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ISIS Raids Government Supply Line To Aleppo City, Captures Weapons From Government Forces

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ISIS has responded to the government advance in the province of Homs with intensified attacks on the Ithriyah-Aleppo road that is the only government supply line to Aleppo city.

ISIS terrorists have attacked few Syrian army checkpoints in the area, destroying them and capturing high a notable amount of weapons from government forces including Konkurs and Metis-M anti-tank guided missiles.

ISIS Raids Government Supply Line To Aleppo City, Captures Weapons From Government Forces

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ISIS Raids Government Supply Line To Aleppo City, Captures Weapons From Government Forces

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ISIS Raids Government Supply Line To Aleppo City, Captures Weapons From Government Forces

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ISIS Raids Government Supply Line To Aleppo City, Captures Weapons From Government Forces

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ISIS Raids Government Supply Line To Aleppo City, Captures Weapons From Government Forces

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ISIS Raids Government Supply Line To Aleppo City, Captures Weapons From Government Forces

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Total waste of time.

Expo Marker

This is why the SAA needs to control east Aleppo, or ISIS will keep doing this.

Solomon Krupacek

the saa soldiers should fight and not run. i would shot each of them, who ran away.


The road is not secured and if you are surronded by ISIS rats, you don’t fight for some weapons that the goverment can buy in seconds. You run and fight another day. They did not lose control over positions as such, only weapons. We should not ask them to die for equipment.

Solomon Krupacek

you MUST fight. there is your role. if you should nt, the post were no sense.

and weapons shold be destryed. 1 bunch of grenades is enough ;)

camelfuckers are thes saa soldiers, nothing else.


Naaa ur the camel fucker, they’re out their risking their lives and ur sitting there typing bullshit everyday


I would have thought they would prefer sheeps or goats.

Solomon Krupacek

they are not risking anything. they are running. and take salary for nothing. shoot them!


Who is running? GO TIGERS GO ! :) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a3d2c0e48c9c1ee5bfdb12b30df04a9226016649f3d09fa6f16c6984267ec197.jpg


oh really??? is that how they were able to secure hundreds of kilometers of land in the past few months, secure safe zone agreement, jirah airbase, hundreds of villages and a big part of the jordanian border??? by running???? they are 1,000,000,000,000 times more of a man than u are or ever will be (if u are male). you should be on your hands and knees thanking them for stopping the spread of terrorism to other countries, probably yours too wherever you live

John Brown

No you destroy the weapons first, then you run because one of these weapons may kill you the next day if you don’t destroy them.

Justin Ryan

Its the NDF not the SAA. U should learn the difference before u make such comments!

Solomon Krupacek

also tiger forces are present.

amd eindependently upon your comment, also the ndf members i would shot. they are under military law, too.

Virgil Cane

clear you have never been in battle nor even studied it.

Solomon Krupacek

fuck yourself with your idiotisms!

888mladen .

Very low motivation and no discipline in SAA. particularly NDF. Will there ever be a marshal court in SAA to hold its soldiers responsible for their actions. What’s the estimated value of the captured arms and equipment?

Julius Meinel

This is not an European army Mladen. It is an Arabic one where the discipline features very low on the importance scale . Add the constantly shifting allegiances as well establish feature by now. more often than not all these tribes purse a mercantile interest ( certainly not so much driven by doctrine) and you have what we all see: a rabble army running at the first sight of danger or selling its weapons to the highest bidder. One can not expect much allegiance -if any- from the local Sunni tribe in the desert area south and east of Aleppo.


This seems to be correct, which is why, all thing being equal, both SDF and IS will win aganist SAA.

Gary Sellars

“SDF and IS will win aganist SAA.”

What HATOstani BS…. another goddamn terror-sympathiser…


A frank assesment of fighting capabilities is not symphatizing with anybody.

Better fighters are better fighters, whatever they are as human beings.

In WWII the fighting capabilities of the SS division were superb, even though were reprehensible humans.

In the end IS will lose because of their lower numbers, lack of high tech and heavy weapons, but one on one, they wouwld have – sadly – won against all others in this fight, maybe with the exception of YPG and YPJ.

Be real and honest man.

Bogusław Bogdanoff

Your guesswork on SS soldiers’ moral character is just as worthless as your delusional assesment of YPG’s combat value. None of their defensives or offensives would be possible without US airpower and recently artillery and special forces on the frontlines.

Their operations are planned by their sponsor’s officer corps and even with a crushing advantage in equipment and numbers battles where ISIS gave an actual fight like Manbij and Tabqa were long, bloody slugfests advanced one guided bomb at a time.

Solomon Krupacek

nice weapons for isis.

syria arms the jihadists! :-O

Samuel Boas

What the hell is wrong with you.

Solomon Krupacek


Gary Sellars

more like congenital stupidity….

Solomon Krupacek

for you, stupid moron

you nacionalists never understood humor.

Gary Sellars

..and you don’t understand that you’re a congenitally stupid fuktard.

Gary Sellars

he’s a fuktard…. he’s beyond help.

John Mason

Find that hard to believe. Those weapons would have been destroyed if the terrorists looked like taking those positions.


how then can lose such amount of weapons especially ATGM’s, they should have used those ATGM’s while isis was coming toward them, if they blown up 2 pickups of Isis they would have retreated and this important ammo would not have been in Isis hands or at least before they retreat they should have blown up the ammo with an RPG, now all these ATGMS will will be used against SAA tanks.

Solomon Krupacek

if they were use only part of them, the jihadists are dead.




It is incredible. How these SAA or NDF army can be so ……. given away weapons to the people that will kill them. Where is sirian identity here with this type of army ? John Mason already pointed out… in the worst case scenario the army most be prepared to destroy those weapons !! So stupids and cowards !

Free man

It happens again and again. This happened to the Syrian army, the Iraqi army, and also to the Turkish army. I will not be surprised to hear that ISIS paid the soldiers to run away and leave the weapons.


All armies use 3rd rate soldiers to defend points behind front lines – so does SAA. Especially if virtually ALL other forces are engaged in several simultaneous offensive operations around Syria. ISIL scum had their fun: built a fire, stole some weapons and made selfies. So what, most of them will be worm food by the end of the month anyway…

Free man

It seems to me that you are too forgiving toward the fleeing soldiers. Why don’t we see Kurdish fighters or even ISIS terrorists fleeing a battlefield and leaving weapons behind? Look how long it took ISIS to recapture Palmyra and how long it takes for the Syrian army to re-occupy the area.


Not forgiving – just being realistic and stating facts. Old conscripts of green troops run by default. Arab militaries run more often than other outfits – also a fact. You can’t expect to have SAA station elite troops in every check point on all 100kms of road that can only be taken for real if ISIL takes Khanasser – and that’s not gonna happen. As for the Kurds – remember 2013, they were running like rabbits all the way to Kobani. It took 6 months of NATO air strikes for them to stop. Now Kurds have tight little front line secured on the the flanks by SAA and Iraq. There’s not much places where ISIL could try a raid. SAA has a frontline that’s almost as big as WW2 eastern front – and has 5% of troops Red Army had. Also, during 2012-13 SAA was under orders to defend every position to the last man – and we had all those ISIL execution videos to prove they did. A position can be recaptured in a day – it takes 20 years to grow a new soldier.

Solomon Krupacek

araber! this IS FRONTLINE!!!!


Moron! No it’s not. It’s a 100km supply road covered with checkpoints and Khanasser as a link. East of it there’s no frontline – just contested, uncontrollable empty desert without roads or inhabited places. It’s Syrian equivalent of Egyptian western desert during WW2. So what if ISIL pulled off an odd raid. Did they try and secure the gain – no because they can’t support it. Did they take anything of value or irreplaceable – no, same ammo, a fagot ATGM. Road is opened, and the rats will be dead in due time.

Gary Sellars

Bingo… at least someone on this forum as a clue as to what is really happening.


Thanks :-)


Check point on a desert road , is not front line .

Solomon Krupacek

it IS. there is frontline.

Gary Sellars

Meh…. IS raids a few checkpoints and grabs some minor weapon stashes, while the SAA is rolling thru East Allepo and making a bee-line to Maskhanar.

SAA is doing the right thing and not allowing itself to be distracted. The NDF can handle these IS attacks (which they clearly are as the foat-guckers are retreating back into the desert with their loot as they cannot hold the checkpoints against incoming NDF reinforcements).

DJ Double D

But the truth is that NDF has done this over and over again – retreating on all fronts on any ISIS attack and leaving large cache of weapons behind. Maybe they should be investigated in case there are ‘Fifth Columns’ among them.

Justin Ryan

Keep in mind they are just volunteers with a few weeks of training. They are only fighting to get a wage to feed their families (due to the war screwing up their former employement). They probably don’t want to be killed. I’d say they fight if they’ve got the upper hand but if not, they’d run. They are not hardened soldiers willing to die for their cause (im sure a lot would die for their cause) but not all. And u can’t expect an untrained militia to fight a battle hardened force who are most likely ex Iraqi or ex Syrian military or perhaps paid mercenaries. I wouldn’t speak too badly upon them dude. They are still risking their lives for a few measly dollars per day. The SAA is stretched over so many front lines as it is. They are doing a good enough job. Cheers

DJ Double D

Sounds about right.

Virgil Cane

well said


This action can be interpreted in two ways. One, ISIS (in eastern Aleppo) can only resort to hit and run tactics instead of conventional ones because they are severely weaken, desperate and need victories for moral sake. Two, while this action has yielded an impressive outcome, they haven’t cut the supply line nor have they forced SAA to plough substantial reinforcements (if the latter really did at all.) Quite the contrary, this action is as a result of the SAA advances made to their rear front.


Disgraceful that is all you need, that is some good equipment

DJ Double D

NDF Manned?


Total stupidity to left these weapons to the terrorists !!! This just represent a lack of preparation commitment of some (or many) elements of the SAA army. You can not just run away and left weapons to your enemy, even more, you must not run away because your country and your family future depends on what is happening also at that moment. You must give your life for the future of your country, point.

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