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Israel Carries Out Strikes On Three Syrian Positions In Quneitra Province

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On July 11, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) carried strikes on three Syrian military positions at the villages of Hader and Tell Kurum in the province of Quneitra.

The Syrian Air Defense Forces responded to the Israeli attack. However, the video released by the IDF shows the SADF was not able to intercept all the missiles.

The IDF said that its actions were response to a violation of its airspace by a Syrian unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). The UAV was shot down by the IDF’s Patriot missile over the Golan Heights earlier on the same day.

This was the second Israeli strike on Syria this week.

The situation is developing.

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leon mc pilibin

Nutandyahoo, the ISIS commander in chief,is panicking, the closer Syrian government Forces get to occupied Golan Heights. His warmongering thieving tribe of fake Jews have messed up big time,biting off more than they can chew by attacking Syria.Karma is a Bitch.


Wrong, Israel is not worry about occupation by Syria of Golan Heights because Syria-Israel know that this will be solved via diplomacy. Israel is worry about its terrorists ISIS which she is supporting. Israel wants to build triple defense of Golan Heights: Israel-ISIS- moderates.

Val Shadowhawk

‘Diplomacy’ ?????? How in the world does that figure in here? The Golan Heights is OCCUPIED by ‘israel’. It must be removed completely. And force will bring it about. Syria has a right to its land, my friend. Every single centimeter. And if the illegal squatters i.e. ‘israelis’, think they can threaten its rightful custodians, then they so deserve the consequences. They ARE afraid. Make no mistake about that. Thus the aggressive actions being carried out by their IOF (Occupation forces).


“General Dayan died in 1981. But in conversations with a young reporter five years earlier, he said he regretted not having stuck to his initial opposition to storming the Golan Heights. There really was no pressing reason to do so, he said, because many of the firefights with the Syrians were deliberately provoked by Israel, and the kibbutz residents who pressed the Government to take the Golan Heights did so less for security than for the farmland.”


Val Shadowhawk

Moshe Dayan, the one eyed thug. A real nasty piece of work. The ‘settlers’ he worked to help steal Palestine are there today. And they need to be forcibly removed for the cancer they are.


The COWARDS, ” Other Cheek Turners” and Zionists will always find an excuse to do nothing and no one ever ask- “Qui Bono” from delaying

Val Shadowhawk

Esp the useful idiots such as the ever ‘unwaivering’ zionist ‘christians’. Then come the other dupes, ass kissing sycophant politicians, and misinformed lazy individuals who think ‘israel’ is a ‘Democracy’ and ‘allly’. Getting through to them is virtually impossible. How is it they cannot see how they have been so grotesquely deceived?


“It is easier to lie to people ,that it is to convince them they have been lied to”

I suspect EGO and FALSE PRIDE play a big part.

Val Shadowhawk

That plays a part of it, sadly. Sheer stupidity on steroids.

Taz T

What a coincidence Israel seem to be carrying out these attacks every time Netanyahu meets up with Putin.


the daesh elquaida air force in action!!


The ISIS air power in action. Where is Russia ? Just looking on TV the show ? Russia must consider seriously to shot down those Israel planes, and to stop play double moral (please Israel and please Syria).

Manuel Flores Escobar

Dont need to shot down that planes…just give green light to SAA and Hezbollah to launch rockets day and night ( smerch, Uragan,Toshka,Al Fateeh 110, katiuska..etc..)…


Yes, of course, I forgot that.


Russia will not even though the war is about saving Russia from economic ruin. No choice Assad has to face Israel alone lucky to have Iranians as reliable backup.


Syria must shot down Israel planes !!! and Russia have to help Syria with location and attacking points. Russia can see Israel planes since they are taking off their basis. Russia can see the trajectory of the planes. Russia can see where Israel planes are going to attack. So, what is Russia excuse to help Syria to shot down those planes ?


The same that to not attack american, english, french or dutch planes.


Yes, of course, I forgot this detail.


Okay Gustavo, but main direction of attack in an strategy is not a question of detail. The detail is for the tactics.






Yes, both are jews.


True. Greatgrandson of Solomon Rothschild.

Christos MK

They are Khazars, not Jews.

Val Shadowhawk

That may be so, but ‘they’ identify as such. We know they are imposters. So do ‘they’.

Christos MK

It doesn’t matter what they identify, the thing that matters is what they really are.

Val Shadowhawk

Yes, that is so. And we must make sure ‘they’ know that. However the wordsmithing ‘game’ is one we are forced to play, to some degree. And in the end we will win. Never dismiss the importance of strategic means against a zealous enemy. They never quit. Thus neiher should we. The Ashkenazi Khazar invaders use all means at their disposal. We must never relent to them, one inch. Call thrm out at every oppottunity These ersatz ‘jews’. These fraudulent imposters.

Christos MK

We should not hate, however. Hate is the tool for the weak and the misguided. Hope they repent for their evil ways, not only for the invasion of the Levant but mostly for the killing of 60 million Russian brothers.

Val Shadowhawk

Your replies, smack of zionist sympathies. Lame.

Christos MK

On the contrary, Zionists want their enemies to be extremists in order to have excuses to kill them.

Concrete Mike

I agree with you brother, the ziis need to keeo us down and divided. Look at how polarized most western societies are, america, france, uk , canada ect ect.

This polarization is on purpose, you recognize this, i wish more would.

Christos MK

Yes. Divide and conquer is a strategy for both Zionists and the British deep state. Communism, fascism and salafism are extremist movements created by them.


A WAR,and it is a WAR, with Zionist Jews, as was the BOLSHEVIK War, cannot be WON by always acting only DEFENSIVELY-PERIOD.

Val Shadowhawk

Absolutely!! Agreed!

Concrete Mike

I agree with what you say but you must recognize the time is not right to take israel on.

You still have the north and east to deal with. It would be absolutly idiotic to start shit with israel right now when turkey and usa are behind you.

Clear that first, israel will be last.

Thats my opinion. I respect yours, if you dont agree with me just disagree, but no insults, lets not poison tgis thread.

Thanks happy friday!!!


“I agree with what you say but you must recognize the time is not right to take israel on.”

NO, I “must” NOT “recognize,blah, blah,blah”

YOU, are free to do so and thanks for your “STANDARD” belief

The majority is on your side and I am sure you know what that means.


Yesterday on 11th July Netanyahu went to Moscow and beg for attack on Syria’s positions from Putin because Syria’s drone entered into Golan Heights.

Putin answered Netanyahu with strong words that there are our servicemen advising Syrian army, are you want to kill them? The drone was flying under the instructions of Russia’s servicemen, so you did not allow them to see the militants positions in Golan Heights which is Syrian territory. Our servicemen are there to help Syrian army to liberate every part of Syria no matter whose control they are under.” Go and don’t come again. Then Netanyahu called to Avigdor to strike empty areas near Golan Heights with care that nobody hurts.


You and Pave Way must try to write a fiction book.


I’m speaking seriously, I like literature.


“…the SADF was not able to intercept all the missiles.”

That is because Russia reneged on delivering the S300’s it promised Syria in 2011.


UAV cost far less than a Patriot…. Send lots of them and see who outlasts who meanwhile prepare SAM to shoot down expected IAF planes ….very predictable they will come after the drone or mortar strikes.

Christos MK

If Syria had a good and moral leader and not some idiot like Assad then Syria would be too strong for the Zionists.

Val Shadowhawk

President Assad is far from being an ‘idiot’. Far!!!!!!!!

Christos MK

Assad is a puppet of the Zionists and also a communist and his father was a fan of the mass murderer Mao Zedong.

Val Shadowhawk

WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!You are dead wrong here.

Christos MK

I don’t think so. https://en.globes.co.il/en/article-israel-prefers-assad-in-power-1000848219


Your voice sounds really muffled and your breath smells like ass.


Assad is a Good moral leader.

He is simply being misled by Zionists and Crypto-Jews, including MANY here in this and other threads, who comment against or ignore common sense, advice, and who don’t want Syrians to fight back.

They all want Syria to exhaust itself, financially and morally and give in to Israel. THAT will be ASSAD’S mistake if he does not stop listening to cowards and FAKE advice

The FIRST country to TRULY strike back viciously and QUICKLY, with Guerrilla Warfare tactics, at Israel will give other Muslims and Arab countries the impetus and courage,to join the attack, which will mean the END of Israel and Zionism

The Good News?

Is this why ISRAEL, once more, attacked SYRIANS, this past July 8 : http://en.farsnews.com/newstext.aspx?nn=13970418000409 and new American ATTACK on Syrians but SYRIANS are starting fight back-FINALLY: https://www.veteranstoday.com/2018/07/10/exclusive-assad-drops-bomb-on-putin-trump-confab/

Christos MK

If you are a good and moral leader you need to respect your opponents and make peace. Assad has killed more than 200.000 Syrian civilians and has displaced millions of them. Not to mention that Maliki has accused him of leaving the border with Iraq open for Salafi jihadis.


9 ( NINE) Comments in your DISQUS account tells me you are uninformed, a liar and a TROLL, who was simply created on DISQUS to spout B.S. for Israel and/or TRUMP

SHOO, little fly and go back to your Israeli masters or TRUMP to find some “useful idiots”

Christos MK

You are incorrect. However, Trump is far better than Hillary.

Val Shadowhawk

I will disrgard any more comments from ‘Christos MK.’ It is air apparent where this individuals mind is. Not worth replying to any further. It is obviously here on behalf of ‘israel’. A fly that needs swatting away. A pest.


You gave me a smile on that “A fly that needs swattingaway”

He or she will come back under another moniker. You can be sure of that. They are TROLLS paid by Israeli Universities , about $2000. and are assigned different monikers ( names) when they are found out.

They are easy to recognize by their outrageous comments, which even my 7 year old son, can do better than

We are not Jewish so we have REAL intelligence ;-)

Stupidity is their downfall,which they will eventually realize, but can do nothing about.

Their Gentile “Useful Idiots” confuse the Jewish penchant for Lying, Stealing and Murdering, with Intelligence.

WE non-jews are the TRUE CREATIVE Intelligence.

Val Shadowhawk

All you said is of reason and logic.

Christos MK

You are the one that trolls. Maybe you are a hasbara troll in order to make anti-Zionists look bad.


If saying that makes you happy, TROLL, be my guest

Christos MK

You are the one that attacked me for no reason because I have different opinions.

Harvey Swinestein

You have swallowed the lies and propaganda of the MSM, hook, line and sinker. Why were you such an easy and receptive target? Or are you a ZioNazi shill who is trying to twist the truth even more?

Kell McBanned

Assad hasnt killed anyone, hes an Eye Doctor! He was only thrust into power because the jizraelis assanated his brother Bazel. Ironically his soft hand may have indirectly aided the invasion of his country to begin with but may also have resulted in the only victory so far of a nation subverted then invaded by Judeosphere.

Christos MK

Oh well, Syria has a very weak army, no economy and depends on Russian and Iranian support.

Val Shadowhawk

Exactly!!! Thankyou for being logical.


YOU’re welcome

Val Shadowhawk

Thanks again. You are appreciated.


NOT by most here :-)

Val Shadowhawk

The ‘most’ don’t count.

Concrete Mike

Bwahahahaha and why is assad an idiot? Please explain.

Christos MK

Because he has zero skills and has turned Syria into a gang-like nightmare.

Kell McBanned

Hes a genius, he leads the only country that has resisted an attack by the judeosphere empire, not only resisted but come out victorious. The ramifications of his leadership and foresite may just lead to the dissolution of that empire and the distruction of the hatebreed pariah state at the center of all world misory for the last 70 years.

Christos MK

What kind of victory? Israel has killed hundreds of SAA soldiers while SAA has killed no IDF. Without Russian, American, Iranian and Turkish intervention, Syria would be a jihadist state.


They are coming for you Izzie. And when they do – we will cheer.

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