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Israel Considering Halting Drone Sales To Azerbaijan, Canada Suspends Sales of Drone Parts To Turkey

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Israel Considering Halting Drone Sales To Azerbaijan, Canada Suspends Sales of Drone Parts To Turkey

Azerbaijan’s drones have been used with devastating effect in the latest war with Armenia

As fighting continues between Armenia and Azerbaijan, an Israeli official has stated that the country may halt further weapons sales to Azerbaijan. Meanwhile, Canada has announced that it is halting sales of drone parts to Turkey while it reviews evidence that the parts are being used by drones deployed by Azerbaijan to attack Armenian positions.

Last week, Armenia recalled its ambassador to Israel, Armen Smbatyan, for consultations and to protest the sale of Israeli made weapons, including drones, to Azerbaijan. The drones have been used with devastating effect against Armenian forces.

Following the consultations, the Armenian ambassador stated that Israel may halt commercial weapon sales to Azerbaijan.

“In two or three days, they [Israel] seem to be on the way to stopping the supply of weapons,” Smbatyan told the Armenian news site Factor. He added that he had received a verbal promise that this would occur.

Israel’s Foreign Ministry said it would not comment on the Armenian ambassador’s statements or on Jerusalem’s export policy with regard to military products.

While Israel has strong ties with both counties and has sought to maintain the appearance of neutrality in the conflict, it receives 40% of its oil supplies from Azerbaijan, making its ties with that country particularly important.

Fuad Akhundov, a media spokesman in the administration of the president of the Republic of Azerbaijan, told The Jerusalem Post that any reports that sales would be halted were ‘fake news’ and he praised the close relations between his country and Israel.

“Israel is our partner,” as part of that partnership Azerbaijan had contracts with Israel to purchase military hardware, but Akhundov claimed that the contracts only dealt with the sale of military hardware and did not involve other participation in the conflict.

The drone sales have included ThunderB the surveillance drone manufactured by Israel’s BlueBird Aero Systems company and the Hermes 900, produced by another Israeli company, Elbit Systems, used for reconnaissance and communication relay. LINK

Both Armenia and Azerbaijan accused each other on Monday of attacking civilian areas on the ninth day of fighting, which broke out on 27 September.

Hundreds of people have been killed in the latest fighting over Nagorno-Karabakh, a mountainous area that belongs to Azerbaijan under international law but which is inhabited mostly by ethnic Armenians.

Fighting intensified over the weekend, and a ceasefire appears unlikely in the immediate future. In a televised address to the nation on Sunday, Azerbaijan’s president Ilham Aliyev said Azeri forces were advancing and retaking areas that they lost to Armenia in the early 1990s.

He demanded that Armenia set a timetable for withdrawing from Nagorno-Karabakh and surrounding Azeri territories, and said Azerbaijan would continue with its military offensive until that happened.

“Azerbaijan has one condition, and that is the liberation of its territories,” he said. “Nagorno-Karabakh is the territory of Azerbaijan.” LINK

In a related development, Canada announced that it has suspended the export of some drone technology to Turkey while it investigates allegations the equipment is being used by Azerbaijan’s military against Armenian forces, a senior official said on Monday.

Project Ploughshares, a Canadian arms control group, says video of air strikes released by Baku indicates the drones were equipped with imaging and targeting systems made by L3Harris Wescam, a subsidiary of L3Harris Technologies Inc based in Canada.

“In line with Canada’s robust export control regime and due to the ongoing hostilities, I have suspended the relevant export permits to Turkey, so as to allow time to further assess the situation,” Foreign Minister Francois-Philippe Champagne announced.

The Globe and Mail reported that L3Harris Wescam received permission earlier this year to ship seven of the targeting systems to Turkish drone maker Baykar. Turkey has been a key ally of Azerbaijan in the conflict, and the drones have had an important role in the latter’s offensive military operations.

Separately, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau told reporters he had asked Champagne to travel to Europe “to discuss with our allies the developments in Eastern Europe and the Caucasus, particularly in Nagorno-Karabakh”. LINK


While a reduction in the ongoing sales of drones to Azerbaijan would be a welcome development for Armenia, which is heavily outnumbered and outgunned, it will not significantly alter the overall balance of forces in the short term. It also remains to be seen whether Israel is willing to jeopardize its until now excellent relations with Azerbaijan, its major source of oil.


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israel are liars and need to be wiped out. they are cockroaches causing genocides everywhere while crying as a victim.

Porc Halal

Also muslims are playing victim’s role while oppressing and killing non-muslims around the world…and guess who has the role of their PR?!..some of the victims themself!…


putin has proven he is too old and weak he needs to be driven out of power for cowering to the turks & jews

Jens Holm

Most pigs are both cleaner and brigther the You under the semilar conditions.

It might help You made a bed of hay.

Zionism = EVIL

Putin was a mere major is a failed organization like KGB and is operating way above his pay grade or intellectual capability. He was handpicked by the Jew oligarchs to protect their interests, not Russian interests.

Jens Holm

…And now its wrong stop sending weapons. Anything they does is wrong. So why listen at all.


Probably is only a face saving move but everybody will continue to sell the arms through middle men from the gulf.

Zionism = EVIL

UAE pimps are now the main weapons peddlers, there is a huge MOSSAD “trade office” in Abu Dhabi in the airport commercial center.

Jens Holm

Thats no of Your business. If Yiu came here and tryed to tell me what to buy, I would buy a gun as number number two.

Jens Holm

It is a face. Weapons and other things find ways, but one of them could loose their dispute, soweapons becomes irrelevant as well.

I am sure manyothers then Turks, Israelians and Russians would live to sell weapin as long as people has money – too.

I dont know how USA is in this about warfare.


USA already sold Turkey F-16s they use their radars to coordinate drones so nobody is missing.

Khazar Supremacy

Ur tears so delicous


Zionism = EVIL

Came out of the ugly forest though :)

Jens Holm

Be a sterotype Yourself


boycott the forskin eaters and their shit stained dna muslim brothers

Jens Holm

Muslims are the best victims and loosers in the whole world, because they are raised to be.

Khazar Supremacy

Wow thats anti semitism and racism. People should know white Europeans are Islamophobic, anti-semites and we still being victim of nazism.

Zionism = EVIL

I would agree. A German NAZI just attacked a Jew student in Berlin with a shovel and a fat Canadian racist trash killed a Muslim at a Mosque in Toronto.

Khazar Supremacy

Hear, hear.


i just came in my pants


stop playing victim card , it doesnt work anylonger you social justice warrior


I doubt Israel will stop or talk about supplies, as they rarely do. Canada on the other hand indeed halted the exports pending investigation into human rights abuse using its equipment, contrary to the article claiming that the subject of the investigation is whether it was used against Armenian positions. In both cases Azerbaijan/Turkey seems to become the winning side of the investigation given that it will be based on international law. Unless those drones were specifically used in intentional targeting of civilians, which is doubtful and extremely complicated to proove.

Zionism = EVIL

Canada is the biggest racist hypocrite on the planet, they are arming the SaudiCUNTS for decades and their weapons have killed thousands in Yemen.


“ISRAEL CONSIDERING HALTING DRONE SALES TO AZERBAIJAN” Not likely any time soon. There are shekels involved and Armenians to be be killed. NOW YOU SEE ISRAELI’S TRUE FACE.

Jens Holm

Thast could be correct. Azerbydjan might have enough and get more until they have won the stupidisme or are pit of money.

Zionism = EVIL

Seriously guys, Jews are the most evilCUNTS on earth and the Zionists are absolute gutter scum, but their plans are failing bigtime as Turkish, Iranian and Azerbaijan are getting closer. Erdogan has made a scathing speech against the Zionists and called for the liberation of Jerusalem. Now the dumbass Americunts and their parasitic Jew masters are trying to build a laughable stooges coalition of Saudi arsewipes, UAE pimps and Zionists against Iran and Turkey, as if that is going to work out ROFLMAO.


Erdogan would like to see both Armenia and Azerbaijan assimilated into Turkey, there by stopping any Russian – Iranian military supply except through (NATO) themselves. Erdogan only claims to hate Israel, but that is not the reality.

Zionism = EVIL

Time will tell, but my guess is that the Zionists are up the creek one way or another. As you can, strategic mass wins the day as I have said all along. 84 million Turks and same number of Iranians and 25 million Syria against 6 million ZionistCUNT cowards simply is a different equation.

Jens Holm

It has nothing to do with zionists. You seemes to have been infected as child or Your parants or grandparents was.

As usual You in Your empty internal rhetorics mention they are cowards too. Israel hardly is there aprt from – as I recall it – buy some oil. Thats normal trade and for some weapons too.

So You are an d behave as some pathetic version of Baron Von Münchausen or him with the windmill.

Vox Populi

Erdogan has established Turkey as the leader of the Muslim world and will have to take a more vigorous stance towards the Zionist illegal occupation of Palestine.

Great Khan

Turkey brother stronk!

Vox Populi

Gizir Tahir Misirkhanov who destroyed six tanks in the April battles and was awarded the “Azerbaijan Flag” order, destroyed 11 more enemy armored vehicles in the latest counter-offensive, which began on the September 27 and is now in final stages.

Vox Populi



Where do you get this junk from? First 60% of Artsakh was liberated and now this, seriously dude, lay off the meth.

Jens Holm

ERdogan is not Leader of the muslims world at all. Most muslims lives far away and hardly care about Erdo.

India has more muslims then Erdogan as well. Saudis took Your fingers and toes?


Turkey’s Muslim Brotherhood and Saudi Wahhabi, think they “lead” the Sunni nations and tribes, but as Syria and Libya have shown, that is their propaganda, but is not universal.

They certainly do not lead the Shia , Ismaili or Sufi.

Jens Holm

THats not through Nato ata all. Its a fiasco try bt the turks as an answer for they will not be members if EU as if they were free to do anything they want.

You show Russian propaganda version ony.

But its true those little ones in Caucasus would like to have normal and better connections not limited by joining the Russian collapsed as new Neocolonoialisme.

So You argumentations are false. Its not about “west” but only Russia as much as they choose. And of course “west” like that in trade helping the collapses up – and some can pay by oil and pipelines are important as well.

Jens Holm

This has nothing to do with Jews apart from the sell weapons too. Idjot…



Putin is still selling arms to Azerbaijan

Lone Ranger



New intelligent Russian missile that doesn’t explode if civilians are put in danger. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9dff0f97499084f0ce2091a75381b95a24bfcd0fe879e742ee0fe7a8c07ff1c0.jpg

Lone Ranger



Hahahahahaha lmao :D

Zionism = EVIL

That apartment will need a major balcony do over. It is a fixer upper sale.


Besides it brings more natural light, it could triple the price as the luckyest appartment in the country meant only for lotery winners.


The azeri trolls on here say these photos are fake :D


There is the same type of missile unexploded in the azeri town too.

Porc Halal

Ok… this is joke, right??


No sir. It’s a good bomb.

Alekai Mordechai

Umm …… no it just didn’t explode.


No, it’s an AI bomb, AI has compasion.

Alekai Mordechai

Your brain needs compassion.

Ruski bombs don’t explode. Simple as 2+2 = 6



No, it’s because they don’t kill civilians, simple as that!

Zionism = EVIL

40% of Azerbaijan inventory is of Russian origin.


And I bet they strike better deals with azeris.

Vox Populi

Armenian army is in full flight and not putting up a fight.





Don’t go there, it’s a trap!

Vox Populi

Turkey and Azerbaijan, no ceasefire until all of NK is free.


Jens Holm

No its not. The Russians are the latest ones, which took by force. Half of it is taken from Iran and the rest was more or less a part of the Ottomans.

Its nonsense naming it as Russian origin. Russia took the whole Caucasus from Osmans, Iranians and of course the locals from 1820 to 1880 – something like that.

Wikki in a compact version says:


There is a very good warmap with battles against the Russian Tzars.

Vox Populi

Azerbaijan is a former Soviet state and Russia arming it was legitimate. However, the current conflict is being fanned by the US, Israel and UK and totally ties in with a notorious RAND report that explicitly details how “the United States could try to induce Armenia to break with Russia and Iran” and “encourage Armenia to move fully into the NATO orbit.”


Since Russia is a great critic of Armenian goveenment, I think Putin greenlighted Erdogan to give a lesson to the disobedient little state. Erdogan was prepared long before Putin gave this signal.

Vox Populi

Azerbaijan in April gave a signal by destroying many Armenian posts and vehicles and Russia warned Armenia to accept Russian peace plan with Russian peace keeping troops in NK, the Armenians rejected it.


To date Azeris have lost every battle and war in the past 30 years. This time will be no different. A war is not won in a day, it is the culmination of many battles. We are not in the final stages of this war like you say, we are in the beginning.


Really? Do you have any link?

Jens Holm



Great post, this is truly the origins of this conflict as I have been trying to explain to people here.


In light of the geopolitical trends of the world, I would not be surprised to see Russia and Iran split this region again between them. As American influence wanes, and they are forced to turn inward to their domestic civil unrest and corruption, the forces of Eurasia will rise in influence. The EU is on its deathbed and countries will be forced to choose new alliances. We are already seeing this take place. In the long term, Georgia’s days of being an independent country are numbered, it will return to being a Russian territory, paving the way for Armenia to join them. Azeris will be cut off and divided between Russia and Iran, as they rightfully should be, with the Iranian peoples joining their homeland and the native Caucasians joining theirs. Eventually Turkey will be divided and no dictators last forever.

Vox Populi

Israel’s role is the usual intriguer. The Armenian defeat is a result of its own arrogance and illegal actions. Turkey is now the undisputed Eurasian superpower. It should develop nuclear weapons as well.

Great Khan

Jew bitch.

Jens Holm

They are just getting most of their oil from there.

Vox Populi

Israel is a two bit con man, however, Armenian defeat can be directly attributed to Russia teaching a backstabbing Armenia a lesson.

Armenian US installed PM Pashinyan could be described as a liberal globalist with strong links with Bilderberg corporatons. The majority of his political team is pro-NATO.Pashinyan went all guns blazing against former Armenian President (1998- 2008) Robert Kocharian, who before that happened to be,crucially, the de facto President of Nagorno-Karabakh.

Kocharian, who spent years in Russia and is close to President Putin,was charged with a nebulous attempt at “overthrowing the constitutional order”. Pashinyan tried to land him in jail. But even more crucial is the fact that Pashinyan refused to follow a plan elaborated by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to finally settle the Artsakh/Nagorno-Karabakh mess. Iran a close ally of Russia, supported the Lavrov plan calling for a negotiated settlement. Armenia lulled into false security Pashinyan’s client relationship with US, promptly dismissed the Russian peace plan, provoking Moscow’s ire.

The real issue is Armenian arrogance and mistaken belief that it could continue with the illegal occupation of Norgorno-Karabakh. The problem is that in 1993, the United Nations had approved no less than four resolutions – 822, 853, 874 and 884 – establishing that Armenia should withdraw from what was deemed to be roughly 20% of Azerbaijani territory. This is at the core of Baku’s legal and internationally recognized rationale to fight against what it qualifies as a foreign occupation army.

Great Khan

Great Khan like. Jew BITCH cause many problem.

Vox Populi

60% of NK has been liberated and over half population has escaped to Armenia.The capital Stepanakert, is being shelled and will fall.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1QsKztRgt8&feature=emb_rel_pause is

Jens Holm

KIlling each other is liberating. You almost make me smile.

“In heaven there is no beer, thats why we drink them here….”

Who is who there was decided by the Osmans by resetling, so how many hundred of years has it to continue.

40.000 was killed last time. As many as 230,000 Armenians from Azerbaijan and 700,000 Azerbaijanis from Armenia and Karabakh have been displaced as a result of the conflict…And again.

You are barking mad.Leave those people alone You warmongols. You should be crusified with Your heads upside down. In those matters Leaders for something like this should be killed first.

Alekai Mordechai

Hmm bla bla bla.

War money is great. Unfortunately its your country which isn’t getting war monies.

Jens Holm

There is no bla bla.

But we do have bought enough things for war and renew them. So its the same. The weapons are needed and has to come from somewhere. In the other hand You save a lot of money if You can solve things by good relations and work hard to keep peace even keeping peace also is a plus/minus.

It makes sense to me they sell oil to Israel by some Russian pipeline and by that good and needed relation makes money to parts of Caucasus. By that those good relations also do, those Caucasians(and Russia) are relevant buyers for, what the region needs and Israel actually has and do pretty well.

Nenad Vojinovic

I’ve just read that Armenian forces pushed back Azeri forces from town of Jabrayil.


https://caucasus.liveuamap.com/ Indeed


https://caucasus.liveuamap.com/ 60% LOL Your on drugs, look at the map


Not at all, I wrote that we don’t view it in a good way here.

Porc Halal

Israelis are not killing armenians…it’s the turks, azeris and all the other muslim scums fighting in Armenian N-K province that kills armenians in the name of a sick ideology that is islam…

Alekai Mordechai

Funny man with misplaced view.

N-K was in Azerbaijan’s territory before dirty armenians took it.

More so than not, its Iranians who are helping Armenians. While rabbid thugs like you only squeals.

Porc Halal

Hahahahaha!!!..butt hurt right??…ok, I ‘m glad to hear that…this means, I was right…you stupid fuck


Does truth hurt you so bad?!…

Alekai Mordechai

Hahahahaha?? Yeah. Pashinyan is already squealing for concessions.

You are not right in anything boy. You’re simply flying stupid.

Said what’s fact and you lost all your marbles like a good enjun that you are.

Porc Halal

Hahaha!!…ok, gipsy boy…what else?…release your anger…you’ll feel better, maybe…

Alekai Mordechai

All I can see Whole lot of kardasians with black ghetto dudes now

Random Dude

Canada will not sell cameras temporarily means drones will not fly anymore?:))))))) And Israel will stop supplying drones to Azerbaijan? ahahha, wet dreams.

Zionism = EVIL

Canada is a ZionistBITCH and sells weapons to the Saudi headchoppers and UAE pimps and has moral compass. However, the Jew bitches are scared of Turkey getting too powerful. At the end of the day, the JewCUNTS are anti-Muslim and can never be friends with either Arabs or any Muslim state, Iran and Turkey and now Azerbaijan understands that.

Random Dude

Azerbaijan and Israel have no issues. And I bet within few years Azerbaijan will broker renewal of cooperation between Israel and Turkey. Those 3 have more in common than disagreements.

Zionism = EVIL

Seriously, Pisrael is nothing by itself. Keep in mind there are only 6 million imported ZionistCUNTS who are having a hard time hanging on to a narrow sliver of coastal Palestine, let alone do fuckall. It is now a big boys game.

Random Dude

Doesn’t matter if its their own strength or rented, if countries cooperating with Israel are happy with it, it is up to them, non of anybody else business. And it is 9million now, your info is old.

Zionism = EVIL

My information is never old :) There are over 2 million Arabs and Palestinians, GET WITH THE FACTS:

The religious affiliation of the Israeli population as of 2019 was 74.2% Jewish, 17.8% Muslim, 2.0% Christian, and 1.6% Druze. The remaining 4.4% included faiths such as Samaritanism and Baháʼí, and “religiously unclassified”, the category for all who do not belong to one of the recognized communities. Arab birthrate is the highest.

Jens Holm

I dont care if there was 100 mio unless I should feed them top by UN.

Its a powerplay, where its not about how many times most of You are doing nothing in Your beds apart from sleeping and making babies and close to 24/7.

Jews are not like that. They work based on they dont want to live as You. I agree about tha part of the Jesish state.

Many of You is more like hindus to me. Allah wont take You, and You most likely will be reborn as worms.

Porc Halal

Wtf, are muslim?!…

Random Dude

sure, still 9 million Israeli citizens

Jens Holm

I agree. The dwarfs dont like Israel is buying most of their oil from there. And of course the one selling them oil – by Russia I think – buy Israelians products.

The Jews make exelent weapons and even computerchips, so why dance as the non productive demand. As long as the behave as being nothing, they will remain so.

Jens Holm

There we have the parrot no see no listen again. A painting of You would only show a big mouth.

Jens Holm

Yes. Jews accoreding to information here musty be at least 600 millions or Your kind are stupid non innovative lazybums or worse.


Hmm, strange how the day after “IronZion” said he’s had enough of seeing Israeli weapons used against the Armenians, his government follows suit. Coincidence? or is he a paid poster after all?


Rusty_Iron got orders from above. This conflict against Armenians in N-K makes Israel look bad in international relations.

Zionism = EVIL


Lone Ranger

Hasbarat cybercommando ?

Jens Holm

Haha. They might be the ones commanding their drones:)

Jens Holm

They have hard working trolls too and most of the women work too. And compared to most muslims and hindus, we can see they ahve ears and hair.

Muslim women are hiding from Allah and raping men.

Lone Ranger

Oy gevalt…

Zionism = EVIL

They are all paid hasbaraCUNTS. They push the Zionist line.


Maybe. That account is always here and immediately answers your replies.

Or maybe it’s related to Georgia closing its land roads and airspace to move weapons. If you look at the map, there’s no other viable way to move weapons to republic of Azerbaijan.

In other words, the cat doesn’t catch mouse to please god.


Not paid at all, just proves I am an Israeli and I know where the wind blows here. Most Israelis love Azerbaijan and always have good things to say about it, but in this conflict many Israelis on the news sites think the Armenians should not be killed with our weapons and they don’t deserve it since they have done us no harm. How will it end? I don’t know.

Nenad Vojinovic

Israel is interest driven society as a whole. In politics there are no friendships but interests only and Israel is not an exception. Actually your country is the most famous when it comes to make troubles around the world, put in danger other countries and people in those countries for the purpose of Israeli interests. In Azerbaijani case they have oil and gas Israel needs. Azerbaijan borders Iran Israeli arch enemy so Israel has an interest using the Azerbaijani territory to attack a sovereign nation of Iran because it already used to attack other countries with impunity. If something goes wrong Israel can always hide behind US back.


bla bla..

Zionism = EVIL

Kids, since Russia and Iran have no intention of getting involved, Armenia is pretty much kaput. It’s military on paper looked ok, but proved to be like the Zionist paper tiger and is now in full withdrawal mode.

Armenian forces announce withdrawal from some areas as Azerbaijani forces push on relentlessly.


Old man, you will whip in the wind depending on this days or tomorrows reports. Quite sad actually, you seem to be very needy of attention. :)

Lone Ranger

Armenia is lead by traitors. They wont use the S-300 or the Su-30 which would be a game changer.


They are not allowed to. Would make Russian toys look bad.

Lone Ranger

You spelled Turkish, Israeli, U.S. toys wrong tho. Russia doesnt care about Armenia till there is a traitor leadership in place. Its up to them to use their weapons or not.


Armenia is not anti Russia but Russia likes to have only obedient slaves not allies and friends.

Lone Ranger

Armenia is not, but their leadership is. You mean the U.S… Indeed.

Zionism = EVIL

That is pretty much the case. The Armenians have been playing Russia and Iran and kissing EU arse and so people lost confidence and why should Iranian or Russian soldiers die for such cowardly unreliable arseholes.

Vox Populi

Armenian out of touch leadership is directly responsible for its defeat. They misjudged Azerbaijan’s determination to liberate its lands.

Zionism = EVIL

I don’t think so, Russian weapons are fine in good skilled hands, it is the Armenian cowardice and over-confidence even had me fooled. You will soon see Russian weapons do more than just fine in Iranian and Hezbollah hands. The old idiom, it is the man behind the gun that counts has proven true yet again.


Wake me up when that happens lol.

Zionism = EVIL

In the meantime, make some good curry in a hurry and stay clear of Pimpeovirus. Good thing India did not fall for the Zionist trap with China and has taken a neutral position like Iran.


Iran is helping us with Pakistan so yup you are correct there.Meanwhile India is participating in the QUAD meeting.Lets see how that works out.

Zionism = EVIL

Pakistan is a pain in the arse like the ZionistCUNTS, the British arseholes created both these cancers. The dumbass Paki idiots have charged one of the ex-PM Sharif for being an Indian agent LOL, how dumb can you be.


I certainly hope Iran becomes a normal country and concentrate on its people.USA is really powerful because if they weren’t powerful, by now Russia and China would have supplied them with weapons.If I was the Ayotallah I would tone down the anti American and anti Israeli rhetoric because if you piss these guys they will harm iran.I personally think Shia are better than Sunnis.

Zionism = EVIL

Believe me, Americunts and Zionists are not that powerful. Iran is quite capable of defending itself as even shown in the Armenian conflict.

The Objective

Why are you Iranians so overconfident? Your leaders are currently doing all they can to avoid any clash with the US. That’s not a sign of strength. The US has dealt Iran a fatal blow in terms of economy. They have killed Iranians and their allies. It’s this same overconfidence you accuse Armenia of.

Zionism = EVIL

Little monkey madrassa boy, have been hearing the same BS for 42 years and am bored and old now :) save it for the Wahabbi buttboys.

The Objective

We have no problem with Shiites that don’t train parallel armies in countries. The Mad Mullahs in Iran are a different breed of devils. They’re so crazy they think they’ll control the Muslim world by proxies. Iran just created the condition for their destruction. Thankfully, Allah has created severe enmity between them and a ruthless empire, and they will soon crush Iran, ridding the Muslim world of a major problem.

Zionism = EVIL

Agreed. This Nicol is an arsehole and an embarrassment. An friend of mine with reliable info told me that half their reserves refused to show up and the officers took off first. Quite said, the ZionistCUNTS will prove to be the same cowards yet again.

Lazy Gamer

That is devastating for NK if true. The psychological success of drones go beyond the field.

Zionism = EVIL

I believe, looking at the videos from both sides and talking to people, it is obvious that the Azerbaijanis trained well and have good leadership, thanks to Turkey. People forget that Russia still supplies 40% of their weaponry too. It is just that the Armenians became too arrogant and complacent and now are paying the price. The Azerbaijani infantry has fought well too.

Lazy Gamer

Do u have written reports of the morale failure in the reservists?

Zionism = EVIL

Yes, sort of, the Armenian dumbass PM has hinted that reserves are not being activated and complained at the slow response, indicating low morale. If you are in the region and can watch Baku TV, then you will see that it has been playing martial music and giving video updates but Armenia is losing the propaganda war and keeping silent.

Great Khan

hahaha Armenian run like donkey, no need for horse.

The Objective

S-300 cannot stop a massive invasion.

Lone Ranger

Depends how many launchers and missiles you have. Once you lose air superiority it’s a whole different ballgame.

The Objective

Who’s talking about air superiority? All an invader needs to do if fire a salvo of inaccurate missiles at the S-300 locations, then follow on with precision missile strikes. There is no defense against a determined missile and air assault.

Lone Ranger

Did you see that in a G.I. Joe movie? Please just stop…


What happened since yesterday? Yesterday you said Aliyev soldiers are on the run and Armenians took back what they lost, if I’m not mistaken the opposite of what you say today?

Azeris attacking at this time was the Zionist sh-itheads plans. Now Armenians are in bed with Zionists?

Zionism = EVIL

Two major situations have developed, firstly the CIA stooge Pissinyan and his arsehole cabinet have been making Islamophobic statements that has pissed off a vast majority in Iran and secondly the Armenian military has proven to be cowardly arseholes. Iran used to favor Armenia, which is counter-intuitive at first sight. So the Iranians may have helped the Russians out (funneling supplies) if Russia also did not feel betrayed by Armenia, but on the other hand Iran now has a very good relationship with Turkey, especially in the oil, military cooperation and gas business. And it has no reason to get too overt in its support. Russia and Iran have decided to teach the uppity Armenians a lesson. Iran’s only interest was securing its northern border which it has, as not a single shell has fallen across the Aras in last 48 hours.

Great Khan

Iran-Turkey-Mongolia brotherhood stronk!

James Adams


Zionism = EVIL



No problem for on daily basis brainwashed Turks . They will connect donkey instead optics and will be ok.


they need to disconnect their pen is from the donkeys ass first

Potato Man

considering…hmmm how much Armenia have to pay Zion charity state :/

Albert Pike

Armenia is Soros country. Soros is financing Jerad Kushner, the same Kushner who always gave Bibi his room and bed, when Bibi was in New York. Bibi is Boss of the Zion State. If Armenia is losing, then because George Soros and Bibi wanted it to lose…

Jens Holm

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d4c84bca2e9bd621fcb95ef4378b888611ea8e0c2dbbc6c95f769054c505abff.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/66b60b2a613f8898685f0feba9b2f65822d7d05ae4940aa07634b38bb9a86955.jpg

Nenad Vojinovic

I was wondering if all this newest conflict is arranged in advance among all the sides included. Armenia does not take a part in a conflict but it did in previous years and in 1988. There was a regime change in Armenia in 2018 when was pro western government installed. If Armenia seeks to become NATO member to define its borders. The same goes for Azerbaijan. It seems like it was ordered to Armenia not to take a part in a conflict and let the Azerbaijan to take back all of the Nagorno Karabakh and its surrounding territory. It looks unreal but it could be the explanation. Regime change is also happening these days in Kyrgyzstan.


Canada is just selling the optic cam parts. Are they retarded? Turkey already can produce that part but is buying from Canada due to contract.

Meanwhile in other news; Canada’s weapon sales to Saudi Arabia was 3 billion dolars in 2019. I guess when the people being killed are Yemenis, Canada puts morals aside.

Such humanism, much wow.


They are humane when it comes to their job. If they don’t come, they are not. We call this western justice. The center of democracy is supposedly.


they can’t produce , as simple as that. Advanced military equipment is not easy thing to produce by country like Turkey , its not water melon or cheap hair transplant ;) Turkey dont own any significiant technology . They are 100% dependent on EU and USA export. Thats why they are still banana republic that is dependent on tourism.


Dude its a freakin’ optic lens rofl.


Bruh… These are optic lens. Monkeys can produce that.

Smith Ricky

Fake news, they will keep supplying them with arms.


“In line with Canada’s robust export control regime and due to the ongoing hostilities, I have suspended the relevant export permits to Turkey, so as to allow time to further assess the situation,”

But Canada will find no problem selling weapons to Saudi to massacre Yemen civilians, or support moderate head choppers in Syria, Albany, Libya, etc.

Assad must stay

A hahahaha if only!!!

Svincius Savickas

People, Turkey must be stopped. How? By sinking Turkey in blood inside! Our brothers from Kurdistan, being under extermination for centuries! Kurdistan must be openly supported with weapon systems – MANPADS and antitank weapons. Turkey directly throws its glove against Russia. Thousands of terrorists are in Southern Caucasus already and bordering Russian Northern Caucasus. For Russia this may be an existential threat that could lead to the collapse of the country. Therefore, Russia shall intervene directly with mostly aviation and missiles. Draw the red line for the Turkish state of terror!

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