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MARCH 2025

Islamic Jihad Responds To Israeli Strikes On Gaza With Large-Scale Rocket Attack (Videos)

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Islamic Jihad Responds To Israeli Strikes On Gaza With Large-Scale Rocket Attack (Videos)

Illustrative image. Source: the al-Quds Brigades.

Late on August 5, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) launched dozens of rockets from the Gaza Strip in response to the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) ongoing attack on the enclave.

In a statement, the military wing of the PIJ, the al-Quds Brigades, said it had attacked Israeli settlements near Gaza and Tel Aviv with a hundred rocket. The faction noted that this was only an “initial” response to Operation Breaking Dawn, which was launched by the IDF early on in the day.

Meanwhile, Israeli media sources said that more than 80 rockets were launched from Gaza at nearby settlements, including the cities of Ashkelon and Sderot. Rocket sirens were also heard in Tell Aviv and its southern outskirts. No casualties or material losses have been reported, so far. According to the media sources, most of the rockets were either intercepted by the Iron Dome systems, or landed in empty areas.

The IDF said that the operation is only directed against the PIJ, citing recent threats by the group over tensions in the West Bank as a casus belli.

Dozens of Israeli strikes have already hit several targets of the al-Quds Brigades. The IDF said the most recent wave of strikes targeted two weapons depot and a rocket launch site of the faction.

Operation Breaking Dawn have so far claimed the lives of ten people, including Tayseer Jabari, the commander of the al-Quds Brigades in Gaza’s northern sector. Jabari was assassinated in the very first few minutes of the operation.

Prime Minister Yair Lapid said that Israel is not seeking a full-scale operation against Gaza. Still, the ongoing confrontation will likely escalate further in the upcoming hours as the PIJ and other Palestinian factions in Gaza, especially the Hamas Movement, start to strike back.




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We’ll soon find out how effective are the IDF’s iron dome, I hope Hizbollah will try some of its suicide drones as well. I wish all the luck to Palestinians.


Can you tell me what is wrong with you?

Why the fuk stupid people like you want to compare $100-$200 rockets to air defense systems that cost $50 million per battery and $100,000–150,000 per interception? How is that a fair comparison?

Also, why are you including Hezbollah in this now? Because they are Arabs or because Zion is their enemy?

Why not include Iran as well or what about Syria or Russia or China? No, why not?

This is not new to anyone and like in the past nothing came to happen.


Because Hezbollah is the only one to beat them? Of course Iran and Syria are part of it, they’re the ones funding Hezbollah and Hamas. Russia and China can’t directly join without starting a world war, and I’m not sure that’s on their to do list


Read what he is saying first, “I hope Hizbollah will try some of its suicide drones as well”.

You are also rtded, this is not the first time Zion attacked Gaza and I ask you what did Hezbollah do again? NOTHING, what makes you think this time is different?

What I meant was why should Hezbollah jump in for? I’m sorry but did they sign something I missed? That’s not how the world works.

They wouldn’t be war, so stop dreaming about Hezbollah, Iran, and Syria joining them.


“they wouldn’t be war”, careful JJ you’re choice of words getting mixed up. On a side note, it appears that you would be surprise if the group of preys victimised on previous occasions by predator IDF will come together to defend their people, a strong possibility since deep grief, grudge, and animosity prevails between these sworn enemies.


“There wouldn’t be a war” Happy bitch?

“I hope Hizbollah will try some of its suicide drones as well.” Careful NATO’S PROXYTUTE is spell Hezbollah and not Hizbollah.

Stop acting like a child and just answer the questions I asked you. If you can’t, you know it is okay just ignore them.

“We’ll soon find out how effective are the IDF’s iron dome.” We know how shit their systems are and like I said it is not a fair comparison.

“I hope Hizbollah will try some of its suicide drones as well.” Going by history – No.

Stop adding shit to cover up your fuking rtded comment.


Hezbollah did nothing? Hamas still uses the same tactics Hezbollah used in 2006. Hamas themselves said in the last May conflict Hezbollah was in their operation rooms commanding with Hamas leaders. High level senior Hamas leaders went to Lebanon during and after the May conflict, what do you think they were doing there, drinking tea? There’s Hezbollah in gaza smart ass, if you knew Hezbollah you’d know that their fighters and commanders go undercover in every major battle, and rotate their troops around gaza to train Palestinian engineers and soldiers how to create and operate rockets and other weapons.

You don’t have to have troops in there to be part of the battle, the weapons Palestinians use come from Iran, Syria and Hezbollah. During the 2006 war Syrian army was on the Lebanese-Syrian border ready to enter and help Hezbollah, but Hezbollah didn’t want them to enter. Iran has had trainers training new Hezbollah recruits, and bringing their fighters to Iran to train them how to use advanced weapons, and people like Martyr Qassem Soleimani overseeing every battle against the Zionist.

Trust me my friend, I will kick your ass in any debate involving Hezbollah.


Also, Jnoub why didn’t you just call me a bot/troll and actually try to answer my questions?


Sorry to break the realities on the ground JJ, but most of SF followers like Jnoub would simply avoid your distorted idea unworthy of a wink of attention. Leave them alone, and be grateful I’m here somehow with laughter reading your comedy scripts.


Don’t group up people you rtded ape. Fuk kid.


JJ345 sounds like one of the trollbots of ZIO-CIA-operated asset that was recently exposed by Elon Musk which amplify the number of Biden’s followers in twitter.. It’s obviously set in the cyberspace with faulty program which incoherently responded to my comment about Palestinian use of rockets and possible support from Hizbollah using armed drones being countered by IDF iron dome… Then out of nowhere popped bot code JJ345 starting with insults followed by elaborated prices of such weaponry clashing over the embattled zone totally irrelevant to my comment, it needs reprogramming or better stick in twitter rather than expanding the fields of coverage exposing the incompetency.


I agree with you on JJ been some sort of troll bot. Or the account might be an actual person who is employed by a state owned military cyber unit. Obviously southfront would be targeted by Israeli, UK and USA military cyber units and have accounts set up so they can comment. The modus operandi of these particular units that have personnel assigned to post comments on sites like SF is to disrupt intelligent conversations and target certain individuals on the comment forums with ad homenim attacks that try to distract the attention and dissuade any intelligent discussion of the article. To basically try and hijack a comment section with inflammatory comments. Best thing to do is for people to ignore these comments and concentrate on posting your opinions and try to make it as informative as possible. Stick to the point and try to remain on-topic. Like they say ‘don’t feed the trolls’.


It is funny how I never saw your fuk faces before, yet again you can just change your name without any problem on SF.

You are all funny rtded people.

Can’t answer my questions? So you are going to call me a bot… what are you going to send an email to SF “team” Karen?


Bitch pls I’ve been here before you all rtded kids and I know how SF is better than anyone else. Also, get off Twitter or just say on and fuk off from here.

Answer my question you stupid fuk, you are part of the problem…you are child minded kid that doesn’t understand anything.

“possible support from Hizbollah using armed drones being countered by IDF iron dome”

You might want to write a book buddy.


Granting you’re not a ziotrollbot, Why are you hanging around here getting crossed with everyone ? This platform is for people with deathwish who despise the decadent satanist club you belong . I suggest you stick with your buddies zioNazi sympathisers devil-worshipping cult.. Fuck off please….!

Last edited 2 years ago by NATO's PROXYTUTE

Oh look at this guy…big boy gonna cry? You can’t answer my questions? Do you want to talk to your momma?

You are a sub-human that has no clue about the real world.

“This platform is for people with deathwish who despise the decadent satanist club you belong”

STFU who gives you the right to talk on behalf of others now?


“We’ll soon find out how effective are the IDF’s iron dome” Go back under the fuking rock that you came out, we all know how shit is Iron Dome.

“I hope Hizbollah will try some of its suicide drones as well.” I asked why you include Hezbollah in this. Couldn’t you fuking answer?

Because you can’t fuking answer a question, you just go on calling others bots and trolls? Fuking grow up pig.

You are a Ziontrollbot cunt.

Bal- baleg

Oh JJ, you’re a reflection of elderly dementia patients residing in a nursing home.. Sounds like a broken record that keeps asking proxytute to answer your questions.

Are you acting like you were one of the CIA agent interrogating a Guantanamo prisoner.. and what if proxytute declined what you demand? are you gonna subject him to waterboarding or hanging by the ankle?

You’re such a funny clown.. Annoyingly funny, heheheh


An assessment of your grammar suggests that English is not your first language. A bot would probably do better.

Are you Israeli or Ukrainian ?


Ask your mother. You fuks were here before Russia and Ukraine war and wouldn’t be here after that. Move the fuk alone rtd.

Yeah, English is my 2nd language bitch, and what about it? What didn’t you understand kiddo? 1/7 of the world doesn’t speak English rtded fuk.

P.S. If you didn’t understand people you ask them what they meant, not questioning their English level. Besides that what was the point of your comment again?

Last edited 2 years ago by JJ345

Hezbollah are not Arabs. Neither are Palestinians or Syrians Arabs. They speak Arabic.


“What is the Arab World? The Arab World consists of 22 countries in the Middle East and North Africa: Algeria, Bahrain, the Comoros Islands, Djibouti, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Libya, Morocco, Mauritania, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, the United Arab Emirates, and Yemen.”

“Palestinians or Palestinian people, also referred to as Palestinian Arabs, are an ethnonational group descending from peoples who have inhabited the region of Palestine over the millennia, and who are today culturally and linguistically Arab.”

“Ethnically, the Lebanese compose a mixture in which Phoenician, Greek, Armenian, and Arab elements are discernible. Within the larger Lebanese community, ethnic minorities including Armenian and Kurdish populations are also present.” Lebanese Arabs 71% and Palestinian Arabs 12%.

Hezbollah is a political party you fuk head, not an ethnic group.

Oh boy, you are so smart motherfuker, look how much I give a shit about your rtded comment. I’m so fuking sick of morons like you fukhead. STFU kid.


Knowledge of history would not change the fact that you’ve got neither common sense nor cognitive capacity.


“Israeli news sources said that most of the rockets fired by the factions were either intercepted by Iron Dome systems, or landed in empty areas.” Reported today by SF… Now madafukkr what can you not understand with my comment above.. PALESTINIAN ROCKETS FLYING… ISRAEL IRON DOME DEFENDING.. IDF doesn’t mind how much it cost them knowing that they’ll receive aid package from USA in billions.



Last edited 2 years ago by NATO's PROXYTUTE
Retired Troll

The Palestinians of Gaza are brave despite being sold out by puppet Sunni corrupt dictatorships of Egypt, Saudis and the Persian Gulf pimpdoms. Unfortunately, Hamas is blocked off from any major supply sources and has to the face the Zionist child killing scum with very limited weaponry but a lot of courage. The IDF murderers despite being armed to the tune of $2 TRILLION since 1948, illegal occupation of Palestine are too scared to enter the open air gulag of Gaza for the fear of casualties. The Zionists will just drop bombs on women and children, against Hezbollah the Zionist parasites know that their hovels will burn so they just bark. Sooner or later a major war is coming and the clock is ticking for the Zionist cancer.

Assad Defeated Zionists

I wish the IDF kills as many Gazan Sunni terrorists as they can. The only good Sunni terrorists is a dead Sunni terrorist.


i support Palestine but i dont support Hamas and Israel


Israel is bad but of course they are better than Isis and the Taliban

Michel LeBlanc

Ill disagree, Taliban are better than israel


Taliban is no freedom

Senile Joe

Islamic Jihad rockets are a waste of time they are not much better than fireworks.


IF they are not doing damage whats the point? it’s dumb. The rockets are a waste of time if no damage done.


They ARE dumb


Israel probably pays them to send them so they can go on their killing sprees with a sort of justification.


No offence JXSN88.. Are you related to JJ345?


SF you guys have these morons’ IP addresses right and most of them use their real email addresses.

But somehow some really “smart” people are in the comments today, calling me a bot/troll.

My point is SF… you guys know what you are growing here right?


JJ345 must be your payroll code to show your zioshit employer the proof of your hard work of trolling, listen to me, you’ve been labelling members of SF community STUPID, RETARDED, FUK FACES, I would advise you use mouth wash to clean your filthy stinking mouth,

We know full well that IDF had attacked not only Gaza but also Lebanon and many places in ME, this attacks being normalised by chosenites doesn’t necessarily mean that people should neither have to react anymore nor express their disgust against IDF brutal aggression like the useless US-controlled institutions. Those IDF attacks are serious violation of international laws begging prosecution.

You also insinuated that rocket shelling by PIJ as a retaliatory action wsa a complete waste of time.. Well, do you expect them to just yell on top of their voice to condemn such multiple murders committed against Palestinians. hell NO.. naturally they would launch whatever they’ve got from the store no matter how ineffective they are. Now you go and have a shower.


Gonna cry? Did you use your actual email and don’t use VPN? Still in 2022…

Kid, I know SF and the team, and it is blacked listed in the EU and USA. I’m giving a warning to smart people to use a VPN and use a temporary email to make an account on SF.

“My point is SF… you guys know what you are growing here right?” This is not for you to answer or try to understand.

You couldn’t understand “You might want to write a book buddy.”? I’m not reading your fuking BS kid. You are a STUPID, RETARDED, FUK FACE, kiddo. Holy shit you are a child, to get that piss at words.

Also, NATO’s PROXYTUTE you forgot to put a full stop at the end of your first comment. :) Happy to help you out. Send me a copy of your book. Okay, thanks.

I’m just going to ignore your ass and so should you. Bye bye bitch and send me your book when it’s finished.

P.S. @SF team, lads I asked you this too many times, let us block people for the love of God.

Last edited 2 years ago by JJ345

The nazi Jews, and massmurder , like Hitler. Evil bastards


It won’t be long before the Palestinians are using depleated uranium rounds collected from Israeli attacks, put the DU into the rockets and LET THE IDF BLOW THEM OUT OF SKY OVER THEIR OWN SETTLEMENTS, thus using the IDF’s own iron dome defenses as a way of catalyzing the DU munitions in their low-tech rockets into mini dirty bombs over Israeli occupied zones.


You saved my time Kev to post what’s in my mind.. Nuke crumbs or residues can actually be secretly supplied by Tehran that comes in secured canisters molded to fit with Palestinian rockets.. That’s the perfect deterrents.


The nazi synagogue of satan, in the land of Palestine, in total Hitlermode.

Chinky madoo

Hezb will probably do nothing like last year, but heres hoping

Arch Bungle

I hope a whole lot of Jews die this time. It’s time to cull the roaches.

tammy pedo sawyer lgbt propanda

IJ cannot challenge Israel–only Hizbollah can regionally and they are far more sensible

Lance Ripplinger

I think I read that it takes 2 to 3 Iron Dome missiles to shoot down one of those home made rockets. Of course, we, the U.S. taxpayer, gets to cough up money we don’t have to replenish the IDF’s stock.

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