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MARCH 2025

Israel Fears That Dimona Nuclear Reactor And Its Staff May Be Target Of Iranian Retaliation Strike

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Israel Fears That Dimona Nuclear Reactor And Its Staff May Be Target Of Iranian Retaliation Strike

Negev Nuclear Research Center at Dimona, photographed by American reconnaissance satellite KH-4 CORONA, 1968-11-11. Uncropped version at GlobalSecurity.org.

On December 4, Israeli authorities warned nuclear scientists working at the Dimona reactor of a possible Iranian attack in response the recent assassination of Tehran’s top nuclear scientist, Mohsen Fakhrizadeh.

The Iranian scientist was killed on November 27  in the outskirts of Tehran. Fakhrizadeh was allegedly targeted with a remotely-controlled machine gun.

According to the Israeli Public Broadcasting Corporation, KAN, authorities sent warning messages to senior employees, including the former ones, at Dimona. Authorities asked the scientists to be cautious in their routine activities.

“In one case, a scientist who worked in Dimona in the past was asked to stop walking in usual routes, where he can be monitored,” KAN said. “The Israeli scientist was also asked to be cautious of suspicious packages or suspicious unusual events.”

The Dimona reactor, formally referred to as the Shimon Peres Negev Nuclear Research Center, is reportedly Israel’s main nuclear weapons production facility.

Senior Iranian officials held Israel responsible for the assassination of Fakhrizadeh, who was the fifth Iranian nuclear scientist to be killed since 2010.

Israel is taking Iran’s threats seriously. Tel Aviv warned its citizens against traveling to a number of countries, including the UAE and Bahrain. The level of alert in Israeli embassies around the world was also raised.

Iran appears to be determined to response to the assassination of Fakhrizadeh in some kind. Israel’s diplomatic missions, scientist and military personnel could become a target of the expected Iranian retaliation.


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Potato Man

Iran most likely not gonna do that, why attack Dimona reactor? Mainly why now, Iranian wait for the right time and watch clowns act like clowns.

This is nothing but Zion crying out loud for help from EU and US and nothing more. Watch Zion say this: “We DiDn’T dO iT, tHe IRaNiAn ArE aTtAcKiNg Us SeNd MoRe AiDs AnD mOnEy”.

Jens Holm

I see no change in the Israelian attitudes.

I also dont care who killed that criminal. Peiple like hin and the ones formaking wars and weapons should be killed forst. To me its a 20 years delay.

Emad Irani

It doesn’t matter what you think or what it is you because you even don’t know the difference between a manager and an active scientist. Iran is helping North Korea with newer centrifuges. Nobody can delay Irans programs just like the missile program which couldn’t be delayed

Jens Holm

In Islam politics and religion is united, so I do and can get it in writings even in old arabic letters. .


So you’re a Danish anti-Judaism Hater but a ‘man of peace’?

“Sometimes Satan comes as a Man of Peace’ Bob Dylan

Jens Holm

It must be very hard living in only 2 domensions like You.


On Israel … for me there is ONLY black or white … full stop

Jens Holm

I know. Thats why I am tired paying to UN even from before I was born. Its not much but I wonder why.

The money are given for You finding some solution.No wonder so many dont like UN, because it supports stupid stalemates like Yours. The best soultions might have been or also today is, that someone dies. Who ares if they starve to death.

Its very hard for me to see we have any friends in that part of the world.

Jews even look and behave more and more like the arabs.

…I also has to excuse slavery because we had colonies. One thing is its more then 100 years ago and I was not even born. But my family come from very poor farmers and fishermen.

We for sure didnt have slaves producing rum and sugar in the west indies. At that time none of my grandparents could not even vote about it. They hardly could effort sugar.


Really? That’s what the noises in your head are saying?

Free man

Ali joon, while you talk and threaten and talk again they slap you non-stop. After all, everyone knows that you will soon get another slap, what will you do then? I know – you will continue to threaten, talk and threaten some more with your empty threats as usual.

Emad Irani

Free man goh khor, didn’t I say that exile wannabe Iranian shouldn’t talk about Iran and ME. You can talk about the shithole called US

Free man

You guys say a lot of things but no one takes you seriously.

Emad Irani

then why is everybody talking about us koskhol hahaha you screwed again man. Keep eating US cancer shit

Free man



Cuz you’re a laughingstock … hello?


Jimmy Jim





Still looking at the short term gratuitous response while missing the long term big picture.. with every supposed slap given and received, iran’s long-term strategy continues unabated and unchallenged with their nemesis’ lashing out in desperation showing their cards every step of the way (only fools believe they’re in the shadows, and these imbeciles gloat thinking goading it will result in a grand showdown)

In simple terms, for simpler minds – the slap receiving, empty threat giving iran is now in venezuela (flying / sailing shipments weekly) in yemen (flip flop houthis are now a formidable guerilla warfare, ak-47 weilding, APC firebombing, drone / missile testing / delivery service that goes one-way to aramco / riyadh weekly ) in syria / golan (camped everwhere staring at occupied palestine across the pale, building / delivering weaponry / free guerilla training for active plus emerging proxies/militias) in iraq (no explanation needed), in afghan (train service soon..for persian tea / carpets ?? nah..) in all places where the previously were not present, and/or limited in footprint are now practically their area of play, and with willing participants who have been kicked around by “modern and educated” western/western supported sycophants long enough. Now think back 10+ years, you never heard iran mentioned in the same sentence as places above in mainstream news..there were some blurbs here and there, but nada, zilch..today, not so much. Iran is on their lips, 24 x 7 x 365 like its a vacation hotspot to be..

You can be like “modern civilized western peoples” and go in and blast everything outright (shock/awe/mission accomplished), or in iran’s case (stone-age, medieval, theocratic “insert latest pompeo insult term”) , build / support relentlessly everything around your “enemies” who supposedly know everything involving iran, yet get every thing they do to stop it wrong / result in failure, and worse, resulting in strengthening said foe, not to mention those iran helped and continues to help along the way..

When Israel calls, US will show up (no, all the israel peace treaty arab nations won’t even pickup the phone let alone leave their harems) .. But when iran calls..hell, you already who all (plural) will come by to lend a hand knowing from what I typed above. right ? And you know they’re not going to show up all at once.. it will be death by a thousand cuts, long, extended, drawn-out with outcome already known and the original instigator(s) will beg for ceasefire

There is no other powerful force in the world than Islamic Unity and support for the downtrodden, and if Iran can see it clearly in its actions absorbing sanctions and other “slaps” for the past 40+ years, it’s a shame other so called Islamic nations (and muslims) cannot..

So keep slapping away.. as Putin once said “dogs bark, but the caravan moves on..” <— Don't make me explain this either..

But remember this, and remember this well – the hand that slaps today, will cease one day and not by its own volition..and that my friend is a true masterclass of strategy and absolute power of Iran's actions yesterday, today, and tomorrow

Free man

Well written . 1. You are talking about the strategy of the mullahs regime. A regime that most Iranians don’t support. 2. There has never been a “Muslim unity”. The rift between Shiites and Sunnis has always existed. 3. The mullahs regime effectively created enemies from all sides (and from within). Without creating one real strong ally (Neither west nor east). 4. The result is slaps from every direction. Do you really believe the “satellite gun” story? Is it not clear to you that dozens of Iranians participated in the murder of the scientist? (Of course with outside help).


1. I believe the thinkers and planners are beyond mullahs at this point as evidenced by Rouhani’s latest statement that the parliament sanctions law to increase nuclear enrichment voted earlier this week is in conflict with diplomacy.. Most iranians dont support is also a stretch I’d say for even the well funded, instigated protests and human rights violation cries failed badly to overthrow anything but western egos and exposed propaganda (it did increase pompeo’s air travel miles points, and enhanced failed envoy Brian hook’s job (less) prospects)

2. Will be and probably always be, but as iran has shown by supporting sunni/alawite syria they can co-exist and play well together in the religous space for the greater good.. Showing up in neighborIraq as PMU’s preferred fashion tailors and electricity supplier #1 few years running, Even working with the kemal attaturk caliphate incarnate sultan in instanbul, and simultaneously throwing houthi drones and olive branches at wahhabi bin salman.. Someone also gave their sworn enemy taliban a sudden ablity to shoot down that CIA plane in Ghazni earlier this year. An event that nobody talks about, but seem to have live action video and pictures aplenty with a famous CIA operative name drop that every one swears is the burned out body in so called pics/videos.. I believe everything I read on the internet, sadly..

3. There will never be a strong islamic ally/alliance with abybody western due to islam and christianity religious belief conflicts along with the ever insistent need to protect “poor, weak, perpetually bullied” Israel – the one shining true beacom of democracy in the middle east whose only crime is the right of self-survival (not sorry for shooting arab children and women, burning down olive trees, demolishing homes and overflying neighbor airspace because they’re victims and even thinking about it let alone mentioning it is guaranteed antisemitic) There will always be just band of brother unions like russia or china which is in the western cross-hairs for being a threat. Anybody in the west who lectures about sharia law while conveniently forgetting they hail from a lineage that promoted king richard and the crusades is living in a fantasyland of interfaith could-would-should have beens. Iran is fully aware that it is alone and makes no dalliances about this. They don’t need to buy protection and display subservience with billion dollar weapons contracts and invite military bases like you know who’s. Can you imagine the descendants of islamic forefathers that wrote poetry, invented algebra, and mapped the stars be mentioned as “savages” today that need bombing to the stone age ?? They’re so backward classed that their clean nuclear power and ballistic missile program needs reining in for their own good.. The weak shall never inherit the earth, remember that and I’m sure the persians are very clear on this fact..

4. MEK is about the well needed attention it deserves and I’m sure no removal from any blacklist is going to save them. Keep an eye for when Heshmat Alavi stops posting from the Albanian twitter troll farm HQ, you know “full penetration” has been achieved and it’s not the kind they’re going to enjoy. You also know when bolton, pompeo, and other “dignitaries” stop mentioning useful idiots like Maryam Rajavi in the same breath as “NUKULAR” Iran, successful social distancing has been activated and covid-19 is suddenly more popular and fashionable than e-khalq clan(s) membership.

5. Bonus point 1 – Shah jr. is not coming back, ever, even if the mullah’s leave or get overthrown.. so he best be posting from his dacha in Bethesda MD along with heshmat and other fictitious persona mustered up by whoever’s funding their lifestyle currently while simultaneously trying to fool you into thinking there is such a place as “arabian gulf” in geography . Regretfully french Peugeot automobile return is doubtful as well to add.. Sadly for I know a lot of us wanted to see zarif, mousavi, and baqeri doing donuts and burn-outs running roughshod over israeli flags by azadi tower commons livestreamed like a khabib dagestani beatdown that you know is inevtiable.

6. Bonus Point 2 – Just build the damn bomb and get it over with already..we all know its coming / already there regardless of any fatwa issued. That way you can finally see Bibi’s map of “iran will have a bomb” timeline map displayed in the UN / US Congress change to “I told you so..” and its game on / showtime where peace will finally have a real chance in the Middle East and the balance of power is finally, what else, balanced..

Free man

1. I see confusion in Iran. Confusion that leads to paralysis. 2. Many Arabs, not just in the Gulf, see Iran as an existential threat. 3. The response of the Mullahs regime to all this is – “Death to America”, “Death to Saudi Arabia”, “Death to England”, we will destroy Israel. So the Mullahs regime will always be the bad guy. 4. Heshmat Alavi is a fictional character. All the explosions and killings in Iran only show that there is an organized militant opposition in Iran. 5. Shah jr is a representative figure, a symbol. A picture of my grandfather and his was hung on wall in my grandparents’ living room for decades. 6. Iran is not North Korea. The Iranians cannot live like the North Koreans.


??? bravo


1. Confusion ? Paralysis ? Going on since shah got the boot I’ve been hearing..what’s it now, 30+ years ? Is it next to the wile-e-coyote acme picture of “iran bomb timeline from Benzion Mileikowsky Jr. 2. Many WEAK, SUBSERVIENT, TRAITOROUS Arabs.. there..fixed it for you.. Undeserving as the keeper of the house of UMMAH. Unsure what harm iran can cause other than resisting wahhabism and the incessant fetish for arabs to wipe out yemen. The former which everyone should fight for, and the latter everyone should fight against.. 3. Everyone has a slogan that gets lost in translation..MAGA ? 4. organized opposition whose endgame is basically terrorism..cant sit there with a straight face and tell the world you’re victims (zionists) and then proceed to go around doing exactly what you supposedly abhor 5. sounds nice..beautiful memory treasured..but still wont be coming back in any shape or form.. 6. Iranians cannot live like that, but the worlds actions (sanctions, medicinal starvation etc.) basically proves otherwise..A country with a history of Darius the Great will never take the knee and will always persevere.




1. I believe the thinkers and planners are beyond mullahs at this point as evidenced by Rouhani’s latest statement that the parliament sanctions law to increase nuclear enrichment voted earlier this week is in conflict with diplomacy.. Most iranians dont support is also a stretch I’d say for even the well funded, instigated protests and human rights violation cries failed badly to overthrow anything but western egos and exposed propaganda (it did increase pompeo’s air travel miles points, and enhanced failed envoy Brian hook’s job (less) prospects)

2. Will be and probably always be, but as iran has shown by supporting sunni/alawite syria they can co-exist and play well together in the religous space for the greater good.. Showing up in neighborIraq as PMU’s preferred fashion tailors and electricity supplier #1 few years running, Even working with the kemal attaturk caliphate incarnate sultan in instanbul, and simultaneously throwing houthi drones and olive branches at wahhabi bin salman.. Someone also gave their sworn enemy taliban a sudden ablity to shoot down that CIA plane in Ghazni earlier this year. An event that nobody talks about, but seem to have live action video and pictures aplenty with a famous CIA operative name drop that every one swears is the burned out body in so called pics/videos.. I believe everything I read on the internet, sadly..

3. There will never be a strong islamic ally/alliance with abybody western due to islam and christianity religious belief conflicts along with the ever insistent need to protect “poor, weak, perpetually bullied” Israel – the one shining true beacom of democracy in the middle east whose only crime is the right of self-survival (not sorry for shooting arab children and women, burning down olive trees, demolishing homes and overflying neighbor airspace because they’re victims and even thinking about it let alone mentioning it is guaranteed antisemitic) There will always be just band of brother unions like russia or china which is in the western cross-hairs for being a threat. Anybody in the west who lectures about sharia law while conveniently forgetting they hail from a lineage that promoted king richard and the crusades is living in a fantasyland of interfaith could-would-should have beens. Iran is fully aware that it is alone and makes no dalliances about this. They don’t need to buy protection and display subservience with billion dollar weapons contracts and invite military bases like you know who’s. Can you imagine the descendants of islamic forefathers that wrote poetry, invented algebra, and mapped the stars be mentioned as “savages” today that need bombing to the stone age ?? They’re so backward classed that their clean nuclear power and ballistic missile program needs reining in for their own good.. The weak shall never inherit the earth, remember that and I’m sure the persians are very clear on this fact..

4. MEK is about the well needed attention it deserves and I’m sure no removal from any blacklist is going to save them. Keep an eye for when Heshmat Alavi stops posting from the Albanian twitter troll farm HQ, you know “full penetration” has been achieved and it’s not the kind they’re going to enjoy. You also know when bolton, pompeo, and other “dignitaries” stop mentioning useful idiots like Maryam Rajavi in the same breath as “NUKULAR” Iran, successful social distancing has been activated and covid-19 is suddenly more popular and fashionable than e-khalq clan(s) membership.

5. Bonus point 1 – Shah jr. is not coming back, ever, even if the mullah’s leave or get overthrown.. so he best be posting from his dacha in Bethesda MD along with heshmat and other fictitious persona mustered up by whoever’s funding their lifestyle currently while simultaneously trying to fool you into thinking there is such a place as “arabian gulf” in geography . Regretfully french Peugeot automobile return is doubtful as well to add.. Sadly for I know a lot of us wanted to see zarif, mousavi, and baqeri doing donuts and burn-outs running roughshod over israeli flags by azadi tower commons livestreamed like a khabib dagestani beatdown that you know is inevtiable.

6. Bonus Point 2 – Just build the damn bomb and get it over with already..we all know its coming / already there regardless of any fatwa issued. That way you can finally see Bibi’s map of “iran will have a bomb” timeline map displayed in the UN / US Congress change to “I told you so..” and its game on / showtime where peace will finally have a real chance in the Middle East and the balance of power is finally, what else, balanced..


Rationalization for doing NOTHING but boost your ego … lol

The Future is About to Land …


Made zero sense what you typed… My points are clear and trying to flag them won’t help in any way.

The future is about to land alright, but not the way you think it will be and no amount of nuclear, bunker buster, F-35 purchases will better the picture you want to paint


Flag them … why would I flag them …. lol

I want to read them and I want EVERYONE to read them … hello?

In order to understand how irrational and pathetic your worldview is … eh?



Iran the paper tiger … moew

Pave Way IV

Retaliation strike on Dimona? Why should Iran even try to engage in any kind of BS nuclear scientist tit-for-tat? Israel seeks the total destruction of Iran and the annihilation of the Iranian people at any cost. If Iran throws a rock over the Israeli border, Israel (and the US) will use it as pretext for war. Not that I want to see anyone – Israeli or Iranian – die in another stupid war, but if I lived in Israel, I would be a little more concerned about a dozen Iranian Shahab-3’s landing in downtown Tel Aviv than any concern I had for a defunct reactor in the middle of the desert. If whatever Iran does is going to result in war no matter what, why would they hold back? Besides, Israel has been ‘resettling’ Palestinians in the desert around Dimona for years. Human shields work – Iran doesn’t want them to die.


BS … I lived near Dimona once upon a time … resettling pals? Laughable

You ‘might’ be referring to the Bedouin Israeli Arabs who are nomadic but are resettled in FIXED settlements in the Negev for their own good … with running water / electricity / health clinics


Pave Way IV

You’re right – it was Bedouin human shields, not Palestinian. My mistake.


So … YOU’RE still continuing to use BS ?

I told YOU they were BEDOUIN ENCAMPMENTS which you had labeled Palestinian YET you persist in your BS …

As if the Pals are the reason Iran isn’t attempting to strike their enemy? lol


Pave Way IV

It’s Israel – they want to keep their own people terrified because that’s what psychopaths do. They don’t anticipate any meaningful response by Iran because that would mean an extremely costly war. Iran is more useful (and profitable) to Israel as an ‘eternal existential threat’ – ask any U.S. taxpayer. Israel periodically provokes Iran (and Hezbollah for that matter) just enough to get a few angry threats from its leaders, but not enough to cause an all out war. We’ve been watching this go on for decades while the U.S. attempts to bleed Iran dry. This scheme keeps working for Israel until it doesn’t, but they don’t care – they’re ready for war. If Iran retaliates, then Israel will cry about being the victim and the U.S. will step in to slaughter the Iranians. If not, then Israel will keep on poking Iran – forever. They’re persistent like that.


Nice rationalization for doing nothing … keeps your ego from deflating … eh?

BUT … Israel will attack Iran if the vile Iranian Police State attempts an attack on the Homeland … eh?

Let’s see whose right … eh?


Pave Way IV

The ex-IDF psycho / ex-Mossad mole pipeline that flows into the senior positions of U.S. Big Government, MSM, Big Tech and Big Defense is just too tempting for Israel not to expand even further. I get that. In fact, I expect that from the biggest, most successful power and control freaks on earth: Israel. It seemed to be working fine. There’s certainly nothing I can do about it.

Why on God’s green earth then would Israel risk all of that to interfere with the 2020 U.S. elections? You own both candidates. Either one is eager to roll over and backstab the U.S. for another sack of shekels. Either one would throw in as many U.S. troops as necessary to kill Iranians to ‘protect Israel’. What more could you ask for?

Now, everything Israel has been able to ‘accomplish’ in the U.S. disappears once that evidence comes out. Average Americans will f’king hate Israel. The MSM won’t be able to fix that – ever. Big Tech won’t be able to censor it. And it really won’t matter who is president – no regular Joe troops the U.S. military will be willing to defend you.

MY ego has nothing to do with what happens. I just can’t figure out the motivation here. Break it down Barney style for me: What the fuck was israel thinking?


WTF are YOU talking about? Israel interfered in YOUR elections? Really?

Did I miss something?


Israel could certainly mop the floor with the neighbourhood but why bother … they’d have to deal with more Muslims … hello?

The Arabs are easier to defeat but impossible to OCCUPY … the US is painfully aware of that … eh?


Interfere in the 2020 election?

Any proof?

Cuz … there’s been NO INTERFERENCE according to American TV … hello?

I’m Canadian and see US TV news hourly … hello?

Graham Steinberg

Well written & everything correct !


Says the stooge from his bunker in Tehran or is that Qom?



It’s not your homeland


Iran? Certainly not … eh?

BUT … the lands between the River and the Sea is the Jewish Homeland … hello?

Autonomy is all that’s available for the Arabs on part of the WB … hello?


Graham Steinberg

Have seen an article saying the sanctions against Iran, til 2012 cost the US $176 Billions.

Heaven knows how much more since……..

Iran has a huge banking system which is USELESS with sanctions.

Of course, the world’s financial system is missing out to……


Ayatollah Steinberg … lol

Jens Holm


Jens Holm

Haha. Maybee they have nothing in Dimona but everything under Nablus.


Tell it to Mordechi Manunu clown.

Arch Bungle

Maybe they have everything up your arse?

Rhodium 10

There are a lot of places to attack…Industrial and research centers, Buildings and complex linked to Intel service ( Mossad&Shin Bet)…etc…


lets hope so – the illegal nukes held by the jews in palestine must go and if not the jews will cause pandemonium across the middle east and be the reason why the jes will be obliterated to the last bone. they have no right to be in palestine, a period of say 100 yers which they have used for murders, theft and genocide and operating the worlds only concentration camp.

winston churchill warned repeatedly during the 1930s that adolf hitler meant war and today not one statesman (they are few and far apart) can see the dangers of the jews in palestine, except Iran, which has been warning the world of the dangers the jews in palestine are for the world.

the west must wake up towards these nazi-inspired jews and do something about them.


Laughable …

Iran is the Revolutionary Islamist regime … they’re on their knees and begging for relief … hello?

The Jews/Zionists/Israelis are in complete control of their fate … eh?

Their GPS coordinates are locked on their enemies …


Jens Holm

Winston Churchill was totally wrong in most things, so its a luck he was right about a few ones. Thats even hard to avoid.


Do they really think Iranian have lost their minds? Like them…

Dimona is in a plain site but Iran will never strike it… Dimona will burn only if Israel strike Iranian nuclear facility with missiles


Rational … ???

BUT … if the Mossad INTEL says that Iran is ripe for a breakout … the Iranians will be attacked without mercy


Strike where it hurts! ????

“Israel’s economic and technological center is Tel Aviv… ”

“The Port of Haifa is the largest of Israel’s three major international seaports, which include the Port of Ashdod, and the Port of Eilat. It has a natural deep water harbor which operates all year long, and serves both passenger and cargo ships.”

So it will be all hell break lose!!!

… Time for sweet revenge…


War is hell … there are no ‘winners’ but Iran will be destroyed

Jens Holm

Thats why they are protected. Countries having nothing to protect cause they hardly produce anything dont have that need:)

chris chuba

So here you have a heavy water reactor in operation since the 1960’s that produces NO electricity but does produce plutonium and no one knows there it is.

Yet people like Fred Fleiss had a fit over the JCPOA which rebuilt Iran’s heavy water reactor because ‘in 4yrs it will produce enough plutonium to build a nuclear weapon’ and that liar didn’t mention that the JCPOA called for Iran to ship that waste outside of their country. Unreal. Yeah sure why not. For all we know Israel could even sell nukes to other countries, no bother. Trump was furious at Iran who agreed to giver permanent access to IAEA inspectors to their nuclear sites.


kushner passing on nuke-technology to mohammed bin salman, that we know of and which was, I think stopped by the senate’s relevant working group.


BS … made up out of whole cloth

Comin’ ta git ya


Obfuscation won’t save Iran … the die is cast … eh?

You backed the wrong horse punter


What a great idea.

Ashok Varma

Iran will strike a symbolic target and Dimona is a good candidate.


As an Indian Muslim … you’re an outlier … a 5th columnist in your own country … Modi is an ally of Israel … he needs help with his unprepared military


Frankly, Iran should hold off for another 5 weeks and hit the Zionists after seeing how Biden behaves. It is good to keep the Zionists scurrying. Dimona, Ashdod and Haifa naval base should be the initial targets and then escalate as need be. Iran holds all the strategic cards and the strategic military calculus.

U.S. Marines Won’t Stop Taking LSD

The Pentagon has conducted almost 4,000 drug tests for acid since this summer.


An attack on Israel will unleash the full force of the IDF / IAF / IN on the attacker … eh?

The attacker may as well be on ‘acid’ … they won’t be prepared for that overwhelming assault … I don’t pity the attackers … they’re below contempt


Ashok Varma

Zionists have miscalculated Iranian strategic patience and now the odds are heavily in favour of an Iranian retaliatory action, somewhere in the world, but most likely in Occupied Palestine.


Nah … they’ll pick a soft target in the EU or somewhere like a synagogue / embassy

Let’s see whose right … eh?

Luke Hemmming

Well it seems iran just assasinated a top mossad officer in tel aviv in retaliation to the assasination of their nuclear scientist. Seems like israel is not untouchable as once thought.


Which website are YOU getting this information from … hello?

Fars … RT … SANA ?

I just checked the main Israeli ones and also the UK ‘newsnow’ … zilch


BUT … if Israel is attacked on there’s an assassination in Tel Aviv … that’s BIG NEWS …


Where did you read it?

Website? It must be Fars … lol



Like the vile nuke wiz Fahrblonget …


Like that? ROTFL

Luke Hemmming

Just read that a top mossad officer just ate lead in tel aviv. When you play with fire you get burnt.


Where’s the report being posted?

Which website is reporting it?

I checked several Israeli and one British website … hello?


Graham Steinberg

Being a volunteer on Kibbutz Baram in 1976-77, they took us around a number of well known places…….

DIMONA was one of them & even over 40yrs ago, it WAS known as “a nuke town”.

There was a very strange ODOUR in the air & one could not imagine the amount of EXPOSURE people have had to RADIATION.Also, PREMATURE deaths in the region. Certainly, IAEA SHOULD be doing INSPECTIONS there.Have heard 100-200 nuke war heads are IN this town. Dimona MUST be subjected to the SAME inspections as IRAN.


Graham Steinberg

REMOVAL of nukes in Dimona ? It should be MANDATORY & without DELAYS……….

Graham Steinberg

This would STOP the on-going attacks on other countries in the region, by a ‘malicious neighbour’ that uses a nuke advantage to conduct war crimes as & when it likes.


Desperate … clown


Graham … err Aisha

Yer full of sh Xt … eh?


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