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ISIS Recaptures Several Positions In Southern Deir Ezzor, Inflicts Casualties To US-Backed Forces (Photos, Videos)

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ISIS Recaptures Several Positions In Southern Deir Ezzor, Inflicts Casualties To US-Backed Forces (Photos, Videos)

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On January 13, ISIS fighters recaptured several positions from the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) east of the village of al-Buqa’n in the southeastern Deir Ezzor countryside, according to the ISIS linked news agency Amaq.

The media outlet added that ISIS fighters killed two fighters of the SDF and injured three others during their attack east of al-Buqa’n.

Moreover, Amaq reported that ISIS fighters destroyed a BMP-1 and a Humvee of the SDF east of al-Buqa’n with ATGMs killing or injuring several SDF fighters who were inside the vehicles.

ISIS Recaptures Several Positions In Southern Deir Ezzor, Inflicts Casualties To US-Backed Forces (Photos, Videos)

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ISIS Recaptures Several Positions In Southern Deir Ezzor, Inflicts Casualties To US-Backed Forces (Photos, Videos)

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ISIS Recaptures Several Positions In Southern Deir Ezzor, Inflicts Casualties To US-Backed Forces (Photos, Videos)

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ISIS also attacked a key position of the SDF around Gharanij town in the southeastern Deir Ezzor countryside with two VBIEDs according to Amaq. The ISIS-linked news agency claimed that over thirty SDF fighters were killed or injured in the VBIEDs attacks.

From its side the US-led coalition stepped up its operations against ISIS in southeastern Deir Ezzor and shelled several positions of the terrorist group with the HIMARS multiple rocket launcher system, according to the video circulating online.

So far the SDF has failed to secure or capture the towns of Gharanij and Hajin due to the fierce resistance of ISIS there. The terrorist group appears to be willing to defend their last strong points in the Euphrates Valley.

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IS remains a dangerous enemy. SDF will continue its fight with support from US and Russia.

It seems to be getting more likely that soon SDF will fight the northern Islamists and Jihadis too. I give it less than 50% happening, but with dictators like Erdogan and Assad, one never knows.

Doom Sternz

Both Assad and Erdogan were elected in a democracy. Now if we look at the US elections were the president and 3 generals run the country its quite clear we have a military junta.

How about you just drop the propaganda.

Florian N

Ah, I understand, if there is an election in the US than it must be propaganda. But if a state in which there had not been a real opposition for decades (because it was not allowed) and the only rulers were from the baath-party, than that’s a great democracy.


A great democracy is a state whereas the media isn’t fed disinformation to trick the public and where the media isn’t neither pro republican nor pro democratic. In the US, the system is not even close to being democratic. Not only does only 2 parties rule, but they have been ruling for decades. Real democracy is having over 10 parties for the people to choose from, without being deranked in the media!


Don’t compare USA democracy to Syrian or Turkish “Democracies” because that just makes u look bad to be honest

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

No , that just makes him smart in his analysis , US democracy is a joke there is a two party system but actuality it’s one, if you are corrupt you rarely ever go to jail. Seems you are the one being dishonest and looking bad. Besides to get a fair comparison then we would have to add all of the democracies and republics in the world.

Frank Behrens

errr, isn`tr that up to the voters? No one forced them to elect either of those parties…in fact, there are a lot of parties in the US .

Gary Sellars

A lot of parties in the US? Take a look at the US congress… how many independents do you find?

Frank Behrens

and which “fault” is that? Exactly…that of the voters.

Tudor Miron

Yes, it is “voters” fault but do they really have a choice? Don’t fool yourself.

Frank Behrens

Of cause they have a choice…saying otherwise IS foolish


with a mulitude of parties you could chose upon.


Again, just because the majority of voters elects not to your liking , doesn`t makes the votes …somehow un-democratic or rigged.

Florian N

Sure, there are a lot of issues. But my statement was because someone called the Syrian “Republic” a better democracy than the US. Not about the problems the US-democracy has.


The US is a de facto two party state with a unified foreign policy of aggression and blackmail.

Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose.


Overall though states seem to have a fairly consistent foreign policy, whoever is in charge. Probably because national interests and strategic threats don’t change that much, despite who gets elected.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

You are right about them having a consistent foreign policy , and that’s none.They never ever revealed one to the public ever, all fly by the seat of your pants shit,not kidding.


Its just rather sad that the US Foreign Policy since WW2 ( and before) has been consistent and one of military aggression, blackmail and corporate looting.


Fully agreed and this goes for both democratic states and non democratic states. Exceptions on this are rare.

Gary Sellars

The US is a ONE PARTY state (aka DEEP STATE)… but with two faces (ie management teams)…


Yes indeed. A Hydra that includes the heads of Israel ,CIA et al . Those like minded entities that control the USA.

Florian N

Why does nobody read the conversation I’m answering to?! I never said the US is a perfect democracy, but compared to the Syrian “Republic” it is a good democracy.


Tell that to the people of Ferguson .

Florian N

Tell that to people of Buxtehude.

Solomon Krupacek

Both Assad and Erdogan were elected in a democracy.

in REDUCED democracy


And why hasn’t the SDF destroyed ISIS on the east bank of the river already. You always talked about how strong the Kurds are, but it is not evident here. Something smells rotten here !


You should realise that training a new terror group is like training an old dog to do new tricks. If the new US terror group drawn from ISIS start immolating people in cages etc , questions would be asked. All this re-training takes time. Especially during the Christmas Holiday period. Beards will also need to be shaved and there is little sun at this time of year to tan the white bits.

Diversity training must also be programmed and female ISIS bitches fully integrated into the combat formations. We must not call them terrorists any more. Perhaps ‘The International Future for Syria Brigade’ has a softer tone to it and with its own FaceBook page to boot. Plus a Twitter Feed and embedded CNN and CSNBC reporters as well .

Terrorists, sorry, Missionaries for Peace really need to be fully integrated ( but completely expendable just like Hispanic’s and Negro’s) into the US Military , with special forces named ‘ Sea Lion Team 6 ‘ perhaps?

The US Military is an Equal Opportunity Employer.


FlorianGeyer: “Beards will also need to be shaved and there is little sun at this time of year to tan the white bits.” Are you sharing material with PavewayIV ? :DDDD

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It’s heartwarming to see you too understand and feel the importance of ISIS beard shaving. I’m very happy that I’m not alone!

But I must admit you’re one step ahead of me. I never thought about the white bits. Shame on me, seems I lost my touch!


I only realised myself when I took off my watch and noticed the ‘ white bit’.


They can always benefit from the Donald’s experience. The only problem is they will turn into “orange bits”! :))

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They are losing to a better trained force Colonials never train their sepoys very well.


In any war, nobody wins all the time in all places. Overall SDF is doing good and are still progressing in general.

At the same time, one can be sure SDF is building up and positioning reserves for possible developments elsewhere. They still have limited manpower so the US building up a borderforce of 30k and help expanding SDF with some 20 to 30k in 2018 will see a total of anywhere between 150 to 200k under the banner of Northern Syria ultimo 2018.

Langaniso Mhlobo

I enjoy sometimes your coments because you create debate.But My friend this is dangerous lies were did you copy this. Or are you sitting in a Cinema watching Chuck Norris and Rambo movies.

Toni Liu

He just troll that kind to broke people mind and unity, he more like typical american divide et impera who success to destroy many middle east country, dont get what he talk because he the real aids in here


When we want to see golden oldies, we tend to see them on Netflix or the like, not in cinema. As for lies, I do not know what exactly you refer to. Like anyone else, I sometimes misinterpreted matters, make mistakes, have my own point of view, but I will not knowingly lie.

I am happy though you enjoy my comments, even if it is only sometimes.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Funny how you mention Erdogan and Assad as dictators yet both won by a republican voting system, Assad won by 78.5% vote what did Stump win by an Electoral college. Russia support is only for Afrin being a deescalation zone and nothing more.


All for show .. doubt there was any real fights. Just an excuse for US to stay in Syria.

Fools no one.

US stay is just unsustainable


Russian example in several regions shows otherwise


Come on, US needs ISIS to have the excuse to stay . Russia does not

Even now creating Border force manned by Kurds to create a state which are against Syria , Russia, Iran, Turkey, Hezbollah , PMU…..

How to succeed? After Sochi picture will be clearer


The European refugees have taken the whole Palestinians home land from Palestinians by fraud and by gunpoint. Then they have recognized this land as a state of European refugees from world leaders as state of Israel by big lies and frauds.


All world leaders should have to withdraw from the recognition of this illegal European terrorist state Israel in the Middle East and stop sacrificing more Palestinians for these European refugees.


Under conspiracy of Zionism these illegal European terrorists secretly and illegally have entered in Palestine and then they have closed the doors on Palestinians and have converted whole Palestine into a human slaughter house.


Provide well trained army as well as light and heavy weapons under air cover to Palestinians because nobody can win from vicious brutal enemy by rocks against heavy machine guns. Enough is enough please don’t joke with Palestinians. In the world there is kind and respect for animals then why not there is no kind and respect for Palestinians.



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Words are so important today, so much so that truth seekers have to be extremely carefully that the terms written and spoken are not framed (context limited) by the propagandist, especially US and Euro journalism’s ” in bed with” journalist; case in point “US Backed” The truth is all combatants that are in US designated ex Syrian lands are part and parcel of US Armed Forces. World people, those without head up ass, know that ISIL and Al’Q were paid trained armed , and sometimes protedby, US paymasters That the Kurds in Syria have no form of independent revenue (currency of exchange) No independent manufacturing, and that all staffing of their pseudo bureaucracy and promised governing body was put in place , and maintained in place by US Military and department rule makers. Their military is under direct control, nhas US advisors and Spec Ops of US embedded and directed from squad to general staff by US military directive. US military State has special social building units, primarily made up of social engineers from U Many Diciplines at US University and NOG staffers. In truth those who fight against Syria are US paramilitary forrces. They are all a terrorist force, and by any stretching of words should they be called anything but US terrorist. Kurds can try to hide behind some F’n ancient history of London powers that they never posessed, but they are but pure terrorist lackeys in US military employ. Each time you use term US backed it hides truth of just how filly corrupt US Empire and it’s military forces are.


Every week I read about hundreds of mongoloids “graduating” from SDF military training. I guess they just sit around spending US taxpayer money…

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