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MARCH 2025

Israel and U.S. Carried Out Arrow-3 Missile System Test Over Alaska

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Israel and U.S. Carried Out Arrow-3 Missile System Test Over Alaska


Israel and the US completed a series of tests of the new Israeli-developed long-range Arrow-3 ballistic missile defense system in Alaska. The  test included the successful interception of an “enemy” target, according to the Israeli military.

The Israeli side stressed that the tests demonstrated the missile’s capability against exo-atmospheric targets. An American AN-TPY2 radar was involved in the stests. This demonstrated operational connectivity between the systems.

“Ten challenging years of development have culminated in this moment: the Arrow 3 weapon system completed a test campaign, during which an Arrow 3 interceptor completed full interception of the target,”Moshe Patel, the director of the Israel Missile Defense Organization, said. “In addition, the fact that the tests were conducted in Alaska, tens of thousands of kilometers away from Israel, is another significant achievement that demonstrates the operational capabilities of the Arrow 3 system to successfully face any threat,” he added.


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cristi cristikosk

lol, the joy of success.. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9ba9ac6d4036f35680984bd5cda571665069c51f2080cd29dcf714d873f36a52.jpg

klove and light

spot on…lol

cristi cristikosk

and this is priceless )) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8c9e0dbd05d0904dbf8b08b325a6b439af19e67890e5668b63c1efa49ca69eb2.jpg

Simon Bernstein

fake picture. Israel + usa > russkies

Jimmy Jim

kikey…wassup ugly butt….


Which of the two pictures is fake then, and how so, exactly?

Jimmy Jim

only queers and kikes come outta us….

Zionism = EVIL

All NATO are poofters, the Turks have trained them well. Sickos.

klove and light

compared to the last 5 russian Missiles Tests (anti ballistic Missiles and offensive ballistic Missiles), the U.S/Israeli Missile are far far far behind the russian Technology when it Comes to Speed…..on all previous russian defensive ballistic and offensive ballistic Missile Tests Videos it clearly Shows that russian Missiles go to hypersonic instantly after start…….. compared to this us/israeli test, the us/israeli seem to go in slow Motion when compared.

Decatur Guy

Don’t think for one second Israel is above detonating a nuke on US soil for a false flag of epic proportion. Don’t. Doubt. It!


and they are most likely having one or two of their stelth subs sitting off iran in the gulf of Oman ready to ship one or two nukes on teheran or some other city/area of interest – they are waiting for the right excuse which for example might be when dunny the dunce cant withstand the pressure from the mic/deep state any longer and starts a retaliatory attack under which the squatters can sneak in their nukes and then deny any involvement.

israel is of little value and since the geopolitical experiment called israel is a complete failure it’s to the world’s advantage to close it down and send the squatters on green cards to the dysfunctional states of A. I’m sure the american people, like the politicians in washington dc, will embrace the newcomers with open arms. well maybe not so much.


Stupid zionists and neocons it’s very easy when you know the pattern of a ballistic missile, first you launch your TARGET and follow its path then you launch your interceptor and boom. What happens when a foreign country launch stealthy and un expected launch with some 25000 Km/h or some 6-7 km per second. Yeah go stop that I want to see your happy faces then. Do you even know how Russia tests their interceptors, they don’t tell their interceptor mission crew nothing and boom suddenly a missile in the sky, to really stress test their readiness. But what the zionists and the neocons are doing is literally for laughing.


I think they should hire you

viktor ziv

No need to, what corpus of 450 mil Americans and 10 mil Israelis can do, makes me sleep safely.


another vodka talking zombie

viktor ziv

Talking from your own experience again. Lol


It’s good that you type ‘lol’ at the end of your comment, that will make you look cool, not cringe at all

viktor ziv

Expected Freud “eros” focus in your reply but you surprised me with vodka and zombie, that made me lol.


k mate :)

Xoli Xoli

When Russians test every warmonger panic.But if USA and Israel test everyone goes to bars and relaxing laughs fake news propaganda.


They should. But the Russian, no offer accepted from Nasty, Disgusting Zionism.


They turned you down because you are a disgusting zionist? :))


Haha I am zionists, oh man you are wishing that too much tho. I am an Christian Orthodox and I am way away from the evil jews and the nasty Zionists. I despise Jews, and Zionism, the Jews are the only nasty people without a state in this world, even the gypsies have a their own country, but Zionism stuck in Republic Of Palestine is a crave. But they get their daily dosages with Hamas rocketing/defending their land, and the Zionists are in constant sirens wiou wiou wiou wiou all go shelter all false state zionist either on ground prone or in their basements. Only that is enough to live in fear. To start employ 16 year olds in 2 years in military is disgusting. 8 million Jews in a 20000km2. Incapable of nothing. Literally, everything is been given to them on golden platter from the United Snakes Neocons. But sometimes you are down then you go up and clockwise again, you know that everything that has a beginning has an end. So Zionists will end soon or later then Muslims in Palestine will have a beginning.


..oh man I’m wishing too much for you to be a zionist so we can win together, you could win good money instead of writing the rest of your useless comment nobody reads


You can put in your ass those bloody money. Fuck you respectively.


C’mon man, my boss is hiring, dollars, euros, shekels, hryvnia, you name it! you work from your cozy home, get paid weekly on card, just need to fuck Russians on the Internet


Don’t forget, an ever growing number of Russian missiles are endo-atmospheric, not exo-atmospheric kids, but you go on and have your fun?


Yes I have my fun and let me have it, because it is true fun.

Brother Ma

Is this Moshe Patel a Bene Israel or a Black Jew from India?


I have no idea, but he seems to be getting to the bottom of the problem anyway :)


Yeah, on the day Iran plans to send satalite into space. Interesting timing.


Iran, North Korea, and Russia all tested ballistic missiles of some sort within a 72 hour period. No one called it.

Brother Thomas

It’s all about the Benjamins, baby.


Actually it’s not…


America – now a colony of Irsael

Simon Bernstein

Great news! Arrow 3 will be stationed in Israel and can intercept any ICBM or ballistic missile in its space-flight stage! Add to that David’s Sling and Patriot to intercept. Israel has a complete missile defense shield protecting them from everyone and anything that flies. 1. Arrow 3, THAAD 2. David’s Sling, Barak 3. Patriot PAC-3/4, and Iron Dome. No one can overpower these highly advanced sophisticated missiles. No one.

Jimmy Jim

kosher hogwash kikey……


Sounds like you are trying very hard to convince yourself of something. Good luck with that mental process – only beware, there may well be some cognitive dissonance in your future as a result.

Zionism = EVIL

More propaganda. This will be as “successful” as the Zionist crappy iron dud or Americunt patriots.

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