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Israel Attacks Syria’s Damascus Again, Kills Three Service Members (Videos)

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Israel Attacks Syria’s Damascus Again, Kills Three Service Members (Videos)

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Late on May 20, an Israeli attack with ground-launched missiles targeted the southern outskirts of the Syrian capital, Damascus.

A Syrian military official told the Syrian Arab News Agency that the attack was launched from the direction of the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights.

“At around 23:01 pm of Friday, 20-5-2022, the Israeli enemy carried out an aggression with ground-to-ground missiles from the direction of the occupied Syrian Golan, targeting some positions in southern Damascus,” the unnamed official said. “Our air defense means confronted the hostile missiles, shooting down most of them.”

The official went on to acknowledge that the Israeli attack claimed the lives of three service members of the Syrian military. The victims were identified by Syrian pro-government forces as Cpt. Ayham Shaaban, Lt. Yasser Al-Aduj and Lt. Ghadeer Alia. All three were reportedly air defense operators.

Despite the successful interception of some Israeli missiles, explosions and fires were reported near Damascus International Airport as well as near the Shiite town of Set Zaynab.

The UAE-based al-Arabiya TV said that the target of the attack was an Iranian weapons shipment that was on its way from Damascus International Airport to Hezbollah in Lebanon. These claims are yet to be verified.

In the morning, the Israeli military accused Hezbollah and Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps of smuggling “strategic weapons” to Lebanon via Damascus International Airport in Syria. The accusations were a clear threat to the airport.

This was the third confirmed Israeli attack on Syria this May. The first attack, which took place on May 11, targeted a network of Syrian military positions and observation posts in the southern governorate of al-Quneitra The second attack, which took place on May 13, targeted a military research complex near the town of Masyaf in the central governorate of Hama.

These attacks were a apart of Israel’s “War-Between-Wars” campaign, which is meant to hinder Iranian entrenchment in Syria and prevent the transfer of advanced Iranian weapons to Hezbollah in Lebanon.


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The maharaja

So you are saying its a Friday in Syria? Nothing new to report here IAF is using the firing range called Damascus no big deal. I swear I read some story about a warning to the IAF? humm.

Seriously if you are going to be bombed daily anyway and curling up in the fetal position has not stopped the IAF from bombing you maybe its time for you, Syria to try and fire back? I mean what is the worst that could happen you get bombed 7 days a week instead of six? If you actually returned fire every time and could cause some pay back they might think twice before they bomb….. just a thought.

Oye Vey 🤗

But SouthFart told us a few days ago grand checkers master Putin shot the S300 at Israeli jets… must have been a huge failure as the Israelis were not slow in their next strikes lol

Also remember the cuck Assad has his manhood clamped by Putin, who answers to his Zionist overlords 24/7 like a good whore!

The maharaja

well hence the reason I made the remarks I made, however I did not go as far as you because my reading comprehension exceeds that of a four year old child. In that story you read it was an Israeli news channel that made the claim of the s300 firing but not locked on. Now a retard might assume thats Putin playing checkers but a person with an IQ above 12 would know it was simply a news channel making wild silly claims. no reason to try and link them together in an effort to try and make things simple for those who need such things. Oye Vey!

Oye Vey 🤗

It wasn’t me who linked them my illiterate friend, it was the deluded fanboys on these here pages who lapped up the fake news of Russian saviour complex. And now they are silent and funny enough making excuses that Russia is busy this year 😂 she has been busy for the last decade as Zionists bomb Syria practically on a monthly basis…

Cowards cower behind excuses Shlomo 😉

Wayne Gabler

Next time, all the Israeli fighter-bombers planes will be fired on before they can launch 22 missiles against Syrian assets. Syria could attack Israeli assets in the Golan Heights as it is their land after all.


Ground to ground missiles were shot from the land of Itziks to Syria. Israeli jets stayed parked in the hangars.

Ashok Varma

Russia is under a full scale NATO attack and not in a position to fight on multiple fronts, Syria is more of an Iranian domain and it is now time for Tehran to decide when and how to respond. It is time to call the Zionist bluff.

Oye Vey 🤗

Russia invaded Ukraine this year. Pray tell us how long Israel has been bombing Syria for?

Was Russia (under the rule of the Zionist Putin), not in a position to fight multiple fronts for the last decade too?

Excuses excuses, and you are speaking out of your ass, Syria is not “more of an Iranian domain”, since she is under Russian supervision, with Russian air and naval bases. In fact you’re blabbing Zionist propaganda, Iran’s presence in Syria is far more fleeting than that of Russia.

Jai moron!

Chris Gr

Israel is not in NATO though.


They don’t have to be as Nato is their bitch.

Chris Gr

It is a major non-NATO ally. But Iraq is also that for example.

Wayne Gabler

Why not fly the last round of munitions in instead of firing from the Golan Heights? Another war crime by Israel in a long, long list.

10 Dead Generals

If Russia moves a single finger against Israel, Ukraine will receive the suicide drones Azerbaijan used against Armenia.


Those drones were already sent to Ukraine, and Russia already proved they’re just another piece of NATO trash


Yes, yes, we all know what a giant and how incredibly brave Israel is. What if Russia moves more than one finger ? Will the international Jewry weep or will it hit back ? What do you think ?

Ashok Varma

Zionists are already arming Ukraine and have active IDF soldiers killing Russians. It is time for Russia to increase the cost to the Zionist backstabbing criminals.

Chris Gr

America yes, Israel no.


There is a lot to be said for not having a one sided war. These wars appear to never end. When one fights back enough to cause PAIN and discomfort, then it suits the bullies to stop bringing pain back on themselves. If they still refuse to stop their warring behaviour, they are too wicked to learn and have to be eliminated. Israel and the US UK, with NATO, really YOU lot are the problem in our world.

Ashok Varma

Syria needs to respond with ground missiles or the Zionists will get more emboldened and desperate. There is no way the Zionists facing growing internal Palestinian resistance will start a full fledged war that will wipe them out and entail massive IDF casualties and destruction of Zionist hovels. It is high time Syria fight back regardless of consequences.

Wayne Gabler

Bojo, did you stay at ‘happy hour’ too long again. You drunks are all the same, big mouths and small brains and even smaller dicks.


Well Iran proved that the Americans can be hit when they blasted the Al Asad base in Iraq,its time those Israeli gangsters felt some pain,maybe Hezbollah can hit the bastards from Lebanon.

Chris Gr

I dislike both the Americans and the Iranians.

Oye Vey 🤗

But but but grandmaster Putin allowed the SAA to switch on the S300 junkmaster and other fake news that only Putinyahoo whores believed lol

Looks like another Russian coordinated Israeli strike on SAA – with allies like Russia, who needs enemies 😂

White Warrior

Fuck Israhell, burn the Jewish faggots. I hope Syria and Iran partner up and fire endless rockets from drones at Zionist faggot Jews in Israhell.

Oye Vey 🤗

With Putin the Zionist whore in charge of Assad, I’m afraid you’ll be waiting until the cows come home…


That´s my boy.


These ‘Israelis’, they are just begging and begging and begging for retaliation. Are there any religious calling themselves Israelis who look at the Psalms, the Torah, the Prophets and do not take regard of the Talmud? Those are the only real ones then! Then we have the question of how many of them have any connection with Abraham, Sarah, Isaac and JACOB. Only those descended from Jacob are of the line of the Old Covenant. This excludes Ashkenazis. Many of Abraham’s descendants are now Muslim and before that became Christian, even those of Jacob’s line. This means that Christian and Muslim Palestinians, Syrians and many people in the world are of Jacob’s seed. It was always God’s intention that our Messiah was to be the Light for All of the World, who accepted Him and that the Old Covenant, now fulfilled, be replaced by The New! Those living in the Holy Land, claiming it as theirs, driving out others, they are Talmudians, they are unable to follow God when they have the Talmud to follow. And how many are atheists, apart from agreeing that they are CHOSEN.

Chris Gr

Palestinians and Jordanians are Hebrews not Jews! Syrians are Arameans.


it is whritten in the book that there “god” will point his finger to a country to be for the jews. Afther they have burnt 6 000 000 of them !!! They tried from 1936 to 1945 to burn them but dont get to the number.


Oh when will Russia return the lethal force in kind against I$rael attacking their “ally” Damascus?!…

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt

If the shrine of Zainab is damaged or someone was killed while there, there better be a retaliation attack


All of Hezbollah weapons are making it to them, tell me how since 2013 israel has been conducting the same airstrikes to stop Hezbollah shipments, but Hezbollah is still getting stronger? Kind of weird how israel needs to do an airstrikes every other day. Hezbollah and Iran are smart enough to change their routes if this was true. All Israeli lies to make themselves look strong, they failed


So where is your Hezbollah.to do something.? Hiding again

Chris Gr

Hezbollah is getting stronger because Lebanese and Syrian people are desperate.


Jewish Terrorism in broad daylight while the US-led West attacking Russia.


Israel is a british Crown project. You see the crown company represented with different company names or different countries now in Ukraine too.


Balfour Declaration was a key element of British Anglo strategic imperialist design for long term control of tribal Arabs and getting hold of their oil resources for the west. The cancer of Zionism in the heart of the Arab world in Palestine also keeps the region destabilized while the west loots Arab oil. It is imperialism 101.

Chris Gr

Why are Palestinians considered Arabs?


‘Areb’ means dark-skinned in Hebrew.

Chris Gr



That Bal-Four ‘declaration’ was also FO(u)R–BAL(L)…their trick word-salad.


Never realized that til now. Very clever. The power of the words.


Syria needs to grow a pair and kill some khaZar filth….every time the shlomo attacks Syria attack back ten fold. The abomination in apartheid occupied Palestine will crumble when the IOU fiat filth Saudi Mercan toilet paper dollah gets flushed from the globo shlomo Ponzi shitter. No more free stuff for the shlomos “paid” for by USSAN tax cattle.

Cure the disease in Palestine

Chris Gr

Iran is going to fuel inter-Levantine disputes.

Steve Jobs

Bomb Israhell for its daily war crimes.


Syria should in all seriousness start developing their own sam system with help of Iran and Russia. It should have been made years ago to stop the real terrorism from Zionists.


The russian and Iranian satelite can locate the lounch system. Iran can deliver rockets that destroys lounsh sites and military airfields. What are they waiting for? The yankees said that every country can deliver military stuf for Oukraine . So if Iran delivers missils, boms, air defences to Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, yemen, it is OK for every one. All the yankees do is the same right to the rest of the planet.

Orgasmic explosion of proxytute

Russia should send some ATGMs and manpads ncluding hypersonic missiles over to anti-US militants in the middle East to return the favour to the yanks, so many elephants in the room left roaming freely without catching anyone’s attention.

Peter Jennings

With all these Iranian weapons that the isreali apartheid regime say are being delivered, Syria must be the most heavily armed country in the world. Or they’re not, and the isreali apartheid regime are lying again. There again, any old excuse is good enough for the isreali apartheid regime and western MSM

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