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Israel And Russia – Double Standards When It Comes To Alleged State Sponsored Assassinations

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Israel And Russia – Double Standards When It Comes To Alleged State Sponsored Assassinations


Written by Gavin O’Reilly

Monday’s report by the New York Times that Iranian government officials suspect Israeli involvement in the recent deaths of two Iranian scientists – Ayoub Entezari and Kamran Aghamolaei – should come as no surprise to onlookers.

In the long-running shadow war between Tehran and Tel Aviv, the assassination of Iranian officials by Israeli agents has become a mainstay of the Zionist state.

Indeed, the deaths of both Entezari and Aghamolaei came less than two weeks after an assassin on a motorcycle gunned down Hassan Sayyad Khodaei, a Colonel in Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corp, in Tehran, the most senior member of the elite force to be killed since Quds Force commander Qasem Soleimani was assassinated in a US Drone strike in January 2020, a move that brought Washington and Tehran to the brink of war.

The use of a motorcycle in the assassination of Khodaei also bears a striking similarity to the assassination of several Iranian nuclear scientists between 2010 and 2012, with Israeli involvement later confirmed by US officials, just as Israeli officials themselves confirmed Tel Aviv’s involvement in the November 2020 assassination of eminent Iranian physicist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh in an attack involving automatic gunfire from a remote-controlled drone as the scientist drove through the rural Iranian town of Absard.

The manner in which both Entezari and Aghamolaei died, as a result of suspected poisoning, should also remind onlookers of the case of former Russian intelligence officer and British double-agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia, both found slumped on a Salisbury park bench in March 2018 as a result of a nerve agent poisoning.

The reaction from the western establishment to both incidents however, lies in stark contrast.

Following the attack on the Skripals, 23 Russian diplomats would be expelled from Britain, a move that would be copied across the West in the weeks following the attempted assassination, the largest mass expulsion of Russian diplomats in history until this year’s Russian military intervention in Ukraine, and a move that has so far not even been suggested will be used against Israel in response to allegations it was involved in the poisoning of Ayoub Entezari and Kamran Aghamolaei.

To understand this wildly differing approach to Russia and Israel, one must look into the wider geopolitical factors at play in the West’s relationship with Moscow, Tel Aviv and also Tehran.

In March 2011, a regime-change operation was launched against the Syrian Arab Republic, following President Bashar al-Assad’s 2009 refusal to allowed Western-allied Qatar to build a pipeline through his country, one that would have undermined his relationship with key-ally Russia.

Timber Sycamore, the CIA’s official codename for the operation, would see the arming, funding and training of Salafist militants seeking to depose Assad’s secular leadership and replace it with a theocratic regime friendly to the West – with Britain, Israel and Saudi Arabia also playing a key role in the regime change attempt.

In June 2013, Syria’s key regional ally Iran would intervene in the conflict at the request of Damascus, with Tehran being acutely aware that had the Arab Republic have fallen, the Islamic Republic would have been next in line to experience a US-orchestrated ‘revolution’.

Although this Iranian effort would play a key role in countering the Western-backed terrorist onslaught that had laid waste to its Arab ally, what would perhaps be the most decisive factor in the conflict would be a Russian air campaign that began in September 2015, again at the request of Damascus, and which would prove crucial in helping the Syrian Arab Army reclaim the vast swathes of its territory that had fallen under terrorist control.

This is where the stark contrast in the West’s relationship with Russia and Iran, and Israel comes into play.

A key Western-ally since its establishment in May 1948, Israel has played a particularly crucial role in the United States’ foreign policy over the past twenty years, from evidence of Israeli involvement in the 9/11 attacks which would precipitate the US-led ‘war on terror’, to lobbying for the Iraq war, to Tel Aviv’s key role in the aforementioned Syrian regime change project.

This lies in contrast to Iran, a one-time Western-ally until the 1979 Islamic Revolution saw the US and UK-backed Shah Pahlavi overthrown and replaced by the anti-Western and anti-Zionist Ayatollah Khomeini, with Tehran remaining a steadfast foe of Washington and Tel Aviv ever since.

It is also why there has been zero condemnation by the Western establishment over Israel’s alleged role in the poisoning of two Iranian scientists, a far different approach than that was taken towards Russia’s alleged involvement in the attempted assassination of Sergei Skripal.


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Simon Ndiritu

Then Iran should at least retaliate and show Zionist militants that redlines must not be crossed. Otherwise, Zioterrorism within Iran’s boarders will persist


Irans been provoking by enriching Uranium But they didn’t tell you that.

Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace

Iran needs to nuke these Zionist murdering bastards who backstab anyone. SLAVA ROSSIYA!


You are propaganda at its finest. Disinformation is your true goal.


You sound like a jewish american faggot. Every word you use gives it away to the rest of the regulars that know everything about the jews that cause all these world problems.


A Nazi speaks…


jewish libby ukrappa tok faggots run by biden americunt jewish/cianazi faggot Worse yet baboon brained blek slave of the slave of the slaves,where is KKK?

Cuckmander Hebrew

No one believes your lying sandmutt tripe, you shitskin hebrew.


These Khazar fake Jews are criminals and a threat to humanity. These need to be eliminated for the sake of peace, justice and decency. Zionism is curse on the planet.


Well said.


In a nutshell their curse has been exposed now,they rigged the dud holocaust where in reality orthodoxys were the targets of the ashkenazi sodomised satanic fascist fuckfests,they the paganic hazars,think they are smart but they only mastered lies,scams and baloney excuses, well these are whom also represented over 10k as senior nazi officials in their demonic neo-lib conquest to try to steal the worlds resources,albeit now far little too late,stalemate and its on,now or never,do or die,the world is sick of these demonic dumber than greedy fascist clowns.

The uk like the usa has exceeded their use by date$,and must bow down regardless in their own doings and for doing the dirty on christian civilisations across the globe let alone the rest,how its revealed by their failure to try to do a holocaust on the world and use cias/wenker trump as the mouthpiece for their scam,which differs not to the askenazi,pity oh pity poor usa me,typo desperate measures ti try to save in vain the stinking rotted dead horse known as fed reserve,

Never forget 911 set up by low iq scamming fascist bankster wenkers come in turn cia/poofs!

well times urrp! No more lies,no more fake dud manipulations,no more pandemic hoax,panic, stocks determine fate,they are the irrelevant of this century and they shall remain only just that against the real superpowers of the worlds which belongs to the peoples lands,not nato/cias!

All of these abysmal sodomised (wannabe neo elites) of the western money press regimes,combined have not what it takes to put it over the real peoples weapons,defense and absolute dominance for example 1 billion vs 6 billion with superior arms to gaytos/cias/phaeds?

No comparision,infact they would all die in vain whom try to stop the reason (period) Free lunch is over as are dud moon landings,failed supremo cia aviation fighters,arms,carriers,etc when in reality all these lacketh western bankster fallacys only work on little,weak or ineffective defense mechanisms,unlike Russian,Chinese,Indian and the rest whom are allied with brics!

Last edited 2 years ago by PATEL VILE DIRTY SL00T

But Israel did cross the Red line many times what happened ?nothing.. because gay mollahs rule by Mossad.

Hans mom

That is a good point, the mullahs need to test a nuke and take on the Zionist child killers in a war of attrition. For some bizarre reason the Zionists have duped the dumb Ayrabs and Eyeranians into being scared for nothing. 6 million Khazar criminals will not last for than 4 weeks in any sustained asymmetrical warfare. Zionism is as big a bluff as NATO faggot warmongers

Cuckmander Hebrew

Shitskin turdkroach wog, didn’t herzog make a grand visit to your capital with a huge delegation recently? 20 ships from “oy shitskin vey, muh yisroel” also turned up in your darkie country.

You’re the last one to talk about mossad ruling anyone, you dung brown mongrel mystery meat.


Let me tell you this my Turk-isis pig – Iran doesn’t go around and yell who they “finish off”.

A Palestinian man set the house of an Israeli who once headed Israel’s space agency on fire. That Zion got cooked and died 8 days later, now that is funny.

Mid May 2021, his name is Avi Har-Even and his son is Yoav Har-Even – do know who is Yoav Har-Even? “Yoav Har-Even is president and CEO of Rafael Advanced Defense Systems Ltd. Before joining Rafael in 2015, he served as head of the Israel Defense Forces Operations Directorate.”

Your task is to find the video of the person who set that old Zion on fire. You find out something, it is hidden or people don’t care much about it. I tell you what, it is very hard to kill a Zion in Zion-stan – they have only 9 million people and their people and government are rat or pig-like. Now, do you really think a random Palestinian man just knew where he was and when would he come back and how to kill that old Zion?

It is funny who they kill tho and how they killed him. You just don’t hear it because you are deep inside their platforms and Zion hides their losses.

P.S Trust me you want to watch the video of it.




Russias been targeted for centuries. Israel was created to please the King.

Shouqi al Mukthar

The devious British backstabbers created the Zionist entity to perpetuate endless conflict and loot Arab oil. The Sunni corrupt regimes are in league with western imperialists and that has allowed the Zionist cancerous land usurpers to squat in Arab Palestine so far. They simply can not survive in the long run.


Difficult to say who created whom: did Brits create Israel or Jews create Britain….


Both are true. So-called “Glorious revolution” in 1688: putsch/invasion/occupation of England funded by Jewish banksters from Amsterdam. In return diehard zionists like Churchill created Israel.


That was the crux 6 million were not slaughtered,but rather forced stalin no choice but to exile 6 million to the middle east israel of todays,being cccp traitors in ww2!


Depends who supports necking Christ,lets see nazis,soros,phaed res,lgbtq,biden,scams!


What?king nothing,they the askenazi wannabe sodoimised homosexuals of todays,murdered royals! In essence george soros and his bandera ideologists are the enemys of freedom earnt peoples! Hence the long awaited eternal askicking of the century and it won’t stop untill they are destroyed, all of the vile bio weaponised desperate phaedo reservist littly piggy fascist libby weeners +their kikes!

Last edited 2 years ago by PATEL VILE DIRTY SL00T

Guess what ethnicity are the banking parasites who control the corrupt stooges in the Western governments? I’ll give you a hint: they are neither Russian nor Iranian. Guess what ethnicity are the five men who own the entirety of the Western mass media ? That includes all news, movies, shows, social media etc i.e. everything that people watch. Here’s another hint : All five men hold Israeli passports. The Western countries are occupied territories themselves but they don’t know it yet.


Some of us in the west know it, but we are like 1-2% of the population. The rest are too busy being entertained by jews. Muh vidya gaems, muh sports team, muh pride parade.

The jews know this and easily manipulate the masses in the west, especially since the number of Whites in the west is decreasing and shitskins that are ok with censorship and anti-gun laws are not only voting, but also becoming politicians.


They are mongrels like filthy dirty isis dogs and grey browned little gay grey nazis with glasses with pig skin much akin to great white oink,oik,or dirty dark little hog oink,oink,oink take your pick!

Peter Jennings

The isreali apartheid regime took off the gloves some time ago. The same with the US who learned their ‘craft’ off the British. Times have a habit of changing when one least expects it. When the west goes into hyperinflation and their economies are ruined, just where will isreal be then? the isreali apartheid regime will be between a rock and a hard place, with the rules of engagement already determined by past regime behaviour. Sympathy around the world for the isreali regime will be as empty as the word ‘antisemitic’.


Iran has been enriching Uranium? Is this for real 😳. No mention Televiv has Nukes and terrorise all their neighbors including Iran. Time is ticking.

Shouqi al Mukthar

It is the usual western double standards, Zionists steal land and kill Arab women and children daily in Occupied Palestine and not even a crocodile tear. Russia liberates its own land in Kievan -Rus and the whole western Jew owned puppet governments throw a hissy fit.

oy vey

Israel is exceptional. International laws, civilized rules or even common decency do not apply to them. If you ask “why not?” then you are anti-semitic! Shut it down!


To everyone who is interested! In 40 minutes, President Putin will be delivering an important message at the St. Petersburg Economic Forum, which is now in its third day. You can watch live Rutube ru. Peskov announces an important message!

helene matz

ziofascistan elites and their stupid followers have delusions of grandeur as have their poodles yankfascistan yes the zios are pulling the strings and the world dances,as soon as russia disavows this entity which they work with for geopolitical reasons and this state is dismantled their venomes influence will continue ad infinitum ps if skripals were poisoned with nerve agent they would have been toast immediately and never recovered,btw where are they anyway,in tool oovey


Is it good for the juice? That is the only question a head of tax cattle down on Rancho Goyim and livestock in the Slumville ghetto ever need to ruminate.


A dead Jew, is a good Jew.


Lets have a real holocaust!


Really?! F**k you guys. Do the honorable thing like Gitler did and put a gun to your own head. Don’t forget to pull the trigger; that’s the good part…


Yes, and we all know this story and heard it too many times… even now you look at Biden’s team – it is most like Zion, those aren’t America – fuk I take some rednecks over these Zion.

Also, look what these Zion pigs have done to my boy Julian Assange.


Assange goes down,rest assurd the whole western demonic fuckfestives will hit rock bottom,harder!


Assamge should be swapped for the two American mercenaries in captivity in Russia Russia then proves it is once again on the right side of world law


Criminal cabals way of saying we are above all laws,britain,the queen,monarchy,even Arsestraylia. Using a satanic vile greedy hindi slave to call the shots proves how weak britain is these days too, if they aint keweers,they are owned by the lgbtq,owned by the trannys yet run by pagan askenazis, to their shame!


THE SKRIPALS HIGHLY LIKELY STORY IS HIGHLY UNLIKELY. The hospitals said nobody had been poisoned with nerve agents like Novachok. BZ was discovered in the samples sent to Switzerland. Did theUK want to target the Skripals? Was it to do with Christopher Steel and the fake russia gate . were they going to divulge information about it? Was it the UK who were involved wtih Hillary Clinton’s efforts to thwart Trump from being president? Christipher Steele was working for the UK civil service, deep state, intelligence services and not a lone actor?


Its been comfirmed that bio pathogen was developed by some poof run by (sic)askenazi chekos! Just another reason as to why Russia owes them tory vermin gimps a helluva asskicking to hell!


The russians i think killed a jew thats like killing billions of gentiles in their eyes.

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never trust a lying anglo—anglos are immoral hyenas


They can crimea river all they want,they don’t call the shots here on in,unless self inflicted stupid ones. Conversely,commodoties shall prevail,putting things mildly energy and agriculture absolutely dwarfs the puny limp wristed sodomites speculative disordinance we come to see here on in,meaning what? (seeya neo-libtards,seeya hellray,seeya soros,seeya nwo,seeya yellen,seeya cia/nazis,seeya blackmail)


Imagine power of Slavic World if countries like Poland and Russia work together… Aggressiveness of Russians and no will to share power pushed Poles, Czechs and other Slavic nations into US arms… still not too late to change this…


The Skripals’ “poisoning” (which they “magically” survived) was put in scene by the same interests that want to make up the russians as the bad guys, and needed a pretext for the tough measures, and sanctions that followed. Western democrazies will never bother their zionist masters for killing some sand niggers.


Bio lab of nazi cheko land was hit by Russia,so the mi6 gimp called it the occult accident,fkn drr bbc. May is a rabid dog,look at britain ever since,as that rabid vile evil filthy mason hag,cursed eternal yep!

Tommy Jensen

Two Iranian scientists = Two Israeli scientists. An eye for and eye, a tooth for a tooth.


Call it simply bio lab weapon war,who gets to genocide to profit mi6,mossad or cia,take your pick!


Am I to believe that the author of this piece genuinely believes the Skripal/novichok story? Nobody with even half a brain could believe that pile of rubbish. Seriously?

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