would have been where it is and still stuck in a stalemate trying to capture the mountain position.


Decimate ISIS.?

Do the planet a favour and systematically slaughter every one of them – thanks. Our pro islamic government in Britain has just allowed something like 1000 former ISIS terrorists to return to Britain. Arest them? You must be kidding. They hand them free housing, benefits for life and if injured during their mass killing of christians and other – hand them free new cars and full disability benefits and all necessary health care free on the NHS. They will turn on the defenceless British public when the time comes – with apparently the full blessing of Theresa May and co.

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