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ISIS Strikes Back In Sinai, Claims Several Army Vehicles Destroyed (Photos, Video)

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ISIS Strikes Back In Sinai, Claims Several Army Vehicles Destroyed (Photos, Video)

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On February 17, ISIS fighters conducted a series of attacks against the Egyptian Army in the Sinai Peninsula, according to the ISIS-linked news agency Amaq.

ISIS fighters reportedly destroyed four armored vehicles, three tracked armored personnel carriers (APCs), two bulldozers and five trucks of the Egyptian Army with IEDs and rocket-propelled grenades in the central and southern part of Sinai.

Moreover, ISIS snipers killed two soldiers and injured one other, according to Amaq. Four more soldiers were reportedly killed during clashes with ISIS fighters in the southern part of the Sinai Peninsula.

This series of attacks was the first response from ISIS since the beginning of the army’s military operation in the Sinai Peninsula on February 9. However, it is impossible to verify ISIS’ claims regarding the allegedly army loses.

From its side, the Egyptian Army spokesman Colonel Tamer Rifai announced in an official statement that the Egyptian Air Force (EAF) had destroyed 8 positions and a vehicle of ISIS in the Sinai Peninsula. Army units also discovered and destroyed 158 ISIS hideouts, positions and communication centers in Sinai, according to Col. Rifai.

The Egyptian Ministry of Defense also said that 4 fighters of ISIS had been eliminated and 408 suspects were arrested in the Sinai Peninsula by the amy on February 17. Soldiers also destroyed 7 vehicles and 32 motorcycles of ISIS.

According to pro-government sources, the army has successfully eliminated ISIS’ capabilities to conduct coordinated attacks in the Sinai Peninsula. However, the terrorist group is still capable of resisting apparently.

ISIS attacks in the Sinai Peninsula:

ISIS Strikes Back In Sinai, Claims Several Army Vehicles Destroyed (Photos, Video)

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ISIS Strikes Back In Sinai, Claims Several Army Vehicles Destroyed (Photos, Video)

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ISIS Strikes Back In Sinai, Claims Several Army Vehicles Destroyed (Photos, Video)

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ISIS Strikes Back In Sinai, Claims Several Army Vehicles Destroyed (Photos, Video)

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ISIS Strikes Back In Sinai, Claims Several Army Vehicles Destroyed (Photos, Video)

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Photos of the Egyptian Army military operation in the Sinai Peninsula on February 17:

ISIS Strikes Back In Sinai, Claims Several Army Vehicles Destroyed (Photos, Video)

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ISIS Strikes Back In Sinai, Claims Several Army Vehicles Destroyed (Photos, Video)

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ISIS Strikes Back In Sinai, Claims Several Army Vehicles Destroyed (Photos, Video)

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ISIS Strikes Back In Sinai, Claims Several Army Vehicles Destroyed (Photos, Video)

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leon mc pilibin

Isisraelli proxies trying to make more chaos for their Zionist masters.

Icarus Tanović

Saudis are Zionists too.


Could very well be……


Atif Ahmed


I notice that. ISIS will kill every Christian and Muslim they cross paths with. But the hold Jews up like they are their King and they fight to advance their kings wishes.


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You can call me Al

Exactly, with all these Muslim, vermin, hard core terrorists like ISIS and the rest surrounding them, NOT ONE shot, missile sent into Israel……YET.


Middle East Destabilizations on several fronts. The Israelis can’t get tired of this. You know, some of these days, the arabs will strike back.

Amine Mansouri

oooh I wish some day arabs strike Israel at once, not like Yom Kippur, this time will be the last for israel

John Mason

If that ever happened it will make the Holocaust look like child’s play.

You can call me Al

But it’ll make a good film.

John Mason

Have to include the White Helmets to get the Oscar.


I would put the Isis claims in the fake news category until proof is provided.


I’m assuming that there is an endless supply of Daesh fighters considering that they just keep coming and coming and coming? Or is their number in the region of a few million or more? Absolutely incredible.

Icarus Tanović

They all die.

You can call me Al

Good ending.


You hit the real problem , Saudi Arabia from their creation of Al Qaeda with Bush Sr. and bin Laden back in the early eighties has been sponsoring Wahhabi schools around the world, especially in Sunni nations . Last year they spent 2 billion dollars opening 650 schools in Bangladesh alone, they are preparing to take on Burma and Thailand . Europe and North America is not left out, or China.

Icarus Tanović

This is all because Anwar Al-Sadat’s stupid policy. That’s why he was assassinated after all. Now, all that, Egyptian Ullema blind eye on Wahabie influence and business there is breaking against theirs heads. Wahhabies are PEST TO BE DESTROYED!


Yes, this filthy animal lost the yom kippour war.

John Mason

It has been proven that the 3 main state sponsors of terrorists are the US, UK and France and why those counties affected by their actions just sit on their back sides and complain is a real concern, one would think that they would retaliate by imposing terrorist proxies onto to them.

You can call me Al

No Israel ? you are kidding right ?.

John Mason

Left out Israel because the US is controlled by them and that is common knowledge, Saudi in the same boat.

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