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MARCH 2025

Israel Deploys Missile Defense Systems At Border With Syria – Reports

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The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have deployed additional missile defense systems near the border with Syria, the Jerusalem Post newspaper reported on February 12 in an article entitled “PREPARING FOR WAR IN THE NORTH, ISRAEL BOOSTS AIR DEFENSES“.

According to the article, witnesses saw a convoy of missile-defense batteries heading north near the city of Baka al-Gharbiya.

While the army refused to comment on the reports, witnesses reported seeing a convoy of missile-defense batteries heading north near the Israeli-Arab city of Baka al-Gharbiya. Other witnesses posted photos of several trucks carrying the batteries on central highways in northern Israel.

Israel’s air defenses currently include the Iron Dome, designed to shoot down short-range rockets; the Arrow system, which intercepts ballistic missiles outside of the Earth’s atmosphere; and the David’s Sling missile-defense system, which is designed to intercept tactical ballistic missiles, medium- to long-range rockets and cruise missiles fired from ranges of between 40 km to 300 km.

Israel also has Patriot-missile batteries stationed in the North and has used them to intercept drones infiltrating into Israeli airspace from Syria. In September, an Iranian-built unmanned aerial vehicle breached the “Bravo line” that marks the Syrian demilitarized zone, and was intercepted by an Israeli Patriot anti-ballistic missile launched from a station near the northern city of Safed.

The first use of the Arrow system was in April when it was launched to intercept three surface-to-air missiles fired toward IAF jets by Syrian-regime air defense,” the article reads.

On February 10, a F-16I of the Israeli Air Force was shot down by a Syrian missile after the warplane had struck alleged Iranian targets at the T4 airbase in the central part of Syria.

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Claire Langoulant

Israel = Evil entity to erase !


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Let it go let it go


So…., could Pantsjir counter intercept Israel’s missile intercept missiles? That would be fun.


…talk about Chinese New Year coming few days early…


israel have brand new american Patriot and USA backed the agression of Syria. Syria has old S-125/S-200 and, according to Pussin, must not escalate the tension. XD

I said so many difference between Russia and USA and why Russia always lose vs USA and USA always win.


…and Patriot is SOOO good that Turkey and Saudis ordered S-400 while South Koreans developed their version of S-350 also with Russian help …Last time Patriot was fired in anger it killed 2 dozen US troops sleeping peacefully in the barracks in Saudi Arabia the Iraqis weren’t even targeting… And google Israeli opinion on Patriot – it’s even worst…


Keep being delusional. As if not having Patriot is better than having nothing. XD.

Syria is loosing because of people like you. You take everything lightly.

Go ask some S-300 and S-400 to Putin instead of talking no-sens.

How will you recover half of Syria taken by USA ???? Do you still trust Putin to do so ?? XD.


Syria can hardly lose anything because of me, or you for that matter – a couple of nobodies posting shit on line. But as a neutral observer with no dogs in this fight and judging by recent experience – Putin saved Syria from Obama and from ISIL so I’m quite confident he’ll take care of Bibi at least until he get’s sentenced for skimming off submarine deal and goes to jail…


Keep dreaming. Everything in hands of Russia will end in USA hands. It’s the case for Alaska, Poland, west Germany, Ukraine, Syria, ….

Don’t make bad estimates. Tell me about one thing that Russia grab to USA ? Zero.

Netanyahu can kill the US president and he will have nothing. Because it’s the reality and the balance of power that counts, it’s not morality.

Bad estimates are letal.

leon mc pilibin

The zio yanks didn’t get their greedy paws on CRIMEA,and there is more of that to come world wide.


They took Ukraine and Russia took Crimea. But, Ukraine and Crimea were in Russia sphere of influence. So, who won ? USA.


First and foremost Russia managed to grab – Russia – from US paws back in 2000 when Putin came to power. And that’s 10% of Earth’s surface with half of all nuclear weapons and probably majority of discovered and un discovered World’s mineral resources right there. I say that’s one hell of a grab…


Dumbest answer ever.


Btw, Russia sold Alaska to USA in the 1860ies.

One of the best buys for the USA, except for the Louisiana Purchase.


USA asked to buy Alaska or USA will have invaded Alsaka. USA is aggressive and terrorist. That’s why you need weapons to kill the bad guys.


Don’t make bad estimates. Tell me about one thing that Russia grab to USA ? Zero.

technology of A-bomb


Not so according to Israeli media – who are now fretting they are on their own:



You still trust what israelis say ? XD. israel is on their own with 36 billions brand new american weapons. XD.


…judging from it’s previous level of efficiency the Iron Dome system in North Israel will bring down exactly ZERO Syrian/Iranian missiles…

You can call me Al



PS Plus we know the Patriots are crap.


More than half of Syria’s air defenses have already been destroyed by Israel despite Russia’s presence in that country (in many instances the “mighty” Russian air-defense systems deployed in Syria turned a blind eye to IDF/AF’s incursions); such undeniable fact proves that Putin’s strategy of unifying and controlling Syria has failed miserably and his “Mission Accomplished” speech at Khmeimim Air Base will always be remembered as one of the greatest blunders in Russian military history…the federalization of the Syrian Arab Republic is fait accompli.

leon mc pilibin

You should change your medication, you are obviously spaced out.


Troll on.


Hope you are right. However, the continuing story of Syria ever has new twists.


Lol. Is this why bibi was in Moscow two weeks ago to beg Putin?


I thought it was 3/4? ;)

Jim Prendergast

Your bold statement is true if you consider that defence units that are used are destroyed. When munitions are used they are replenished. The Syrian strategy has been one of restraint and it has paid-off. The plan to liberate Syria is progressing according design.


If they are there they aren’t elsewhere. What 1 small drone can do.


Israel begins to understand that their constant warring on neighbors might just have some repercussions. Imagine that, I look forward to more of Israel’s terrorist aircraft going down in flames when in Syria and hopefully Lebanon too!


I think there will be a proxy war in Jordan first. This time started by the Iran block. Then they can play all the tricks they’ve learned in the conflict so far too. And with the Jerusalem move of Trump the 50% Pallies in the country might just want to play. They also see the US cutting their funds and the Saudis not ‘sticking up’ for them. That move was as dumb as the Kurd move by Trump.

Jim Prendergast

Iran never has and never will involve themselves in war of aggression. Jordan is a peaceful nation. Ex-patriot Palestinians are just trying to survive.


Jordan has just increased the prices for things like bread while the US is withdrawing income so the most likely sources of terrorists are growing every day.


Oops wrong post.


I agree the US Kurdish move was stupid, as is the Israeli ones supporting the terrorists, but I don’t believe Iran will attack anyone unless they themselves are attacked. It simply isn’t their way for over 300 years. As for how this all ends, if anyone really knows, I would place my bet on Putin.


I meant a proxy war, not war of aggression. I’m sure the Iranian secret services are as nasty as the rest. So you start with demonstrations over the price of bread and make sure a few people get killed. Then if the Jordanian security forces react too rough you’re set. And if they don’t react rough enough you’re also set. Then you get armed groups, youth indoctrination etc etc everything first to create a power vacuum, then you fill that vacuum.


Actually, the little bit I’ve read about Jordan, looks like it doesn’t need an outside proxy to destabilize it. It’s been dancing on the edge for quite some time with plenty of opposition to it’s government. I just don’t feel Iran would be doing anything in Jordan, what would be the point?


To time the crash to when it suits them best. And to be sure they control the groups that will dominate in the conflict. Maybe they’ll just go for a nut grab so they get what they want without bloody chaos. If the US loses Jordan as a place to put their troops it would be a huge win. I think they could also live with a king opposed to many US troops in his country. And as the king is the defender of the Al Aqsa in Jerusalem (so the biggest defender of islamic mosques after the Saudi king) his word carries a lot of weight with muslims the minute he isn’t seen as a lapdog. He could easily ‘re-invent’ himself.


My understanding is that the state is primarily Sunni with a sizeable Palestinian population and a large Muslim Brotherhood segment. As there’s plenty of issues for the king to deal with already, I don’t feel Iran would want to involve itself there and no real need to as it appears Jordan’s time is somewhat limited. Jordan relies on money from the ‘west’ and Saudis to survive. Now what kind of government exists in Saudi Arabia? If there’s any destabilization to go on there it’ll probably come from the Saudis involvement within Jordan. As long as the money flows, they may be able to hang on. Here’s an analysis from 2013 -> https://www.cfr.org/report/political-instability-jordan

and here’s a later gem -> http://www.washingtoninstitute.org/policy-analysis/view/promised-saudi-support-to-jordan-at-what-price


The Sunni-Shia conflict is often exaggerated. Self interest is always more important. And the Islam-Kufar conflict comes first anyway. Add some tribalism and you’ve got a perfect brew for chaos.


Jordan is Sunni and Iran is Shia , there is no go on that plan , besides Iran is aware that US and Israel are keen for any excuse to attack them , they are not about to give them a reason . Look at the drone Israel shot down . Without proof , it was claimed (by Israel) to be Iranian , that “attacked” Israel , despite it being simply an unarmed recon unit . Americans always ramp up the propaganda against their next target .


Sunni prefer Shia over uncle Sam any day.


Wahhabi Sunnis have a large presence in Jordan ( Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood ) . The Wahhabi Sunni call Saudi Arabia “home” , Saudis and Persians are arch rivals . What was the first foreign country Trump paid a visit to , Saudi Arabia . Iran is defensive not offensive , they have attacked no nation since 1780 . They are preparing defenses against a likely invasion from US/Israel . They have helped Syria and Iraq , with a few troops and some equipment , but that is surplus , they have had time to recover from the last time the US attacked them via Saddam . They will be very prepared .

Icarus Tanović

Wahhabies are not Muslims at all. That is Satan vorshiping sect, created by Saudi Arabia and Western powers to serve them as “Terminators” wherever they need them for.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

You should also mention the UN human development index for Iran is at an all time high, well apparently it has been on the upswing since they deposed the Shah.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The drone was intact and then it had two different names Shahed and Saqeah then found in pieces by different sources just all about the shoah anyways.


No Putin’s job is purely to fight Terrorists not against US or Israel if you do not already conclude so far.

US and Israel has to depend on HEZBOLLAH , SAA and Iran .

This latest round showed Iran now know they cannot rely on Russian protection and has accordingly supplied SAA with their own Iranian SAM Systems.

I believe SAA has very high stock of missiles and hence their confident announcements no more free attack by Israel.

They have to stock a great deal of SAM to face the stubborn Americans to leave without depending on the Russians who have other far more problems in Europe.

So Iran will be the decider for Syria


Putin’s task is to fight terrorists, regardless of who’s supporting them, and maintaining Syria’s territorial integrity. It is not to fight US and Israel, but he and his allies in the region will not allow the US and Israel to use the Kurds to divide Syria.

You can call me Al

I would have said Egypt and not Jordon or maybe The Lebanon, but it doesn’t matter, the result will be the same and somehow I do believe whatever happens will come back and haunt Israel.

Have you ever felt or thought or known of Israel being into this position in the last 40 years ?.


Hezbollah confirmed new ties with one of the oldest Pally groups last week. So it will probably go from Iran to Hez to that group to some new to form group in Jordan.

You can call me Al

I see that I have missed something here, but why are you confident that it is Jordon ?…..basically help me out please.


Location, instability (so easy to push over) and most to gain from it blowing up. If Jordan blows up the Westbank will follow shortly after. It won’t destroy Israel but it will cost them loads of lives and money. The Middle East is littered with small arms, explosives and such and all you have to do as Iran is see they get funneled into the Westbank. The easiest route is through a Jordan in chaos. Everybody will know its mostly Iran behind it but like with Syria and Saudi Arabia it will be damned hard to prove. Egypt is a much better country for Iran if it’s stable because they are always competing with Saudi Arabia about which country is representing the Arabs.

You can call me Al

Do you know what a non-entity Jordon is ?.


A friendly Jordan is crucial to both Israeli defence and possible US troop stagement in the area. The reason everyone thinks it’s not important is because nobody wants to admit how important it is.

You can call me Al

mmmm, I have been looking into Jordon a little more; however I am still in two minds, but I shall bow to your knowledge at the moment.

Let’s leave his for now as I am ignorant a the mo. Catch you later.


I’m no expert either. Cheers!


And with Jordan in chaos Iran will have an uncontrolled route to the Shias in Northern Saudi Arabia. If those guys go Houthi too (on top of Saudi Arabia’s major oil fields) the house of Saud will fall.


That’s hoping for a lot. Don’t forget the other 2 countries the Saudis are in bed with. Before the house of Saud would fall, they’d have to lose their allies. No the Saudis are too useful to the Empire for them to be allowed to fall. It’s also true of Jordan which is why money keeps propping them up from the ‘west’. Can’t forget too that supplies and fresh terrorists arrive from Jordan to AlTanf in Syria.


Loads of if’s I agree and plans are useless once the battle starts. But they will certainly develop the idea.

You can call me Al

Oh – I thought the Shi’ites were in the East, not the North.

I am not preaching my Grandmother to suck eggs here, but the Houthis are not Shi’ite per se – they are more a political / cultural party than a religious party.


Eve then article above calls the shi’ite, but it is not that easy:


Don’t let the MSM persuade us and divide us.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The religion is even more remote like Alawi from Shia but called Zayyadi which is more remote, but accepted as part of Shia.

You can call me Al

That is one hell of a route:



Yeah, strike that one.


You may have a point here as Jordanians are concerned about the very large Palestinian population.


Yes. I just love the smell of burning F-16s in the morning.

leon mc pilibin

Israhell have no such thing as defensive weapons, anything they have is for their aggressive warmongering agenda.There they go again,playing the Victim card and they don’t realise that most of the people of the earth are laughing at them,lol

Brad Isherwood

Russia and Iran interfere with Syria’s military response to Israeli aggression. If Syria starts hammering Israel occupied Golan, ….Hezbollah gets attacked by Israel Iran uses Hezbollah as leverage…yet does not want a full on conflict like 2006. Israel thusly gets to slowly cheat into more Syrian territory and do hit and run, With limited response. These images of the IDF battery just gave their location away. Syria or Hezbollah have arty to paste that place…surely make IDF move the location.

When Israel does its hit and run. Syria should have a list of pre ranged sites on Occupied Golan. In minutes of IAF incursion….Syria could be making Israel regret it’s acts. It Falls to will. Syria is hesitant. ….I’m thinking Russia and Iran hamstring them with the political.


Russia also loose the great company Antonov. So, please, stop telling me Russia is winning.

People say I’m a zio or whatever but I think that the zios are those who let USA take everything, kill people, destroy everything, invade countries, … because they think it’s very very smart to let them do that. XD.


Mr. Serious, do you not know that Antonov is a UKRAINIAN (bankrupted) aircraft company??? The main solvent UA aircraft company remaining is Kharkov Aviation, which makes planes for the RUSSIAN market, why it was bought by Americans (Osprey Group in LA).


Thanks for the joke.


Sad about Antonov. AN225 was unique.


too late


1 day late. I read there’s a new wave of airstrikes from Israel.


well after the news of the f-16, they said they destroyed 100s of targets in Syria….but no proof of that…not even pro-terrorist footage….for such great news for them they are very silent….so its just propaganda….some sat images would be enough….doesnt Israel have sats looking at Syria….(laughing)

Ishyrion Av

Israel is getting ready for a war. They will not wait until Iran gets a strong foothold in Syria, the best moment is when Syria is still weak and US can “accidentally” destroy the Iranian convoys around Deir Ezzor. Probably they were really disappointed of the latest discussions with Russia too – nobody said what they talk about but we can see an F-16 down – and they know that waiting anymore only helps the enemy.


So, Syria can destroy american weapons provided by USA to israel ?

Ishyrion Av

No, it can’t, but it doesn’t have to. They only have to make the attrition war very effective against Israel. If we look at the past wars in the region, we’ll see that in each of them was a competition between US and Soviet Union on the military supplies for the opposing sides. In the end, Israel won because US supplied them with about 2-3 times more supplies than Soviets did (we are talking about tones per day, delivered by air). For such a small country, is very important to be able to defend the lines against any penetration, which could lead to a military disaster. You cannot do this with what you have, you need to replace very fast the damaged equipment. But now the situation is different. Syrians might be able to make the air bridge so dangerous (for example Russia sells them S-400) that US won’t be able to help Israel. In this case, if the war is longer than 2-3 months, Israel will lose.


If israel has the right to destroy weapons provided by Iran, so, Syria has the right to destroy weapons provided by USA to israel.

Syria can do whatever she wants in her country. If Syria want to build an iranian base with big defense military system, Syria can do it without being bullied by israel.

israel is in a bad situation because israel is wrong. So, israel tries to wag the dog and make as much mess as she can in neighboors countries so that they can’t defend themselfs. But, it’s not sustainable.

Ishyrion Av

Yes, but we are not talking about right to do it. They have the right, they have the will, they don’t have the means (by themselves). Yet.


Israel is not above the law. It is the US that enables Israel’s criminality, and it is the most criminal in the world besides the US. Israel targets children in the last Gaza slaughter. Who else targets bomb shelter in a war? Israel killed 600 Palestinian infants and children, and left scores orphaned.


The US now had thousands of tons of equipment and munitions pre-positioned in Syria though Ishyrion.

Only ballistic missiles have a real chance of destroying those depots.

Ishyrion Av

In the situation that Syria and allies will decide to take all the country back (and I’m talking about the one side which is occupied by US Kurds), all those depots will become the property of SAA since US won’t be able to use them fully and neither to protect them. On the other side, Russians can take them out with Kalibre missiles. But those depots are in the wrong side of the country and Israel can’t use them in their next war.


No country has claims on Israel, nor will any country invade Israel; however, the Israeli occupied Syrian Golan Heights is legally and internationally recognized part of Syria. Syria has the legal and moral right to taken back the illegally occupied Syrian Golan Heights by any means including by force. International law states clearly and unequivocally that territory cannot be acquired through war and conquest.


The internal affairs of Syria is none of Israel’s business. Syria has the sovereign right to have allies with whomever Syria chooses. Or have whatever weapons Syria needs for its self defense. Syria must also have a credible deterrence against its aggressor neighbor Israel. The enemy of Syria is Israel that has occupied Syrian Golan Heights.

Vauxhall Astra

Better not mess with israel

Steve Bell

Why not? 3 well-directed nukes will take it out. That’s all, just 3.

Jim Prendergast

One would hope that Syria and Lebanon can deploy defensive anti-missile and anti-aircraft systems to defend their territories against Israeli incursions.

You can call me Al

But, but hold on. When the Russkies put air defence systems in their Country, al hell broke loose in Nato.

Oh by the way hooked noses; your air defences don’t work so you are wasting your time.


Stupid racist pea brain.

You can call me Al

Yawn, another Yid.

PS How can it be racist, you dumb Yid ?.


That’s cute, I bet 2 grad launchers can saturate iron dome effectively and then they can follow up with uragan, tos, ballistic missles or anti aircraft fire.

Real Anti-Racist Action

War is war, time for Syrians to liberate the Heart of Syria, which is the Golan! Terrorist are squatting on Syrians heartland, and the terrorist must be eliminated. All illegal occupiers have signed their own death warrants by stealing other peoples lands.


I think Israeli build up have also started in Southern Syria because Israel have also brought some canisters to Southern Syria.

That Guy

Deployed to counter the S-200 ? Probably.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Most of the missiles launchers are David’s Sling US/Israel design, and a few other iron dome junk, wonder who is scared now.

Lena Jones

Tel aviv is the global center for terrorism and usury. The sooner it is attacked and utterly defeated, the better for world peace.


If israel attacks and starts a war with Syria as it did in Lebanon, can Israel anti missile system handle 1,000 rockets per hour from Syria? I think not. Syria is getting better at shooting down Israeli F16’s over Syrian skies.

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