On September 7, the ISIS-linked news agency Amaq claimed that ISIS fighters repelled an attack of NATO forces and the Afghan Army in Nangarhar province in southeastern Afghanistan.
Amaq claimed that NATO helicopters evacuated many injured soldiers from the battlefield. Furthermore, Amaq said that ISIS fighters shelled positions of the Afghan Army and NATO forces with mortars after repelling the attack.
On September 5, a suicide attacker of the Taliban attacked one of the gates of the Bagram Air Base – one of the biggest US bases in Afghanistan. According to the US Army the attack resulted in a “small number of casualties.”
The Taliban said that the attack was an answre for an “anti-Islam” leaflet that was dropped by US-led coalition aircraft over Parwan province.
The leaflet featured a lion running after a white dog with the Islamic Shahada on it. The Islamic Shahada is considered one of the most holy roles and symbols in Islam, and it is a part of the Taliban flag.
On September 7, the US Army in Afghanistan officially apologized for what it said is an “image highly offensive to both Muslims and the religion of Islam” hinting to the leaflet. The leaflet was criticized and condemned by many Afghan officials including a Parwan province governor.
Even after spending over 16 years in Afghanistan the US Army is still unable to understand even the simplest things about the country like the local culture of the Afghan people.
Are the Taliban and IS affiliated?
No, they already had a number of violent clashes. They’re at war with each other.
So IS is in Afghanistan solely in order to make it part of the Caliphate? Does al-Qaeda still have a significant presence in Afghanistan? If IS fighters are in that area, seems to me they are spreading themselves a little thin.
ISIS is growing in Afghanistan to create new places from where they can launch their attacks and create another little caliphate. They are fighting the Taliban successfully thanks to their American weapons.
Baghdadi wants to make Afghanistan a province of his caliphate, I’m thinking. Well, I don’t much care for the Taliban, myself, because any regime that represses/oppresses women to the extent the Taliban does is inherently unstable. KiraSeer
No. In fact the US has been moving ISIS toward the Russian border of Afghanistan in unmarked choppers for years in an attempt to cause internecine conflict with the Taliban.
Think they hushed up that article because 30 police officers with the provincial and local police caught a few Academi (formerly Blackwater ) or Dyncorp contractors and helicopter which had difficulties moving drug. They were busting a known drug deal and were not informed the Helicopter pilot and his escort were US military contractors. This occurred because the US informed the Afghan federal Govt. , but failed to inform the provincial governor and and Commander and the local police.
And the MSM of course was silent :)
If you want to know the truth, I, like the Noble Prophet Mohammet (Peace Be Upon HIm), am against drugging. KiraSeer
Carol, here are some facts, hope u enjoy them! FACTS not fiction! Saddam hussein was an ally to the USA Saddam Hussein fought Iran (a proxy war) Saddam Hussein obtained chemical weapons from the USA Saddam Hussein used these Chemical weapons against the Kurds! Al-quieda was a proxy for the USA in Afghanistan against the Soviets Osama bin laden worked with the CIA The Taliban were not associated with Al-Quieda but they did both fight against the Soviets ISIS fights against the Taliban now USA fights against the Taliban! ISIS created its caliphate using US weapons! ISIS was created from Al-qieda (Al-nusra is Al-Quieda in Syria) Al-nusra / Al-Quieda (the same thing) use US supplied weapons! Al-Nusra joins with the FSA (rebels) as allies! This is how Al-Nusra gets it US weapons! Al-Nusra sells weapons to ISIS and isis sells oil to Al-nusra who then pass it down the line to whoever can cross it over the border!
Regime change means Invasion Humanitarian bombing means Bombardment! enhanced interrogation means torture quantitative easing means printing money! Rebels = terrorist authoritarian regime = good leader who won’t sell his nation and its people to a hegemonic bully!
Hey Carol do u think Funding and arming 2 sides of a war is a criminal act? What if this entity also did not have a legal UN mandate to be inside a country bombing it?
The USA is that nation! Arms the SDF and the FSA and they both have fought each other! Thats a war crime! Bombing a nation without a UN mandate is a war crime!
If u are from the USA will will reject all of this info because u believe u are “the good guys” but are not! Your people are too dumb to know whats going on (they don’t know where North Korea or Ukraine is on a map yet they want the US military to go in yet they don’t know why) Your govt is invading countries and telling u its for the greater good! Yet its for oil, energy markets, oil pipeline routes and hegemonic gains!
This is the Truth!
Now, are u gonna tell me u couldn’t find that info in wikipedia?
You are ridiculous. No longer worth my time.
ah yes muzzies and their sensitivities lol! Its worrisome that a large part of the human population is dumbed down by this religion when other ones like Christianity have mostly moved on from the dark ages.
They may have Islamic fundies running amok, we have social justice warriors and antifa crazies creating mayhem. For now they refrain from headchopping, but ideologically they’re working up to get there.
The Antifa is starting to work up to head chopping and taking trophies. This has to be an utter shock upon shock,going from punching a Nazi to head chopping them off, oh my garsh!
Yeah but I bet none of them lefties can stomach holding down a right winger while another one of their goons slowly slices his/her head off.
Oh, I think they could. First you have dehumanize and demonize your enemy. They got that part already covered. The Antifa thugs also made the threshold into using violence against their opponents. Rule of law is keeping them from using deadly violence. But that didn’t stop them during the Interbellum.
The only difference between SJW’s/Antifa and ISIS and the KGB/Khmer Rouge is that the former are still out of power and subject to the rule of law, while the latter were in power and were the law.
People like you are bringing Christianity back to the ‘Dark Ages’
By stating a piece of real history ? You don’t seem to make much sense.
Yes, the Jews and their sensitivities ,then the Christians with their sensitivities in to regards to being head chopping fanatics . This story is kind of the biggest lie you ever told about them moving out of the Dark Ages. The time which had nothing to do with Head Chopping, since the barbarity has never really ended.
Yeah head chopping like the recent one that happened in Europe yeh ?
Yeah , heard it was a US trained Head chopper no surprise there.
There are no us trained terrorists attacking Europe.
I suppose if some Talibans went to New York and pissed on the US flag before they burnt it would result in no outcry from Americünts and their sensitivities?
The dumb-down of Americünts is of far greater concern than people adhering to and respecting their own religious and cultural traditions and expecting you to do the same WHEN YOU ARE IN THEIR COUNTRY.
That’s the flag, it’s a real thing that represents everything in the country. This is a fairy tale religion that seemingly gets everyones panties in a bunch. Islam has a long way to go before they reach the “calmness” that Christianity has come to be, they still go after people who convert or say anything against their beliefs they still have religious police enforce laws based solely on religion. There are tons of movies and other media made mocking various aspects of Christianity/Judaism etc but no one gets death threats from terrorists.
Apply vigorously.
No thanks.
What is really your point ? I do not get it.
The USA has Snake charming Christians! Armish nut bags who wont use tech or electricity! People who believe in some weirdo healing them on a stage! Pedofile Priests WHO DONT GET IN TROUBLE! Jews who bow to a wall and swear and cuss at women who walk on the same side of the road! Christians and jews are just as fucked up! the religion of celebrity worship is even worse! The USA leads the world in weirdness! Transgender bullshit and gender neutral horse shit! To me the USA is sickest place on the planet and here u are calling people backward!
I wish we were a little backward! Because if forward means more of this Crap the US pushes, then we are truly fucked!
So by your words u support all this gay and tranny shit, this snake charming, jehova’s witness and Jews who have two oven so the other oven can be used for Gentiles!
Have u even seen one episode of Jerry Springer?
And thats 20 years a go!
dude, u are the MOST fucked up nation in the world! u have no idea! U guys literally shifted the average over weight rating higher so the nation didn’t have to be labelled as being “Morbidly obese” on a Per head of population scale!
Are u proud to be the fastest nation in the world? Are u?
Lol someone is really salty they ain’t as awesome as the United States of America! You should see the things they do to people in Mexico or the things they do to animals in China.
Im from Australia. Western Europe is far better than the USA and so too is Canada!
Ure country is SHIT!
Haha that figures.
This is all rather funny and dare I say ‘Very ungrateful behaviour’ on the part of ISIS who have had many helicopter rides recently to relocate them nearer the Russian border :) “BEIRUT, LEBANON (8:35 P.M.) – ISIS militants have killed several American troops in eastern Afghanistan during an assault by Coalition forces against their positions according to the terrorist group’s media center.”
Even the US /CIA are finding it hard to get loyal employees these days , lol.
“The leaflet featured a lion running after a white dog with the Islamic Shahada on it. The Islamic Shahada is considered one of the most holy roles and symbols in Islam, and it is a part of the Taliban flag.” —————————- Then that image is far more appropriate than the Americans realised. Despite its noble reputation the lion is dirty and cowardly hunter only chasing after smaller weaker prey – and on the metaphorical level – that is EXACTLY what the great cowardly USA is doing with the traditions and mores of the Afghan people.
The Taliban should reprint them and distribute more under the title: “This is what the United States of America thinks of the people of Afghanistan.” “This is what the United States of America is doing to Afghanistan.”
Like that top picture isn’t specially posed or anything!
This is unique, there are spectators watching …. Only in Afghanistan