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MARCH 2025

Israel Delivers Military Strikes Against Airport Near Damascus

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Israel Delivers Military Strikes Against Airport Near Damascus

Photo from the scene. Source: @sahouraxo/Twitter

Israeli forces delivered military strikes against the Mezzah military air facility near the Syrian capital of Damascus early on Friday. The strikes targeted an ammunitions hub, producing an enormous explosion, according to reports.

There are no confirmed reports about casualties among Syrian military personnel that were deployed there.

The airport is a major logistical asset used by the Syrian government to transit troops and military supplies.

The Israeli strikes followed a suicide bombing conducted by the Jabhat Fatah al-Sham terrorist group which claimed lives of at least nine people.

The Syrian army has warned that there will be repercussions for Israel for the “flagrant attack” on the airport. The Syrian military also linked the alleged strike to Israel’s “support of terrorist groups.”

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888mladen .

Instead, Putin mused, the US should take note of Israel’s approach towards terrorism. “Look at Israel’s example. Israel never steps back but always fights to the end, and this is how it survives. There is no alternative. We need to fight. If we keep retreating, we will always lose.” http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/219689


…the Israel armed forces are like poachers going after almost dead people. You are scum.

Daniel Rich

Yes, the war against Lebanon was a piece of cake, a proverbial walk in the park, back in 2006… wasn’t it?


Lawrence of Arabia

never should have been there from day one, bought it on yourself.


Except for Israel did steps back in the days of 2006 Lebanon War https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2006_Lebanon_War

888mladen .


888mladen .

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bVbyovAqJEU. It has been posted a week ago on YouTube.

John Whitehot

but it’s from 2015 – at minute 2 it says the prime minister offered condolences over the crashed russian plane, which date is november 2015

888mladen .

Still current by the way things are.

John Whitehot

if you say so.

888mladen .

Syria should fallow Houthi’s model. They should find out where the fighters were coming from and use Iskanders on them while parked on the runaway. Russia is a dodgy ally. Russian khazarian mafia will never defend Syria from Israel. Russia has been fighting terrorists but not terrorist states,


Israel is not a country or a state just like the US – both groups US/Israel are squatting on stolen land.


All countries, maybe with the exception of Iceland, are stolen from somebody, however long ago.

Name me any other country and I will prove you wrong.

Aatif Rehman

Jane published a report in 2012 that Syria has most wide spread air defence and suppression network in the middle East.I don’t know how Israel manages to strike so often with impunity. I would love if southfront would come up with a vedio as to why this air defence is failing so badly with 2nd strike comming in less than a week.How come the Syrian Pantsirs are failing? What about the S400s?How come they could not track those airstrikes in advance?


Stand off missiles, no need to fly in to syria.

888mladen .

Apparently Pantsir is capable of shooting missiles as well.

Aatif Rehman

Kurds dowing cobra with sa-18?

John Whitehot

or maybe something is amiss, they feed press agencies some news but who are we to really know what happened?

888mladen .

It seems like Zionist entity always finds a way how to bribe somebody in Syrian government for its own ends. It’s not only Zionist responsibility I would say. IDF has no responsibility to defend SAA strategic assets to the contrary.


Pantsirs are useless against sophisticated missiles used by Israel https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/syrian-army-command-threatens-retaliate-israeli-attacks/

888mladen .

You are disseminating distorted information as usual. The article doesn’t speak about Pantsir air defense system at all. Here is what it says:”A senior officer from the Syrian Arab Army told Al-Masdar News this morning that the missiles responsible for the massive explosions at the Mezzeh Airbase were too sophisticated for rebel use.”.


LOL Did you read the OP? Negative, then you shut up! please

John Whitehot

Israeli “sophisticated missiles” already got shot down several times by Sirya, there was an article even on this same website. That said, it’s not really clear what weapon system was used, not even if it was air or land deployed.


Israel F35 https://twitter.com/SyrianMilitary/status/819686557217161216

John Whitehot

utter bullshit written for analphabets


According to Israeli media reports, the fighter jet that carried out this mission was an F-35; https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/video-footage-israeli-jets-attacking-damascus/ So Pantsirs are useless.

John Whitehot

Pantsir are not useless against the F-35, moreover, Israel got only two last month, it’s close to impossible they are in operational condition and that crews have completed training, in addition to another thousand things. Anyway, Israeli media some weeks ago was reporting that God sent down a fog near the border that prevented ISIS to attack Israeli servicemen, so you can well believe them if you like.


F35 attack range: 60 Km Pantsir-s1 max engagged range: 24 Km

We have evidence that Israel’s attack with F35 has eluded Pantsir deployed to Mezzah military air facility. The Tiberia lake, where F35 were flying, is located 30 km from the Syrian border while Mezzah is 60 km from the Israel border. Pantsir missiles are not seekers, not even have command guidance.


John Whitehot

ridiculous, present your evidence then, instead of talking nonsense. “Pantsir missiles have no seekers, not even command guidance”, than that would make them unguided rockets.

F35 attack range? with which weapon? this kind of propaganda may work with kids preoccupied with bragging over youtube video comments but have nothing to do with real operational realities. Only 2 F-35 arrived in Israel in mid-december, it’s not possible that they’ve been put in operational state and that crews (both pilots and technicians) completed conversion training, especially since they are converting to a totally new platform. I’m not saying it’s totally impossible, but you don’t put aircrews in combat without having flown many hours and developed procedures, tactics and so on – you run too much a risk when you could make the same thing with F-16s. Besides, even if they actually used F-35s, what did they prove? That it’s able to drop munitions while flying in its own airspace? Omg what an achievement. If the F-35 will always be used inside their countrys uncontended airspaces that plane is gonna have a hell of a succesful operational life.

edit: http://edition.cnn.com/2016/12/12/middleeast/israel-f-35-jets/ “The Negev air base has been preparing three years for the stealth fighters, which will not begin patrolling Israel’s skies for another year.”

888mladen .

Can you please state what is the difference between F-35 and F-117 or B-2 when it comes to stealth?


I love it in here. You shut and you shut. Guys are shutting guys up. Lol

Lawrence of Arabia

hit arussian target and see how you go.

888mladen .

Turkey did it nothing happened.

John Whitehot

actually after some hours an entire convoy laden with turkish intelligence agents, jihadists and weapons got slaughtered by bombers as soon as it put its wheels in Syria. But some folks never go looking for info that does not suit them.


are you blind?turkey got converted without much noise. that’s for starters.main course is coming.




There are few issues involved; the Israeli jets fire stand off missiles from inside Lebanese airspace, so they have that advantage using third party territory, they also have US satellite information about safest flight corridors, the Syrians are wary of being drawn into retaliatory conflict with Israel under their current circumstances, and their command are also quite conservative about use of SAM stocks as they wish to maintain what cover they have and not be exposed should NATO have any bright ideas about striking Damascus a’ la Libya.

Aatif Rehman

I agree.retaliation is different.why I can’t understand is the monitoring of airspace is non existent and they are failing to intercept incoming projectiles.Pantsirs are quick reaction systems but apparently they failed too


Pretty sure Russia keenly monitoring/ tracking all of it; but, as commented in another post, so kind of repeating myself, but never the less, Russian’s and Israeli’s have understanding about Syrian airspace. It’s important to recognize Syria and Israel actually remain in a frozen war (since 1948). That war is not Russia’s primary concern, so RuAF doesn’t stop Hezbollah’s weapons transfers destined for Lebanon being hit by IAF, however they will definitely not accept any Hezbollah personnel/ infantry being targeted and bombed by the IAF inside Syria.


Trump has declared his undying loyalty to Israel and Putin still doesn’t want World War III!


Israel is a racist Apartheid pariah state that need to be disarmed and its borders opened – there is to much hate in israel. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7d835a39dd2f47d5469076525134f054f21887879ff1904f5f1ef0da24541b89.jpg

Paul Watchman Dawsi

Naa. Israel is awesome. Very friendly place. You should visit sometime.

Lawrence of Arabia

not if you are palestinian or a kid……

888mladen .

And even worse if you’ve happened to be a Palestinian Christian.


Well they’re traitors and idiots; preferring to live as dhimmis under Muslim rule rather than free.


Israeli christians who are of maronic, assyrian churches now prefer to call themselves arameans,not arabs. As of two years, they are recognized as arameans within Israel.

Kate Hart



I guarantee you that if so many Palestinians didn’t want to see Jews die en masse, Israel would be a much nicer place for Muslims. And if the Palestinian Authority didn’t pay every attacker (or their families, should they survive) of Jews, again, it would be far more harmonious. The chaos in Israel is because of the Muslims there, it’s as simple as that.


The chaos in Israel is there because they chose to set up shop in someone else’s lot. If Germany was still occupying the Netherlands and I had to live in a few overcrowded lots, the best parts taken by German settlers, with constant reprisal bombings by the Luftwaffe for even the slightest act of resistance I’d damn well be pissed frothing at the mouth insanely full of hatred towards any German as well. Israel reaps what it has sown and it keeps on sowing day after day after day.

Also Israel is a country that believes in might makes right, they do the f*** whatever they want to anyone they want, they founded that country using terrorism, and yet they huff and puff in indignation if somebody else does the same thing against them. Hypocracy much?


Muslims are doing that all over the West, thus the rapid rise in right wing parties, Brexit, Trump etc. At least Israel are democratic, improving their new home rather than doing their utmost to destroy it and divide it like Muslims are doing in the West.

There was practically no-one living in the area when Jews flocked there en masse, so this fallacy that it’s Muslim land, where Muslims were living all over, is just that, a fallacy.

“Also Israel is a country that believes in might makes right”

And no country in the world thinks like that do they! Oh wait, every single one of them does. Way to expose your anti-semitism.

And what about Lebanon, why don’t you or anyone else ever talk about that? Muslims flooded into this formerly Christian nation, started a bloody war and took over, with the radical, foreign backed and trained Islamists Hezbollah being the dominant military force, who have caused not one but two wars with Israel, why don’t they demand your ire? It’s the same situation, foreigners took over, the difference is that your beloved Muslims were the aggressors in one country and the losers in Israel.

Kate Hart

Wrong. The racism did not exists prior to 1948.


Wow, were you just scrolling through hundreds of Southfront pages to get here?? As for your comment, google the jizya tax.


Israel has the right to protect itself from islamic terrorists but in this case Israel is siding with islamic terrorists following the destructive pro-jihadist policy of the US and the Nato. Israel should never attack Syrian government and side with the jihadists.


Been there and can honestly say Jews and Palestinians were nice. You guys got to figure out a way to get along. Your populations are growing and things are getting tight. US must stop supporting Saudi sponsored Wahhabism which breeds intolerance.


I read that Israel is open and democratic. With a large happy and peaceful Arab population. How can this be true!

Lawrence of Arabia

lies, easy


The first line is true, the second one isn’t. Muslims want only total domination over infidels.

Thom Kinoshta

kind of bogus, Israel is an apartheid state. However, it is the only way Israel can survive. I support Israel.


Off course not all arab Israelis are happy. However, when there was aproposal to swap some israeli arab towns for parts of the West Bank, the inhabitants were very much opposed to being swapped.

The number of israeli arabs, other than Druse and bedouines, in the IDF is rising rapidly.


Lol – in the jewish run media by any chance? That happens happens to be 97% of the media by the way lol.


Racist how? Jews there come from every race. “Apartheid” how? Arabs are prominent within Knesset. “Disarmed and borders opened”, so that the Muslims can more easily takeover? I bet you’d like that. The only hate in Israel comes from the Muslims, they want all Jews to die! Israel are trying their best to create peace with a group that couldn’t want it less. Hell, even Buddhists, the most peaceful religion on the planet, are at war with Muslims in Burma, that says everything you need to know. Read about the rapes and murders the Muslims are committing there, just like the murders and attempted murders they’re committing in Israel. Islam knows no harmony with infidels.

Johnny Jones

Protocols of Zion will say just the same thing about Israel. Zionism must end. Aid to Israel must end. The Israeli government are zionist, not jewish.


You mean like jews want us to die? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/677128e2db8700fad47db82812ec8f1b1a42235b28be2c98ed96cb09d1b66bf7.png






They already killed 66 million in Russia and your next. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d5455a5a265e5d26893b9e95758f113d3805b6ac05c07d3a8b47b53657f7d64b.jpg






Individual Jews don’t account for much; how many left wing Christians are there? Look at Israel, it’s led by a right wing party.


Read the protocols of zion mate – its banned for a reason, al this has been planned by them for hundreds of years!


Sounds like you describe muslim states in general. Those are, like fi Syria, well know for their general sense of well being, love, peace, right?

Thom Kinoshta

true, but still better than muslims


Putin says Russia will help the Palestinians get their own state. lhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVNkHk1er10p


Although i am pro israelí, i agree that Palestinians should have their own piece of land just as much as the Kurds should have their independent country. This would much appease the ME in general.


May I ask why you believe Isreal should exist as a country?


It already does exist. The problem comes when we get to greedy and that’s a fact !


After all Russia did not to much to help the Syrians. Syria is doomed. Syria needs to arm the Palestinians.

888mladen .

Welcome to reality. By the way you should have written “Russia didn’t do much…”. Of cause Kazarian mafija is in the business of helping themselves. However I was quiet impressed by the richness and culture of you vocabulary. In future if you make typo of mistype a word you can always edit your comment by clicking on Edit.


‘In future if you make typo of mistype a word you can always edit your comment by clicking on Edit.’ Indeed – can you correct the OF typo in your last sentence to OR.

Paul Watchman Dawsi

God bless Israel

Daniel Rich

That deity wouldn’t even piss on it.

888mladen .

Obviously you don’t believe in divinity of Jesus Christ. Here is what he says about Zionist entity: “I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan”. So you pronounce God’s blessings over “synagogue of Satan”. Well done. You better find out who is true Israel of God on Earth today. One thing you should know for sure they are not in the business of killing but caring about others,


A lot of Jews today are secular unbelievers, including those in Israel. The time will come when some of them will have a revelation of Jesus Christ.


Let us leave that to them, ok?


Is it not oxymoronic for God’s people not to believe in God (Yahweh)? They must think they are gods.


In my mind to quote a two thousand year book to praise or condemm actual present day situations, other then in a general moral sense like killing is wrong, is just a litte bit sick.


I’ve always supported Israel but their actions in Syria has eroded that support quite a bit.


Me too. I am pro-Israel but I really start questioning my self when I see Israel siding with the stupid, pro-jihadist and imperialistic policies of the US in Syria and elsewhere.


Israel is not just ‘siding’ with NATO/GCC in Syrian conflict – Israel actively aids Al Nusra militants in territory around Golan Heights, that borders Israel. Providing artillery cover for militants against SAA and medical evacuation for wounded militants to be treated in Israeli state hospitals. There are numerous photos of Al Nusra militants and IDF personnel interacting on Golan border crossings. Some Israeli Druze minority citizens (anti Al Nusra) were recently imprisoned (heavy sentences up to 12 years) for blocking an Israeli ambulance in Golan area carrying wounded militants (and it has been suggested some IDF special forces types – given the heavy handed convictions). This is just the activity Israel cannot hide, you can safely assume there is more aid going on that’s lot less visible.

John Whitehot

we will see.


Lol http://www.veteranstoday.com/2012/10/03/henry-kissinger-us-intelligence-community-endorse-a-world-without-israel/

John Whitehot



in the hell


Tell me Ruskies why was the rotten sack of shit Zakharova in Israel, huh.

The Russian is lying, this was an approved attach, since they have splitted Syria and have made Oil contracts with the Kurds, how conveniently, huh Ruskies. The chopping of Syria is an fact, just as the sack of shit Zakharova.

I dont believe them anymore, this is how the Russians play all the sides, and this confirms their treason to everything they have claimed they where there to do, its utter bullshit, this is the answer.

Never ever again think Russia is ther eofr help, other than doing what their master is Tel-avib tells them to do, period. Never, ever again believe anything this ZioTruds bitches in the Russian media tells us, never ever again believe anything the Russians officials/military tells us. Never ever again believe anything Putin drools about, when we know they are lying shit. I hope you rot in Hell Ruskis, you deserve it, your rotten soul are just that fake lying double speaking rats.



Yes, it looks like Russia is also controlled by a jews lobby. Russia could easily stop those missiles due to its high technology radars in the area. We have to have in mind that Israel is one of the main countries (they call themselves state) which help to create ISIS with the propose of destroying Syria and Iran. Syria is already destroyed….let us see what they are going to do with Iran.


Russia is not at war with Israel, nor remotely interested in being so. They have defined military objectives in Syria – to stabilize the Syrian government forces position and to reverse the militant’s previous advances that occurred during their range of 2015 offensives. Russian is not involved in the Hezbollah-Israeli conflict and there is good probability that whatever structure was hit at the airport, it was Hezbollah munitions storage depot. The Russian’s and Israeli’s have understanding about this – RuAF won’t stop Hezbollah weapons transfers destined for Lebanon being hit by IAF, but they will not accept Hezbollah personnel being targeted and bombed by the IAF in Syria.


A main part of the Israelis are from Russia. It’s even one of the official languages there together with Hebrew, Arabic and English.


Your mother is a “rotten sack of shit”, pity her abortion failed so miserably…. may she rest in piss.

Brad Isherwood

Caught the attack info while listening to a few interviews on the John Batchelor show. Batchelor and his guests were beside themselves with glee over the Israeli strike. The Guests then went on a rampage of blaming Iran for spreading terror accross the Mid east. They pulled quotes from recent Trump admin confirmation hearings where Iran was Cast as the enemy on par with Putin/Russia. The War with Iran theme is getting full court press now, These confirmation hearings have Trump’s team dancing to Jewish Fiddler

Zaphod Braden

israel is terrified peace will come to Syria and end their dream of stealing land for “greater israel” Who PROFITS? Who benefits by clearing enemy populations away from their borders so it can steal land for “greater israel” while genocidally flooding CHRISTianity at the same time. Israel does not have the NUMBERS to flood Europe so it uses the muslums as SHOCK TROOPS. What do the Jews think of JESUS? “As for Christianity, there is a dispute among Halachic authorities, but the vast majority consider it idolatry …. Islam, on the other hand, is not considered idolatry.” Read that last bit again: “Islam, on the other hand, is not considered idolatry.” http://12.onsocialengine.com/post/5682193/israeli-ngo-helping-migrant-boats-reach-europes-shores-instructs https://demstuermer.files.wordpress.com/2016/03/who-is-behind-mass-immigration.png There is no way that millions just start migrating out of the Middle East into Europe because of a sudden impulse to do so, some very powerful supporting group is behind this and it simply is not clear what would be the motivation for such a massive invasion this mass movement of people across European borders IS genocide: http://news.antiwar.com/2016/06/21/israeli-intel-chief-we-dont-want-isis-defeated-in-syria/ http://www.moonofalabama.org/2016/09/us-launches-open-war-on-syrian-government-forces.html http://www.salon.com/2016/08/23/israeli-think-tank-dont-destroy-isis-its-a-useful-tool-against-iran-hezbollah-syria/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=socialflow https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XpnYpQaHAuc&feature=youtu.be — mass migration http://a.disquscdn.com/uploads/mediaembed/images/3724/7236/original.jpg Who has the most desire to empty the Levant of Arabs and send them packing to Europe. You kill so many birds with that one stone it’s irresistible. http://www.counterpunch.org/2015/10/12/us-caught-faking-it-in-syria/ http://thegoldenreport.net/a-biblical-storm-aimed-at-jerusalem/ here Jews are actively AIDDING the invaders. Who killed Christ and has HATED His followers for 2,000 years?

Zaphod Braden

Today we witness the SECOND Israeli HOLOCAUST of Palestinians. The Canaanites/Amorites/Philistines/Midianites/PALESTINIANS were in PALESTINE long before ABRAHAM passed through from Babylon/Ur ……Israel’s “claim” to Palestine is based entirely on War Crimes and GENOCIDE.

The Holohoax lie is used as guilt leverage on the Goyim with good hearts to manipulate them. Their monotheistic ONE & ONLY god is a WAR god. The Jews BRAG about and SELF DOCUMENT THEIR “holocausting” others and then “PLACE A YOKE” on Gentiles for SUPPOSEDLY doing the exact same thing to them. FUNNY that everything they claim the nazis did is an EXACT COPY of their own book.. Deuteronomy 7:16, 20:16 “And thou shalt consume all the peoples which the Lord thy God shall deliver unto thee; thine eye shall not pity them…thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth.”

KILL THE SICK and CRIPPLED Numbers c.5 v.2-4 KILL HOMOSEXUALS & UNDESIRABLES Leviticus c.20 v.13 well, really the whole chapter KILL ALL DISSIDENTS: Exodus c.32 v.27 Numbers c.11 v.1-2 Numbers c.16 all Numbers c.21 v.5-6 Numbers v.26 v.10 KILL anyone who engages in “DIVERSITY” or “INTEGRATION” Numbers v25 v.4-8 Deuteronomy c.14 v.2 DEHUMANIZE and then EXTERMINATE ALL NON-MEMBERS: SEXUALLY ENSLAVE any females “who have not KNOWN a man” a very brief selection, many more in THEIR book. Numbers c.21 v.03 Canaanites Numbers c.21 v.24 Amorites Numbers c.21 v.33-35 Bashan Numbers c.31 all Midianites Numbers c.32 v. more Amorites Deuteronomy c.2 v.34 People of Heshbon Deuteronomy c.3 v.6 really the whole chapter. threescore cities Joshua c.12 A list of victims of Israeli GENOCIDE OCCUPY YOUR VICTIM’S DWELLINGS/LAND Numbers c.21 v.25 Numbers c.32 v.39 Numbers c.33 v.53 (just to name a FEW) GENOCIDE CODIFIED IN THEIR RELIGION Numbers c.33 v.31-34 Deuteronomy c.7 v.2 Deuteronomy c.12 v.28-30 Deuteronomy c.20 v.11-16 TERRORISM CODIFIED IN THEIR RELIGION Deuteronomy c.2 v.2 Deuteronomy c.7 v.1 Jews SELF-anointed “The CHOSEN People of GOD” Nazis SELF-anointed “The CHOSEN People of GENETICS”. TODAY Israel states that it is creating “A PURE Jewish State” YESTERDAY the Nazis were creating “A PURE German State” And they utterly destroyed all that was in the city, both man and woman, young and old, and ox, and sheep, and ass, with the edge of the sword . . . (Joshua 6:21) For modern day reinforcement of these “rules” research/google “the KINGS TORAH”


I can give you a tel nr for some medication. You seem to need it.


die, zionist!


There are some truth to that for sure. Look how they try to cleanse out the black Jews from Ethiopia. You speak of the Nazis as if they are separate. Many of the top Nazis were zionist and the important Jewish bankers were made honorary Arians.


Russia radar of the S-300 and S-400 detected on time this attack, without any doubt. Why did they allow Israel to attack Syria ? Why does Russia allow Israel to do whatever it wants to do ? Is there a jew lobby also in Russia which control decisions as it is happening in USA ?


Yes there is. Many of them are Russians in fact.


Russia is starting to lose credibility about defending Syria from any attack…….Maybe when Russia said that he is going to defend Syria from any attacker, one needs to add……but Israel.


CIA/Mossad plot to get Russians to retaliate. Neocon/Neolib’s want war so dearly with Russia and China. Jews control media and politics in Western countries and will steer this conflict.

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