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ISIS Terrorists Killed, Injured Several Syrian Service Members In New Southern Raqqa Ambush

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ISIS Terrorists Killed, Injured Several Syrian Service Members In New Southern Raqqa Ambush

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Early on September 12, ISIS terrorists ambushed a patrol of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in the southern countryside of Raqqa.

The terrorists targeted the patrol, which was passing next to the town of Resafa, with machine guns, killing two service members and injuring four others, according to the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

A day earlier, the terrorists launched an attack on SAA positions in Resafa and the nearby town of al-Mansurah. Several warplanes of the Russian Aerospace Forces quickly intervened. Russian airstrikes forced the terrorists to withdraw.

ISIS Terrorists Killed, Injured Several Syrian Service Members In New Southern Raqqa Ambush

Click to see full-size map. Source: (@Suriyakmaps) on Twitter, Via Google Maps – TerraMetrics

The remaining ISIS terrorists in central Syria, who are facing serious pressure in the Homs desert, are apparently trying to expand their influence into southern Raqqa.

The SAA sustained some losses in ISIS’ recent attacks on southern Raqqa. Nevertheless, it has, thus far, denied the terrorist group  chance to turn the region into its new stronghold.

ISIS terrorists are constantly working to expand their influence in central Syria by launching attacks in eastern Homs, eastern Hama, southern Raqqa and western Deir Ezzor. The group’s threat is, without a doubt, on the rise.


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Mustafa Mehmet

COMOOOON saa what you waiting for…. https://media3.giphy.com/media/sy0AVzau2L8oE/giphy-downsized-medium.gif


Now I understand why are you so close to “IDF”… Because you make wild faggot-cocaine parties together with the Jews, that always end up with putting hand grenades in rectum of your “partner” and fisting them anally while trying to remove the safety pin from hand grenade to have some fun.

Mustafa Mehmet

you idiot nothing but plenty of hot air. go and jump dirty filthy c***. centipedes

Muslim Lion

You Shia Rafidah Safavid Fire worshippers, apostates and Traitors.


fuck off you Muslim scum. The entire world despises your fucking barbaric religion and the tide is starting to turn. Remember the brave soldier Brenton Tarrant who graciously slaughtered over 50 of you pigs in your own places of worship? The same thing will happen again very soon. Death to Islam and the vile Muslim cunts who worship it.

John Wallace

You and Iron Zion should get together as you would have interesting discussions..

Muslim Lion

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), is the last and final messenger, the mercy for entire mankind – he will always be our leader and we will NEVER accept any compromise in DEEN, nor any attempts to udremine ISLAM as a religion in the blessed lands of Al-Shaam.


John Wallace

Take your horseshit preaching to a Mosque that allows such bullshit.


You are not a Muslim you animal,you have killed more Muslims than Israel.

Muslim Lion

It is very unfair and irrational to call a Islamic State a terrorist organisation. Nobody has the right to do this and neither should anyone do it. There are clear commands of Allah almighty about sacred jihad against those who side infidels against Muslims.


Almost as unfair and irrational as to call them ‘Islamic State’ when they are not actually a ‘State’. But then I guess they are as ignorant and unintelligent to know that the term ‘State’ actually means.

John Wallace

Any group or person who uses excessive violence too threaten and control people through intimidation are rightly called terrorists. A group that brutally kills unarmed people of a different faith without mercy to control or eliminate them are terrorists. A group that beheads people in the cruelest fashion too intimidate others are terrorists. Those that use terrorism to control others are terrorists. Now just what part of that does ISIS not qualify to be called terrorists. You are irrational not to see that.. IS epitomises the meaning of terrorism.

Muslim Lion


Willing Conscience (The Truths

They listed western Deir ez Zor last on the list of Isis hotspots but they should’ve listed it first, that’s where Isis is the strongest now. In western Deir ez Zor Al Quds lost 11 vehicles in just one attack a few days ago, Isis had anti air missiles, rocket launchers and were very well equipped, so they’re not just a threat to NDF and SAA forces, they’re also a threat to Russian and Syrian aviation. That may explain why Russia hasn’t been using choppers to take out Isis in the deserts, and that’s despite the fact they established a small helicopter base somewhere near Ma adan sometime last year, or possibly early this year. I keep saying Iranian oppression of the local Sunni population is the main cause for the sudden and exponential reincarnation of Isis, but that’s not the only reason, Iranian oppression of the locals isn’t the only cause, the rebirth of Isis also coincided with the Turkish invasion of north east Syria, so both are factors that not only help Isis endure, but also thrive in the new situation. And I have to admit I was wrong, I’ve been saying for 12 months now that the only reason Isis hasn’t been contained in Deir ez Zor was due to the lack of Russian air support, either because the Russians weren’t allowed to or didn’t want to operate in the area’s that Iran controlled, but obviously I was wrong, because despite the fact Russian aviation is now playing a key role in containing Isis, they haven’t been able to do much at all to stop them, in fact the situation has only worsened since the Russians have arrived. Now that might sound like I’m being critical of Russia’s strategy or tactics concerning Isis but that’s not true, I’ve actually been calling for them to do exactly what they have been doing, but now sadly I find out it isn’t working, even though they’re doing everything I thought they needed to do to contain Isis, so I’m not being critical of Russia at all, if anything I’m kicking myself for simply assuming Russian air support could make a big difference, because they’re not, and sadly if they can’t do it no one else can, so I was wrong, there is no quick fix for Isis. So I can only hope the Russians are already working on some alternate solutions to the Isis problem, obviously Russian air support isn’t the solve all solution I once believed it could be so I have to wait and see what the Russians do next, I suspect cutting off logistical supply routes from Turkey might be a starting place.


bullshit you are losing there and the US is going to leave there if they want to stay alive SDF Turkish dogs us rats all will be killed the ISIS is US proxies that is a fact and they will be destroyed in good old fashion Americans can not wage war vs strong opponents without allies they need private contractor to hide their losses because PMC are not disclosed when killed Turkish dogs they will lose and die the same a battle is not a war but war will be won by the Syrian Russian and Iranian proxies

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I’m afraid I could barely understand a word you said, and from what I could understand I understand you understood absolutely nothing I said.


“Iranian oppression of the local Sunni population, is the main cause for the sudden and exponential reincarnation of Isis”

That is serious accusation that needs to be backed up with some proves – sources. Sources that talk on that subject and underline that as problem.

So far I have seen zero sources or news that support your accusations not even close to what you have been saying … Is everybody pro-Iran or something else is the problem, to keep such information’s away from the people? Proves, links please first !

Willing Conscience (The Truths




You need to follow opposition news sites if you want to find out the real truth, you can compare the info they provide with the info your own side provides and then make up your own mind as to who’s telling you the truth.

Also find out what’s going on in the Deir ez Zor education system too, Iran is brainwashing Sunni children while they’re at school now, and as unbelievable as that sounds it’s totally true. And find out why Assad terminated the telecom deal Rami Maalouf made with Iran, that will explain a few things too.

Last time we corresponded you said I used too many words, but you have to read the whole lot of what I’ve sent you this time if you want to find out the truth.

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