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MARCH 2025

ISIS Released Video Showing “Two Russians” Captured During Clashes In Central Syria

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ISIS Released Video Showing "Two Russians" Captured During Clashes In Central Syria

Alleged photo of the captured Russian nationals

The ISIS-linked news agency Amaq has released a video showing “two Russians” that the terrorist group’s members have allegedly captured during the recent clashes near the village of al-Shulah located at the Palmyra-Deir Ezzor highway in central Syria.

In late September ISIS claimed that it has captured “two Russian soldiers” in the area. The Russian Defense Ministry deined these claims.

The people showed by ISIS do not look like Russian military service members. For example, Russian soldiers don’t have beards.

According to the ISIS video, their names are Roman Zabolotniy (year of birth – 1979) and Grigory Surkanov (year of birth – 1978).  So, the filmed men are much older than common service members of the Russian military involved in the operation in Syria.

These people could be private military contractors or members of some pro-government faction operating in Syria. Most likely they are civil employees for the Assad government. So, they are not combatants.

SF does not release the ISIS video. However, it could be easily found online.

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John Whitehot

Or with all respect, they could be two ISIS members posing as someone else.


Hopefully that’s the case, otherwise my prayers to them and I hope they don’t suffer.

Zainab Ali

desperate and brainwashed zio satanic losers will do anything for their evil masters – till they rot in perm hell

Free man

Poor souls. I hope they will not suffer much.

jim crowland

When are we in the Christian world going to take over these Muslim so called countries? If they want to die we will help them, including Isis, Al Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah, Assad………


It happened some centuries ago, we haven’t been around then. I heard it was no fun, can you imagine? Whaaat?

Almost all of Muslim countries were under the rule of European powers, except for the Ottoman Empire (only areas of today Turkey) and Iran. The last one that gained independence I think was Algeria.

If you can call NATO countries Christian, they already do their best to kill as much Muslims as they can. Well, not exactly as much as they can, but still they “help”.


Please, inform me.

Where are Nato Countries (like Turkey) kill as much muslims as possible. As Nato countries.


Read again: “NATO countries….Well, not exactly as much as they can, but still…”

NATO countries, not the organization. However:

NATO is currently attacking Afghanistan, northern Pakistan, bombed Libya, Sudan, Somalia. Even Norway is present in Syria. Do you need a source? https://www.alternet.org/grayzone-project/us-dropped-26171-bombs-7-muslim-countries-2016 Other NATO members participated in almost all of them.

Another source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_NATO_Operations

They also bombed non-Muslim countries resulted in death and destruction. While you may argue they are fighting terrorists, I’m talking about “collateral damage”, AKA murder of civilians.

You have been informed, you’re welcome.


They are not there as Nato. Individual countries some of whom are Nato, many are not.

You confuse Nato as an organisation with acts by Nato members. This is not co-equal. So, as far as I am concerned, end of this part of the discussion.

As for killing of civillians, yes. Something to be avoided but sometimes not possible. I am quite certain the 2.500 RuAF airstrikes on Idlib region in ONE week were not without civillian casualties. In fact, there are many reports on this by independent NGO’s.


You haven’t read either of my posts, have you?

“NATO countries, not the organization. However:”

That’s the 3rd time I’m writing it, please read it slowly this time so the words sink. Then, this part of discussion was ended before you starting it.

Killing the civilians is always avoidable. Just like what the Syrians did in Qaryatayn a few days ago, and how they negotiate to relocate the terror groups from the populated areas. Just like the way Iran fought Saddam’s Iraq.

Remember: Even if there was reliable proof of civilians’ death because of RuAF, that does not give any excuses to the US to do worst. US’s main strategy in any war since it’s creation has been killing of civilians, from the Native Indians in the 1800s, to Raqqa 2017. US teaches and demands it’s allies and cronies to do the same.

John Whitehot

jews posing as christians don’t have any effect.


Fuck your ‘Christian World’

Amine Mansouri

hhhh salahuddin fucked all your crusader mothers

Brother Ma

Yes ,he was a kurd.pity all other moslems hate them now.

Amine Mansouri

Nowadays muslim kurds have gone, we only have traitors and zionist kurds


lets hope the front will deteriorate so quickly that the prisoners will be found alive and well after the retreat of rats


I think SF is correct here in its reasoning. The suggestion they are non combatants I find ludricous unless they are part of a NGO, which would surprise me in a combat zone.

My guess would be “Warner” forces, Russian mercenaries.

Free man

One of the captives in Syria – Turcanu Grigory Mikhailovich, 20/12/78, a member of the Domodedovo branch “Combat Brotherhood” . https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DLOMoVPW4AAH2M2.jpg

Brother Ma

Turcanu ? Moldavian transdneistrian russian?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

That picture is so unlikely this just one of those people stretching on this.

Brother Ma

Tudor miron, what do you think?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Two different people nice try though take a closer look and you will see , or you are either complete imbecile like those who post on YouTube. 1. You would have noticed the hair never mind the Hairline but the color is different 2. Jawline is different 3. Chin is different 4. Ears are different 5. Noses are different 6. Wonder if you want me to go on or are you really stretching?

My suggestion is for you to take it down before you get embarrassed any further.


“1. You would have noticed the hair never mind the Hairline but the color is different” Don’t people go gray in your world?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Brown hair underneath! also different necklines , people need to get better at this.

Solomon Krupacek


T. Ricky Ottome

Looks different to me most people don’t look too closely and just accept it as so without looking carefully.


Russia has said nothing about it.

John Whitehot

actually they denied it.

Valery Grigoryev

Military intelligence never acknowledges its losses…

T. Ricky Ottome

What is your problem , they don’t even look like Military intelligence and have no military look to them one looks defiant the other seems like timid. What you looking at are 2 cell tower workers same type of guys that go to school any where else to work in Telecommunications.

Valery Grigoryev

Firstly: it is not ‘my problem’. Secondly: military intelligence must not look like military intelligence:) Are you a kid?

T. Ricky Ottome

Firstly: You have a problem an overly suspicious mind. Secondly: They turned out to be volunteers from a fraternal order who volunteers for everything.:))) What are you a suspicious pervert, like little kids or something!!

Valery Grigoryev

Anyway, I am not a stupid cad like you, Mr.Unknown. Keep fart to somebody else, please :) Take note, that I know about those guys a little bit more than you…


Dude you claimed he was Turcano , it wasn’t did you even bother to look at the pictures the prisoner has blond hair not red. Dude you just proved that your the dolt and cad and you seem to have your own stench after getting it completely wrong. Dude you apparently know less about these two than you think.

John Whitehot

“Russian soldiers don’t have beards”

meh. wonder if we’ll soon see some pic with Russian soldiers with beards on SF.

T. Ricky Ottome

Definitely not soldiers or PMC more like workers repairing the cell towers in the region.


There was some post on Twitter that they are sentence to burning alive .

Travis Kelso

Fake News! I only listen to what I’m told to by Putin and his state controlled media. “Says 95% of southfront readers”.


No you trust ISIS here, and CNN like a good braindead zombie. btw how many (new) accounts you need to troll SF you pathetic piece of shite?

Travis Kelso

Oh wait the “Liger Forces”, are about to cross the Euphrates and destroy the SDF. Oh wait, I’m Zionist, or I’m in the CIA, my masters in washington D.C. Thanks for the cheap gas I get to put in my truck every day.


You’re an idiot, a pathetic SJW loser troll with zillion accounts, nothing else.

Travis Kelso Joined Sep 27, 2017 Comments 53 all on Soufthfront

Travis Kelso

No I have 2 Zillion accounts. Please keep the facts straight. We are running a tight ship. Really can someone tell me how people get paid to talk shit on here? Everyone says I’m in the CIA, a troll, I have a zillion accounts and not to be believed that I’m real. So please someone tell me how I get paid to BAG on you tools all day.

T. Ricky Ottome

Seems like the best thing to do with an idiot like you is just ignore you , then maybe you will turn into a toad , wait your already there.


Asshole I never said you were paid, you are worthless: just a turd with a computer and too much time… you obviously made that account for no other reason but to troll SF. Facts. That means you have nothing better to do with your life, you don’t even have a life, or purpose (nor brain) you just trolling the site you hate. That’s pathetic. You’re a waste of oxygen. Why don’t you do us all a favor and die?

Travis Kelso

So your saying if I’m typing on here I don’t have anything better to do with my life? So what does that make you then? I don’t hate this site, I just think you guys make up your own facts. I find it entertaining to call it out. Most people on here live in a alternate universe that Russia is equal to the US militarily and economically. Its flat out false.

T. Ricky Ottome

The facts speak for themselves Russia has less bases and doesn’t eat up 645 billion on bases and personnel payroll alone.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Redneck white trash Troll , this is truly pathetic more like some little child who is walking around in a man’s body with a little boy attitude and like “Tiny hands Trump”.

T. Ricky Ottome

The stupidest commenting I’ve ever seen are you always this stupid all the time! I see that down further in your comments you confirm other people’s opinion about you and according to you it’s 80% stupidity.

Travis Kelso

Whats stupid is the fact that you think people screaming in blog posts and the fake maps on this site are real news!

T. Ricky Ottome

The only one being fake is you dude , talking about shit you don’t understand and being an ignorant stooge , go back to Fakestream Media News your kind of trash doesn’t float here.

Travis Kelso

Oh yea what don’t I understand? Have you ever served in the US military? Have you ever served on a U.S. aegis cruiser? I understand US military capabilities. I also understand that a conventional war against conventional forces, the United States would absolutely destroy any force on earth. So stop talking like the US isn’t going to be a dominate force in peace terms!


Dude you would shit your pants if you were fighting an equally equipped foe ,so far all fighting has been against poorly equipped enemies and the US lost. The only force that the US seems to destroy is it’s own military force. US can’t negotiate the difference between a turd and ham sandwich never mind being able to bring about peace terms!

Travis Kelso

Equally equip foe, you mean like the mig-29 that lasted a average of 15 seconds in the first gulf war? You mean when the US destroyed the 4th largest army in the world in a few days in the first gulf war? That was the last conventional forces to face off against the United States. Not like the ASSAD, IRANIAN, RUSSIAN or TURKISH armies are running around the in the shadows in the mountains or jungle dude.


The first gulf war , the US like the second used the various local forces and the Mig 29 was old and a domestic export , so what is your point. That one was a fake battle in the first place they even asked the Iraqis to invade. Due there are no jungles in Syria or Iraq and so far they just bomb the shit out of everything like they did in Fallujah. They had to or they would have been sending more home in body bags.


You put it too high, Imo just 80%.

T. Ricky Ottome

Seems like 80% Jack Ass even higher, anyone who condones him must be a 100% Jack Ass!

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Wow another asshole troll spouting stupidity seems like you are what you presume everyone else to be just another annoying dirtbag with nothing relevant to say.

Travis Kelso

Nope, just call it like I see it, As my dutch friend pointed out my assessment was a little off more like 80%.

T. Ricky Ottome

Sounds like 80% Jerk off do always act like that or were you like Madonna says “Born that way”.

Travis Kelso


T. Ricky Ottome

Idiot !


Most folks will LIE when the lie serves them. Personally I believe nothing I do not witness on Youtube.

Amine Mansouri

they look like chechens

Arthur Smith

Not at all.

Valery Grigoryev

No. Both of them are Russians: one is from Moscow area, and the other is from Rostov area (southern Russia, near Donbass). I suppose they’re some PMC troops.


Warner pmc?

Valery Grigoryev

May be. There are several ones.

T. Ricky Ottome

They don’t look it, they could be communications workers lot of repairs to the communication towers in the region.

Gary Sellars


Terra Cotta Woolpuller

These guys are very likely employees working with the government and not the type of contractors one would think. They look like engineers and not mercenaries , just shows how stupid these ISIS terrorists are illiterate bumpkins almost like the Kurds who refuse to learn and go to school in Syria and Iraq


So, what ? any way you are going with Alah sooner or later, meanwhile, these russian (if they are) are already heros who we respect and deserve to be remember for ever (if they are assassinated).


Faked as usual by the LOSING muricunts. These are NOT Russian soldiers.


I hope they get away unharmed.

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