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Israel Attacks Iran (Videos)

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Israel Attacks Iran (Videos)

Illustrative image (The Israeli Defense Forces)

Israel launched its long-awaited retaliatory attack against Iran early on October 26, more than three weeks after the Islamic Republic’s large-scale ballistic missile strike on the country.

The attack began at around around 2:15 a.m. local time, with the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) releasing a statement confirming that it was striking Iran, in response to “months of continuous attacks from the Iranian regime against the State of Israel.”

The attack was carried out in several waves over the course of several hours with blasts being reported in the Iranian capital, Tehran, and the provinces of Karaj, Isfahan and Shiraz.

During the attack, Syrian state media reported that Israel struck several military sites in the south and center of the country. The pro-opposition Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said that air defense sites were hit in the al-Suwayda province.

Israeli warplanes, specifically F-15 fighter jets, were also spotted flying at a low altitude over an unspecified part of Jordan in the course of the attack.

The first wave of the Israeli attack reportedly targeted Iran’s air defense capabilities, while the second hit drone and ballistic missile manufacturing sites, including those used in direct Iranian attacks on Israel on April 14 and October 1, as well as sites used to launch such weapons.

The IDF announced at 6 a.m. that the attack had been completed, with “all goals achieved” and all aircraft returning safely home. It dubbed the operation “Days of Repentance,” a reference to the recent Yom Kippur holiday. It also said that dozens of aircraft, including fighter jets, tankers and spy planes, participated in the “complex” operation some 1,600 kilometers from Israel.

The attack gave the Israeli Air Force “wider freedom of aerial action in Iran,” the IDF added, noting that it has a broad bank of targets that it could hit in the future if required.

“The regime in Iran and its proxies in the region have been relentlessly attacking Israel since October 7th –- on seven fronts –- including direct attacks from Iranian soil,” the IDF said. “Like every other sovereign country in the world, the State of Israel has the right and the duty to respond.”

Following the strikes, the IDF said that it was holding an assessment on a potential Iranian response to the attack, but as of now, there were no changes to guidelines for civilians.

The IDF added that its “defensive and offensive capabilities are fully mobilized,” and that it “will do whatever necessary to defend the State of Israel and the people of Israel.”

“Iran struck Israel twice… and has paid the price for that,” IDF Spokesman Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari said in a statement. “We are focused on the goals of the war in Gaza and Lebanon. It is Iran that continues to push for a wide regional escalation.

“If the regime in Iran were to make the mistake of beginning a new round of escalation — we will be obligated to respond,” he continued. “Our message is clear: All those who threaten the State of Israel and seek to drag the region into a wider escalation will pay a heavy price. We demonstrated today that we have both the capability and the resolve to act decisively, and we are prepared -on offense and defense- to defend Israel and the people of Israel.”

In a statement, Iranian air defense forces said that Israel attacked military targets in the provinces of Tehran, Khuzestan and Ilam.

“The loud blasts heard around Tehran were related to the activation of the air defense system against the actions of Zionist regime which attacked three locations outside of Tehran city,” state TV reported, citing officials of the Tehran province air defense.

Iran’s semi-official Fars news agency reported that several military sites near Tehran were targeted in Israeli strikes. It specified that several bases in the western and southern areas of the capital were attacked.

Meanwhile Iranian sources quoted by the semi-official Tasnim news agency threatened that Iran was prepared to respond to any Israeli “aggression.”

“There is no doubt that Israel will face a proportional reaction for any action it takes,” Tasnim quoted the sources as saying.

According to an Israeli official quoted by NBC News, Israel did not target Iranian nuclear facilities or oil fields and focused on military targets.

An American official also told Reuters that Israel notified the United States ahead of the strikes, stressing the United States was not involved in the operation.

“We understand that Israel is conducting targeted strikes against military targets in Iran as an exercise of self-defense and in response to Iran’s ballistic missile attack against Israel on October 1,” said White House National Security Council spokesperson Sean Savett.

While the attack was limited in scale and appears to have caused no casualties, the full extent of damage Iran took remains unclear.

An Iranian response to the Israeli attack could lead to a serious escalation and even an all-out war. Nevertheless, Israel could escalate even further against Iran and its allies if Tehran chose not to respond, as it would see this as a sign of weakness.


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s n o w d e n

as always, south front analyzed it wrong. it was not about how many planes israel used and where the targets were located. check out the map! israel can attack iran through syria, iraq, jordan or saudi arabia. there are no other ways available. what did they choose as the safest option? syria. syria has been “protected” by russia for decades. so we had a situation where 100 israeli warplanes entered syrian airspace, bombed iran, re-entered syria, and returned home. do you understand?!?

Last edited 1 day ago by s n o w d e n
Huckelberry finn

no, as usual, you got it absolutely wrong, because you comment from a warped, partisan viewpoint detached from reality.

Last edited 1 day ago by Huckelberry finn
s n o w d e n 4

bullshit, lying will not save russian face. they are traitors, and we’ve known this about them for quite a few years. if putin was not such as asshole, he could easily scrambled his fighter jets and at least intercept couple of these refueling planes, as they are slow and defenseless. but no. he’s such a fucking coward that he gave orders for the pilots to sit on the ground and scratch each other’s asses.

Last edited 1 day ago by s n o w d e n 4

lol that was a seriously weak and failed attack. when iran spanked iskhael there were hundreds of impacts filmed by dozens of different angles and people in many locations.

when israel attacked iran last night, all the videos show interceptions and no impacts. i’m a bit disappoited, i wanted a big iskhaeli attack to trigger a iranian ballistic grand slam

s n o w d e n 5

lying will not save russian face. they are traitors, and we’ve known this about them for quite a few years.


you’re a dumbass, but you’re also a zionazi, so if russia was really betraying syria or iran on behalf of israel, you would be so happy and in love with them that you would never “denounce” them so commitedly.


your attempt to sow suspicion and discord is so transparent it literally makes me giggle. you zionazis used to be good at war and deception, now you’re just the world’s laughing stock in both of these 🤣🤣

s n o w d e n 6

lying will not save russian face. they are traitors, and we’ve known this about them for quite a few years


oh i was skeptical the first 27 times you said it, but the 28th convinced me! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

what did i say about being pathetically bad at hasbara? bad shlomo, bad!


hysterical nonsense. the russians don’t have a mutual defense treaty with iran and syria so not going to war on their behalf isn’t a ‘betrayal’, they cooperate with them and supply them, and act prudently, and everyone is better off as a result


i was surprised how effective the anti-air defense was. nothing came through.

Conan M

your comment(s) valid. and also raising the biggest answer of why the russian federation still allows itself to be chained to the western institutional bank(s), energy and the most criminal of them all in the rule of international law the un. it’s also “why” as long as pootie-poot remains you will never see all the men and women who gave their lives for god and country since maidan and russia’s contribution to the defense of syria especially aleppo memorialized -every name.

Last edited 1 day ago by Conan M

that is what the isrealis wanted cause their brothers pretending to be pro palestinian in turkey would love a green light to destroy russian military in syria and open the path for their al quaida proxies again. russia has no direct way to syria they cant supply their planes there its a trap to even be there.

Huckelberry finn

never disturb your enemy when he’s making a mistake – sun tzu why should russia have intervened over syria, when israel could get a bigger pie in the face against russian provided air defenses? you really understand nothing about strategy.


part. 1 this was a total fizzer a (nothing burger) did they think that s300/s400 was going to perform like the iron dome? the russian’s have tested the f400/f500 against hypersonic misiles not like the duds the west is using.


part. 2 this is like taking a knife to a gun fight, israel totally humiliated did you see the egg on benjamin netanyahu face, no way he can save his fase now, but we all have to admit israel is proficient at killing civilians, in addition getting their asses handed to them by hamas in lebanon, the only thing for them to do is to to kill more woman and children!

s n o w d e n 2

now imagine a similar scenario where russia decides to bomb the united states using canadian airspace. and that canada would allow russian air force to enter their airspace, fly through their entire country, complete their mission over the us, re-enter their airspace and return home undisturbed. i guarantee you that the people responsible would not survive 24 hours and would be killed along with their entire families. this is the difference between being an ally of the us or a russian “ally”.

s n o w d e n 3

but it hardly surprises me and it is consistent with my findings. russia has no true allies, because russia is shit. even china is fed up with the russian regime and they are communists. don’t ask people in the west what they think about russia. you won’t find such a shit even in the west. they are killing their own citizens without reason. their “allies”.. not only do they kill them, but then they piss on their graves. syria is bombed by israel and turkey and russia enjoy that. hilarious.


lol the hasbara fart says “my findings”, suggesting he sees himself as a great researcher and thinker 🤣🤣🤣🤣

it’s a different level of stupid, when everyone sees you for the moron you are, but you still think you’re smart


canada would be deleted from the map and the world media and un would cheer it on as the right call. but why should russia react to attacks from dollar empire members in syria when they refuse to do so in russia. are we supposed to believe that two years in those missliles and drones who hit russia are still beeing able to be launched from somewhere in ukraine? if that is the case then russia should reconsider the way it conducts its war…


muslims should organize large multinational islamic movement to defend the holy land against the jewish cockroaches currently occupying it. malaysia, indonesia, pakistan, turkey – if muslim people these 4 countries join the fight, they alone could easily form a 2 mio men jihadist army.

Last edited 1 day ago by Gurki

it’s time that godfearing muslimeen, stand upright to la illaha il allah – like in time of the 2003 iraq war, and start travelling from all over the world to the zone of jihad – which today is palestine. the fighters may best arrive in syria, iraq, yemen or (not so good) in libya, jordan or egypt.

Last edited 1 day ago by Gurki

moreover the current israeli puppet regime in egypt and jordan urgently need to be toppled and replaced with anti-israeli pro-muslimeen governments. egypt government & people are really a shame to all of islam. they are directly at the gaza border – and no muslim rockets hitting israel from that side. not one ! a shame, i say !!!

Last edited 1 day ago by Gurki

that christian westerns same as now the muslimeen ummah allow the jews to slaughter them is total stupidity. christians should stand united and muslims too should stand united and fight the real enemy of mankind that is the eternal jew ! if we not stand up now and fight, then the whole world will soon look like this: https://english.almanar.com.lb/2244475

Last edited 1 day ago by Gurki

you hate those people so much the moment this happens isral will bomb them. or do you think those western weapons they use will work when isreal attacks them. ask saddam about his french planes and ghadaffi about his french anti air systems oh you cant their dead cause their defence were shut off.


jordan and egypt are zio controlled !!!

Fuck Elon Musk

fake king of jordanian and egypt shoe lickers of jews


pssst they are allready on the other team. ;-) this war is meant to end the few islamic forces on this world who do not bend the knee to isreal. iran, iraq shia militias, syria, lebanon hezbolah, yemen ansar alah aka huthis. every other muslim country is happy doing business with uncle sam and angry at those few to interrupt the normal flow of things.

Last edited 1 day ago by kotromanic
assad defeated zionists

none of the israeli aircrat entered iran because they can’t. how does israel expect to destroy iran nuke hardened underground sites that require bunkerbusters, if iran decides after this attack to field nuclear weapons of mass destruction. i assure you neither biden nor trump will go that far to do bibi the chickenchit netanyahu’s dirty work.


just listening to some idiot on sky who says israeli jets carried out the attack, well they would have to enter iranian air space and which other countries air space did they violate for the attack?

US is becoming a shithole

not a chance 100 jets entered syrian airspace, most likely jordan

Fuck Elon Musk

it’s bullshit i heard that the jews used drones and that those drones have come from azerbaijan.

Fuck Elon Musk

jews likes to exaggerate their propaganda to sound fantastic, when all it is, is a massive blunder lmfao 🤣


just fuck off

Conan M

snowden. you must have something there with your comments because they are not allowing us to “up arrow” them!….

Last edited 1 day ago by Conan M

southfront analysis and intelligence are people from all over the world who have a very good eye on the geopolitical world today. all experts on the matter and hundreds maybe thousands of sources tho, though anyone with information can come forward to sf and send the info, it is up to the sf team to interpret it as true or false based on verified intel of that info.


lol, face saving symbolic “attack” just so they can say they retaliated. =) no real damage in iran, after all those threats and barks the zionist dog just farts and runs away.

Last edited 1 day ago by Redguard
Huckelberry finn

i don’t think that’s the case, they “wanted” it to be significant and believed their hasbara “show the world”. even during the operation they announced it would continue for “several more hours”, only for hagari to state 30mins later that the show’s over.

Huckelberry finn

you don’t send hundreds of fighter jets, intelligence and refueling aircrafts on a 1500 km mission, potentially leaving your airspace vulnerable for a face saving symbolic attack, considering the costs and dramatic consequences. they simply got owned.


like i sáid the stríkes wére á jóke. ísráél lóóks líké a lósér. nétanahú wíll bé fórcéd tó lét hezbóllá wín & stáy sóuth óf thé litáni rivér. illégál séttlérs in nórth isráél wónt cóme báck ánytimé sóón. bidén’s sérvitude tó bibi ñétánáhu hás hándéd the elections 2 trúmp ón a silvér plattér. íf ísráél dídnt také oút írán’s nuké & óíl sités, trümp wónt dó ít fór thém. pútín is the bíggest wínnér


the world tell them not doing it : they did it anyway … at this point we might see the u.s. slapping the brat themselves to deter an iranian retaliation before their damned elections.


now shlomo scheisskopf sits in its bunker wetting itself as iran prepares a mega delivery of “gifts” for the zionazi beast. karma is wonderful and this time will be exceptional. let’s hope shlomo doesn’t decide to pull out its illegal nukes when the hypersonic cigars arrive and send occupied palestine back to the middle ages. onward until all palestine is cured of the zionazi sickne$$.

Kagan Kaganovitch

dear martillo, these are 2 ways to defeat zionist khazaria regime: 1. way is south african apartheid demise way where all the world understand that these pretenders are not semites, but khazars with mongol dna – this way is without violence 2. way is rayin thousands missiles onto zionist air force bases and submarines, until zionists khazars lost all their weapons used in baby killing in gaza, lebanon and syria

Kagan Kaganovitch

real horror start after war when millions these baby killers will move back to europe – imagine millions brutal khazar baby killers in europe


the attacks were us supplied cruise missiles from the dolphins. the low flight f15s over jordan were a mere decoy.


no one seems to know if this was real or an exercise in bs, as it is also being assessed in iran? unless this attack shows some destruction, it seems there was back channel ‘talks’. otherwise where is iran’s immediate response that was guaranteed? are they going to wait weeks again before making up their mind? israel says no losses? where is true promise 3? someone’s lying.


they wanted to show they can hit the important sites which are near the places they hit. if they can hit something near isfahan they can hit the nuclear powerplant there. its a stand down or we kill you warning. but iran is the wrong country it never showed any fear.


this again emphasizes the need to clear the world of all jews, post haste. jews are unfit for the rules of the world and thus there is no need for jews, here there or everywhere. the world will be a better place with all jews gone to meet their maker!


just make a law that in every country only the majority ethnicity can be anywhere near the government. no government members, no advisors, no military, no secret service and ban big multinational companies which could be critical.


of course iran will have to retaliate. full frontal attack drones missiles and hypersonic missiles and the iron dome will be a mere joke and the thaad-system won’t save the jewish bacon. aim for the civilian life in tel aviv and haifa and allover the occupied palestine – hammer blow after hammerblow. finish the illegal occupation post haste. the tepid jewish attack tells you the jews areat the end of their wits. coup de grace now please!


the iranians should hit the knesset with a massive attack that would get the child killers attention.

US is becoming a shithole

no evidence yet of any significant damage, lets see if we get any satellite pics.

Fuck Elon Musk

very little aftermath, there was 4 iranian killed in other areas according to reports, possibly the ones killed at the border by zionists terrorists.


looks like everything was intercepted in this video. in contrast to when iran rained missiles down on israel.


the israelis sent their aircraft to their maximum possible range, then fired their longest-range ordnance from that position to iran. the iranians, having seen everything (they have spies across the arab world), and ample opportunity to intercept, did exactly that. israel’s massive attack was diluted and ineffective by the time the projectiles got inside iran

Uncle Sam

iranian fire crackers had no effect on israeli jets.


israeli jets had no effect on iranian military.


foolish israel just gac=ve iran a reason to develop the bomb. but then joo’s were never that smart.

Joseph Day

phhht, was that it, the long awaited attack , with help from the yanks id say. the chosen piss are scared knowing the rusty sieve is not gonna save them. iranians must be rolling around laughing

Fuck Elon Musk

iran’s air defense ‘successfully intercepts, counters’ israeli aggression.

saw the footage of the attack intercepted by iranian air-defense all zionists and us missiles were hit and the motherfuckers piss of shit ceo scumbag of twitter is censoring the footage, i try but the account was hacked.

that proves that the footage was legit.


elon musk, the zionists’ favorite bitch, the other day was taking pictures with his gay rabbi, while spreading zionist propaganda, while providing free internet to ukrainian nazis, while putting up warnings in the community about those who debunk zionist propaganda.


he’s been licking nutteryahoo’s boots so hard he’s worn a hole in his tongue.

Fuck Elon Musk

that scumbag is a con artist, deep down his a pay jew puppet. i don’t trust that clown not for a second.

Fuck Elon Musk

the clown x was blocking footage from iran air-defense system at work intercepting zionists and us missiles. they were so scare of only 3 second footage 🤣


there will be no peace in the world until the failed state of israel is deleted and jews are once again shunned and reviled, as they should be.

jews are the people who shall dwell alone.

any nation that allows them to operate unfettered within it’s borders is eventually bankrupted and destroyed.

conversely, if they are allowed to have their own nation they will bring destruction and death upon the entire world.

they are of their father, the devil.


can someone please let me know what that second video is, is that inside iran, how iranian air defense is defending against missiles or is it something inside in israhell some missiles or rockets have been fired from gaza or hezbollah from lebanon and the jews are defending, or is the second video how iran is defending from rockets of those f-15s they probably launched it jdam precise targeting bombs or cruise missiles. it cannot be anything 3rd.

Fuck Elon Musk

missiles were fired from inside iraq not on iranian air space. iran had that airspace close no commercial flights to cover the zionists cowards this time ;-)


irn air defence shot down the most attacking missiles. western mainshit media supressing these vids and reports. sadly nor irn air defence nor airforce was able to shoot down even a single one zio plane. they shoud speed up orders for su34 and s400 from russia. syria should do the same, also lebanon. and not to talk about the western arselicker traitors jordan and irak who do nothing while dozents of zio planes fly over theyr territory.

Fuck Elon Musk

all zionists fighters were blocked from entering iranian air space by tight air-defense field, the jews didn’t want to be humiliated so they fire missiles from inside iraq into iran.


sure, but irak and jordan do nothing while zios violated theyr territory.

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