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JULY 2024

Israel Faces Failure In Gaza

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Israel Faces Failure In Gaza

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Israel Faces Failure In Gaza
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Israel Faces Failure In Gaza

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The Israeli war on the Gaza Strip appears to be failing with Hamas and other armed factions standing strong despite the dire humanitarian situation in the Palestinian enclave.

In recent days, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) faced several blows. Early on May 26, the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, announced that its fighters captured an unspecified number of Israeli troops during a complex operation in the Jabalia refugee camp in northern Gaza.

The group released a video showing a bloodied person being dragged along the ground in a tunnel and military gear. Still, the IDF denied that any of its troops were captured. This led to speculation that the casualties were from a secret Israeli intelligence unit or foreign mercenaries.

Later on the same day, Hamas fighters launched a barrage of rockets from the southern Gaza area of Rafah -where the IDF has been operating for the last few weeks- at the city of Tel Aviv and nearby settlements in central Israel. The attack caused much embarrassment for the IDF.

The IDF also announced on May 26 the death of two additional soldiers in Gaza from the Kfir Brigade’s Netzah Yehuda Battalion and the Givati Brigade’s Rotem Battalion. The two deaths brought the toll of Israeli troops killed in ground operations in the Strip to 288. More than 1,610 others have been wounded so far.

Late on May 26 in an apparent response to its recent losses, the IDF bombed refugee tents in its so-called “safe zone” in the Tel al-Sultan area to the west of Rafah. The attack killed some 50 Palestinian civilians and left more than 200 others wounded. As usual, Israel claimed that the target was members of Hamas.

On the backdrop of recent Israeli escalation in Gaza a serious incident was reported on May 27. An Egyptian soldier was killed and three others were wounded in cross-border fire with Israeli troops near the Rafah crossing. Both sides launched an investigation into the rare incident.

Meanwhile on its border with Lebanon, Israel faced 31 attacks by Hezbollah between May 26 and 28. One of the attacks on May 28 saw Hezbollah fighters firing at the IDF’s Ramia border site from a few meters away. Drones and guided missiles were used in several other attacks.

In addition, the Islamic Resistance in Iraq attacked the southernmost Israeli city of Eilat with drones twice on May 27. The IDF announced the intersections of two drones near the key port city.

Overall, recent developments in Gaza and other fronts show that Israel has not yet achieved any of the goals it set for its war. Hamas continues to rule the Strip and its military capabilities have not been degraded yet. Furthermore, the threats facing Israel on other fronts are growing.


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jens holm

my entire life is failure


according to preliminary estimates of the imf, the gdp of ukraine in the current year, 2024, will amount to 18 euros.

Last edited 1 month ago by saxon

this would be more than a halving compared to 2023, when gdp was still 39 euros.

Last edited 1 month ago by saxon

the ukrainian dictator zelensky, whose official term of office ended on 20.05.2024, announced that he would more than double ukraine’s gdp to 37euro in 2025.

Last edited 1 month ago by saxon

the achievement of this goal requires the efforts and hardships of every single ukrainian, whose everyday life is characterized by the war against his country.

Last edited 1 month ago by saxon

more and more ukrainians have started eating their pets (dogs, cats, hamsters or budgies) in the last two years.

Last edited 1 month ago by saxon

this should be avoided in the future, as more and more animals are leaving ukraine and would not come back again.

Last edited 1 month ago by saxon

the impression left by the escaped animals in western countries is devastating and devastating for the reputation of ukraine and harms its reputation for centuries!

Last edited 1 month ago by saxon

in addition, dictator zelensky announced that he would support every ukrainian household with a package of safety pins a year from now on, as this would alleviate the greatest hardship of citizens for the time being.

Last edited 1 month ago by saxon

in a second measure, the free issuance of cake forks to all citizens of ukraine who have a valid passport will succeed!

Last edited 1 month ago by saxon

in addition, the private import of spoons and forks from abroad is allowed again with immediate effect and we would no longer be under penalty!

Last edited 1 month ago by saxon

every ukrainian is also asked to include 20 garlands, 5 streamers and a table tennis ball in his personal medicine cabinet as part of the civil protection.

Last edited 1 month ago by saxon

furthermore, from june 2024, every ukrainian will receive a quick training course on the private production of piano keys and staples for use in public spaces

Last edited 1 month ago by saxon

if, contrary to expectations, ukraine nevertheless loses the war, the successful ukrainian dictator zelensky announced his candidacy for the election of the next president of the european commission.

Last edited 1 month ago by saxon

many western european heads of state, including those of france, italy, spain or germany, have already pledged their full support to zelensky for this ingenious move

Last edited 1 month ago by saxon

already more than 120 heads of state worldwide are considering their interest in joining the european union if zelensky wins this election.

Last edited 1 month ago by saxon

the president of uganda, yoweri museveni, has promised a 5-day state celebration with 2-hour fireworks in the event of zelensy’s election as eu president

Last edited 1 month ago by saxon

the government of botswana, led by president mokgweetsi masisi, wants, in the event of zelensky’s victory, to send the ukain state circus the “most beautiful elephants” in the country

Last edited 1 month ago by saxon

whatever happens, we keep our fingers crossed for the ukrainian dictator zelensky to lose the war as soon as possible so that he can make millions of people in europe happy with his presidency

Last edited 1 month ago by saxon
One Good Reason

soon ukrainian females will start cutting dick off their husbands ukrops and boil them in hot water to make hot dicks for breakfast 😁


it’s well known


someone take those jews like zelensky and blinken out, asap. you are fighting international jewry, russian bratas, wake up and join us to oust the western elite 🤝 and i repeat, normal europeans, americans and ukrainians are not russia’s enemy. it’s the jewish fifth colomn that drives this insanity. juden 💀


wow your a real piece of nazi pride for the ss


juden detected


if you see any double commenting from me, it means the orange text “awaiting approval” disappeared.

“karate buryat”

this is my last comment under this article here. any more under my name and jens holm are merely trolls impersonating me.


zionist wimps being dragged away by peasants despite their trillions in us aid. even if the zionists and neocons had any rational arguments instead of flatulence, their weakness and failure on the battlefield makes them unworthy of a place in history anyway.


entrapment set up totally by biden as a good catholic serving the vatican s crusade to conquer the holy land blatant ly obvious too.

jens holm

for 43 years i plant potato–now i am senior advisor to us state dept


no that’s the kennedies who were irish catholic potato farmers and biden who s seats in delaware the catholic ic irish potato farmers dominion

Eilat Brick Shitting Brigade

just double down on stupidity. its our style. every single timeberg


who are you the wizard of oz


obviously the new world order of a united kingdom under the king of kings the pope doesn’t want those jews being allowed denial of global multiculturalism duh


the number of dead and wounded israelis is embarassing to hamas. so the total number of dead israelis is still under 3000 for 30.000 dead palestinians? netanyahu loves this statistics i mean he would prefer 0 : 100.000 but 3000 : 30.000 is a good enough number for him.


says who?”never trust anybody” queen mum deceased

Ivan Notor

wondering where isis are now? still want to remove syrian “dictator”? or was isis just a puppet creation by cia and mossad?


there were some news that the usa want to rearm and streghen the rebells (isis / al quaida) in syria to answer irans attacks on isreal. havent heard something again. but this takes some time and since the us dont want to do it officialy they need to get turkey, saudi arabia and the emirates to back it.


no biden does. not the us.


haha who created the cia to set america up is the question


this has been debunked already.


when the conflict started, i checked tibetan and vedic astrology. according to tibetan astrology, israel will lose this conflict. i haven’t checked the vedic theory myself, but some indian and israeli astrologers predicted israel’s victory. i will add that they were astrologers under jewish influence.


they’re all in it together. it’s all set up.


not to worry the dumb ukies will find a suitable lamppost for zelensky and wife and let him live a ceausecu moment televised across the world. with a severely stretched neck —- hohoho


of course national identity as statehood isn’t allowed anymore multi cultural ism divides communities by unifying them in perversity making the elite more powerful globally.


the illegal occupation is and has been a failed concept for about 75 years :- just a question of time for the f..ckers to be disposed of! they will regret their brutality against defenceless pallies, their thefts of land and crimes against humanity and operating concentration camp gaza!


not to forget he wholesale smuggling/distribution of heroin jointly with cia to europe and the row! a cooperation with the mex cartels is in the making and usa will soon see coke galore!


israel don´t faces failure, it is a failure of history

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