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ISIS Released Info About Alleged Casualties Of Iraqi Forces In Second Day Of Tal Afar Operation

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The ISIS-linked news agency Amaq has released information about the alleged casualties of Iraqi forces in the second day of the Tal Afar operation in northern Iraq.

According to Amaq, the Iraqi Army failed to advance in Termah village west of Tal Afar, but army troops successfully gained groun in Tel Samman village east of Tal Afar. At the same time, clashes continued in the central and eastern parts of the Tal Afar pocket.

In total, Amaq claimed that 95 pro-government Iraqi soldiers were killed, 4 Cougars, 12 Humvees, a Bulldozer a minesweeper and 24 other vehicles were destroyed.

SVBIED attacks and IEDs were a main tool causing damage to the anti-ISIS forces in the area.

ISIS Released Info About Alleged Casualties Of Iraqi Forces In Second Day Of Tal Afar Operation

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…including 2 spaceships, 1 submarine, 7 battle dragons and 14 trebuchets

Red Tick Alert

Please give ISIS credit when deserved:

2 spaceships, 1 submarine, 7 battle dragons and 14 trebuchets

and a partridge in a pear tree; 2 Turtle Doves 3 French Hens 4 Calling Birds 5 Gold Rings 6 Geese a-Laying 7 Swans a-Swimming 8 Maids a-Milking 9 Ladies Dancing 10 Lords a-Leaping 11 Pipers Piping 12 Drummers Drumming

Richard M

Looks like Army and PMU should wrap this up in a few days. Daesh will try to flee north through Kurd controlled lands. They will be hunted and killed like partridges!

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They always seem to have good rapport with the Kurds and get resupplied and rearmed by the US from that side. They will escape since Kurds won’t kill their brothers in terrorism and murder and mayhem.

eric zweistein

SouthFront: “Where is your latest causality report?!” ISIS PR: “We have stopped publishing it.” SouthFront: ” Whhaaat??!!” ISIS PR: “No customers anymore…” SouthFront: “Come on… !” ISIS PR: “Ok, I will prepare something for you, brother.” SouthFront: *Cheers, buddy!*

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