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MARCH 2025

ISIS Says Its Cells Killed Or Wounded Over 5,000 Christians Around The World In Recent Years

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ISIS Says Its Cells Killed Or Wounded Over 5,000 Christians Around The World In Recent Years

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On November 11, ISIS’s official newspaper, al-Naba, released an infographic summarizing the results of the terrorist group’s recent attacks on Christian countries, their armies and Christian minorities around the world.

In the infographic, the terrorist group claimed that its cells carried out over the past four years 839 operations, including 28 suicide attacks, against Christian targets in Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Pakistan, the Philippines, Siri Lanka, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Uganda, Tanzania, Mozambique, Congo, Chad, Cameron, Nigeria, Burkina Faso, Niger, Mali, the United Kingdom, Austria and Russia.

ISIS said that its operations killed or wounded 5,198 Christians, including 80 military officers and political leaders. As for material losses, 260 vehicles were damaged or destroyed, four aircraft were shot down and two prisons were breached in the course of the operations.

The terrorist group also bragged about burning 2,781 houses, 36 military base and 67 church, claiming that its terrorists displaced tens of thousands of Christians.

After its rise in Syria and Iraq in 2014, ISIS made the persecution of Christians one of its main priorities. The terrorist attacked and displaced thousands of Christians in the two countries and several other areas around the world.

Despite the collapse of its Caliphate around four years ago, the terrorist group attacks on Christians are once again on the rise in areas like central and western Africa.

Al-Naba infographic is for sure filled with exaggerations that are meant to further ISIS agenda and improve its image among jihadists. Yet, there is no doubt that the terrorist group is still a vailed threat, especially to Christians minorities in the Middle East and Africa.



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Lol!! Why do you keep promoting these desperate attention seeking has-beens, SouthFront?!!


‘the terrorist group attacks on Christians are once again on the rise in areas like central and western Africa’.

Except, they aren’t. It’s just SouthFront thinking that they are. As usual.


As if you needed any more confirmation that ISIS is run by Israel


Oh don’t be so fucking stupid you dumb little ignorant cretin.

Chet Nixon

No further or clearer proof that Jews are behind ISIS is necessary than your total inability to even challenge the assertion in any way.


Lol!! See, that’s why I love coming to SouthFront. It’s a refuge for sad, little anti-Semitic Jew hating morons like you who are deranged enough to believe that the Jews are responsible for everything bad that’s ever happened in the World and reading you pathetic inane ramblings really makes my day!


How do you know if a Islamic organisation is a mossad front, or not? There’s one key question. Does it brag about, and spend endless time and monney on, attacking christians. While the most holy lands of Islam are still occupied by the apartheid zionist state?

Israel is the enemy of christian and muslim alike. We can share the holy land with the sons of Muhammad, but not with the synagogue of satan.


If ONE innocent person is killed, the one who did it, it is as if he killed all of humanity. Christians can be included as innocent too. This means that ISIS are evil, according to the Koran.

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