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ISIS Terrorists Launched Large Attack Against Syrian Troops In Eastern Hama

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ISIS Terrorists Launched Large Attack Against Syrian Troops In Eastern Hama

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Late on October 6, ISIS terrorists launched a large attack on the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and pro-government forces in the eastern Hama countryside.

The London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) said the terrorist group’s attack had targeted positions in the area of al-Fasdah as well as in the mountains of Tanahij and Tutian.

Heavy clashes broke out in eastern Hama as a result of the attack. However, ISIS terrorists were not able to advance in the region.

“Three Russian warplanes targeted the organization’s [ISIS] positions in the desert of Deir Ezzor at the time of the organization’s attack [in eastern Hama],” the SOHR said in its report.

ISIS stepped up its attacks on government forces in central Syria, especially in the Hama-Aleppo-Raqqa triangle, in the last few weeks.

According to the SOHR, 49 terrorist and 41 Syrian pro-government fighters were killed in clashes in the central region over the last week only.

Despite sustaining heavy losses, ISIS terrorists continue to escalate in the central region, which indicate that they are receiving some support. Some recent reports revealed that U.S.-backed fighters in the southeastern region of al-Tanaf are suppling the terrorists in exchange for money.


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I thought Russia ‘Rained Hell’ on desert cells.

Lone Ranger

CIA/Mossad/Turkey smuggles in new ones. 89,000 dead CIAisis and counting…


Last time they were 90.000, what happened to the 1k?

Lone Ranger

They went into the fertilizer program.


Indeed i am happy i bought into rat fertilizer a long time ago business is “BOOMING” https://media2.giphy.com/media/26BRIWKoU90gYvSg0/giphy.gif


To fertilise what, impotent vodka addicts?

Lone Ranger

The soil…:) Sorry to dissapoint you but there are no ukropnazis in Syria. Or at least not alive anymore…


There is a bunch of impotent losers in Hmeimim airbase, pretending to fight jihadists.

Lone Ranger

Sure, thats why they managed to crush them with never ending airstrikes, plus they twarted around 30 attempts on attacking the base. ?


Exactly, never ending airstrikes that didn’t do nothing.

Lone Ranger

Except winning the war.


Winning so hard that he needs Turks to escort Russians near Idlib. He’s an embarassment for the Russian Military.

Lone Ranger

Its the other way around. Russia is escorting Turks. :)


You are the Adibas if comments.

Lone Ranger

Oy oy…

Антон С

133 thousand for 5 years as the MoD claims. There was the article about the operation of RuAF in Syria.

johnny rotten

At this point, the Coventry tailor should also give the names and all the personal data, given how well informed he is about numbers, places and everything that happens in the Middle East, this lack of names and everything else is a serious lack for such a well-informed source.

Lone Ranger

Condolences to the fallen CIAisis and wahabimossad operators. May they rest in pieces…


I always thought the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) were not supposed to be all that reliable?


it depends what they say:)

Антон С

All London based is not reliable by default, especially with “human rights” mark. London is so concerned by human rights of syrians, do you believe that? It’s another tool in info campaign against Syria. Same as “Bellingcat”, may be a bit less loud and stupid. That’s why SOHR is the source for MSM. They does’t use sources many times, if a source is against editorial policy. And we all know what is the policy of MSM, not pro-syrian obviously.

“The two-bedroom Coventry home of Syrian immigrant Rami Abdel Rahman has been the organization’s base and the source of information for major mainstream media on anything Syria-related from the past four years, including the death toll.” https://www.rt.com/news/317372-nimrod-kamer-syrian-observatory/

It’s clear sign that SOHR is drain tank of english security services, or “secret police” as they love to write about opponents. Same as “Nexta” in Poland with their “only three people in staff”.

Bill Wilson

The man operates a clearing house for information sent to him from the various factions and individuals in Syria.

John Wallace

Got to take what he says with a grain of salt but quite often the only source of information from certain areas. He was very pro separatists / terrorists and full of shit but since Assad regained control of a lot of lost land he has resorted too more straight reporting … but … always have a bag of salt handy.


SOHR’s countless Love Letters to terrorists inspired the Heroes of ISIS to take back Syria! Caliphate forever! Public Beheadings every Tuesday! Vote for Al Halal!

Laurent Parodi

What a moron. Mute that fool.

Gotama Siddhartha

shut the fuck up asshole, Assad is doomed

Laurent Parodi

Another moron to mute bye bye.

John Wallace

5 months ago you said ” Unforgettable Erdohan will be dead soon” Certainly doesn’t look like your predications are very accurate… Yes yes .. I know .. I am an asshole that needs to shut the fuck up …but like all your predications ,, that ain’t about to happen. now go find a truck full of explosives and do something useful. Yes you can take your goat with you if you can’t detach yourself.

Gotama Siddhartha

Inshallah brother of heart Bashar live by the sword he will die by the sword


Imagine playing chess where one player gets to make 3 or 4 moves for every 1 move the other player takes. – Well, that’s how USA plays chess vs Russia, with Russia constantly making less moves then USA (though US moves aren’t always good ones, they still make lots of them).

Jim Allen

Russia is against wasted motion.

Lone Ranger

And Russia still beats them on every front…

Gotama Siddhartha

Assad family are just brutal and pity dictators washing brain of their soldier Because they won’t let go of power and money 4 children dies in juin 2019 in a jet figther bombing They have blood on their hand, Hafez, Bashar and Maher they let escape terrorists from prison to justified their mass killing and destructions

Jim Allen

Who’s crack pipe you smokin’ ? Overpaid Zionist parrot troll.

Fog of War

Does anyone even care at this point ? Syria is done. What’s happening in NK is more interesting as both sides are going at it full blast. In Syria Russia and the SAA just keep playing footsie. Whats the point ?

Jim Allen

Far from it, troll. “What’s the point” ? The point is, never interrupt your opponent when they’re blundering. Your shallow, superficial pretense of knowledge prevents you seeing activity that is happening deeper than the depth of a cookie sheet. So, there’s little point to attempt explanation. More Kool-Aid while you watch the wars ?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

“Some recent reports revealed that U.S.-backed fighters in the southeastern region of al-Tanaf are suppling the terrorists in exchange for money.”

There have been some reports and actions from the US that confirm this is an accurate accusation, and that’s why the US has been arresting so many Maghawir al-Thawra members, in fact one of the fighters who’d been hiding from the US to avoid arrest, recently defected back to the Syrian Government to avoid capture He refused to front the US allegations so he packed up some of his fellow Isis supporters, all his wives and children, and then went back to the Syrian Government’s side to effectively receive immunity from US prosecution. So as much as this is an accurate statement by SF it’s also very misleading at the same time, especially when all the related facts are not mentioned and it’s taken completely out of context. Yesterday SF ran a story about the US launching airstrikes against Isis training camps located in Iranian controlled southern Deir ez Zor, and today we get a story about possible US complicity in helping Isis fighters located near Al Tanf, which seem to be two very conflicting stories concerning the US and Isis, but SF cleverly and accurately said, “U.S.-backed fighters”, So didn’t actually accuse the US itself of complicity, just some of the fighters from Maghawir al-Thawra, but I wonder how many readers will totally misunderstand the accurate statement and understand it to mean the US is directly involved in helping Isis. The real story should be why have the US been allowed to launch airstrikes in Government held southern Deir ez Zor, that’s were the Iranians have the bulk of their forces located, and now the US feely attacks Isis training camps that are located in the Iranian held stronghold, so that’s 2 questions that SF should’ve posed, 1, why have the US been allowed to attack Government held areas without objections from Russia or Syria, and 2, why are Isis training camps located in the heart of Iranian controlled Southern Deir ez Zor in the first place. Now you have to realize the US wasn’t just attacking Isis hideouts, logistic bunkers or command posts, they were actually attacking Isis ‘training camps’, and training camps are always at least semi permanent and very hard to hide, and yet they were located near the heart of Iranian controlled territory [50 km southwest from Abu Kamal, Iran’s biggest and most important stronghold, so just 50 km away]. Since the end of 2018 Iran has been directly responsible for the security of most of southern Deir ez Zor and a big chunk of north eastern Homs, and yet over the same time period this is where Isis has actually been the most active [in govt held areas], and sadly now that’s just giving the US yet another excuse to attack Government held territory, and possibly even an excuse to invade if things get any worse [I’ll bet Israel would be more than happy to help out and is probably already championing the strategy]. So why were the US allowed to freely fly into southern Deir ez Zor to bomb Isis, did it have something to do with the fact the Russians were allowed to attack Isis positions in US held northern Deir ez Zor [revenge for their slain general] the day before, I can only assume they cooperated since both parties have a deconflation agreement that coordinates air activity over the other parties territory. So that’s the story I want to read in SF tomorrow, are the Russians and US actually cooperating when it comes to dealing with Isis or aren’t they, because they’re both attacking Isis targets in the others territory with no objections from the other party, which usually implies some sort of cooperation.

Jihadi Colin

ISIS (if there is such a thing; after years of obsessively studying the group I’m still unconvinced of its actual existence as anything but a marketing label) is far too useful to get rid of. Firstly, it is useful as a tool to attack secular and pro Russia/China countries, which are the only countries it does attack. Secondly, it is the perfect excuse to maintain permanent imperial occupations on the excuse of “fighting” it.

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