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Israel Announced ‘Wide-Scale Strikes’ Against ‘Iranian Quds Force’ And Syrian Army

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Israel Announced 'Wide-Scale Strikes' Against 'Iranian Quds Force' And Syrian Army

Click to see the full-size image. An Iraeli view at the developments

On November 20, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) announced that they had carried out “wide-scale strikes” on the “Iranian Quds Force” and the Syrian Armed Forces in Syria. The Israeli side claimed that the strikes were carried out in response to 4 rockets, which were reportedly launched from Syria at targets in northern Israel on November 19.

The IDF claimed that its forces have destroyed “a number” of Syrian air defense batteries, which were firing missiles in respnose to the Israeli agression and threatened Syria with more strikes.

The Syrian state media confirmed that its air defenses came under “heavy attack” by Israeli warplanes that targeted the Damascus area from the Israeli-controlled part of the occupied Golan Heights and Lebanese airspace near the town of Marjayoun.

The state-media claimed that most of the missiles failed to impact and were destroyed on approach to Damascus. While the real impact of the Israeli strikes on miltiary targets in Syria remains unclear, there is a visual evidence confirming that Israeli missiles targeted several civilian areas: near Sa’sa, southwest of Damascus, and in Qudsaya west of Damascus.

Israel Announced 'Wide-Scale Strikes' Against 'Iranian Quds Force' And Syrian Army

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Israel Announced 'Wide-Scale Strikes' Against 'Iranian Quds Force' And Syrian Army

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Israel Announced 'Wide-Scale Strikes' Against 'Iranian Quds Force' And Syrian Army

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deluge of missiles from the caspian sea by Iran on tel aviv, haifa , jaffa and other places in the land stolen by the thieving and murdering squatters. now! the only thing that will work – tit for tat! and iran should start an assassination program aiming at israeli generals and politicians and defense industry officials, now!!!

Free man

The mullahs regime is only able to kill unarmed Iranian protesters. The crazy mullahs can’t fight a real army. And you can only fight your own demons.

Friend of Russia

Which way is the Patriots looking now? East or West?

Free man

You are right the mullahs know how to fight oil tanks and oil pumps.

Saso Mange

“During our strike of Iranian & Syrianterror targets, a ” Mad warmongers! So everyone who is against Israel is terrorist? Israel won’t survive next few years if they continue to act like this. Really striking, they are terrorists and supporters of terror.


That makes it pretty much official: Israel is at war with Syria. The state that loves to help actual terrorists of the Al-Qāʿida and similar kind accuses Syrian and Iranian troops that combat these elements of being terrorists. Well, the word has long lost its proper meaning, so that doesn’t matter. This is possibly more than a mere political charade by Netanyahu; long term, it’s likely to backfire.


Some more Iranians biting the dust, got back to Iran in bodybags lol. That’s what you get when you shoot rockets over here, Islamic Jihad in Gaza got the same treatment. Well done IAF, made me proud!


Israel doing everything it can to make all of its neighbours very angry. Do you really think it can end up good for Israel? What will happen after US (israel main and only protector) will cease to have the superpower status? it is already happening…..


We will fight our enemies and hit them wherever they are, Iranians need to go back home or die in Syria. Their choice.


Do as you wish. But then dont cry about the consequences…..


I won’t. I wish we went all the way and got to Beirut in 2006 to finish off Hezbollah, instead we were stopped by a fake ceasefire. Israelis are warriors, we will bravely face any enemy and I hope we can prove it soon on the battlefield.


Your govt. is in disarray and now Bibi is talking trash about Arab Israelis. So of course you lash out at Syria and the so called “Iranian threat”. Same old bullshit story. It’s getting a bit old don’t you think. :)


I know Bibi is using the situation and he’s a creep. But Hezbollah and Iran are above left or right here, all Israelis hate them. BTW, Israeli Arabs are just like me and even in Bibi is talking trash we the public have no problem with the Arabs here. They are Israeli citizens and they get all the rights, and I would stand up and fight for them if any politician tried to hurt them. Palis are a different story though and we need to get rid of them ASAP.


Interesting to think that Iran could force your govt. into a third round of elections. Just by launching 4 rounds into a dirt field in Golan. LOL


Actually it’s about Bibi’s immunity and his effort to escape trial.

Free man

Netanyahu uses the Iranian / Arab excuse to push for a third round of elections.

S Melanson

There is a lot said about the discrimination against Israeli Arabs but not much from the mouths of Israeli Arabs themselves. What you say is new to me. What sources do you suggest to read on this issue.


Maybe try this one, it has alot of info about Israeli Arabs. I studied with Arabs and some of them are still my friends, I love them and we share mutual respect to each other when both of us have holidays. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arab_citizens_of_Israel#Legal_and_political_status


a wiki page,seriously ? besides ,your personal views do not reflect israeli law or society. Israeli arabs have been discriminated against for decades,with and without Bibi. He simply made thinfs worse and more “official”,and nothing else. You’re a soldier of the occupation and you support everything that is wrong with the Israeli government by taking up arms and killing for them,period.

Free man

“Israeli Arabs are just like me and even in Bibi is talking trash we the public have no problem with the Arabs here. They are Israeli citizens and they get all the rights, and I would stand up and fight for them if any politician tried to hurt them.” – I really appreciate this way of thinking.


I had also participated in anti-racist demonstrations in Tel Aviv against Bibi’s fans. I am a center-right man in my views but Israeli Arabs are not a political issue, they are citizens and no one should doubt their loyalty to Israel. Bibi’s incitements are way over the line.


Non-jewish Israeli arabs do not enjoy the same rights as their Jewish compatriots,you are also lying here, the naw is clear on that. And aside from maybe Tel-Aviv that is some sort of a bubble,racism and discrimination against them is de-facto institutionalized all over the rest of Israel at every level of society.


and they finished off your last attempt at annexing their southern lands instead that you quite miserably failed to hond on to,and so despite all the overwhelming technical and numerical superiority that you enjoyed, so please don’t try to paint it as some stolen victory,other IDF veterans had quite a differing account of events. The Winograd report is there to support that too,among other pieces of evidence.

Jason Tribolini

Israel is an American Colony and would cease to exist within weeks without the backing of the USA.


What a perfect analysis, luckily we have Jason to tell us when we may cease to exist. I’d rather hear our specialists, thank you anyway.


Please, do not take the trolls seriously, do not feed them. Let them expose their “exceptional” mental sickness and nature.They are beyond help.

S Melanson

I do not see Iron Zion as a troll. His posts I do not always agree with but he has shown willingness to debate. We should be willing to listen to other points of view and engage in constructive debate.


Ha ha ha! Generally I would agree with you about listening to and debating BUT!!! … DEBATING WITH WHOM? What kind of ‘constructive debate’ could one expect with the most murderous, parasiting and stealing ethnic group? Can you not see ‘it’ – the iron zion- for what it is? -a war mongering extremist which( not who) could not see further than his nose, which is so brainwashed thus unable to see that the Sun is shining for everyone, which is ready to spill blood to satisfy its greed. Need I say more?


ask him to feck off and start trolling on the kikenews.nose or some such fake news outlet favouring the squatter’s lies and ignore the squatter’s murder of innocent palestinian children and women while starving the rest in the ethnical cleansing program and the wholesale dehumanization program exercised on the palestinian people in the squatter’s concentration camp gaza. what’s to like – nothing, just one thing to do – terminate the squatters occupation and send them to the unhinged states of A.


I see Iron and some of the others as I see how I was in the past. I was born in the US, raised to be in the military, entered service and then saw firsthand how it goes, as did friends and family. Then, the lights slowly get turned on and you realize how absolutely outer space messed up it really is proceeding.

It’s a hard fall and gut wrenchingly shocking. When the veil is lifted and Israel gets an absolutely epic spanking, when it crosses the boundaries, there is going to be a lot of boo whooing. They will get their Viet Nam and it could be much worse than that. It is only a matter of time. But, for them, they are peanuts in the wind and too small to absorb the big hits, as we did. Trouble is waiting. My take Melanson. I wish well to you.


the only ones that need to die in the middle east are the squatters, or the occupiers of palestinian land. no thwo thing about it. and quickly!

klove and light

the satanic jew …..if you Show weakness he will attack……if you Show strength he will retreat and ask others(USA/Uk etc..) to fight for them……ask hezbollah…ask Saddam hussein…ask bashars assad´s Father if he were still alive…..ask the persians…….this will continue as it has till the syrian arab republic stops playing the punching ball and stops behaving as Zionist Putins cock suckers….

attack ben Gurion intl´airport…….once every 3 weeks is enough to tottaly shut down intl filghts to Israel….and after 60 days the satanic Zionist pricks will be on their knees…..ben Gurion intl Airport is the “pumping heart” of the illegal Entity of Israel!!!!!

and if anybody here is scared that war will start between syria and Israel…….dumm donks…the syrian arab republic is at WAR with Israel for 40+ years!!!! THEY are currently in a state of war…only in this war…..one side is punching and the other side bleeding!time to Change that equation……

klove and light

ps. that S-300 is sure working…….and just a hint for the Zionist Putin donks here……You Folks have know idea from Military strategy….THE KEY ELEMENT of any Ground to air Defence is SECRECY!!!!!

still dont understand…..??… THE AREA where a nations Ground to air Defence is positioned MUST be TOP SECRET……for fucking obvious reasons, that your fuckign enemy does not know where you fire your Missiles from and cananot engage These Systems…..ALL nations know this..ofcourse also the russians, that is why alllllllllllllll modern Ground to air Defence Systems, be it from Russia or USA , are MOBILE!!!!!!!

Then why the fuckl was the area where the S-300 is stationed in syria all over the Internet, WEEKS before it even became operational…..it was posted at SF, RT, CNN,MSNBC etc…. every fucking News Network had pics and exact data on the positioning of the S-300!!!!!

again..for the donks…..Putin is a treacherous Zionist pig…..

ps. and dont Forget the Farce with Iran and it´s S-300…….bought and payed for it in 2007 2007 2007

and only recieved in the year 2017 2017 2017 , ONLY AFTER Iran produced it´s own System named Bavar 373 in 2016!!!!!!

Actions say more than a 1000 words!!!!

Putin is a treachrous Zionist pig!!!

xdeath to america death to Israel curse on the jews

Free man

Putin is the reason why Syria currently exists. Putin is also the reason why you get paid from your employers.

Free man

The situation in Syria is tragic. Iranian proxies launch missiles into Israel without Assad regime approval. Israel responds and bombs the Iranian forces. The Syrian army uses AD to protect the Iranians, its allies (who fire missiles at Israel without its permission). The Syrian army are bombed in response by Israel. The mullah regime will do everything to divert attention from the massacre it performs in unarmed Iranian protesters.


Exactly! Perfect comment!


What about the timing of this Israeli aggression against Syria. Is Netanyahu just lashing out and trying to prevent Gantz from forming a coalition govt. ??


Yes he does, I hate Netanyahu and I voted for Gantz. But on the Iranian issue they see eye-to-eye this threat, they would both act the same.


But understand the timing of politics, is Ganstz trying to make a coalition govt. agreement today?


He still has time and I hope he can, we need to kick out Netanyahu he is Hamas best friend. Gantz has 40 years of experience in the IDF, he will crush them with a ground operation.


Hamas is the only democratically-elected government in the Middle East. Oh, that’s the problem, isn’t it?

Free man

Netanyahu seems to be doing everything possible to remain prime minister.

Free man

I believe the Iranian provocations will continue. Israel should refrain from harming the SAA, even if the Syrians will use their ineffective AD against Israeli aircraft. Syrians and Israelis will always be neighbors.


I agree, Iran wants Israel and Syria to fight each other.

Wayne Nicholson

Very astute observation and it extends not only to the Syrians but to Arabs in general. The more sectarianism, the more infighting, the more chaos, hunger and poverty the less concerned they are about Israel and the plight of the Palestinians. It all goes back to Maslows pyramid. People who have to concentrate on their basic needs ignore more esoteric concepts like injustice.

This strategy is common not only in Israel but over the last 20 years it appears to be the primary strategy of the USA as well.

אני מייקל

The reports so far are that most of the dead are Iranian.

Free man

I really hope so.


Why? Lots of Iranians have fought for Syrian independence.

Free man

“…Iranians have fought for Syrian..” – You’re right Iranians fought to save Assad’s rule . But the mullahs regime is not ready to let go. The Mullahs regime is interested in an ongoing fight against Israel, which is very dangerous for Syria.


Very simple my friend, after Syria, Iran comes. Do you get it ?


If you look at behaviour first and talk second, the Iranians come out of it well, unlike the Zionist antisemites and the Saud perverts.


Israel reports.

אני מייקל

Look again

Rhodium 10

almost all israeli missile have been intercepted…only shrapel vs civilians buildings and a ammo depot have been hit!…therefore Russia continue testing Pantsir system above all when US Patriot have been inefective vs Houttis cruise missile…

Free man

So ? I hope that Iran doesn’t continue to try to wage its war against Israel from Syrian soil.

Lee Vanderheiden

Houttis cruise missile? I didn’t think they had these, drones and rockets only

Rhodium 10

7 impact in Aramco were somar cruise missile ( copy KH55)

Saso Mange

SAA won the war. IDF tries to assist different outcome, now with increasing scale. It’s not hard to understand. Bibi himself posed with militants in Israeli hospitals. Snake has two heads, keep that in mind.

Free man

Anyone who thinks that a jihadist rule in Syria is a good thing is either a fool or a jihadist himself. I don’t like Netanyahu, but he’s not stupid. I believe he played the game with Putin all along.

Saso Mange

Not in that particular case and not in general because : 1. Russian strategical interest is very different than that of Israel 2. Israel is showing its true intentions, shrouded in arrogance and terror against their opponents – Trump is the enabler and since his rule might end with first term and since Bibi is also loosing foothold in Israel – they are hastening things as not much time is left. Clues are in political decisions recently made – from Jerusalem to Golan over to Kurdistan and let’s not forget the Palestine.

Free man

1. Russia and Israel have a common interest that the Syrian-Israeli border be quiet. 2. Israel always responded with excessive force to those who attacked it. This is what you can expect. And I think that’s what the Iranians wanted. 3. I really hope that Netanyahu disappears from politics.


Ha ha ha. The jews got an erection and they don’t know what to do. Thank you trolls. You made my day!


Zionists can’t be Jewish you antisemite prick.


Could you please kindly provide me with info and facts that will convince me of the difference between jews and zionists?

Karen Bartlett

No problem:https://youtu.be/lm6_HU60usA?t=49


Their religious scripture supports the supremacy of Jews over everyone else. It also supports what is now called Zionism, despite the original context being heavily outdated by approximately 3,000 years.


Thank you Karen, I am grateful for your offering of this. This is a brave man. It was an outstanding presentation, given at an extremely high level of consciousness.


Most of this is probably baloney. I haven’t haven’t heard a peep yet from the Syrian government or russia. They let you know when something is not to their liking. I am not buying any of it.


Yeah, they should complain about the S-300 impotence


They haven’t even bothered to fire one yet. The threat and strikes from Israel are that weak.

Lee Vanderheiden

Check out Kevork at Syriana Analysis for his take on why the Syrian gov’t is not using the S-300s yet. Looking at the damage done by Israeli warplanes and the fact they are so close to largest and most populous city in Syria not to mention gov’t residence and headquarters, I would say Israeli strikes are not weak at all. Not weak at all. Israel has a kinipchen when Syrian rocket lands no where near civilians or city.


Israel has made hundreds of strikes against Syria, with virtually no real, debilitating effect against Syrian, Iranian or Hez forces. Some of the strikes were targeted on, apparently, a piece or two of construction equipment. Are you kidding me? Oh yeah, launch the S-300s for that one baby!

Results like that speaks volumes. It is a propaganda campaign. One can argue anything but, after a while, you can’t really hide the weakness of Israeli incursions. I don’t have to look at ‘analysis’. All one needs to do is basically pull up the shades, open the window and let the fresh air stimulate the mind. Light to moderate damage on a few places, without creating significant casualties, is not a hall mark of success for an elongated bombing campaign that has cost the Israeli citizens billions. My take Lee and I wish you well.

Wayne Nicholson

IAF planes fly low down the Bekaa valley, pop up, fire their missiles then retreat home the way they came. Even the S-6000 can’t see through mountains. http://www.israel-a-history-of.com/map-of-lebanon.html# About half way down the page is a map of the Bekaa valley.

I guess some crazy Syrians could take a pot shot over the mountains at them but even you wouldn’t want to see stray S-300 missiles flying into a residential neighborhoods in Beiruit would you? To quote the great man “A mans got to have a code …. feel me”.


“Wide-scale”? Is that a euphemism for ultraviolence? Real horrorshow.


more importan to Syria will be recover all their oil fiel. This israeli strikes are not chance to much at Syrian defences that still are very well prepared at medium an short range…


if turkey and syria is aiming for a de-kurdified northeast syria (in fact the entire borderregion from idlib as far east the border runs) the entire middle east would be better off if they could and would sanitize the entire palestina from the squatters – once and for alllll. just upside and no downside.


If Syria is unable to retaliate efficientely, Bashar El Assad should ask the Houtis to send a few drones and cruise missiles to Israel.

Karen Bartlett

Imo, Israel is lying. There was no strike from Syria by anybody. The jihadists are losing, therefore Israel steps in to stir the pot.


So much for Israeli surgical strikes.


Talk about a disproportionate response to four rockets landing into Israel, whether or not the alleged rockets are real is anyone’s guess.

Rhianne Jane

Very impressive. Thanks a lot for your efforts. Will read more of your articles in the while.


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