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MARCH 2025

ISIS Renews Its Attack Against Syrian Army In Al-Bukamal

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On June 10, ISIS renewed its attack on the strategic city of al-Bukamal near the Syrian-Iraqi border in the southern Deir Ezzor countryside, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR). The pro-opposition monitoring group said that several suicide bombers of the terrorist group targeted positions of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies around the border city.

ISIS Renews Its Attack Against Syrian Army In Al-Bukamal

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Syrian pro-government sources confirmed that ISIS fighters failed to capture any key positions around or inside al-Bukamal. A source in the SAA also told SouthFront that the SAA and its allies deployed several new units around the strategic city to reinforce their positions there.

Meanwhile, Syrian opposition activists revealed that the US-led coalition deployed several special operation units in the town of al-Baghuz on the eastern bank of the Euphrates River in order to monitor the ongoing clashes between the SAA and ISIS in al-Bukamal on the western bank.

The US-led coalition may be planning to cross into al-Bukamal if ISIS manges to capture it, according to opposition activists. However, local observers doubt that the coalition will do this because it will be a violation of the de-escalation zone in the Euphrates valley.

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Promitheas Apollonious

`However, local observers doubt that the coalition will do this because it will be a violation of the de-escalation zone`

And who in your opinion is sending isis to attack SAA, if not the UK/Usrael? Exactly so they get an excuse to expand. Or have you seen them to honor any agreements they making, just so they buy time to establish de facto situations?

Icarus Tanović

ISIS can’t do shit there. Teasing… maybe. USa will do anything to protect their honeys, aka head chopping monstrosities.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Isis can’t but those big French artillery guns can. Another coalition accident’s just waiting to happen.


Russian MOD should issue a statement in clear mockery of US coalition incompetence against cleaning up in their own controlled territory. Their soft spotted feeling of pride and entitlement get easily hurt.

Bill Wilson

LOL! It’s the other way around. ISIS has been attacking from supposedly SAA controlled territory. I have yet to read about any SAA units leaving their garrisons to block ISIS movements to al-Bukamal. What’s your opinion about that? I personally believe that those garrisons were instructed to sit pat since they offer little in creature comforts to ISIS compared to regaining control of towns and villages along the river. ISIS won’t bother with them until they gain a major bridgehead in al-Bukamal where they can start moving in more fighters and civilians from the central desert. Russia and the US are watching that region from space so either one should make a move via aerial attacks to wipe out the ISIS convoys while still out in the desert.

Wise Gandalf

Russia, SAA = impotent oxes


“impotent” is word more suited for old fart like you

Wise Gandalf

howdy, shemale?


howdy old impotent schmuck

John Mason

Just cut the BS and send a few missiles, “from love Russia”, no point in wasting innocent lives.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

Stand strong SAA do not let them take even an inch!!! Make the cost extremely high for the daeshbags!!!

Willing Conscience (The Truths

” The US-led coalition may be planning to cross into al-Bukamal if ISIS manges to capture it, according to opposition activists. However, local observers doubt that the coalition will do this because it will be a violation of the de-escalation zone in the Euphrates valley “. I posted a bible yesterday concerning this very possible, and I believe probable scenario unfolding, though I had a slightly different take on the possible scenario and I think my scenario is even more likely, mine went like this. Isis cross the river and attack SAA positions with massive forces. The French pretend to assist with their artillery but “accidently” hit several vitally strategic SAA positions, allowing Isis to overwhelm the SAA. The SDF then have to cross the river to repel and defeat Isis and then stay forever. That’s a very simplified version but I think I still make the point clear. Isis had lots of practice in Dier ez-Zor city crossing the river to attack the SAA. The coalition also had some practice there wiping out 100 SAA and allowing Isis to take over their positions. The French have the big guns and the US have the spotters, which means the SAA across the river are just sitting ducks. The US would love a justifiable excuse to cross the Euphrates and I’m sure they’re working on a way to do it right now. I wonder if my proposed scenario would still violate the de-escalation zone agreement.

Wise Gandalf

The French pretend to assist with their artillery but “accidently” hit several vitally strategic SAA positions,

french units are only in hasakah.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

There are no French anything in Al-Hasakah governate at all, none, only SDF forces. There are French bases in Ar-Raqqah and Aleppo and they also have a battery of artillery stationed in Dier ez-Zor. The French artillery are positioned about 20km from the Iraqi border and about 15 to 20km north of the Euphrates. They are there to assist the SDF, in the besiegement of Hajin but in all the time they’ve been there they haven’t fired one shot, just sitting there waiting. Abu Kamal is only 30km away from that French artillery battery and well within their range. The SAA had better watch out, those guns are devastating. Please check your facts before making comments on my posts, I’m getting sick of having to point out what you should have known before you posted and made yourself look very un informed.

Wise Gandalf

No, there is french artillerry. And is used. France reported about their perticipation in battles in haskah province. And Raqqa ia also not DEZ country.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I’ve just checked for news of French participation in any battles in Syria full stop, NONE AT ALL . Only airstrikes in Al Hasaka. I hope you checked to see my info concerning the artillery battery is correct, it’s the only French artillery in Syria.


May 19, 2018 – The French army on Saturday launched six batteries of artillery in Deir az-Zour, northeastern Syria .

Wise Gandalf


as i know, also SF reported


These isis attacks looks like an american operation. Use proxy forces to remove saa, then enter under the pretense of removing isis.

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