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ISIS Releases Summary Of Its Attacks In Syria In 2020

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ISIS Releases Summary Of Its Attacks In Syria In 2020

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On January 6, the ISIS news agency Amaq released an infographic summarizing the terrorist group’s operations in Syria in 2020.

The report claimed that ISIS cells carried out 593 operations in seven Syrian governorates last year. The operations were distributed as it follows:

  • 389 attacks in Deir Ezzor;
  • 59 attacks in Raqqa;
  • 39 attacks in al-Hasakah;
  • 38 attacks in Homs;
  • 36 attacks in Aleppo;
  • 29 attacks in Daraa;
  • 3 attacks in Hama.

According to Amaq, ISIS operations included 256 attacks with improvised explosive devices, 123 assaults and 191 assassinations.

The terrorist group’s operations allegedly claimed the lives of 901 members of the Syrian Democrat Forces (SDF), 407 Syrian service members and 19 Free Syrian Army fighters. 292 vehicles, including 148 4×4 pickups and 13 armoured vehicles were also destroyed.

Most of the victims, around 764 people, were killed in Deir Ezzor. The eastern part of the governorate is controlled by the SDF, while the western part is under the control of the Damascus government.

While the number of attacks seems in line with the available information, there is no doubt that ISIS has exaggerated the losses of its enemies. The group uses such infographics to boost the morale of its supporters.

ISIS continues to take advantage of the Syrian crisis to rebuild its influence in the country. The group is stepping up its activities in areas held by more than one side, like Deir Ezzor, and where those sharing power are not coordinating as they should, like in Daraa.


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catalin zt

EXTERMINATE anglo-saxonkhazarians two SCUM RACES from baby capitalist-fascist to adult MORON and the NATIONS of Earth will live peace and harmony FOREVER! AMEN!!!!!


U.S. national debt (only) $ 27.8 trillion https://usdebtclock.org/#

John Wallace

Doesn’t mater how much their debt is as they have No intentions of ever paying it back. They will just default and wipe the debt and start again.


U.S. national debt is an reminder, illustration of the general situation in US economy. “they have No intentions of ever paying it back”?! if everything is so simple. they will pay debt + interests (to the foreign investors ) back, once… when they are not world power any more… they can’t “default” out of everything forever.


From that debt only third is owed to foreign entities.

Also they add inflation in the past 100 years in debt, no other country calculates that from what I know.

Just Me

As can be clearly seen, these new US deadbeat taxpayer funded weapons are coming in via Ukraine, Poland and Bulgaria. The CIA is desperate to rearm the headchoppers before US goes into total meltdown. Turkey is the new Pakistan as terror conduit central.


True. But CIA has also secret “black funds” ( their drugs smuggling heroin, cocaine) for their wars, coups and similar. Pentagon has the same except they are not in drugs smuggling but steel from U.S.tax payers directly (25+ trillion “missing” in failed audit)

Rhodium 10

They need to boost morale while receiving money and weapons from USA and Saudi Arabia in Al Tanf…but they have no chance to take not even a single checkpoint.

Johnny B. Allan

They do hold territories in Syria not much but they do on all the official maps. Territories in the desert. They have killed scores of SAA this year and the year before mainly on the highways since it is out in the wilderness

Rhodium 10

Just one Helicopter flying along the highway keep terrrosit away…but SAA is incompetent and imprudent since the israeli war of 1967…

johnny rotten

Cancel isisrahell and the isis will disappear into oblivion.


must out smart them and prepare the TRAPS for them – easy targets for attack…. and when they attack, than kill them…. http://www.animalatticpest.com/images/rat600t.jpg

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Lord save us from stupidity.

“ISIS continues to take advantage of the Syrian crisis to rebuild its influence in the country. The group is stepping up its activities in areas held by more than one side, like Deir Ezzor, and where those sharing power are not coordinating as they should, like in Daraa.”

Due to the difficulty of translating anything Russian into English I’m not sure if I understand what they mean when they say “like in Daraa”, do they mean the situation is the same in Darra as it is in Deir ez Zor, or do they actually mean they’d prefer the situation in Deir ez Zor to be more like Darra, I’m pretty sure they mean it’s just as bad, especially when SF keeps telling us the “situation in Darra is spiraling out of control”. There are only 3 main groups that have any power at all, it’s the Syrian Government of course, the Iranians, and the lonely little Russians who always seem to be on the arse end of any power sharing deals that includes Iran. So who is SF referring to, who’s not sharing power, and who’s causing all the problem when it come to coordinating an effective response to the growing Isis threat, it’s the same group I always accuse, Iran, it can’t be anyone else SF is referring to, I doubt very much they’re referring to Assad, and I’m positive they’re not blaming themselves. I’ll bet the simpletons will read this and think SF is referring to the US, but the US doesn’t have a presence in Darra, it’s just the Russian’s, Iranians, and Syrians sharing power down there, so SF couldn’t use Darra as a comparison if they meant the US. :] Iran’s turned into a monster and has to be driven out, and yes I know they’ve been a big help to Syria in the past but they’re not anymore, now they’re doing much more harm then good and they have to leave. Local Sunni resentment and Israeli agitation are just 2 of the main problems Iran causes, but there are many many more, this article is referring to another one of those problems, a lack of appropriate coordination.

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