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ISIS Shares Photos Of Attack On Nigerian Troops In Borno State

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On February 6, the ISIS news agency Amaq released photos of a recent attack on the Nigerian Armed Forces (NAF) in the northeastern part of the country.

The attack, which took place a day earlier, saw cells of ISIS ambushing a NAF unit on a road between the towns of Goniri and Gorgi in Gujba and Damaturu local government areas of Yobe and Borno State.

According to Amaq, six soldiers of the NAF were killed in the ambush. The remaining troops, however, were able to flee the scene.

Amaq’s photos show a destroyed bulldozer and a damaged SOTREX Phantom 2 armored personnel carrier. ISIS cells also seized a pick-up truck armed with a heavy machine gun along with some light weapons.

ISIS Shares Photos Of Attack On Nigerian Troops In Borno State

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ISIS Shares Photos Of Attack On Nigerian Troops In Borno State

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ISIS Shares Photos Of Attack On Nigerian Troops In Borno State

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ISIS Shares Photos Of Attack On Nigerian Troops In Borno State

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ISIS Shares Photos Of Attack On Nigerian Troops In Borno State

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ISIS Shares Photos Of Attack On Nigerian Troops In Borno State

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ISIS Shares Photos Of Attack On Nigerian Troops In Borno State

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ISIS Shares Photos Of Attack On Nigerian Troops In Borno State

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Recently, ISIS cells intensified their attacks in northeastern Nigeria, mainly near Lake Chad. The terrorists are working to establish a stronghold in the region.

The terrorists repelled on February 7 an attack by the NAF and other pro-government forces on their hideouts near the town of Malari. Amaq claimed that 20 soldiers were killed or wounded in the failed attack. Four pickups were allegedly destroyed.

Nigerian government forces seem to be unable to contain ISIS threat in the country’s northeastern region. The lack of proper coordination with neighboring countries allows the group to maintain hideouts around Lake Chad.


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Russian private army Wagner should go there and fight ISS,

Fog of War

Why ? Are you saying African soldiers are incompetent ? ?


The article states that ‘the remaining soldiers fled the scene’. There is also no mention of them fighting back or managing to kill any of the attackers. Plus they appear to be getting their arses kicked on a daily basis. So therefore I think it’s safe to say that they are pretty incompetent don’t you think?!

Fog of War

Are Africans competent at anything ?

Jihadi Colin

Perhaps you might ask the Algerian, Angolan, and Zimbabwean guerrillas who fought the French, Portuguese and Rhodesian colonialist vermin to a standstill? Or for that matter General Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck’s Tanzanian askaris who beat off the Brutish, Portuguese, Belgians and Boers all through WWI?


Pacific Northwest Bigfoot Area



https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a7eab4f3eb0a8fac1a893bc17db17e1a69ef0b0780342a095d7de09e966f1d9b.png https://youtu.be/ut6GDA0wG3M




I don’t know why there’s a nexus between bigfoots, ufos and missing 411 cases. From my own encounters I don’t want to end up as a missing 411 case. And I bring weapons and technology on remote wilderness ET contact ops to mitigate negative activity. Though my goal is positive activity. I just play the cards that I’m dealt.

Jihadi Colin

I have said it before and I’ll repeat: if the Buhari regime in Nigeria continues to act as though crushing Nigerian Shia is an essential or even remotely defensible policy that continues to consume resources, and unless it addresses the reasons that led to the rise of Boko Haram in the first place, it will never defeat either faction – the ISIS or nonISIS- of the group. Nor will it succeed if it acts as though Boko Haram is a Sunni version of the Igbo Biafra rebellion of the 1960s. A transnational guerrilla movement fuelled by religious zeal and an ideology of pan Wahhabism is megaparecs removed from fighting a secessionist army led by a paranoiac self-promoted “general” busy shooting his own best commanders lest they get too powerful.

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