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ISIS Terrorists Ambushed Buses With Army Troops, Civilians On Homs-Deir Ezzor Highway (Video, Photos)

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On December 30, ISIS terrorists ambushed at least 3 buses near the village of Kabbajb on the highway linking the cities of Homs and Deir Ezzor. According to reports, buses were moving civilians and personnel of the Syrian Army.

Pro-militant sources claim that up to 30 soldiers of the Syrian Army’s 4th Division were killed in the attack.

The attack took place amid the ongoing Syrian Army operation against ISIS cells in the Raqqa-Aleppo-Hama triangle. It is expected that ISIS cells will stage even more attacks on government targets in the Homs desert in order to distract government forces from its efforts in the countryside of Raqqa.

ISIS Terrorists Ambushed Buses With Army Troops, Civilians On Homs-Deir Ezzor Highway (Video, Photos)

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ISIS Terrorists Ambushed Buses With Army Troops, Civilians On Homs-Deir Ezzor Highway (Video, Photos)

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ISIS Terrorists Ambushed Buses With Army Troops, Civilians On Homs-Deir Ezzor Highway (Video, Photos)

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Servet Köseoğlu

Apparently Saa doesnt have any clue and/or resources to cope with these maniacs..This is literally massacre..

Jens Holm

Some days ago I in a sober way named ISIS there as hardheaded well educated veterans.

By that reflexion, I got a lot of minusses.


30 Syrian soldiers, along with civilians, killed in a non-combat situation is just criminal negligence. All while Putin is begging for more “business and partnership” with the US/EU Ziocorporate terrorists that unleashed ISIS/al-Qaeda on Syria and Damascus can’t spread itself too thin to launch an anti-ISIS campaign by itself leaving Idlib and NE Syria unguarded.

With the US/ISIS doing whatever the fuck they want in al-Tanf, this is never going to stop.

Rhodium 10

We dont know if 30 killed is true or exagerate as always by pro oposition sources…anyway it is as usual imprudent movement of SAA..you cannot fill a bus with 30-40 soldiers along a highway where just 2 or 3 terrorist with gun machines can kill dozens of them… Russian convoys usually travel along that highway but helicopters provide protection…SAA should do the same when are carrying troops.


Not by pro opposition sources but buy SANA,always white washing Russia?

Jens Holm

Maybee they have given up whitewashing themself:(

Jens Holm

Thats completly lie again. When we are given news from the SANATORIUM its highly manipulated and often as if, they not even know where it is.

The real fact: Sana dont get many information and they often are higly manipulated, so we have to use, what we get.

I also willremind You that so many are opposition against Assads and for very different reasons. NONE OF THEM ARE HANDLED BY SOBER NEGOSIATIONS. And who is not sober in this. The Assad Baathists.

Just as for the military losses they NEVER LISTEN AND LEARN.

Kenny Jones ™

Al-Tanf needs to be overrun, could be done in an hour, but wait till trump is gone, a reason to start a war is what he wants and he should not be pleased in his last days After that, it’s completely open season on every US occupation p*g in the whole Levant


Overrun by who? syrian doesn’t have such resources,

Kenny Jones ™

Iranian militias of course, did you think I meant the SAA? Good joke

Jens Holm

Iranian militias – hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahhaaahahahahah… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/38262550832200b3ffd34caa3862c01e6585fed5ac858c4f6f5fb40fc6083c7e.jpg

Kenny Jones ™

Haha you will enjoy the raid on Jan 20


There are only a few hundred US criminals in that base,asfor manpower there is also Hezbollah and Iran,and they could be backed up by Russian air power,the only thing missing is the will to do it,the longer they leave it the more Syrian lives will be lost.

Jens Holm

This has absolutly nothing to do with Al Tanf.

Facts are Syrians from their start are raised as to be dependent sheep, which by fear and bajonets cant be controlled by a few dogs.

But when the dogs are bad dogs as wel, we see the results. And there hardly has been any kind of real learning since the civile war started. NONE.

Much as if someone has occupied Your brain – If it is Your brain.


“This has absolutly nothing to do with Al Tanf.” YOU ARE ABSOLUTLY WRONG HERE ISIS is supported by US coalition inside Syria. Why can’t you admit this fact?

Jens Holm

As a minimum, You show NO proof.


I recall ISIS convoys being escorted out of Mosel Iraq by US Apache gunships for save passage into Syria, also carrying much stolen Iraqi gold. Shortly after that Palmyra was attacked and retaken by Daesh. How much proof do you want, PERHAPS THE KILLING OF SAA TROOPS ON THE HILLS S OF DEIR EZZOR BY COALITION AIRCRAFT TO HELP ISIS?


Wishful thinking … Shia scum

Icarus Tanović

He’s not Muslim, you Wahhabi loving bum.

Fog of War

But tzatz is a Khazar.


He is a syrian living in UK. You morons are are so gullible.

Kenny Jones ™

Piggy slaughter coming for you yankees, what will trump answer to the families?


100:1 ratio of dead Shia scumbags

Kenny Jones ™

Ratio is still 1:1 if you count the adventure since 1979 revolution, remember beirut barracks and all those ieds in iraq war, but that’s nothing to what’s coming


Israel isn’t the USA … hello?

The Hezbollah slugs died in 2006 and the next war will be egregiously lethal …



Yes , just like you guys overran it on Feb 2018 during battle of Khasham. It took no more than 30 mins for you to collect yr dead and retreat. It was not a battle , it was a brutal massacre.

Kenny Jones ™

Of course with air defense this time dumbass


Sure , you will attack Americans with land forces , planes , whatever you can find. Daydreaming , unrealistics fucktard(s). Go get Golan heights first.

Kenny Jones ™

Missiles is all that’s needed, surface to surface, surface to air, surface to sea

Furkan Sahin

Assad will never attack AL Tanf he is afraid

Kenny Jones ™

I trust IRGC general Qaani, Assad doesn’t care anymore

Rhodium 10

Russia attacked Al Tanf when terrrorist started to launch an offensive to link Al Tanf with east Qalamoun….RUAF destroyed vehicles, rockets launcher and artillery..since then Al Tanf terrorists stopped attacking SAA and just stayed there!

Lone Ranger

Its not Putins fault if a turd inside the SAA commits treason. Surely nobody is that dumb…this was deliberate betrayal. He should be executed on site.

Shia man

Yes this has been a major problem since the beginning of the conflict a lot of Shia/Syrian fighters lost their life’s because of treasonous SAA soldiers

Fog of War

” fighters lost their life’s because of treasonous SAA soldiers ”

Or maybe its just incompetance. The SAA wont even wear helmets for the most part. This is combat basics 101.

Shia man

Yes wearing helmets is nice and all it will protect you from fragments and stray bullets but other then that your getting a hole in the head if bullet directly strikes the helmet There is many instances where hezbollah fighter lost their life’s by backstabbing SAA soldiers until hezbollah forced the SAA to stay in front of them instead of behind them and their were many SAA who complained about this move.

Fog of War

” Yes wearing helmets is nice and all it will protect you from fragments and stray bullets but other then that your getting a hole in the head if bullet directly strikes the helmet ”

I fail to see your point as any additional protection is ALWAYS better then less protection. There is no excuse for the SAA not to wear helmets besides some misguided superstition. There are reasons why every professional army in the world wears helmets in battle. The SAA’s actions in this regard are inexcusable.

Shia man

We were talking about treasonous soldiers then you replied to me and brought up wearing helms like that will protect from treason

Fog of War

I guess you didnt make this comment then.

” Yes wearing helmets is nice and all it will protect you from fragments and stray bullets but other then that your getting a hole in the head if bullet directly strikes the helmet “

Jens Holm

This has nothing to do with any from USA, Al Tanf or the Zionists. You are babling nonsense again.

Its about military training. Here it seemes Assads are spendable and mainly educated as perfect victims.


This has everything to do with Al Tanf. Where do you think Daesh get their supplies, personnel, and money from? Have you ever been to a desert region ! :/

Fog of War

” This has everything to do with Al Tanf. ”

Whats stopping Russia from sending planes in there to take out the obvious ISIS staging areas ? Are they afraid the ZioAmericans will shoot them down ?


US declared a 50km no trespass zone around Al Tanf if I recall correctly. This is why ISIS can be resupplied across the desert regions.

Fog of War

” US declared a 50km no trespass zone around Al Tanf ”

So the Russians do suspect that they will be shot down, yet Russia is afraid to implement its own ” no fly zones ” in Syria. That tells me all I need to know.


Well thats a line in the sand that should have been crossed a long time ago.

Jens Holm

Thats the usual argumentation. Everything bad in Syria comes from the outisde by hostile enemies and Assads are neice people.

Look at facts. Even Assads dont say they come from there. Those are locals added with foreigners and as told many times before in estimates, thay are many and from the areas wst for the Raqqa line all the way down south.

Its the same in South fx Dara. This is many many people, which also dont like Assads and by that popup for very good reasons.

Ypu ignore 500.000 are dead and revenge. You ignore 5 millions or more are not even in the country and maybee 5 millions are internal displaced.

Im so tired reading USA do this and that. Yopu and other firget the base is decades of Assads doing bad things to so many people.

Its also ignored how “own” helpers are influensers such as Hesbollah, Iran and Russia.

It Nob3l price for stupidity to blame others. The country – which for many years has not been a country at all – should be claened. I dint know how. But You as PZIVJ ignore the reasons.

Maybee You can divide people i “ricah and poor”. So the Assad enemies are poor farmers and villagers AND the poor abandonned from the poorest land hvaing urbanized.

If You as state not even can make new jobs AND the population grow and makes no sign of hopes, You get opposition and not by political and religios reains as main. Its about poor for children and parents with no sign aming many very different groups.

This is not a Syrian thing. Many states during time has had and has those problems and they are shown and can be very big and maje chaos be defeated or flush thiungs to changes.

Ypu can find in USA too. After the big rash in USA in 1929 1 million poor ameicans settled down in Washing DC in tents or less. The army took over and came them all on trains sending them to anywhere else.

The reason was hunger by no rain for several years and the normal economical crises. Under protest the army participated and aming them even Eisenhower.

The result here was the big plans by Rosewelt to create public jobs and and fx the big dam systems for electricity.

You have to be able to feed Your population. As minimum You shoudl have bread, salt and olive oil.


Syria is a failed state …

Humpty Dumpty ain’t gonna make it


No moron Syrria is an attacked State.


The Arabs are weak … their attachments to the ‘state’ weak … hello?

Arabs provide ‘cover’ for Jihadis/ Islamists inside their ‘states’ … this weakness makes state control tenuous … hello?

Jens Holm

A state includes its population. Assads has excluded millions and they dont like it.

Syria is not attacked. The private company owners named the Baathist by good reasons are attacked by locals very much helped by anyoine else.

The have not patent in running anything there ignoring the need for millions and millions.

So the real change is parts of the population shoot back. I think its fair, when the Baathists not even listen and do any needed things for the rest but also remove all normal kinds of oppostions by nasty tools of the wors kind.

I see not a single sign for the Baathist are learnes.

A map shows it very well. The North West part never should have joined old Syria. The North East is same thing as well as parts of the deserts west of Palmyra.

It was a total mistake to make a country like that by French Neocolonilisme. But as seen its even worse Damsskus cant accept correcting Neocolonial big mistakes made by sunken Empires.

Crossing borders to Turkey its exact same thing. The main socalled Tiurkeis problems with PKK and others are in the old Aleppo, Raqqa and Diabykir Provinces.

Thy never was asked if they would join anything like that. The big problems came, when they suddenly was runned by Ankara, Damaskus and for that matter the same by Bagdad, wheere even their names and road sign was changed.

Not even Osman names in Turkey is accepted. Syria is no arab state because 30% are not arabs. Today we also see Iraq in the same low level. Millions are not even shiits, but Shiits takes all and shiits hardly share with poor shiits unless they need guns.

Bulldog Army 86

very bad organization on the field by saa like always .. :( fighting alone against terrorist with no resources !

Lazy Gamer

Travelling comml is way cheaper than apcs. Think of the the weapons and ammo they still need. SAA should employ long distance recon drones. Saves manpower and resources.

Jens Holm

Yes among many other things.


How the hell did they know when and where to hit if they are really ISIS. But I guess that there is something else than ISIS out there. Some kind of holy dead horses dick suckers playing hide and seek in the name of… doesn’t matter how they call it.

Jens Holm

As written many times before, they are well educated veteran guerilla warfare.

In princip they know where Assads and others will come an wait with well prepared traps. If Assads do go into the traps, they dont cry. They as hunters says – better luck next time.

So they always decide time and place included roadsbombs, mines and snipers.

They all are well hidden until they attack. They have retreat postions for organized retreat. Next they vanish to well prepared hidings. Because they are well trained their hiding places can be reached many kilometers from the ambush and they are never a big visble groups as well as they are spread out in several hiding places.

Its also like never put all apples in the same basket. You can only kill 10 or less. 10 is their normal group seize. So they can make the ambush by 20-30 or 40 and know where to go by different commanders.

They are used to by the few against the many. Assads are the many very unorganized ones knowing not was is in front of them as well as having bad or none supply lines. The soldiers only fight and do things, if they are ordered to it. They are sheep almost no matter what.


Well, something is still wrong: theses buses were used to transport people home released of duty. So maybe the security was not inoff but it’s not logic to be able to build up an ambush of that size on a patrolled road.


I have said that for a long time,i believe western special forces are working with the terrorists and directing them,its a tactic they have used in many wars.

Kenny Jones ™

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/62225dc96d4af463660b54a65d63ee11bb50f361c1fd5dcb10a67cbb385b73f2.jpg He was right..

Kenny Jones ™

Iran needs to take over Syria at this point


Honestly Russia don’t want iran in Syria but however Russia use/need Iranians as foot solder, Russia delayed giving iran it’s bought S300 only becaus of Israel,

Fog of War

” Russia don’t want iran in Syria ” Why would Russia even care ?

Jens Holm

Well, they actually do and a lot.

Fog of War

I asked WHY oblivious Jens.

Kenny Jones ™

More Iran less Russia, let Russia focus on its own backyard more since it’s closer

Jens Holm

Iraq has no supply lines for Syria at all. More Iranians there might een unite Syrians against them.

Rhodium 10

“Russia dont want Iran in Syria”..what kind of weed do you smoke?…without Iran and Shia militia, terrorist would be drinking tea at this time in half Syria!..each year that passes Iran has more presence in Syria while Israel, USA and Turkey cannot avoid it…one example..SAA would have needed no less than 15 days to retake Saraqib and the use of massive Russian air support…while Hezbollah just needed one night to retake Saraqib..do you want more example?..Iraqi army needed the support of Iraqi PMF to encircle ISIS in Mosul…SAA needed Hezbollah and Iraqi PMU to expel terrorists from Aleppo after SAA failed!…

Jens Holm

Why do Ypu think Russia allow Israel to decline the Hesbollas and Iranians.

You must be highly manuípulated not knowing how Syria as well as Iraq is about outbalancing.

Rhodium 10

SAA is a failed army because are collapsed as consecuence of 1º it is a conscript army 2º 8 years of war..Now the country is de facto controlled by Russia ( air and sea) and IRGC&Hezbollah&Palestine militia ( on ground)…without them SAA&NDF cannot control even 1/4 of the country!..as terrorist have been defeated…USA has launched his Dogs Israel and Turkey…


Syria is a failed state … full stop

Iran will NEVER control it …

Jens Holm

Ut seemes You forgot the rest. May was there. Fx Peshmerga was ordered not to take more land even if they could. Thats by the way the stupidist named Barzani would like to have, because there are many Kurds and they actually are able to control it(at least in a military way). The same goes for Kirkuk.

Its very much a suprprice people in Iran also has blamed USA for bombarding Mosul hard and with no merci kill ISIS AND many civilians.

Here Your PMFs only was an important part and not with overwhelming dominance at all. I will remind You they were very hard assisted by American expertice as well as first class weapons.

After that Bagdad has taken in Nato for helping up the Bagdad military forces, which Iran and others blam them. Asked in. We even has been hit by ballistics. Thats how things are too.

The 1000s of killings by PMF quadrofonia if they were not shiits is devastating for that part of Iraq as well.

As a private oppinion it has beeen and are totally barking madness to make a try for devastating no change by the helping hands for the Russian Oblast. Its normal in my country, that if the free elected Goverment as a minimum has no 51% for important things, there by the constituion are made new elecytions, which hopefully at least can make the 51% and hopefully – not always – to the better.

Assads also has invanded Lebanon. No succes and support there too.

You support a failed state made by France and its stupid seize as well as borders fx defined by a railroad line as at Kobani.

But You dont support anything to the better. If anything You make a scoise between pest and cholera supported by covid 19 vaccine shoudl be kept frozen away from the sick ones for safety matters.

Rhodium 10

Iran air force attacked ISIS near Bagdad before US air force intervene in the war…also Russia sent to Iraq air force MI 28 heli and SU 25 as well as Iran Su 25 jets!..the purpose of USA was to expel ISIS towars Syria and to expel them from Syrian oil fields to later take control of them in coperation with Kurds!…also USA takes Al Tanf area to provide a large safe zone to ISIS between Iraq/ Syria border as many former terrorist have told!…Turkey was the main customer of ISIS while Israel protected them in Qneitra and west Dara…

Jens Holm

You dont care a shit about facts, do You.

Your heroes was an important part of it but wasnt dominant at all as well as they got most of their weapins as well as traning by the Ameriocans(here meant as Nato). .

No normal lists for it says You are correct. All says it was the only possible gathering for taking the land as well as Mosul. Its also descriebed wel day by day and where the last taken ouside and inside Mosul as.

You as minimum has to include all and make less selfies like that.

Jens Holm

If so, they could hire some american troops.



You’ll have to ask Putin … lol

His planes will blow y’all up real good … all the way back home … eh?


Bilal Abdul Kareem

And this is why nobody takes you seriously when you say Iran and Russia should kick out the US “imperialists”. You admit you only have a problem if the US is in the country but support a foreign country, Iran, taking over Syria. lol. You just want Iranian imperialism

Kenny Jones ™

I want US non imperialism and the void must be filled because Syria on its own is a failed state, I prefer eastern powers over western powers

Free man

He was wrong. This is what the Palestinians in Gaza think: https://twitter.com/ELINTNews/status/1344356070886674433

Kenny Jones ™

Ah yes the Muslim Brotherhood, ignore them they are a minority of Islamists, they’d rather live under Zionist occupation than see Iran come and liberate them

Free man

These guys (Sunni Islamists) will take the money and weapons from Iran, but will betray Iran at the first opportunity they get. As Hamas did right at the beginning of the Syrian civil war.


You right about this,

Kenny Jones ™

PIJ is more Shia and directly with Iran, they need to become the main force in Gaza, currently they’re second as Hamas still rules

Jens Holm

No realisme.

Free man

PIJ is a 100% Sunni jihadist.


Don’t you just love it ?

Muslim on Muslim violence?

The religion of a warlord … still behaving like the 7th C riff raff they have ALWAYS been …

May it ever be thus …


Jens Holm

It makes no sense to ignore people. If anything You should try to remove the good and bad reasosns for, they exist.

Its exact the same for Turkey and PKK. There are vital errors and abput Kurds its about 100 years with no adjustments.

Tommy Jensen

They put up a Trump poster instead?

Free man

It seems to me that they hate both equally.

Jens Holm

Thats why You died Buddy. Thats why so many dont like Iranians as well nad You should have been dead 10 years ago.


He had his chance kenny … eh?

Last time I saw him his hand was lying on a tarmac with that big ring on it … eh?

Who was guarding HIM … the basij?

Ya f/kn shiiite piece of sh Xt … ???


Isnt this the guy who conquered Baghdad airport by splashing all over the place ? If those guys were so skillfull how ISIS was mopping all the place with them before Russians arrived at Syria ?

Empty words to motivate brainless masses , and that includes you ‘ Kenny’ . LMFAO.

Lone Ranger

Who was the genius who sent out three buses whitout serious fire support…? He should be shot for treason. RIP. Can we hust drop a few FOABs please? It was designed for situations exactly like this.


Sure … it might work in a video game … eh?

Lone Ranger

Shut up Shlomo.

Jens Holm

Thats not treason. Its being incompetent in all levels too too often.

People should be educated t act different, but they dont. So You shold blame the ones in the top, which decide to make that bad military forces.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The 4th division is solely an Iranian supported division of the SAA, they’re trained and supplied with Iran’s best weapons [usually that means Russia’s second best], and trained according to IRRG standards, and they get Iranian paychecks, and the divisional commander follows Iranian IRRG commanders orders, so it’s Iran telling them what to do and where to go. Still want to shoot them.

Lone Ranger

Only the troll who gave the order.


Yes its unbelievable after everything thats happened,if i was asked to get on one of those busses without backup i would have said no way,they could use combat choppers to scout the land in front of the convoys

Lone Ranger

Indeed. 4 BTR-80s with 30mm autocannons would have been the bare minimum.


Good to see ASSadists being competent as always ?

Assad must stay

this is fucking insane makes me so angry


Must be a false flag … lol

Assad’s Crime Family regime is finished … the f/king muslims are eating each other raw …


So … I read through the thread …

Seems NO ONE believes that Israel = ISIS

That’s a change for the better …. lol

Accepting how incompetent the Arabs are is a first step in deciding to accept reality …

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Iran won’t be happy at all, these guys are the tip of the spear as far as Iran’s concerned, they get the best weapons and the best training Iran can give them, so seeing 30 of them killed in one avoidable attack won’t go down well.

Samuel Vanguard

ISIS was created by the US/EU/Turkey/Israeli/Saudi/UAE block to destabilize M.E

Bill Wilson

Oh well. This is what Damascus deserves for bussing ISIS fighters and their families out to that desert instead of gunning them down once out of town.

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