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MARCH 2025

Israel Deepens Support For Ukraine Despite Claims Of Balancing Its Relations With Russia

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Israel Deepens Support For Ukraine Despite Claims Of Balancing Its Relations With Russia

Ukrainian Ambassador To Israel

Israeli actions could provoke Russia to be closer with Iran.

Written by Ahmed Adel, Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher

Former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, who claimed he acted as an intermediary between Russia and Ukraine at the start of the special operation, said in a video that Russian President Vladimir Putin assured him that he would not kill his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky. This revelation comes as Benjamin Netanyahu is back in power and is driving Israel even closer to Ukraine and further away from Russia.

“He gave me two great concessions,” Bennett said on February 4 of his March 5, 2022 meeting with Putin. It is recalled that Bennet flew to Moscow in an effort to mediate only weeks after the special military operation began in February 2022. “I knew Zelensky was under threat, in a bunker… I said to [Putin], ‘Do you intend to kill Zelensky?’ He said, ‘I won’t kill Zelensky’.”

The former Israeli Prime Minister said he immediately contacted the Ukrainian president after this revelation and told him, “I’ve just come out of a meeting — [Putin] is not going to kill you.

“[Zelensky] asked me, ‘Are you sure?’ I said 100 percent. [Putin’s] not going to kill you.”

Bennett recalled: “Two hours later, Zelensky went to his office, and did a video selfie in the office, [in which the Ukrainian president said,] ‘I’m not afraid.’”

According to Bennett, Putin agreed not to demand the disarming of Ukraine. In fact, that same weekend, Zelensky dropped Ukraine’s demand to become a NATO member. However, as recalled, Zelensky once again demanded for Ukraine to be fast-tracked into NATO after Russia announced the inclusion of Luhansk, Donetsk, Zaporozhye and Kherson oblasts into the Russian Federation in September 2022.

Bennett also said that “everything I did [in the mediation effort] was coordinated with the US.”

This is an unsurprising detail since Kiev refuses to negotiate with Moscow because of Zelensky’s desire to carry out orders from Washington and London. The Anglo alliance effectively controls Kiev, proving that Zelensky is not a political actor but a puppet. Despite this, the West still continues to allude that Russia is refusing to negotiate.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that the argument that Russia refuses to negotiate on the Ukraine issue is a lie, which Moscow will continue to refute.

“Our diplomacy has a job to do, on a daily basis, to explain what’s going on, to expose the lies, especially the current lies about our denial to negotiate,” he said.

Although Bennet attempted to portray himself as a mediator that is balancing between Kiev and Moscow, his actions have led to direct military support for Ukraine, and this policy will certainly not relax under Netanyahu.

Axios revealed on February 1 that the new Israeli government is conducting a policy review on its position on the Ukraine War. The report said, citing three unnamed Israeli officials, that Netanyahu ordered the policy review after returning to office in late December and discussed the matter with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken when they met in Jerusalem on January 30.

Netanyahu reportedly stressed to Blinken that Israel will not reduce humanitarian aid and support for Ukraine, with a senior Israeli official claiming that the Biden administration knows that Jerusalem will not shift Israel’s position closer to Moscow.

Blinken none-the-less urged Israel to provide more support for Kiev, saying that “Russia’s ongoing atrocities only underscore the importance of providing support for all of Ukraine’s needs – humanitarian, economic, and security.”

When meeting with Foreign Minister Eli Cohen, Blinken said: “We appreciate Israel’s humanitarian assistance,” adding that “we look forward to discussing what more can we do.”

Confirming the Axios report, Netanyahu hinted at a policy shift in an interview with CNN on January 31, saying he was “looking into” providing Kiev with “other kinds of aid” besides humanitarian.

Russia warned Israel against arming Ukraine following the CNN interview.

“We say that all countries that supply weapons [to Ukraine] should understand that we will consider these [weapons] to be legitimate targets for Russia’s armed forces,” Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova warned.

“Any attempts — implemented or even unrealized but announced for the supply of additional, new or some other weapons — will lead to an escalation of this crisis. And everyone should be aware of this,” she added.

Although Israeli officials and media have attempted to downplay their country’s support for Ukraine, stressing that it does not extend beyond humanitarian support, The New York Times reported last month that the US military was shipping hundreds of thousands of artillery shells to Ukraine from a massive stockpile in Israel.

Senior European officials told Haaretz last month that “Israel agreed to underwrite the purchase of millions of dollars of ‘strategic materials’ for Ukraine” because of American pressure. The materials were transferred via a NATO country and Jerusalem allowed the transfer of Israeli-made weapons, including electro-optical and fire-control systems, by NATO countries to Ukraine.

In addition, it was revealed by Haaretz that Israel has stepped up its intelligence assistance to Ukraine in recent weeks by providing intel on Iranian drones.

In this way, Israel is playing a major role in attempting to limit the success of the Russian military operation in Ukraine despite continuous claims that it is balancing its interests and relations between the two warring parties. Israel, for its part, now faces the risk of Russia no longer tolerating its uncontested airstrikes in Syria and could deepen its military and intelligence ties with Iran.


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William White

Jews being Jews, no one likes them , no one trusts them, soon they will be gone, the World will celebrate.


As long as human beings live in broad dominance hierarchies, those hierarchies will be exploited. It takes a William of Orange to get financing from Marano bankers. Two to tango, so to speak. The issue isn’t commies, or Nazis, or races. It’s the tendency for humans to create these dominance-submission hierarchies. If you have a hierarchical system with billions of people arrayed in this dynamic, the very top accrues power over billions. It’s beyond the power of pharaohs. Power corrupts, no matter the system. If people want something different, they have to work to limit the accumulation of power. It’s the inherent flaw in both capitalism and communism.


Well, Russia warned Israel about getting involved and providing arms and support to ukraine but apparently there’s money to be made and Israel just can’t help themselves so now Russia will have to figure out what to do about it, including refusing to help Israel if/when they get attacked again by their neighbors…it’ll be a harsh lesson but maybe Israel will learn it this time.


Sure Putin will do something against israel while beeing surrounded by jewish oligarchs….


He won’t, and the Israelis are basically just putting on a theatrical performance. They know that the writing is on the wall for the failed Ukrainian CIA project, but they also know that they need the US. The more orderly the down-sizing of the US empire is, the better for Israel.

Ugly Euro Trash Pig

“it’ll be a harsh lesson but maybe Israel will learn it this time.” 😂 you’re a hasbra fool if you think that 🤣


They have never had to learn any lessons. The Israelis are silly identitarians, but they know what time it is. They have completely penetrated the goofy intelligence agencies, and can more or less stay ahead of the curve when the US and vassal super-weirdos go nuts on their own populations. USS Liberty event, as an example, could not have occurred unless the Americans were up to some ridiculous shenanigans at the time. The Israelis simply know how to wet their beaks, so to speak.


What a surprise, the Kharzarians are coming together to plot against their historic Slavic enemy. It will be the end of Israel if they continue with their folly.


IZZrahell is the enemy of all right thinking people. There can be no compromise with the sin a goggers of Satan. Z


And just what can poor “Pootie-Poot” do?…

When his wealth is tied to the Federal Re$eve Bank/BOE that set the price for his Nation’s commodities especially the price of Gold, Silver, Platinum and Palladium that he and his well connected bureaucrats within the Russian government have profitted from with astounding results most regrettably at the expense and equity of his “$ubjects” and investors around the Globe???…

More importantly… When wil SouthFront tell these Truth(s) that are the single biggest reason Maidan 2014 was allowed to happen and why Vladimir Putin DID NOTHING for 8 very long and painful years thereafter to the detriment of his cousins in the Eastern Donbass?!!!

Should have departed the $hit $how Ca$in0 at 405 East 42nd Street, New York, NY, 10017, USA when that “ugly horned bitch from America” that is a dual national of the Country in this read was caught dropping cookies and taking names in Maidan 9 years ago!?

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt
V for victory

Midget states that claim itselves as ‘democracy’. Led by an outlaw deraged and criminal.

I really cannot understand why Niet-Hellnayu is not in jail but in politic once again.


Great news perhaps now someone can tell Putin that the jewish oligarchs around him are delaying and sabotaging him and need to be taken out of their positions of influence.

The russian social media need to be full of pictures of russians killed by israeli weapons so that the pressure to stop bending the knee to the “only democracy in the middle east” ends. Oh the russian social media is owned by those oligarchs so nevermind everything stays how it is.

All weapons (besides mass destructive) need to be sold to iran. Syria needs to be allowed to use the russian weapons to defend against israeli attacks on his sovereign territory (sovereignitiy seems not so important when it is not about ukraine).

And take the money away from the thiefs who stole public property under jelzin by just transferring ownership to themdselves while paying with public funds for it.

Ugly Euro Trash Pig

Only Zionist whores euro trash whores thought the Zionist vermin were their friend 😂


Putin hat in diesem Krieg so ziemlich alles falsch gemacht, was man falsch machen kann.


Naja er hat immerhin Jahrzehnte durchgehalten als Präsident eines Landes das erschaffen wurde 1990 um die Russen unter Kontrolle zu halten und indem jede Institution und jedes Gesetz dafür sorgen sollte das die Russen für immer betrunken in der Gosse liegen. Die Zentralbank hat in den letzten Jahren den Dollar gestützt statt den Rubel. Die Verfassung scheint Putin zu verbieten etwas dagegen zu tun. Die Frage ist wie viel von den Militärs und Geheimdienstlern nach wie vor direkt an Washington berichten. Er hat es versucht ich denke im Februar letzten Jahres bzw. in den Monaten davor hat er begriffen das er es auf schöne weise nicht schafft und dann alles auf eine Karte gesetzt. Dumm das die Beschaffungsoffiziere verräter waren und es der Russischen Armee noch immer an Basics fehlt wie sicheren Funkgeräten. Unter den Umständen schlagen die Russen sich erstaunlich gut.


It is mind boggling that the Jews call on everyone and everything antisemitism, yet they support the biggest NAZI army since WW2 !! Makes me thing that they were the ones who installed Hitler to power and his agenda just to be able to have the worlds sympathy and free hand to do whatever they want under the antisemitism pretext !!


It’s not the biggest Nazi army. There is a massive Nazi impetus in the Ukraine, but the government and armed forces are an identitarian con-job built by the Americans. Krusty is not a Nazi, and not because he’s Jewish. He couldn’t give a shit about the magic Ukrainian genome. Hitler was installed by the Anglo-American bankers in the never-ending quest to prevent Russian integration with Germany. The Anglo-American intelligence apparatus funded Konsul, the wicked “Nazis” who killed Rathenau after the Treaty of Rapallo was signed. The same clowns were involved with the IRA. Hitler killed two birds with one stone. Reduced Germany to a vassal of the US in the west, and a Russian rescue dog in the east. Allowed the Cold War to isolate the Soviet Union from most of the rest of the world whilst Soviet Resources continued to be exploited by the Anglo-American Empire.

Last edited 2 years ago by Clyde
AM Hants

They did. The Ashkenazis, clue in name, and Khazarians were Nomadic Turkic Tribes, who learnt Hebrew, whilst adopting Christianity, Islam and Judaism. If you go to Israel, there is minimal semetic DNA and yet if you go to Palestine, you will find the majority of the citizens have semitic DNA. Who was Adolf related to and who created both the Bolsheviks and also the National Socialists, including the German Worker’s Party?

Isser Harel

Israel is depopulating its own people: boorla the eugenics criminal is living there in splendor while israelis are dying from his dirty poison. Why would they care about Russia when they kill their own.


Von einem alten entschuldigenden Rivalen:


Supertrouper Abba

Heard someone call one of his generals a fucking bastard in AUstrian.


SouthFront proves itself a Zi0ni$t whore like Vladimir Putin that $ells out dissent on it’s page!…

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt
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