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MARCH 2025

Israel Considers Bashar Al-Assad An Enemy “Should Have Killed Him”: Israel Intelligence Official

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Israel Considers Bashar Al-Assad An Enemy "Should Have Killed Him": Israel Intelligence Official

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Israel, unsurprisingly considers Syrian President Bashar al-Assad an enemy and that it “should have killed him” a while ago.

This was said by the head of the Research Division in the Israeli Military Intelligence, Dror Shalom.

Shalom said that Israel considers Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to be its enemy, considering that “he should have been killed when he used chemical weapons,” as he claimed.

Referring to accusations of Assad allegedly using chemical weapons against his own citizens while also winning the war.

The security official’s comments came a week after Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad commented on the prospect of peace talks with Israel.

The Syrian President told the Sputnik Agency that he is not interested in peace talks until Israel returns the occupied Golan Heights to the Arab Republic.

Assad also warned that a popular uprising will begin if US and Turkey do not leave Syria.

“This is an occupation. In this case, we need to do two things: First, get rid of the pretext that they use for the occupation, that is, the terrorists in this case, ISIS,” he said.

“Most of the world knows that ISIS was created by the Americans and they support it,” he continued, stating that “therefore, eliminating terrorists in Syria is our top priority, and if the Americans and Turks do not leave after that, then of course, popular resistance will begin and this is the only way.”

“They will not be forced to leave through discussions or international law because it does not exist,” Assad said. He added that “there is no other way but resistance and this is what happened in Iraq. What drove the Americans to leave in 2007? It was the result of the Iraqi people’s resistance.”

Separately, shalom commented that Hezbollah’s Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah was only alive because Israel didn’t want to kill the Lebanese.

“Tel Aviv is not interested in assassinating the Secretary-General of the Lebanese Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah,” stating that “if we wanted to kill him … we would have actually killed him.”

“Iran is the source of unrest and crises in the region directly, through its nuclear project and precision missiles, and through its arms in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Gaza,” the Israeli security official said in an interview with Elaph newspaper.


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johnny rotten

Civilization according to the version of ISISrahell.

Tommy Jensen

Psychological profile of a criminal. First he steal from the victim, then he rape the victims wife, and then he regret he didnt kill the victim who now big jeopardize the criminal.

Lone Ranger

Indeed, but in fact you wont get into the CIA or Mossad if you are not a full blown psychopath. Same as no U.S. law enforcement agency will hire you if you have an IQ higher than 90. Im not joking…

Steve Standley

and that IQ policy has been court-tested. Idk what the upper end cut-off really is, but they definitely have one. their claim is that high IQ officers get bored and somehow fail to perform duties because of this boredom.


That’s why GRU terrorists from Donbass blow each other arses, because of boredom.

Lone Ranger

I blame the SBU.


How is multiplication table at the auxiliary school?

Lone Ranger

Tell me more about it…


That would be cheating, you need to do your homework.

Lone Ranger

I did. I found out that the Ukrop flag and the Down Syndrome Awarness ribbon are one and the same…?

Steve Standley



Well, if that little thing makes you happy, enjoy it. Maybe one day you’ll afford real entertainment. LOL.

Lone Ranger

Fingers crossed…

Concrete Mike

Why do insist on slandering novosorriya every chance you get?

You trying to look cool in front of ukrainian orcs?


Because Novorossya is not real, Donbass is real.

catalin zt

Shut ur shitty mouth anglo-saxon full of PERVERSITY


Your apply was refused because you have more than 90 and not a full blown psycho.

Lone Ranger

Thanks for your admission. It clears up a few things in regard of your bio..


I see you don’t post anymore from 9 to 5, what happened to your activity here?

Lone Ranger

Im on an advanced GRU cyber troll hunter training…


Advanced, cyber, hunter, ranger… Your childhood dreams of grandeur are narrowing day by day. Go to sleep, tomorrow you’re gonna bust your ass again. Arbeit macht frei.

Lone Ranger

Oy gevalt… God Bless your lil heart.


………..Ha ha , great reply, don’t think many here are up to your level of dry humour, you deserve more thumbs-up.

Lone Ranger


Furkan Sahin

Good news Luis Arce and David Choquehuanca win 2020 Bolivia election

Lone Ranger


Jaime Galarza

Good news indeed. However, the Black King on the Potomac is silent. Surely, it is planning more crimes.


Btw I heard the first rule for admission in GRU, FSB is to have erectile disfunction so you won’t have errection when Putin bends over.

Lone Ranger

2.5/10 You can do better…

catalin zt

But the usual anglo-saxon trick “build facesave face” will do! :) I’m an emigrant in the celts land where they forgot what they are and now they behave like their ancient killer and occupier ….so i know how it “works” with this race…


I think you mean “Profile of a Psychopathic Criminal”……………. but your explanation is brilliant…………. respect !

Jamie Strafford

Zionism is the 4th Reich! Only cure is ?☠️




Zionists are the excrement encrusted fawning footstools of satan, an evil brood chosen by him to do his bidding.


Don’t compare these foreskin biters with the Noble Aryans of Germany


You are believing the Zionist lies about the Nazis that they use to justify their own real crimes.


Typical big mouth Jew bragging about how great and invincible to repercussions they are. That they can kill anyone they want anytime they want. While the reality is they can’t even defeat regional militia and are constantly being attacked with some of the most unstable borders on the planet. Due in large part to their endless aggression against their neighbors and crimes against humanity against the Palestinians.

Steve Standley

they can kill as long as it’s sneaky and underhanded. in an open fight, they are cowards. If there is a satan, then they are truly his children.


……………..yeah bro’ they ARE his brood because it says so in scripture.

Lone Ranger

Chemical story was fake tho.

Lone Ranger

Whats with these fake names like Shalom? Whats next matzoball and dreidel?


I preferred Shylock and Versmageld !

Lone Ranger


In Exile

Yeah that made me chuckle too.


its time some state actors kill these rodents


yep, turkey, iran, iraq, syria and hezbollah must sit down and agree how to finalize the jewish issue in palestine.


Muslims always tried to look united, but they never been able to achieve that.

Leif Oskar Zetterstrøm

If the Arab League agrees and does not fight against each other, they will look at the Palestine problem. Peace in the Middle East is Israel’s greatest fear.


it’s a better and quicker solution to the middle east problems (solely caused by the jews in palestine) to finalize the illegal occupation by the jews of palestine and if need be, bury the occupiers at 6 feet. and the aggressive way and the manner of their mindset will motivate an early encounter with the nearest lamppost. the jews in palestine are surplus to the world’s needs and thus have forfeited their right to exist.


Butt-hurt much?

The world should’ve killed the lot of you murdering psychopaths that talk about killing others. They put aside any pretending and show their true ugly self. Almost all of the world media will ignore what this idiot said but just imagine the shrieks if any official from anywhere said the same thing about an Israeli leader.

And it’s not like you “don’t want” to murder Seyyed, god knows you tried numerous times but couldn’t. In addition to that, Hezbollah in particular and resistance in general is not dependent on one person. If one goes, someone more fierce takes their place. This is the nightmare you created for yourself by the mass murder you committed in your invasions of Lebanon in ’70s and ’80s, now you reap what you sew.

One day you might see behind your ears, but you never see an Israeli official who is not a bat-$hit crazy murderer, ever!

cechas vodobenikov

reap what you sow! sewing is using thread


Thank you, edited.


Shalom! Greetings to everybody Israel considers Subhuman! After the Hitlerian Massacre of Jews nobody is allowed to criticize the Jewish Roaches, yet they are absolutely free to declare every Jewish Worm Übermenschen and all other humans Goyim = subhuman. The Jews worship Yahweh, who is The Demiurge Great Satan in disguise. All the Jews do is done in the name of Hatred and Gnashing of Teeth.



Concrete Mike

its one and the same, israel/usa/eu/uk is the 4th reich.

Assad must stay

you will never kill him you pathetic losers, shut up and accept it


assad is truly a great leader like hitler

Concrete Mike

Bullshit, hitler was wall street’s attack dog to take down the soviet union.

He failed, miserably. By this failure, he allowed run away capitalism to take over the world.

Only.un educated fools worship hitler.

In Exile

Why would the Jews who ran Wall Street want to destroy the Sovier Union in 1941 when they ran that too. You filthy bastards have been shitting on my race long enough.

Concrete Mike

I never said a damn thing about jews.

The world dont revolve around jews. I will shit on you warmongering peices of shit if I want!

If you dont know soviet history thats your problem not mine.

In Exile

Okay Goldberg don’t blow a gasket. You are lying the first Cental Committee was nearly 100% Jewish now bugger of I have things to do. You purveyor of lies be gone. Make like a kangaroo and hop away.

Concrete Mike

Whatever dickweed.

Like i said if you would know your history, you would know of the Trotsky Stalin dynamics, wich you clearly ignore, on purpose.

Once again i never said anything against jews in this post. So take your big fucken nose outta here foreskin eater.

I have no patience for oversensitive jews. Your human like the rest of us and you will be criticised when its needed. Call me whatever trope you want i dont give a fuck, no one gets a free pass!

In Exile

Good deflection Goldberg, actually kind of lame you Jews are usually more cunning.


you know nothing, hitler made a germany independent of wall st and that is why the yids made his destruction

Concrete Mike

Right, he was so independent, he used funding from texaco, jp morgan, rockefeller, PRESCOTT BUSH, i can go on here.

Hitler was a much a tool as napoleon or any bush.


what the fvck is wrong with Israel?? Who is Israel to decide who should live and who should die????


the “chosen people” they are chosen by satan to murder and destroy, they are in the ear of every dictator because they love murder especially by proxy, it was always the same


Dror Shalom typical of criminal mind. “should have killed him” ? for what reason, challenging your lie and criminal behavior? criminal cockroaches.

Chris Chuba

Assad has never attacked Israel but this is what happens when your rich Uncle Sam gives his drug addicted nephew a stack of $100’s instead of telling him he as to play nice every once in a while.



Tommy Jensen



about as mad as netanyahu and in fact netty could be his brother of an offspring.


The comments on this website make me very proud. It gives me hope for the human race

Crystal Hollis



well that train is long gone


Where is SevenVaginas? why is he not here defending his wife bibi with spam postings?

Concrete Mike

let the rats eat each other as the ship sinks.

catalin zt

Is all about the bosses who rule this two ugly races,the anglo-saxon and the jews! And those bosses are not humans but in the order of importance they are 1 DRACO 2 REPTILIANS 3 THE GREY’S!


Just goes to show that Hitler was on the right track.

Svincius Savickas

Most of the world hates Israel, not Syria.

Lazy Gamer

How will there be normalization if it proceeded? I dont think any assassination attempt on the Syrian president would be untraceable. Does Israel think that the replacement wouldnt be worse for them? Golan operation with righteous vengeance would start if it happens. lol

Tom Tom

Except Assad didn’t use chemical weapons.


time to finish the jews in palestine and return the country to the rightful owners, the palestinians. the jews are parasites allowed to kill steal and lie with impunity by a impotent western world.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Assad remained silent as the UAE re-established diplomatic ties with Israel and as a thankyou this dickhead comes out and says this, he’s a true Zionist for sure [even worse than Netanyahu himself], he’s trying to harm elements of his own Government as much as he’s upsetting Assad, Russia, and Iran with that comment. The Arab League Nations have been joining together to fight the Muslim Brotherhood and Erdogan’s ambitions in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, and Libya, that’s why many of the Arab League Nations have not only reopened diplomatic ties with Israel, but also with Syria as well, and now things are nearly running smoothly on that front, bigmouth comes out and says this. So I wonder what this statement really achieved, was it simply a Zionist trolling just to make trouble if he could, I think it was, and hopefully Assad and the rest of the Arab League see it that way too, because apart from this devious statement I can’t see anythings changed at all. I hope the Arab League demands the Israelis take him out the back and give him a good slapping, he needs one.

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