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MARCH 2025

ISIS Threatens New Syrian Government

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ISIS Threatens New Syrian Government

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In its first statement since the fall of the Assad regime, ISIS threatened the Syrian transitional government and accused it of serving foreign interests.

ISIS said in the statement, which was released on January 26, that “those who brought down Bashar al-Assad are nothing more than pawns in a geopolitical chess game.” The terrorist group also warned the new government, which is led by Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) against adhering to international laws and agreements, claiming such compliance would serve only external powers.

ISIS accused the armed factions involved in Assad’s downfall of waging a proxy war on behalf of regional and international actors.

“Their goal is to secure political gains at the negotiating table, perpetuating a cycle of conflict,” the terrorist group alleged.

The terrorist group also condemned those advocating for a civil state in Syria, labeling them as “new oppressors.”

The statement also attacked the Syrian revolution, describing it as “pre-Islamic” because it seeks to establish a democratic civil state, and said that it is “a revolution of liberation from an oppressive regime that monopolizes power in order to reach another democratic regime that shares power.”

On January 25, the Washington Post revealed in a report that the United States has begun sharing classified intelligence with Syria’s new government.

According to the newspaper, U.S. intelligence recently helped thwart a planned ISIS attack on a prominent Shiite shrine near the capital, Damascus.

And on January 27, local fighters in Daraa apprehended Suhaib al-Hariri, also known as Atta Allah al-Shami, a senior ISIS leader, during an ambush along the road between the cities of Sanamayn and Kafr Shams in the eastern countryside of the governorate.

ISIS Threatens New Syrian Government

Atta Allah al-Shami

It is unclear however if the fighters were affiliated with HTS or if they had received any intelligence from the U.S.

In the wake of the fall of the Assad regime, several reports revealed that ISIS was reorganizing its ranks in central Syria after recruiting more fighters and capturing loads of weapons from the abandoned bases of the now dissolved Syrian Arab Army.

Now, the terrorist group poses a serious threat not only to HTS, but also to Syria as a state. While HTS was successful against the terrorist group in its former stronghold of Greater Idlib, combating its threat in all of Syria won’t be an easy task.


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you know very well who is to blame for this – the criminal who killed the wagner bosses (without utkin, al qaeda and isis are the bosses again).

Guy Metdrapedes


Shlomo's little weenie

yep, andropov’s kgb jews

the narrative

lev tahor …. look that up folks


piss of “lola” lola lola

grab 'em on the pussy

piss off bot.


you know very well who is to blame for this – the criminal who killed the wagner bosses (without utkin). al qaeda and isis are the bosses again. another evil of putin. first he took all the credit for wagner’s work, then he killed wagner’s bosses. believe me, if there is a god (i don’t believe in god) russia will break up into several countries.


hts devoured isis long before. don’t let you fool. this is just a try to whitewash the name of hts.

they killed their leaders and forced them to scatter and serve for hts. otherwise they could never last this long in greater idlib.

open up your eyes.

Rüdiger Fritsch // Düsseldorf

…but it is also terrible, since putin influences the weather, the summers in the eu and the usa are becoming more and more unbearable with temperatures up to over 40°




mainly russia and al qaeda are now allies in syria because of erdogan and the brics. but the end of russia is closer than you think.


did you pulled this again out of your ass? someone whose braindead end lies decades back, should not predict in these times.


the criminals killed the wagner bosses and that’s why they lost syria. the treacherous murder of wagner bosses will destroy russia, not just syria, in the long run.

Shlomo's little weenie

just have to wonder what the people of chechnya think about all what is going on around them, and in this catastrophic middle east. still have their military groups in donbass fighting. donbass people couldn’t ask for better allies


i hope that they and the buryats will also come to their senses and say: we demand a independent state.


they will. putin & his jewish masters from chabad lubavitch on full purpose started this stupid war &granted donbass independence from ukraine – knowing full well that chechnya,buryats and other former soviet satellites will therefore (further or later) demand independence too and take up arms. thus russia will break apart. that’s the plan of the jews & putin is their guy to fullfill it.

Last edited 1 month ago by Bellfly

the funny thing is that even wagner + all its criminals recruited from murderers & robbers couldnt take the sh*t, lies & corruption putin & gerasimov&shoigu were doing to them anymore, what is why they finally rebelled against putin&gerasimov&shoigu. putin then murdered the wagner bosses and destroyed the organization – thus destroying ru’s grip on the middle-east as well as the most effective military unit of russia.

Last edited 1 month ago by Bellfly
Moshe Dayan

you’re just spewing propaganda lies for the eugenicists in the wef and their criminal army. you need better creative liars to write your drivel, trashbag.


so who is helping them (isis)? which state or states are helping isis with intel, arms, money, etc?

obviously they are not on their own.


its the jew the jews did it. they created isis they created hts funded them with western funds they stole through shabbosgoy leaders


it’s official syria is balkaniaed like yugoslavia was.


both hts and isis are mossad inventions


idiot its isis horus seth you fool.


declare please?!?


leith abou fadel is also dead. she was a good woman. i now only regret one thing. that the unfortunate alawite sect doesn’t know that it’s not a problem if al qaeda does stupid things to you at your family grave. but when you see what they’ve done, you just have to light a candle and pray: i can’t do anything, you help me. it’s also good if you kill a dove on a damaged grave or burn a box of marlboros next to a candle. first circle yourself with a line (this is necessary).


when i was schülerin i stole a skeleton from the biology classroom. i gave him a globe in one hand and a scythe in the other. now i worship it and it brings me luck.


this is banned among the jews.


kinky lola what are you writing with lola?

grab 'em on the pussy

lola’s writing with her dick, clown.


this is quite widespread in latin america. among jews, catholics, and muslims, it is all forbidden, like much good things.


oh wow, chaos, new conflict, israel/u.s. plans unfold. no civil society, just chaos. a new libya!


only gaddafi 2 be fix libya.


i don’t understand why al kadia has the right to run the country but isil doesn’t.


so isis reemerges so that the usa have a reason to stay there and “protect” the oil.


well well well, we finally got rid of the terrible bloody dctatorship of bashar al assad and have this shining new democracy in syria, right?

the narrative

isis threaten isis ? washing post is a cia propaganda tool. the cia / mossad will only create more destruction because they does not have the basic human ability the make peace wih others.

the narrative

sorry for the typo’s

Peter Jennings

it’s beginning to sound as if the us/nato/isreali apartheid regime have used these gullible religious types to finally take syria out of the hands of democracy, but now they do not want these violent idiots getting above their station and ruining western plans for inserting their own ‘democracy’.

Per Dørup

both hts and isis belong to the islamist terrorist al queda network. russia should not have any illusions about hts, who – supported by the us, eu and reactionary middle east regimes – toppled the secular assad government.


tak, že. presne ako som to predpokladal. cirkus sa ešte len začne. otázkou je ako bude na tom rusko. teraz mám na mysli ich vojenské základne v sýrii. za týchto okolností by sa mihli stať tak isto cieľom útokov. budú mať rusi chuť bojovať? alebo sa radšej stiahnu a budú sa iba prizerať na to ako sa západ medzi sebou bije? mysleniu zdar a svetu mier!!!

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