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ISIS Vicious Cycle In Central Syria

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In a very busy month of March, the Russian Aerospace Forces, in support of the Damascus government, kept up a significant level of airstrike activity against ISIS every single day.

According to the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, Russian warplanes carried out more than 1,380 airstrikes on ISIS cells in Central Syria.

These reportedly resulted in the death of 57 ISIS terrorists, and the injury of 25 others.

The airstrikes could potentially seem excessive, but there is no other effective way to contain the terrorist group. On March 28th-31st, 100 Syrian service members were wounded in attacks by ISIS or by explosive devices planted by the terrorists.

Despite all of this, security in central Syria is not as compromised as it appears. Roads are open for traffic, and some semblance of normality is present. Gas and oil fields are tightly guarded and operational, and all urban centers are secured from terrorist activity.

On March 31st, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov claimed that the United States used ISIS terrorists to hinder any potential political solution to the Syrian conflict.

In seeming proof of this statement, on the same day, the US reportedly transported 40 ISIS terrorists from al-Houl prison, east of Hasaka city, to its base in al-Shadadi city. Out of these forty terrorists, two are notably ISIS members who operated in Deir Ezzor.

The US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) on March 28th began a security operation at the notorious al-Hawl camp, which houses 62,000 people, mostly women and children of ISIS terrorists.

Around 6,000 troops from the SDF, Asayish security forces and the People’s Protection Units are taking part in the operation.

The SDF has already announced the arrest of 53 alleged ISIS members, including a Sharia Judge of ISIS, Abu Muhammad al-Jumaili, and five other officials of terrorist cells that were carrying out various operations inside the camp.

There is plentiful footage, including videos and photographs showcasing the operation.

The situation in the camp has steadily been ramping out of control, with frequent killings taking place there. In the first three months of 2021 alone, at least 47 people have been murdered by terrorist elements. The United Nations has repeatedly warned of the deteriorating security situation in the camp.

Central Syria is secure, but still a hotbed of ISIS terrorists. The security operations by the Syrian Arab Army and its Russian support are unlikely to stop anytime soon, especially if the accusations against the United States are true.

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Supreme Blyat

If they can do almost whatever they want in plain desert, just imagine what could they do with some mountains and woods.


It’s crystal clear. Iraq doesn’t have to deal with terrorist invaders like in the Golan Heights, Idlib, eastern Syria, al-Tanf, etc., most terrorists in Iraq are concentrated in Kurdistan, so ISIS attacks on Iraqi forces are considerably less frequent and intense.

Supreme Blyat

Central Syria is plain desert with few rocks, also Al-Tanf. How hard would be for few drones to see when any Toyotas gets out from there?


those rats can’t live in the desert for long,i mean they can’t go to the local supermarket for food,they are supplied from bases in the rear,and we know who has those bases,until they are dealt with it won’t end,like i said the SAA with Russian air cover need to launch a big operation over to the east of the Euphretes and take that bloody oil back if that means a clash with the Americans thats what will have to happen,but i would bet the Americans would do very little,an /American body count wouldn’t be a good look for Biden.

Fog of War

” those rats can’t live in the desert for long ”

Except they’ve been there for years already.

Icarus Tanović

Very well statement, that you want to compromise. They’re coming from Al Tanf and across Euphrates. Them rats.

Fog of War

Then what ISIS hide outs is Russia always bombing ? The ones from Al Tanf and across Euphrates ?

Icarus Tanović

Who is talking about Russia? When was that? How frequent is that? No as frequent as in America. What them rats doing in Pentagon? Ziowahhabis are pest of you know very well what origin. You don’t have to be super smart to conclude. End of conversation from my side.

Fog of War

Run away if you want. Its obvious your lapse in logic is embarrassing you.

Icarus Tanović

I don’t, I just don’t like smell of a swine troll around. Disgusting psychopath.

Fog of War

Another eunuch protesting his impotence. How sad.

Icarus Tanović

So very very right and right on the spot.

Supreme Blyat

You missed the point. All is happening in plain desert and Russia can’t detect shit.


A cycle that’s gonna go on and on and on as long as ISIS/SDF are invading eastern Syria, Turks and their motley crew of terrorist proteges in the north, and US terrorists in al-Tanf, not to mention the constant air support provided by terrorist Ziojews bombing whatever they say are “Iranian proxies”.

The terrorist Ziocorporate globalists and their Ziowahhabi attack dogs have, at this point, made it way beyond clear that the Syrian war isn’t going to be ended by “business and partnership” in the negotiation table just like that.


Putin says he considers Israel a Russian-speaking country: https://www.timesofisrael.com/putin-says-he-considers-israel-a-russian-speaking-country/amp/

“Israel is home to almost 2 million migrants from former Soviet states, Russian leader says, so countries share a ‘common family'”

Israel’s former Soviet immigrants transform adopted country: https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2011/aug/17/israel-soviet-immigrants-transform-country

“Russian-speaking Jews who arrived over the past 20 years have integrated little, but influenced everything from culture to politics

Putin, KGB, Chabad, & Mossad: bitchute. com/video/hoQhXh_Q0AU/

[Video] Putin Was Raised by a jewish Grandmother? http://www.renegadetribune.com/putin-was-raised-by-a-jewish-grandmother/

Putin’s Old Passport: archive.is/gC88h#selection-561.0-561.16

Putin’s mother’s name was Shelomova and is a Russian-jewish name, by default making Putin himself a jew:




Putin, KGB, Chabad, & Mossad: bitchute. com/video/hoQhXh_Q0AU/

[Video] Putin Was Raised by a jewish Grandmother? http://www.renegadetribune.com/putin-was-raised-by-a-jewish-grandmother/

Allegedly this is Vladimir Putin’s Old Passport: archive.is/gC88h#selection-561.0-561.16

Putin’s mother’s name was Shelomova and is a Russian-jewish name, by default making Putin himself a jew. In jewish culture, a jew is a jew for life when born from a mother that is jewish. Conversion to judaism doesn’t make one truly a jew, unless several generations of descendants are born as a result of one instance of intermarriage between a jew and non-jew. Marriage between jews and non-jews is illegal in Israel.

Deuteronomy 7:


Berel Lazar: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berel_Lazar





Putin Unveils Israeli WW2 Memorial (in Israel), Honors Red Army for Ending Holocaust: http://www.renegadetribune.com/putin-unveils-israeli-ww2-memorial-honors-red-army-for-ending-holocaust/

The Zionist Terror Network: Background and Operation of the Jewish Defense League and other Criminal jewish Groups: http://www.renegadetribune.com/the-zionist-terror-network-background-and-operation-of-the-jewish-defense-league-and-other-criminal-jewish-groups/

The First Holocaust — The Surprising Origin of the Six-Million Figure: https://codoh.com/library/document/the-first-holocaust-the-surprising-origin-of-the/en/

Putin says he considers Israel a Russian-speaking country: https://www.timesofisrael.com/putin-says-he-considers-israel-a-russian-speaking-country/amp/

“Israel is home to almost 2 million migrants from former Soviet states, Russian leader says, so countries share a ‘common family.'”

Israel’s former Soviet immigrants transform adopted country: https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2011/aug/17/israel-soviet-immigrants-transform-country

“Russian-speaking Jews who arrived over the past 20 years have integrated little, but influenced everything from culture to politics.”


The jews appropriated the hexagram from India. It is a hexagon consisting of six triangles and six points = 666.



Willing Conscience (The Truths

24 Russian air strikes = 1 dead Isis fighter.

“The airstrikes could potentially seem excessive, but there is no other effective way to contain the terrorist group.”

Intelligence gathering and effective local policing should be included in the effort, stopping them at the source is the best way of stopping them completely, simply “containing” them isn’t enough. And what are the US accused of doing,

“the US reportedly transported 40 ISIS terrorists from al-Houl prison, east of Hasaka city, to its base in al-Shadadi city.”

Are they going to be freed to do more of Biden’s bidding, or are they being interrogated at the base, the accusation doesn’t say anything about that, it just reveals they were moved from one location to another and then leaves the rest to your imagination.


Why don’t Cancel Culture cancel ISIS?

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