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ISIS Terrorists Resume Activity In Northeastern Hama, Captures Villages From Other Militant Groups

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ISIS cells resumed their activity and seized more villages in northeastern Hama from Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra, the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda). ISIS units allegedly captured the villages of Qasr Ibn Wardan, Abla, Jubb Safa, Ubb al-Qanat, Rasm al-Tina,Tal Halawa, Tulayl Hamr and others. In total, the terrorist group allegedly took control over 10 villages.

According to reports, the expansion of ISIS in the area had become possible thanks to defections from Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and long-prepared sleeper cells.

ISIS Terrorists Resume Activity In Northeastern Hama, Captures Villages From Other Militant Groups

Click to see the full-size image. Source: https://twitter.com/EasternMediafax/status/950553432749957122

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interesting! Maybe the SAA will allow ISIS to flee into the Western Idlib area! Its so good to have terrorists killing terrorists! Imagine how many SAA lives are being saved because of this! How cool is it that on average, even 1 isis scum killed also equals 1 HTS killed thus keeping on average 2 SAA heroes alive! ISIS and HTS halve each others militant numbers whilst the SAA stays healthy! You can bet your balls that dutchNational has a problem with this! He doesn’t like seeing terrorists killing terrorists! He prefers the SAA to die! I CAN PROVE THIS AND HE KNOWS IT! :) He is such a piece of shit! Anyway, the tiger forces are doing their job! Soon Idlib will be liberated and only small pockets will be left! most will reconcile but its likely Israel will help Eastern Gouta Terrorists threaten Damascus! The Jews are such evil scum! Just because their proxy war failed, they now have to show their true colours and HELP HTS near Damascus! I cant fucking wait for Hezbollah and Iran to threaten the shit out of Israel!

Toni Liu

Now dutchbag in world of confuse, he with his master cant solve what kind troll to release after this happened, hope we never see him again, better he and his master took some drugs somewhere and died overdose

northerntruthseeker .

You miss the entire point here.. The US/Israel/NATO criminal cabal controls ALL of these so called “terrorist” groups, and they are manipulating the situation here by having this farcical ‘attack’ by their ridiculous “ISIS” take place… The timing is too perfect..

It does make one wonder what the game is that the US and Israel are playing? They obviously are behind this redeployment of ISIS and this “ISIS seizing villages” scenario….

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Problem is these ISIS are not part of the US cabal seems they are a break away group and no backers why they keep taking the equipment and manpower of HTS and FSA to bolster their own equipment and troops.


It looks like there is some coordination between SAA and ISIS. At least there is no fighting between them and maybe the SAA is considering ISIS here as a useful tool. And we have to consider that ISIS are sometimes just local sunni tribes. So they may take part in a reconciliation program later on and this ISIS area would just vanish from the map.


Everybody has used and continues to uses ISIS, or any other Jihadi club for that matter, when it suits them. If anyone feels they can nudge ISIS against a certain faction of their choosing, well, then they’re not going to do much to stop them. In the end the Syrian war is a civil war, as inside a country, and those are always incredibly complex and confusing. Nothing like a war between states, where everybody knows who the enemy is.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Yes Blarbba_Yappa again the idiot doublespeak from you. Well this is far from being a civil war with all the foreign proxies and foreign backers as it had been stated by all the bad actors in this theater of the absurd. Obomba admitted it SatanYahoo admitted they have all admitted to backing and sponsoring this war from the beginning even Stumpy fingers still allows the backdoor Obomba opened, your denial gets weaker every time you say anything.

What you forget you don’t fool anyone but yourself with your meanderings about saying if it was a war between states, it would be easy but that rings so false even you must be getting sick of it, because I am!


Any civil war that lasts this long has foreign backers and foreign proxies. Name me one where that didn’t happen? They have to be otherwise a central government would have crushed their opposition ASAP.

As for the term, this is the definition from wikipedia which seems perfectly applicable to this situation:

A civil war, also known as an intrastate war in polemology,[1] is a war between organized groups within the same state or country. The aim of one side may be to take control of the country or a region, to achieve independence for a region or to change government policies.[2] The term is a calque of the Latin bellum civile which was used to refer to the various civil wars of the Roman Republic in the 1st century BC.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Well lets look to see if they have a central government , hasn’t been one so impossible to wipe it out. Let’s see we found they have no central government and the sophisticated level of smuggling and weapons already denotes these countries whom are backing them would be the ones organizing them and there is no real cohesion within these various groups and that would be impossible to deal with as none are centralized again. Since we have disputed your theory on central power structure,let’s deal with the level of Foreign groups. We will discover if they are greater than the local populace involved well that has been easily solved as we already know the names and origin of these groups as they outnumber local participants on the opposing side.

Toni Liu

Maybe this isis in idlib little bit diffrent compare to its brother at deir ez zor? Still unknown for their goal

northerntruthseeker .

There is NO coordination at all between the SAA and the US/Israel/NATO fraud called “ISIS”… The coordination is actually between the so called “rebels” and “ISIS” operating in that same theater…

The US/Israel are behind this sudden shuffle and this “reappearance” of “ISIS” in Idlib Province.. They moved their “ISIS” forces out of Deir Ez-Zor Province as the SAA approached and moved them through the territory held by the US fraud “Kurdish alliance” area to be whisked across to redeploy in Idlib Province…

Once you understand that ISIS is and always has been a fraud and is composed of almost entirely US bought and paid for mercenaries as well as US/CIA and Israeli/Mossad operatives and agents, then you get a clearer picture of the sick and twisted game the US and Israel are conducting in that entire nation..


well if you were SAA and you see ISIS fighting HTS for whatever reason?would you attack them as well and brake their attack?i wouldnt…..i would let them kill each other and then deal with the ‘survivors’…..

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

There is to some extent a truce which was negotiated in order for them to be there in the first place. They are smart enough not to attack the SAA, as it is easier to attack the HTS and Al Qaeda affiliates as they are in disarray. Just smart tactics to not attack a stronger opponent when they are trying to survive and grow, not get wiped out again.

Cem Duru

Please someone enlighten me. How those small pockets and the militants inside it survive really? E.g. Eastern Ghouta, Al-Dumayr, Eastern İdlib, Northern Homs, Ar-ruhaybah. They need food, medicine and ammunition at least. As those pockets has no access to the sea or those pockets does not share a border with a “friendly” country, how those supplies reach those areas which are fully encircled by the enemy? Saudi Arabia, Israel etc. support these militants thats ok, but i mean phisically how? By air? or they have other means to breach the enemy lines? My answer is these pockets are not really encircled phisically, maybe because of lack of manpower, so everything is moving freely in and out of those pockets. Am i right?


Because the encirclement isn’t as complete as it appears on the map. It’s probably more like roadblocks and checkpoints at strategic positions, rather then completely surrounding trenches and fences. The SAA just does not have the kind of manpower for that. Based on previous reports, like the recent SAA advance into Idlib it would appear that villages, rather then a classic frontline are the key. You take or hold a village, you then control the surrounding countryside. That means that dedicated smugglers can still get through. That even goes for embargoed North Korea, so why not here?

And on the flipside there is a lot of money to be made here by smuggling. Where there is demand and cash, there will be supply. Jihadis never have shortage of cash thanks to their foreign benefactors, and SAA and NDF personnel get paid peanuts. So when somebody comes along and offers them a lot of cash in return for regularly looking the other way, well…., you probably get my point. Those countries were already incredibly corrupt to begin with and the current war probably did not help either.

Cem Duru

I think north korea is not a good example, as it shares a long border and territorial sea areas with a “friendly” country namely china. Ok i can understand that corruption is widespread and those pockets are not surrounded by phisical barriers. But again smuggling rocket launchers, antitank missiles and even the tanks themselves inside those areas still puzzles me. :) Thanx for the answer anyway.

Toni Liu

About medicine and food there are some cease fire zone that had agreement to allow some basic need like food and medicine to be send in to area, but for guns and ammo like came from smuggling activities that if you dig deep enough in south front or in r&u vid at youtube they had some video about it, for tanks they just hide it inside garage or some place for long enough same with missile, and this area left not much touched by war since russia came untill now, cause saa busy liberate other area even if this vermin didnt attack vehicle base maybe saa wont attack this place until idlib operation done


Contrary to western media accounts of “harsh government siege”, these pockets are allowed food and medicine supplies from the United nations as part of brokered cease fire agreements .

Every time you hear about people starving in ghouta it is because the militants take the food and deny it to citizens they feel are less trustworthy.

Furthermore, arms are smuggled in with these aid packages (covertly, thanks to the leadership role US, Britain, France has within the United nations). Thus causing less food to reach these pockets.


same think they have done during the war in the Balkans…..Serbs have found huge amounts of ammo in red cross vans delivering humanitarian aid


hope both f them have many casualties during the battle

That Guy

They might be some undercover Syrian intelligence officers, not ISIS. Who knows. But still, how would that be useful for them ?

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