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MARCH 2025

Israel Blames Syria, Iran For Escalation, Says They Are “Playing With Fire”

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Following Iraeli strikes on Syria and the F-16I shootdown by the Syrian Air Defense Forces, the Israeli military accused Syria and Iran for the current escalation and said that they are “playing with fire”.

The Syrians and the Iranians, from our point of view, are playing with fire. The Syrians are playing with fire when they allow the Iranians to attack Israel from their soil. We are willing, prepared, and capable to exact a heavy price on anyone that attacks us. However, we are not looking to escalate the situation,” Lt. Col. Jonathan Conricus, Head of the International Media Desk of the Israeli Defense Forces, said according to the IDF’s official statement.

The IDF statement said:

The IDF sees the Iranian attack and the Syrian response as severe violations of Israeli sovereignty. The IDF will continue to act against any attempt to infiltrate Israeli airspace and will act with determination to prevent any breach of Israeli sovereignty.

Meanwhile, the Russian Foreign Ministry called to respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Syria commenting on the IDF strikes in central Syria.

“Moscow is deeply concerned with the latest developments and attacks on Syria. The danger of the escalation of tensions within and around the de-escalation zones, which have become an important factor in reducing violence in Syria is of particular concern,” the Russian state-run news agency Sputnik quoted the ministry’s statement. “We urge all the involved parties to exercise restraint and avoid any steps that could lead to aggravation of the situation. We consider it necessary to unconditionally respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Syria and other countries of the region.”

The Russian ministry also noted that the creation of threats to Russian military personnel involved in anti-terrorist operations in the country unaceptable.

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Just hope the Planes carriers wouldn’t fly over the Alps

thanks Atomic Bombs, human folly and Cretinism !

Vauxhall Astra

Well i guess that’s it Syria will fall.


How? You really think Israel dare to invade Syria? Joker



Vauxhall Astra

It’s impossible to defeat israel.

Tudor Miron

Lol:) Do you really believe it? What happened in 2006 in Lebanon?

Vauxhall Astra

Well syria is destroyed and still occupied

Tudor Miron

Why don’t you compare Syrian maps (showing territories under control of legitimate government and various anti state powers) of 2014 and 2018? Notice a difference? Facts are hurting youragenda of “chosen race” a little bit? Yes, the war for liberation of Syria is not over yet but anyone can see where it is heading.

Vauxhall Astra

I’m no fan of israel, just realistic.


With the pseudonym of ‘Vauxhall Astra ” you must be ‘optimistic ‘. :)

Vauxhall Astra

Do you prefer Opel? ;)


The same thing.


Translation: The spoiled brats whine and ask Syria not to defend itself and let Israelis hit it whenever and wherever they like. If Syria defends, the brat runs to his thuggish uncle Sammy crying and ask him to teach Syrians a lesson.

And since it’s Israel, with every move they just have to drag Iran into equation to show the world how “dangerous” Iran is.


Like I said the are spoilt kids having childish tantrum calling for mummy or daddy .

Anyway it’s only one lousy old plane . Not a big deal. Should have been more planes shot down


ISRAEL BLAMES SYRIA, IRAN FOR ESCALATION, SAYS THEY ARE “PLAYING WITH FIRE”……. I think I know what will burn………the world is getting pretty tired of these Fascist Childmolesters……I am for sure…….can put that on me file Cuntzzz


I watched the video. The last sentence was ” the destraction of Iranian UAV in Syrian territory”. How comes the uav infiltrated the territory of israhell and then fell destroyed in Syrian territory? Shouldn’t it fall in israhell instead? And my guess is that IDF provided the video so they should be able to see how contradicting their statement is. Oh, I forgot, they can basically say just anything.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The area was the Golan heights and the Apache crossed into the area and attacked it after Syria had shot done their drone which crossed earlier, then after shooting Syria’s down , Syria shot down the Helicopter which crossed into Syrian space then the Israel jet crashed in Syrian territory. That means IZO shouldn’t fly in Golan heights then fire missiles simple as that.

Abe Manhattan

no Israeli helicopter was shot down and the Israeli jet crashed in Israeli territory. These facts are easily checked. Stop making stuff up.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The Jet flew in the Golan heights so it’s Syrian territory, helicopter had two injured pilots land in the Golan. Things are not made up these are reported just get used to finding the news in other independent sources.


See how arrogant these Israelis are .

One small drone which did not attack is called attack on Israel while Israel has attacked so many times unpunished and killed so many Syrian soldiers fighting terrorists on behalf of the world … is Syrian’s fault.

The US/Israeli camps seem to lack any logic in their heads .. and thinks everyone in the world are kids soooooooooooooooooo afraid of their planes .

Soooooo silly …. “they are holier than thou”

Our wish is More planes would be shot down. Really for so many SAMs only one is not good.

jerry hamilton

All those terrorists the Syrian soldiers are fighting are America / Israels soldiers.


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Dung flies Troll are unwelcome !


Fort Russ reports both F16 and Apache helicopter down.


If the Apache helicopter is down .. surely the pilots and crew would be dead as crash from helicopter is deadly . No ejection seats.

Any news on this? Yes I read the Fort Russ reports on this


There is NO SUCH place as Israel, EXCEPT in the minds of ZIONIST, Ashkenazi FAKE Jews and Evangelical FAKE Christians





Pave Way IV

Looks like we’re going to have to send the Houthis up there to kick Israel’s ass. I was hoping it didn’t come to this.

Pave Way IV

The IAF F-16 was trying to avoid one of these (among many others). It fell into some guy’s back yard in the Bekaa Valley today during the commotion. All I can think of when I see it: Hey, I want a S-125 Pechora barbecue just like that one! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/669f685e28b52e345211dcb3143e403f33493957c83cbee1e7ccbd2f240004a9.jpg


If you check out VeteransToday.com Israeli/strike/on/Syria/utter/failure/ Apparently so bad the Israeli jets have to scuttle there bomb loads and return home !


When I got kicked off of VT for truthing about the baby rapers. I was informed that 30% of the people at VT are Jew pedophile rape cult members themselves.


@ RichardD Despite your obsession with Jews being “the bad guys” , if you pull your mind out of hatred , you will find like any group , some are “good” some are “bad” . If you read the write up you will find that it is not good news for the Zionists , but good news for Syria .


People and peoples have to be judged by both their circumstances and their actions, individually and collectively. Jews are no exception, some are better or worse than others. Their evil cult which has done so much harm to so many for so long needs to be outlawed to dejudify the planet for the betterment of humanity.

When you try to point this out to an outfit like VT which is 1/3rd Jew. They don’t want to hear it. Or have Jew crime and evil exposed on their site. Because they’re Jew pedophile rape cult supporters and part of the problem.


I offered a link on yesterdays Israeli attack on Syria , a good write up . You let your hatred stop you from accessing information , it is your loss .


I’ve read some real whoppers at VT. If you want to get your info from a lying Jew psyop site, that’s up to you.

John Mason

That drone is most likely an Israeli drone used as a false flag scenario just as when the Israeli proxy terrorists happen to fire a few missiles into Golan Heights and Syria gets blamed for it and gives the Jews the excuse to attack Syria, has happened in the past rather frequently. Jews must have got a shock to the system that the Syrians actually retaliated with no holds barred.

John Whitehot

that would be classic zionist modus operandi.

Joe Doe

I would not be surprise

Robert Duran

You are assuming there was a drone. This video can be from anywhere..

John Mason

Even made in a studio….emphasis was on false flags and methods of employment.

Abe Manhattan

nonsense. The Iranians have admitted there was a drone. They just say it never crossed into Israeli territory. Check your facts.

Joe Doe

Israelis become bullies, because have strong protector. Syria has only paper tiger protector (Russia).

John Mason

Russia could be keeping the best show for last…


i hope so

Joe Doe

I doubted very much. Putin made too many blunders and to many time got fooled. Now only direct conflict with Israelis or USA, would stop the aggression against Syria, and this what we don’t want. If Putin would made stands at the beginning by shooting down one or 2 planes and give little bloody noise to USA or Israelis or arm Syria with S-400,Pantsyr S1 or VERBA MANPAD Air Defense System and allowed Syria to use it. This will make Israelis think twice before attacking Syria. Now, Putin shows many weaknesses everyone attacking Syria at will

John Mason

It does seem that way but there are reasons why Putin is playing his game and non are too obvious. Putin has mentioned that Russia will abide by International Law because he firmly believes in it, maybe Putin is lining up the US coalition/Israeli to eventually face the music, in a court where justice will be served, like in the Hague. Just because someone slaps you doesn’t mean you punch him back, a wise, mature individual weighs up the consequences and there are many ways of skinning a cat.

Joe Doe

Never in history the powerful face the justice and this will not happen this time. Putin sacrifice Syria, because he thinks that giving green light for Turkey will makes the Turkey leave NATO and have bigger buffer zone from NATO, but Erdoğan have own agenda and will not leave NATO, unless NATO kick Turkey out. But this will not happen because Turkey location is strategically important for USA and NATO. Than again, Putin will get fooled again and Assad will be stock with divided Syria


The day is still young if Turkey will keep or allowed to keep Northern Syria . Territory is not given away nor allowed to be given away unless you cannot fight back like the Palestinians facing USA aka Israel.

In Syria’s case , Assad’s allies and forces are more than strong enough to kick both Turkey and USA out of Syria.


Russians always lost their chess games. It would be better stand up from chessboard and finally act as man. Otherwise Russia will be defeated. Again and again.


Putin does not want to start a war with US/Nato. Too much at stake.

Too bad for Assad to see his soldiers being killed. What an ally


Maybe so .. but at the moment they are very lame. They can fight only Jihadists who cannot fight back .

Feudalism Victory

So now do they engage israeli targets ovwr other countries like lebanon or israel itself?

John Mason

it is surprising that the Lebanese have not shot down or attempted to shoot down Israeli planes flying in their territory. Wonder what the reason could be.


I would imagine the lack of air defense would be one reason, the other bring that they don’t want another war. Lebanon may have a military, but they are weary of the last 35 years of Israeli attacks, which they are ill prepared for. Whether Hezbollah can contain Israel or not does not matter. Lebanon is poor and still half destroyed and does not need to start shit with Israel. That does not mean they would cower if their was a concerted effort against Israel.


Oy vey! It’s like anuddah shoah!


Israel’s words stand, as usual, on their head. It is Isreal that plays with fire. This could get easily out of control. If they were to attack Syria further, the consequences would be devastating. I do hope the Israeli top brass will urge Netanyahu & Co. to show some restraint.

John Whitehot

that would equate to talk a mob boss into reason after he decided to kill someone.

John Mason

What could happen and it would be the perfect opportunity is that Hamas with Hezbollah fire missiles into Israel, Lebanese military ready to defend it’s territory, Iran sets it’s target on US bases is Qatar and Saudi and Syria has the US in it’s sites in Syria and Turkey decides to leave NATO and closes down US bases in Turkey while Jordan develops a backbone and kills all terrorists in Jordan, Iraq surrounds the Yanks and tells them to lay down their arms and leave. Most likely wishful thinking but it is highly probable.

im cotton

Iran is not crazy. It would not attack US bases in a first strike. Your post sounds like some fevered fantasy dreamed up by the neocons in order to drum up support for war against Iran.

John Mason

I stated a possibility…you would never rise above the rank of a Private.


Oh to dream a wonderful dream. Now, if it were only to come true!


If war is forced upon them like US choose to divide Syria and stay there to control Iran and against Assad. Surely no sane leader , even the poor Houthis will allow this to their land.

Bet a full war can be in the works ….. and from the maps and positions . Assad has all the cards not the US


I cannot get this one….when USA deploys the troops and do military activities inside a sovereign country and without approval of the same or under auspices of UN SC, at least- that’s OK and even more it is highly appreciated as an import of democracy. Imagine! But, when another country allegedly flew drones into air space of another country – which by the way shelling, occupying, and air-striking another sovereign country(ies) with full impunity too – it is such violation of everything we know – International law, sub laws, and all other kind of BS. What is UN Security Council doing right now? Having a weekend?!?! Is it relevant, anymore?!


The Zionist tool called the UN is only relevant when making pro-US resolutions. At least that is the US/Israeli position. For anything else, they are a neutered and controlled propaganda body to be ignored. What has the UN ever done that actually served the international good? They are no longer (if they ever were) relevant as to international law or keeping peace any more than the Hague ever was, which is another political hammer.


Hey .. they even take down names of countries who voted against them … so childish.

Raptar Driver

The drone never flew into Israeli airspace only the occupied part of Syria so the Israelis have no excuse what so ever.


We must have in mind that UN and Security Council is dominated by USA-Israel. Nothing new, it has been so since long time ago.


Only Putin rely so much on that useless and incompetent body called UN.. lol..


Nshah, I ma sure that he knows pretty well what and why is he doing so. RF Foreign Policy still respects International laws and forums. Very often quoting and/or calling on them with a full transparency. This is how a civilized nation does – respecting own decisions, including one of having the League of Nations restored back in 1946. Others are good in cheat, play, pretend, manipulate, and ignore game with their arrogance and bigotry in a full speed.


how did you pretty well sure of his doing.. Is Putin an angel..? or are you one of the angel..? lol.. I’m pretty sure the UN is useless and incompetent body.. not because I’m an angel.. but bcoz I follows the $$.. the patterns.. why don’t you follows the $$ on SF.. maybe you’ll find things that would supprises you..! Don’t just buy my word for it..! This is just a discussion board that nobody should take what others are saying if it’s not an interest on oneself.. Guess Putin is the untouchable now.. lol..! is he’s Semitic.. hehehe..!


That is inline with Natanyahoo visit to Russia. He threatened the Syrian success by opening another front. The Russian probably did not give any concession, except the joint statement that every country should leave Syria after the conflict is over.

To show their seriousness and get more concessions they staged something against Syria. Russia will react by equipping the SAA better thus nullifying Israel.

Vauxhall Astra

You do know that russia and israel are friends?

Joe Doe

Most likely Putin made some kind deal with Israelis, at the expense of Syria. Assad needs to look for other options. To many blunders coming from Russia

Tudor Miron

And the options are?


Joe Doe has seemingly received a new narrative that says that President Putin must be ridiculed as much as possible in the run up to the Russian elections.

President Putin realises that to create a situation where Israel and the US can claim ‘Self Defence’ on a grand scale will not benefit Syria or any of her allies.

The time to challenge the US and Israel will surely come BUT only when the US and Israel can be guaranteed massive and unacceptable losses .


True. All these incident are happening conspicuously close to the Russian elections…

Vauxhall Astra

pakistan maybe?


Wishful thinking from a guy that hopes Russia fail for 7 consecutive years now… That’s a lot of frustration and disappointment repressed…

Vauxhall Astra

You do know that israel and russia are very tight?


…point out a country that Russia is not – officially – very tight with… They call US their “American partners” even when US is implementing sanctions and threaten war. They sell weapons to Turkey and Saudis – people that helped fund islamic insurgents on the Caucasus.. There are 1,5 million Russian citizens living in Israel and Russia is letting them have dual citizenship and reaps economic and political benefits…But that same Russia single handedly destroyed Greater israel project that Neocons were pushing since early 2000s – all the wile smiling pleasantly, shaking hands with Israeli diplomats and calling them “partners”. Actions, my friend speak much louder than empty words…And when you are forced to fight the WW3 on the cheap it pays to be subtle..

Vauxhall Astra

Well you should see when Putin and Bibi met eachother, looks very friendly to one another


…my point exactly…and the next day Putin orders his AF bombing the shit out of Zio friendly Al Qaida forces…or in beds his instructors with Hezbollah… or uses Iranian bases for it’s medium bombers…and then in 2 months time he has another meeting with Bibi, smiles, shakes hands and the show starts all over again…

Vauxhall Astra

So he sides with everyone?


Nope…He smiles to everyone, but helps his allies and defends Russian interests – what leaders are elected to do…

Vauxhall Astra

Bibi calls him an ally.


Bibi is full of shit…Bibi swore that taking out Saddam would bring “stability” to the Middle East… You really trust Bibi?


Just fucking LOL, in politics what they say doesn’t matter, watch what they do.

Tudor Miron

“However, we are not looking to escalate the situation”… Oops! Something goes wrong Shlomo?


No, other than losing a plane, LOL. The day the Israelis don’t try to escalate tensions or war, will be the day they no longer exist. Just another day, another lie.


Now Israel cannot claim that Syrians are aggressors or Syria have invaded Israel. F-u-c-k Israel.


Russia can’t do a shit about Putin’s family there in Israhell.. The Muslims will deal with it sooner or later..!

Robert Duran

Did the drone have “Made in Iran” written on it in the Latin alphabet? and the Iranian flag on both wings?


No, they found Khameni’s passport next to it.

Vauxhall Astra

Honestly syria wouldn’t stand a chance against israel.


Yes True, but what chance has Israel against Russia you tell me, Israel is 20,000Km2 land

Vauxhall Astra

Well that wont happen, russia and israel are pretty close.


The baby rapers are no match for the Syrian government coalition.

Vauxhall Astra

Well they can’t even get rid of the kurdish government


The government foot print grows every day as the regime change foot print shrinks. It’s called winning the war.

Vauxhall Astra

How can they win the war when murica wipes out like 100 soliders in one day?


What is it about the government foot print grows every day that you don’t understand?

Vauxhall Astra

Yeah against SDF not the kurds


What’s that supposed to mean?

Vauxhall Astra

i meant the FSA


The Kurds were the lesser of 2 evils because they weren’t attacking the government. Now that the war west of the river is winding down. If the Israelistani Kurds and their Mossad handlers try to block the restoration of Syrian government administration in SDF areas. They will be dealt with forcibly by the government or the Turks, or both.

Vauxhall Astra

I doubt that they’re protected by murikkka


Your comment doesn’t make sense.

Vauxhall Astra

The kurds are protected by murica


You’re making contradictory nonsensical comments.


Dont be silly ..

There was an agreement both would fight ISIS and not against each other . That is why they have not fought each other . AFter all Assad still consider Kurds as Syrians . But unfortunately small success had gone into their heads when the Americans promised them independence and access to the sea. The access to the sea failed and have a landlock area which is unsustainable for anything .

So the Kurds really have a crucial decision .. to be Syrians with Assad or be wiped out and no more Kurds in Syria. I think the Kurds will be rational and not dependant on an illegal entity thinking they can stay just because they said so.

Vauxhall Astra

well that wont work out as long as murica protects them.


What Israel has to fight against Syria .. tell me and really honestly..

Israel has a tiny army and has no experience nor dare to have door to door fighting as proven in attack in Gaza wars .. In ALL GAZA wars Israel avoid contact with Hamas in the cities.

Syria has Hezbollah .. the most feared by Israel , Iran that has a million soldiers if called up , with land corridor supplying SAMs and other modern equipment non stop.

Air power? for heaven’s sake .. see how the Houthis fight SA like in Lebanon 2006 not to say most Israeli planes would be shot out of the sky by SAMs .

If is Israel fear they would be invaded not invading Syria.

Vauxhall Astra

You do know that israel s army is big and they new fighter planes.


Israel is trying hard to challenge Iran. Now I grant, Iranians are in a good strategic position – they fight away from their own territory but with strong and secure supply lines to their country. If the mulas really wanted to use their strategic advantage they’d ship whatever good SAM and SS systems they have, fortify there bases in mountainous terrain around Damascus and start lobbing shit towards Israel. But even according to Israel IRGC has only 10K infantry presently engaged in and around Idlib, fighting Daesh – the thing US claims to be doing but doesn’t and operates few dozen drones – not even armed ones. Clearly, Iran is not planning to strike Israel, and even if they did I’m, sure Assad would never green light it – not with half his country occupied by Turkey and US. Israel is playing pre-pre-preemptive game – equivalent of shooting people that walk on the public pavement, 2 blocks away, claiming they might trespass on your property…

Abe Manhattan

Iran has been supplying the Hisbollah in Lebanon and Syria with thousands of missiles that have and will again be used against Israel. This is the reason Israel is attacking them. Not the 10K Iranian troops in Syria.


Missiles have been used against Israel – but so were 1000s of Israeli missiles against Lebanon and Syria. Do they get to attack Israeli military using same pre-emptive logic and flimsy “right to defend by attacking” excuse?


The possibility of a major military conflict between Russia and the US getting closer as each Israeli strike on Syria happens.


How the fuck a tiny drone from 1m wing span can attack Israeli territory you Israhelli motherfuckers you fly over Lebanon and Syria like is your back yard with your drones and shity f-16s all the time. Now a spy drone was attacker


Moscow will respond to Israeli airstrikes when they endanger lives of Russian soldiers that fight anti terrorism war in Syria. ————————————————————————————————————————————–


ya.. useless Russians , only protect their own people and not their allies.

What kind of allies is this? What if the Syrians only protect the Syrians only and not the Russians?

Mind you , Syria today is at war because of the pipeline saving Russia.


They are allies that intend to go by international laws and allies that live up to their AGREED TO responsibilities…regardless of an insipid and inane public that demands that Russia enable a wider, longer and more difficult to win war…which is not in the best interests of Syria. Syria is not at war over just the pipeline, they are at war because the west has been trying to destroy Syria for the last 60+ years. Russia is in Syria because they have been a Syrian ally for the last 60+ years AND because of the pipeline. Just because we the public don’t see Russia overtly going against Syria’s many enemies, does not mean that they are not. What do you think RSoF is for? Who do you think is assassinating terrorist group leaders? Who updated Syrian defense systems so that even the S-200 can be formidable and integrated them into the Russian system? Do you think it was just the Syrians that caused the US cruise missile attack to fail? Seems no matter what Russia does, it is not enough…even winning against superior odds and outsmarting the enemy. Regardless of armchair warriors, Russia and Syria could not stand up to a long term concerted effort by the US or NATO. They would simply run out of weapons sooner or later. This is not to say that the Zionists would not suffer tremendous losses, they would, only that they are superior in numbers. When you’re out of bullets, you’re done. The Russians are smart enough to know this, even if the rest of the world does not. Russia is making every bullet count, while disarming the wests excuses for more conflict. Oh, and I hardly think that the Russians need the Syrians to protect them.


I cannot explain you in detail for a clever person only indication is enough.

Abe Manhattan

Russia and Israel are friends. There are over 1million Russians living in Israel. They will not fight.


How many Russians are there in ISIS and in Al-Qaeda? Over 2 millions.

Richard M

Israel conducts airstrikes in Syria and claims that Syria is escalating the situation? In what alternate universe does that make sense?


…if you are indoctrinated by propaganda that says international law and regulations are to be obeyed by the goyim while “the chosen people” can create their own rules – it makes perfect sense…


Which is one of the reasons that Talmud rabbinical Judaism should be outlawed.

Smith Ricky

Satan’s universe


I think these Israelis are brain dead already .

They even think they can prevent Iranians to be in Syria .. can you imagine that from a small country with hardly any number of soldiers to call an army?


The Zionist universe of propaganda.


Now Israel cannot claim that Syrians are aggressors or Syria have invaded Israel. Moscow will respond to Israeli airstrikes when they endanger lives of Russian soldiers that fight anti terrorism war in Syria. Now Israeli t-e-r-r-o-r-i-s-t-s does not know what to say that is why now they are b-a-r-k-i-n-g. ————————————————————————————————————————————–


In the world of same animals who say [about Palestinians]:

We cannot forgive them from forcing us to kill their children.

Vauxhall Astra

Russia wont do anything against israel mark my words


Of course, Russia is aware of these attacks. I’m pretty sure that Netanyhu always call Putin before launching an attack to avoid conflict with russian soldiers.


As I said so many times, the only true ally of Syria is Iran.

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