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MARCH 2025

Israel Claims Iran Fired Two Missiles At Its Ship In Sea Of Oman

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Israel Claims Iran Fired Two Missiles At Its Ship In Sea Of Oman

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Israel’s “initial assessment” is that Iran was responsible for the explosion that struck an Israeli-owned ship in the Sea of Oman, Israeli defense minister Benny Gantz said on February 27.

The vehicle-carrier ship named MV HELIOS RAY suffered an explosion while she was sealing in the Sea of Oman a day earlier. The attack did not disable the ship or injure its crew, but forced it ashore for repairs.

“Iran is looking to hit Israeli infrastructure and Israeli citizens,” Gantz told the public broadcaster Kan. “The location of the ship in relative close proximity to Iran raises the notion, the assessment, that it is the Iranians … Right now, at an initial assessment level, given the proximity and the context – that is my assessment.”

According to Israel’s Channel 13, Israel assesses the Iranian navy fired two missiles at the Israeli-owned vessel the Sea of Oman. An Israeli team is currently on its way to the United Arab Emirates, where the ship is anchored, to investigate the attack.

Last year, Iran threatened Israel with a fierce response following the assassination of its top nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh. Tehran believes that the Israeli intelligence was behind the hit.

While it is possible that Iran was behind the attack on the MV HELIOS RAY, there is still no solid evidence to back Israel’s initial assessment.

Israel may use the incident to justify a military escalation with Iran. According to recent reports, Tel Aviv is currently in talks with Gulf states to form a military security pact against Tehran.


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Laurent Parodi

Did they false flaged themselves?

Zionism = EVIL

100% for the benefit of the Wahhabi petro-pimp headchoppers. The Zionists want to take over UAE and Saudi Arabia.

Just Me



There is no question about it. The Zionists have a history of malicious false flags.

Arthur Deodat Jr.

I guess a hole from real attack would be much bigger and if determined the ship would be sunk. But it is waste of money to sink such a big ship. It can be reused for cargo transport or next “attack”.

Blas de Lezo

Every time Juden hit Syria. Jewish banana boats should also be.

Kenny Jones ™

The time of hitting Syria is also coming to an end soon

Furkan Sahin

What do you do if the Syrian Free Army takes over land?


the fuck does that mean? Syria can’t reclaim its own territory?

Freemon Sandlewould

Can’t wait till Iran has nukes so they can tell Israel to F.O.


ok doc……time to decide which way the fragrant sandlewood should drift. Either its own, or the camel jaaky?


Iran has retained the turn key option, and with such an extensive and advanced nuclear structure with the latest domestically-manufactured IR-8 centrifuge machines will increase the country’s capacity to enrich uranium 20 times more than the existing original Pakistani P1 and P2 versions. Iran can go to 90% enrichment in a matter of hours. The P1 centrifuge uses an aluminum rotor, and the P2 centrifuge uses a maraging steel rotor, which is stronger, spins faster, and enriches more uranium per machine than the P1. The IR-8 is 20 times faster.

Brother Ma

What does “maraging “mean?


Maraging steel is low carbon high yield strength and ultimate tensile strength. High toughness. High ductility. High impact strength ideal for ultra speed centrifuge enrichment spinning. Iran or any country that masters the production of such high quality industrial steel can produce a nuclear weapon in days of enrichment.

Maraging steel is used in aircraft, with applications including landing gear, helicopter undercarriages, slat tracks and rocket motor cases – applications which require high strength-to-weight material. Maraging steel offers an unusual combination of high tensile strength and high fracture toughness. This will also ensure that Iran can produce viable quality airframes for its fighters, satellites and ICBM.

Great Khan

Condor brother SMART!

Brother Ma

I had never heard of it! Thank you. Does it contain relatively high amounts of titanium ?

Hasbara Hunter

Bwahahaha…Lying & Deceiving ZioNazis…


Brother Ma

So the Americans have night- vision cameras that can see these Iranians supposedly that close up and cant interdict them? Ha!

False -flag by IsraeloYankers .

chris chuba

Agreed, Iran used Limpet mines placed while the ship was in motion but Israel has to control the narrative. Half of Israel’s security operations are in Hollywood.

Blue In Green

I would wager Iran used small diameter missiles launched from boats around the sea of Oman to strike the MV Helios Ray.

Something like this happening was an inevitability.

Freemon Sandlewould

False Flag by Israel. They keep trying and trying. Nobody believes the USSA or Israel any more.

Ashok Varma

Israel is desperate and in panic mode and wants bases in Wahhabi feudal city states. The evil British created these Wahhabi families to support the Zionists.


Frankly, the Jew rats are using these false flags to infest the puppet Arab regimes. This staged event is already being used to take over the port of Dubai.

Zionism = EVIL

You got that right.

Decatur Guy

Half of Israel’s security operations are in Hollywood.

I’d wager they’re in the US State Department.

Icarus Tanović

What do you mean by that Made in Hollywood, California?

Kenny Jones ™

Honestly I think this might be Iran’s partly response to israeli attacks

Blue In Green

This isn’t a false flag dadash, Iran belehkhareh bayat yechizi beh Zionistah bookoneh.

They came too close and got their answer.


This is typical damage from MBRL/ 107mm HEAT round (you see them mounted on Safir Jeeps. You know many commercial fishing dhows carry it too, hidden under tarps. They could have aimed it lower near the water line and sunk it with a full salvo, if they wanted to.

Blue In Green

It’s clear this was a warning shot from Iran to Israel, why so many here want to believe it was a “false flag” just because the Israelis and Americans have used them so many times in the past is a little beyond me.

There are certain places where Iran can and cannot afford to lose ground. In around the Persian Gulf/Southern Iran is one of them.


correct……well put. I’m sure it was just a warning.

Blue In Green

I guess the possibilities are really endless as to what was used against the MV Helios Ray. Could have been a 107mm rocket, or an SDB (small diameter bomb), loitering drone, small AshCM or even a ship mounted ATGM fired from close range.

Whatever ordinance was used, it was carefully calculated to cause minimal damage and nothing catastrophic.

Freemon Sandlewould

How do you know. Wishing does not make a thing so.

Blue In Green

I’m not saying I know for sure, but Iran has redlines as well and this ship (I presume) was likely a civilian vessel which housed advanced intelligence gathering equipment that the Iranians couldn’t allow to be near their shores thus prompting a clandestine missile attack against it causing some damage as a message to get out or worse will come. The Persian Gulf, Sea of Oman area is a place where the Iranians cannot afford to cede ground to Israel.

‘Ship Diplomacy’ isn’t a new thing and the Iranians have engaged in thus tit-for-tat actions in the past (all through 2019) as a means of exercising leverage/reciprocal actions against Trumps one-sided crusade.

Also, I could flip this question back on you by saying the same thing, how do you know it isn’t an operation by Iran? Wishing it not to true, doesn’t make it so either, it’s a pretty realistic possibility that this was Iran’s doing. That’s what I’m trying to get at.


Total malarkey … the spy ship doing INTEL

Arch Bungle

I agree.

False flags are political events.

A political action would have followed if it was an FF, e.g an announcement to attack Iranian soil.

Just Me

Iran would not have used firecrackers. This is a false flag.

Just Me

BEIRUT, LEBANON (3:30 P.M.) – The head of Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization, Ali Akbar Salehi, announced that his country is about to construct two new nuclear reactors, threatening to remove surveillance cameras from Iran’s nuclear facilities if sanctions are not lifted within three months.


Iran’s nuclear program was started under the Shah, I was there when the embronic structure took hold. The IRI just accelerated it and now has one of the most developed nuclear program in the world. Most of the original founding fathers like Salehi are MIT graduates.

Just Me

The puppet shah was buying GE American junk, Iran has Russian and domestic technology now.

Kenny Jones ™

3 months is too much, make it 1 month, no more patience

Great Khan

Iran brother STRONK!

Decatur Guy

You mean like Israel’s attack on the US with 911?

Arch Bungle

That hole in the side looks like a missile punch through.

If it was a nine or explosive device there would be a circle of debris and damage indicating the blast around the hole.

But it’s “clean” around the hole … if the pics are to be believed.

Hadi Heidary

Iranian Navy…Missiles… all these big words WTF. why they wanna make it like there was a military operation, a few holes in the ship is called a sabotage at best. and there is no proof iran was behind it. as a matter of fact there is a high chance this was a false flag by themselves.


I hope they WERE behind it,and i hope they blast some more.

Freemon Sandlewould

You should not hope Iran was involved. You should hope Iran keeps its head down until it has 80 nukes made. THEN they can start hitting back and put the USSA on notice to fcuk off.

Arch Bungle

I think Iran is already in possession of a nuclear weapon.

It’s not rational to accept that Pakistan has had nukes for 40+ years while a more technically advanced state like Iran has none.

Even NK has a weapon under tighter sanctions than Iran.

Arch Bungle

A false flag for what though?

A false flag is carried out to trigger a major escalation between two parties.

It’s like throwing a match on a tank of petrol.

But here they would have punched holes in their own equipment to no effect at all.

Couldn’t have been to justify attacks on Syria, israel does that regardless.

A false flag would have been an attack on US Military assets or major civilian infrastructure of a US ally resulting in significant outrage or impact.

If its a false flag then its just more evidence of jewish stupidity because not even the US cares anymore if it’s allies’ commercial vessels get hit.

Hadi Heidary

attacking a “Car” dealer (commercial) vessel not only it has zero strategic importance for iran but it’s also very weird , on the other hand it advances israel agenda and narrative/propaganda against iran on variety of ways.

Arch Bungle

I’ll play Devil’s Advocate:

– It may advance the strategic aim of reminding ‘israel’ and Uncle Sam that there are consequences to pushing Iran too far in it’s own region of influence. It’s a way of saying: “Push us too far and your assets will be sunk in the Gulf” … Doesn’t look that weird to me.

– Regarding the ‘israeli’ propaganda: No matter what Iran does, it will be subjected to a 24 hour cycle of never ending propaganda. Whether Iran helps that process along it wouldn’t make a difference – the jew will scream as loudly as always.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

High-time the two states duked it out and lets see who has the bragging rights post conflict.

Lazy Gamer

Not before i buy a full tank of gas! lol And maybe a bicycle.


Gantz quote “The location of the ship in relative close proximity to Iran raises the notion, the assessment,” So this area would be ideal for a false flag operation. The ship was closer to Oman than Iran. :/

Just Me

An Israel Defense Forces trooper died after an officer accidentally shot him in the head during a training exercise on the Occupied Golan Heights. This latest IDF accident has cast serious doubts on the deteriorating battle readiness and training of the IDF which has not been involved in a conflict since its defeat at Hezbollah hands in 2006..


What makes the jews think that the Iranians did it; Iran is not the only state or organization that wants to see israel evaporate into non existence. There is a noxious weed in Australia called ‘Wandering Jew” (Tradescantia fluminensis); very difficult to eradicate; wonder why it was given that name!


It is staged theater to take over Arab Persian Gulf ports and turn them into a battle zone. Jews have a history of deception and it is the motto of Mossad, Wage war by deceit. This tanker is owned by Mossad via front company.

Decatur Guy

Jews Khazars have a history of deception. FIFY!

cechas vodobenikov

Israel makes many claims


And all are lies and fabrications, but now they are really scared.

Jimmy Jim


Zionism = EVIL

I normally don’t comment on the bullshit that passes for comments, but this has nothing to do with Iran. The ZionistCUNTS are scared shitless as their Americunt patsies are going down the tubes and China with the world’s strongest and largest economy is running them in the ground with more high tech defence spending and economic expansion. This is a Zionist arseholes Gulf of Tonkin moment and a false flag to goad the Wahhabi pimps into giving them bases and money. This ship is owned by a fictitious Mossad line and the “attack” was staged for the benefit of the dumbass petro-pimps of the Persian Gulf and Saudi shitheads who are a mother of all hiding in Yemen. The Zionist cowardlyCUNTS will get more desperate by the day. If this was an “Iranian attack” the Mossad rust bucket would be at the bottom of the Persian Gulf.

Arch Bungle

How come all these ‘false flags’ never achieve the desired effect?

Has to be something else going on here.

Ashok Varma

Typical Zionist FALSE FLAG to rip off the Wahhabis.

Free man

The mullahs gave Netanyahu a nice present. Netanyahu’s next speech : “The Israeli economy is in existential danger, Israel must respond disproportionately” (as it always does). LOL.

Jimmy Jim



Historically, the lizard eaters (as the Persians called them) Wahhabi Bedouins have an inferiority complex vis a vis the culturally sophisticated, educated, moderate and advanced Persians. So naturally the Zionists are obviously trying to exploit the corrupt Saudis and other pint sized Persian Gulf Wahhabi regimes by soliciting military bases and funds by fanning Iranophobia. These Wahhabi regimes need to be careful as not to get too entangled with the temporary Zionist land squatters in Palestine, as the Persians will be around for infinity. This definitely reeks of a false flag and the damage looks like an implosion rather than an explosion.


Who believes Israel, false flag terror is their modus operandi, by way of deception is their moto.

Jimmy Jim


Free man

It’s the spoiled bean your mom ate yesterday.

Decatur Guy

Rabbi detacted! Rabbi detacted! Rabbi detacted! Rabbi detacted!

Arch Bungle

Real intellectual of you. Are you a kid?

Free man

Do you really not understand what JJ meant? Do you think it’s okay to kill indiscriminately people by gas?

Arch Bungle

It’s not indiscriminate.

Free man

I wonder if this is what the Iranian soldiers thought during the war with Iraq.

Arch Bungle

I’m surprised you give a shit what they thought at all?

Free man

My grandfather served in the Iranian army. So you’re in favor of indiscriminate killing by gas only when it comes to your enemies.

Arch Bungle

My ancestors served in the Roman army.

How do you jump to that conclusion?

The Objective

Even if it was Iran, this attack was just a scratch compared to what Israel did to Iran. There’s also Israel’s retaliation to think about, which is certain to be disproportionate.

Just Me

LOL, what a dumbass Wahhabi punk :)

Arch Bungle

What has ‘israel’ done to Iran that is not a scratch?

The Objective

Pushing America to void a nuclear deal and heap sanctions on Iran, which led to a humiliating assassination. Assassinating Iranian scientists and killing hundreds of Shiite fighters in Syria and Iraq. Bombing Iranian military supplies in Syria, and sabotaging sensitive nuclear facilities in Iran. But Iran just retaliated with an attack on a ship, which neither killed anyone nor permanently disable the ship.


when the jews send a spy-ship into the persian gulf, I suppose they are well advised not to complain if and when something untowards happen to the ship – a car-carrier. however, it is more likely that the entire operation was a ruse to blame the iranians for the incident – recall that head jew, netanyahu, the jew that most fervently is waiting for his lamppost and that te worl eagerly is waiting for him to find, over and over has stated that the jews will do anything to stop the iranians from getting nukes and here we are.

iran must make certain to acquire a number of nukes which they can adorn their new missiles with and then obliterate the jews from the face of earth – since the occupation of palestine is illegal, no tears should be shed for the jews gone missing, like the dodo-bird although I suspect more of earths people would shed a tear for the dodo-bird than for the jews gone extinct.

Icarus Tanović

Maybe Iranians did, but with some rockets of small warheads, but still capable of reaching the ship.

Arch Bungle

The zionists should fear an enemy who can strike so quickly and effectively that they cannot even be sure it’s them.

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