A fighter waves an Hezbollah flag during a rally commemorating ‘Liberation Day’, the anniversary of the withdrawal of the Israeli army from Southern Lebanon in 2000, in Nabatiyeh, Lebanon, 24 May 2015. Photo AP
Israel has informed Hezbollah that it will no longer target its fighters in Syria, the Palestinian al-Hadath newspaper reported on August 1, citing Israeli media reports.
According to the newspaper, Hezbollah was informed of the Israeli decision in a message that was delivered by the UN.
“The occupation [Israeli] government sent a message to Lebanese Hezbollah, through the UN, saying it will refrain from targeting Hezbollah fighters in Syria once and for all,” the al-Hadath’s report reads.
Hezbollah lost one of its fighters in the July 20 Israeli airstrikes on the Syrian capital, Damascus. Since then, Israel has been anticipating an attack by the Lebanese group, which is well-known for responding to such incidents.
Al-Hadath said the new Israeli message to Hezbollah also included a threat. Tell Aviv warned the group that it will strike “six sensitive targets” in response to any attack from Lebanon on its territory.
This was the second Israeli message to Hezbollah since July 20. In the first message, Israel told the group that it didn’t intend to kill its fighter in the recent airstrikes on Damascus. Tel Aviv also warned the group from responding.
Israel’s promise to stop its attacks on Hezbollah fighters in Syria may de-escalate tensions with the group. Nevertheless, Hezbollah has never backed down from a stand-off with Israel.
What did I tell you guys, the Zionist cunts are scared shitless and the Americunts told them to back off.
This can not be “victory” in any possible way.
Victory is if they convince them (if the report is truth) send “signals ” to IsraHell that they accept “generous” offer from IsraHell and than calmly continue planing where and when to hit them (wait for opportunity) and hurt them 10 times more! After which IsraHell will be traumatized soo much that they will have nightmares about Hezbollah.
That is how one truly fights to win. You go for kill with killer instinct, not for dance cheek to cheek
There will be no major flare up until next year at the earliest, Iran is getting billions of dollars and rearming and everything is going its way. People don’t seem to understand how Persians think, they are very patient strategic thinkers and invented Chess and Polo, one for the brain and the other for the brawn. The Zionist cunts are dying off anyway.
In other words you expect them to attack together with Iran?
How the hell would I know how Iranians think?
Iran is on a winner, it has no reason to attack anyone for the time being. It has created an irreversible Tehran to Beirut axis of resistance. It has a string regional clout, so why attack a scared dying Zionist entity living off diminishing western charity. Iran’s first priority is to strengthen its economy and military and that is underway. So just watch with patience. I don’t get excited about anything as experience teaches you a lot of things.
Iran can afford to wait till after the election, if Biden wins theres a chance he will rejoin the nuclear deal & lift some sanctions the JCPOA arms embargo runs out in October so expect some new weapons sales from both Russia & China, plus the multi billion dollar deal they have just signed with China.
I don’t believe it’s signed. Both are waiting for October to sign it. But, it’s a done deal and they both are acting as if the deal was already signed.
There is no chance of that.
Iran has technically beat the sanctions and its trade and building transit points to Eurasia is thriving. In practical terms, Israel is a just a minor nuisance as Iran can never be attacked. Hezbollah is enough to deal with this irritant as we just saw.
Those are just words, so never as good as deeds. it might be so and than it might not be so, also. While when one kills Jew one knows that he is dead for good.
You kids talk too much about killings and war. I have been in a few and killing humans is nothing to be proud of.
I doubt that people like you have ANYTHING you could be “proud of” You were the biggest warmongering idiot by far whenever was situation where you could accuse Russia for not killing everything that moves! Putin was at least few hundred times called all names and thrown insults at him that you could imagine, just because he didn’t want to liberate Syria for your Iran (I doubt that you give fuck about Assad or Syria either) and now you are getting philosophical , yoga meditation like…. How heart braking indeed !
Braking or breaking. I do both actually :) Russia’s policies are bi-polar and it is scared of Americunts as Pompeo bragged. Putin is a dumb failed KGB major with no military or political experience. Russia needs a real nationalist at the top. Russia has always suffered from weak leadership and that is why the USSR fell apart.
I don’t see russia failing with putin,nor anyone with the true credentials as sak! You comparing putin to gorbachev,is like comparing the man to the obese p00f!
Jews bombed shit out of Iranian’s in Syria. No they don’t have any reasons to respond to that.
Actually no, just pin pricks and Iranian footprint grows every day. BTW, Iran opened a large food chain in Venezuela even, pissing off the Americunts even more. Get with the program.
First Iranian supermarket opens in Venezuela
The first Iranian supermarket in Venezuela opened its doors
in Caracas on Wednesday, in an inauguration ceremony attended by the
Iranian ambassador.
The supermarket will sell food and other basic goods shipped from
Iran. In recent months, Tehran has also shipped gasoline as well as
ingredients to help the South American country restart its own oil
refineries, amid a years-long economic crisis and shortages.
NEWS FLASH, no is attacking anyone. So settle down and let the meds kick in. Too much excitement in one day, makes Jack a dull boy :)
Most aren’t aware Iran is Persia.
The level of ignorance is very high in the west, they also think that Taj Mahal was built by Hollywood, not the Persians.
You mean it wasn’t….?,?
Or that Persepolis is not Greek but Persian.. The Macedonians burnt it to the ground because civilization only happens in the west.
Good FACT, the Greeks claim that Alexander the Macedonian faggot was a Greek, talk about identity crises. The Persians did fight the Macedonians and Thracians
So now Iran is “patient strategic thinkers that invented Chess” but if Russia doesn’t immediately pulverize half Idlib when terrorist do some provocation you scream from top of your lungs ; Putin bitch Jew traitor kissing Erdogans arse!!! And when the Jews bombard your precious Iranian camaps you scream on Russians again as usual ! Russians and Putin are your bitches ( hated by you useful fulls Christians )and servants that by your decision have duty to defend your Iranians (that can’t defend themselves ) let alone help Hezbollah to do that ! So Putin is always guilty for not starting WWIII and not fighting to the last Russian while you incompetent Iran is “chess strategic thinker” that can’t defend themselves from Jew terrorists in Syria? You double faced hypocrite bitch !
Putin is arsehole for sure. Thanks for pointing that out.
Failed Paki Shia agent. They should give your job to the little child if they want to have it finished better
You need to take a chill pill, you are insulting everyone for no gain. Are you an Israeli hasbara troll?
Rarely true, particularly in Psychological warfare. A minor victory yes, but victory nonetheless. This isn’t so much about a militia member being killed, (which Hezbollah will respond) than it is a staredown. The pretenders blinked. Lone Ranger will be along to tell us what the pretenders, and their trolls will be doing shortly.
Lone ranger is apparently half Jew or similar….and IsraHell apologist pretending not to be the one. I have heard enough from him.
Listen more and talk less, my dear departed mother used to say. Same applies to you.
have respect for your mother at least and leave her out of this
I respect everyone’s mother, even the other demented kid Iron Zion who also likes to kill people in fantasy world.
So what ? Despite the odds, not every Jew, Torah, or Talmud is bad.
Poor Iron Zion will have a meltdown…
And he had his school bag and cookies all packed to go invade Lebanon and Syria and then hitchhike all the way to Tehran, before mom came in. The “reservist” armchair delusional warrior even had his call up plans posted on a Russian website. Talk about an idiot :)
LOL. Not a single post of his makes any sense, his English is slightly better than Jens by watching American violent videos, but he is as dumb and a complete liar.
You have up-voted Lone-Ranger pro Israel comments! And you did that TOGETHER WITH Iron – Zion who up-voted exactly the same comment from Lone Ranger like you!!! So you Jews (apparently Lone Ranger has Jewish blood also) are on the same page! How interesting! And his comments were basically about Israel supper power that can nuke Moscow and Bejing with 500 Jericho VI super advanced nukes (much better than Minutemen III in his words) if they upset Israel and forbid them to use nukes against Muslims in war !
So your friend here Lone Ranger represents Israel as some kind of super power that can nuke China and Russia if they forbid Israel in nuking Muslims during conflict You effing hypocrite and liar you support pro Israel comments! You are only good in spiting on Russia and Putin because you hate Christians and you hide that fact! As far as I am concern you might be just another Jew pretending to be a Muslim.
Looks like the boy child has lost his internet privileges or too embarrassed at his own idiocy.
And from you half Jew? (with Jewish blood ) by your own words, who calls Israel power that can nuke Moscow and Beijing if they stop them from using 500 NUKES super advanced Jericho VI (much better than Minutmen III) and nukes “‘Samson” with the warning that they cover all northern hemisphere
Your brother Iron-Zion have up-voted your fanatically pro Israel comments immediatly.
Good morning Jew bitch whore how is your nice Jewish life !
Take your meds…. You have serious issues….
Label me all you want
I am not “man of peace” like you who wants to nuke hundreds of millions of people only to punish them for blocking IsraHell to nuke Muslims!!
ha ha ha ha what nerve you have to call yourself “man of peace”! Bravo! You have more Jewish blood than you think !
Actually you are the one wanting to nuke them. Im against it. I only stated hard facts. And you have more autism than you think…
filthy Jewish son of bitch LIAR!* I have never mentioned nuking anybody UI have said that Israle would not have permission to do it! Rot in hell Jewish whore !
Sure you did. You want to throw Russia and China under the bus to satisfy your bloodthirst. Fact. You first nazi…
Keep searching for angle…not surprised that Jew calls me a “NAZI” and now go for your strongest word “anti-Semite” lol !!!
That is the favorite of you Jews !
Of course you will do everything just to avoid talk about yesterdays:
your nuking of Russia and China in the name of IsraHell with your big Jewish mouth
You are the one wanting to nuke Russia and China… Im against it. Not as big as your zionazi hasbarat mouth…:)
Your superiors wont be happy with your performance today… You better call for some reinfocements Trollstoy…:)
LINK to your comments please I can’t access them on your profile so lets see who is LIAR
You only have to ask your supervisers for the transcriprts ;)
Lone Ranger HiaNd • 15 hours ago
Israel is not only threatening Russia and China by the way. Their Samson option is targeting every major city on the northern hemispehere. Their policy is “if we go under, you come with us”, not my words, theirs…
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Your point? Did I get you guys angry at Tel Aviv for exposing your military doctrine? Oy gevalt…?
Liar liar your pants is on fire….:)
Jewish pig turning on jokes to avoid the moment of truth.
So if you don’t want to give link and I can’t access your comments …that is clear who was NUKING MOSCOW and BEIJING yesterday with 500+ Israeli nukes!
Indeed. It was you Hasbarat. Wishing harm on them.
P.S. at least I have a sense of Humor…
Seriously dude, is the turban too tight or whats the problem?
I am a Christian and you are an asshole but not as big as Lone Jew Ranger You have no Jew blood that’s why
What is Jew blood, educate us on genealogy, I am Slavic so not a Jew? Most of my DNA is Czech, what does that make me. Please enlighten us Dr. Goebbels.
“jew blood”are words that your half-Jew friend Lone-Jew-Ranger has used so ask him
BTW your moma has become Goebbels when she farted you on this world
woo, anger issue?
We had conversation yesterday.
He said that Israel will nuke Moscow and Beijing with their more than 500 Jericho VI “state of the art nukes only because I have told him that GREAT POWERS would not let Israel use nukes against Muslims. And he admitted to be half-Jew himself! He has DELETED those comments !
Now he is accusing me that I am a Jew and that I have said that not him ! Of course he has deleted everything about nuking Russia and China in his comments
Now he pretends to be opposite of what he really is : Israel and Jew violence apologist and hidden Jew! He accuses me of all he did and that pisses me the most! He is flagging all my comments now as “spam” Comments where I copy paste his words, when he is saying to have Jewish blood to Iron Zion.
And what would you do in my place?! Stay indifferent? I would brake him in peaces because I hate people like him the most
This guy is a nutter and an full retard Islamist, wants to unite “Muslim world” LOL, the fucking Arabs can’t even sit in the same room.
Ha ha ha there you are anti Christian, anti Russian pig! Talking to your Jewish brother! You are same peace of shit like he is just different way.
Easy there junior, I am not religious and don’t a fuck about Abrahamic desert cults. I am only for the underdog.
Who cares and don’t play cheap Hollywood movies “easy there” pose on me. You are a “Westerner” as much as Japanese are, so don’t pretend to be the one and under influence of worthless US junk culture.
Pakistani, Iranian and Russian Jew ? LOL. Dude whatever drugs you are on, quit while you are ahead :)
You have up-voted half- Jew ranger on the 100% PRO-ISRAEL COMMENT ! Call your self whatever you want I don’t care, one thing is sure people like you are back stabbing traitorous criminals of the worst kind, never to be trusted.
Multicultural Jew?
This guy needs professional medical help. It doesnt get anymore anti zionist as I am and he says Im pro Israel lol. Thats blind hatered. I wont block him tho. Let him cry and rage.
I never block anyone as that is pointless, I learnt during my intelligence days that is very useful to scan a whole range of people and their views, gives an insight from a different angle. Also helps remain objective.
True that.
You are still paid Shia agent of low intelligence literally and figuratively speaking. Cheering up for your regional power Iran who had some expansion only thanks to Russian intervention in Syria
P.S. I neverade anti Russia or China comments. You fuckin trash. Only for the record…
You did say that your IsraHell would nuke them(Moscow and Beijing ) if they forbid to IsraHell using of IsraHelly nukes against Muslim attacks…. didn’t you jewish big mouthed LIAR? Or you will deny that, go and delete or edit your posts and change everything…jewish style…
Im no liar, contrary to you… I stated facts. Yes Israel could nuke them if they are overrun and their only option is to use nukes. By the way the only way Russia and China could stop Israel from using nukes in a situation like that is if they would nuke Israel. Thats why I said what I said. You are only blinded by hate because Im part jewish, eventho I dont support Israels foreign policy and I hate zionism. But you are too damaged to process that… Unfortunatelly…
You didn’t say “could” you LIAR ! You are now putting water in wine and you have edited or deleted your previous posts I am sure! So you talk now jewish BOLLOCKS you filthy LIAR trying to twist and water down your JEWISH ULTRA NATIONALISM and aggressiveness ! You have nuked Moscow and Beijing with your big mouth just because they would oppose use of Israeli nukes!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????!!!! What filthy son of bitch you are!
You went full retard again…
How else could Russia China stop Israel using nukes in the region? Tell me retard… How? I didn’t Edit ir water down anything. But you lie and twist constantly trash.
Did you edit your posts? People can see for themselves if you didn’t edit your posts! But you did edit them or delete them I am sure of that !
I was not even mentioning “China or Russia’ by name!!!! I have said something like “great powers would not let Israel to nuke Muslims!!! It was you who started suddenly to talk about 500+ nukes that Israel has and about NUKING Moscow and Beijing !!!
You filthy LIAR and low life !
And whom are the great powers retard?
I didn’t mentioned a SINGLE ONE ! I have said in general that “great powers do not let smaller ones like Israel to use nukes”
It was YOU WHO STARTED NUKING MOSCOW and BEIJING IMMEDIATELY with your filthy Jewish mouth !
Only great powers left are Russia and China. You know that full well. No Shlomo, it was actually you, trying to throw them under the bus. I only stated why you cant… Hard facts for your inbred mind… Time to get a new script from your superviser you are getting repetitive… Oy oy…
Are your Hasbarat cyberwarfare supervisers aware you are badmouthing your own country…? But I guess anything for the Shekels right…?
A hasbarat bashing Israel and jews. Thats a new low for Bibi :_)
yeah you lowest human peace of filth just keep being LIAR
Im not you… Thankfully…
They may try,but they to fail,well the others shant,simple as that,emp/s400/500++
You are the liar.
Did you edit your posts or have deleted them you filthy scum Jew?
Why would I? Im not you Shlomo.
Did you slurp up your matzo ball soup? Dont let it get cold…
If you calm down, I will tell you that no one can nuke anyone as that would destroy the planet. These are regional conflicts and will drag on until the Zionist entity is kaput.
Again YOU are sitting on your ears ! It was your HALF-Jew friend that was nuking them because angry on my words that “GREAT POWERS would not let Israel use NUKES against Muslims” !!!! That’s why he started with nuking Russia and China and talking on much more than 500 nukes and that Israel would not permit anybody to stop them!
How many times I have to repeat that?
Nuclear weapons only have limited deterrence value as US is finding out. No one can use nuclear weapons in a multi-polar world. Why do think Israel, the loudest barking dog backed off against Hezbollah?
Can’t you faucking reed?!! It was HIM that half-JEW Lone-Jew-Ranger who has said that Israel will nuke Moscow and Beijing!! So why the hell you asking me such nonsense?!
I stand by what I said. Contrary to you Im not a liar and dont twist words.
you are in your words HALF Jew so you are liar by nature…. and your punishment for being openly such disgusting liar will catch up on you sooner or later I believe that sincerely.
Sure Shlomo. Keep practicing your good cop bad cop stunt with iron zion somewhere else. Better luck next time…
I believe Bibi overpays you guys. +25 Shekels for a troll comment come on…
Its not my Israel. Im Hungarian, living in Hungary. Yes Im part jewish, so what? Are you really that retarded? I did say that if Russia and China would try to stop Israel using nukes, in case they are overrun, than Israel could nuke them and any major city on the Northern Hemispehere. Im not for it, only stating facts. Im not changeing anything. No need for it. I stand by what I said. You are the liar trying to twist my words. You are the one who would easily sacrafice Russia and China and the rest to satisfy your bloodthirst against Israel.
fuckin trash,fuckin trash…..but
am I LIAR or you are LIAR?
Indeed you are. Both… Im really dissapointed in you. Thought you were smart.
You fuckhead can’t even process what I wrote due to the fact of your racism. Putins mom was Jewish too by the way… And the guy single handedly destroyed the greater Israel Project. There are good news and there are bad Jews. But you were probably raped by a bad Jews when you were little and now you turn rabid when you even hear the word Israel or Jew. Sad story. Seek professional help. You need it. That level of hatred is no joke. I
“Putins mom was Jewish” having Jewish blood like you, yet you want to NUKE MOSCOW? Nice !! You are true Jew!
Your Jewish blood is speaking out of you ! I personally don’t know if she was or she wasn’t Jew….As long as Putin have saved Russia from Jewish TERRORISTS (your friends) and have them run away to New York, London and Tel Aviv he is my President for life!
And as long he has screwed up evil Jews in Syria on top, so he is enough non Jew for me IF he has any Jew blood (so even if it is true that she is Jewish I can’t care less)
Jews brought Jewish communist pest to Russian Empire.. Jews wanted to rob blind and destroy Russia and they almost did in Yeltsin era …Isn’t that enough from our Jew “Russians” ? Rich Jews are the one who are screwing, destorying whole planet and Israeli Jews show us their apartheid and how goyim would live under Jew dominance
You “don’t want anybody ti have nukes” but you have declared that Israel has far more than 500 of nukes and that they will use them if anybody tries to stop them to use those nukes against Muslims ! Nice!!
Yes you are “of peace” of course that’s why you have talked about your “mighty” Israel NUKING MOSCOW and BEIJING ! You would even kill hundreds of millions for your beloved IsraHell in the name of their “peace”
“Same reason why U.S. and Russia never nuked each other…” But all the same YOU DID NUKE China and Russia with Jewish side of your big mouth !!! How big man of “peace” you are! Nuking 2 world powers that fight terrorist Zionists through “mighty” IsraHell and being so peace loving in the same time! Congratulations!
Never go full retard… Actually you are the one whom wants Moscow and Beijing nuked. Your policy would lead to that. You would sacrafice both Russia and China to destroy Israel, cost it what it will… Im against it. Since Im really pro Russian. Not only pretending like you…, since you would willing to throw them under the bus to satisfy your bloodthirst.
You are liar and human filth of the worst kind !
Seriously, if the effects of drugs wear off, how in the heck can 6 million Zionist cunts living on western tax dollars “nuke” Russia and China. Do you have map, look at the size of these nations against occupied Palestine. You are dumbest fuck here so far. entertaining, angry and totally whacky :)
You ask your half-Jew brother Lone (Jew) Ranger HOW ! I didn’t say that it was him who have said that that Israel has 500 Jericho VI hyper advanced nukes + “Samson” nukes and that they will destroy Moscow and Beijing !
I don’t know why he said that because I never have mentioned Moscow or Beijing. It was obvious that he was pissed because I have said that ISRAEL CAN NOT NUKE MUSLIMS because great powers would not let the do that! That is all I have said before he went to his runt about power of Israel and nuking Russians and China !
That is the truth and let God punishes me and everybody I love dies in suffering including me if I am liar now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No you are. I stated facts. And you want to throw Russia and China under the bus. For what…? To destroy a puny lil country with 8million, you would sacrafice both of them and more.
What filthy Jewish son of whore LIAR you are !
You filthy Jewish PIG !
Projecting much Shlomo…? Try to slurp some matzoball soup…;) You should be up and running in no time…
Send greetings to Bibi and your local hasbarat cyberwarfare unit. Managed to trick me for a while…. Doesnt happen often.
At this point I start to think you are a very talented hasbarat trolling. If thats the case +25 Shekels Shlomo… Dont spend it all at once…
Ha ha ha ! BRAVO ! So you were nuking Moscow and Beijing for no reason by “mighty” Israeli nukes yesterday and now you even accuse me of being filthy Jew like you?! Nice!!
YOU HAVE SAID that you have JEWISH BLOOD to your brother Iron Zion and nobody have even asked you that!!! You were threatening Jewish destruction to Russia and China and anybody else who might think of challenging Israel!
You pathetic imitation of human being !
You are the one who wants to get nuke them. Im against it. Nice try Shlomo…
How is the weather in Tel Aviv by the way?
Putins mother is russian orthodox,of course soros/satan will lie,putin is the thorough bred,explains alot unlike incest spawned facist commy/ccp/cccp haters, whom side with the cia narratives,wekk the shames on them vexateds not truth!
Any credible source to confirm that? Knowing how much paid liars and propaganda exist on internet I am not sure any longer about anything unless I have multiple sources
The guy is a moron, I figured that out early on. Perhaps on drugs :) Ignore.
filthy low paid big-mouthed agent most probably Shia Pakistani or Iranian and hater of Russians
Sorry chump, none of the above, don’t hate Russians at all, lived with one for years. However, no fan of the corrupt midget Putin, who is very unpopular in Russia too..
You filthy liar you think I can’t read? I have seen quite few of your bigoted anti Russian comments! You can pretend all you want You have yesterday UP- VOTED 100% pro Israeli comment made by half Jew Lone Ranger that Iron-Zion has up-voted also!
I upvote most people as I encourage dialog and discussion, even you perhaps. There is nothing wrong in being a Jew or anything Muslim, Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, Taoist etc, the only problem I have is with arrogant hubris filled Zionist parasites and Americunts who want to rule the world.
Preaching “brotherhood of men” with Jwes also while you have spent 80% of your time spitting poison on Jews (your moniker)
“encourage dialog and discussion”yet you posture as anti Jew savege of worst kind
So you “encourage dialog and discussion” in 100% pro Israel post? Ha ha ha ha nice!
Bravo Shia agent you have promotion! Or this is now Jewish kind of tactics? You can convert to Judaism I don’t care! Not my problem!
I would NEVER turn my back to the traitorous guy like you. I am sure you stab people in the back only…
LOL, this is an internet forum you IDIOT ROFLMAO.
yes I ,am an idiot for sure because I take that people must have minimum dignity and principals.. while you are double faced liar and poser at the best or back stabbing poison packed traitorous S.O.B that kills people with smile on your face
It called being polite and mature. Anger is only good for kids or drug addicts on meth. I try to remain objective and post views based on experience. It has nothing to do with religions or race. The Zionists are a cancer for the region and the world in general and I will oppose injustice as long as I live. Kapish bambini!
You are low life of the worst kind
And you have up-voted ZIONIST Lone (Jew) Ranger in his 100% pro Israel comment together with Iron-ZION. That’s enough for me to know who you are !
All may seem good,but your the one applauds 7ft hermins not tough blokes, by the way the most succesfull gladiator stood 1.63cm tall,in the end much taller! How is it not once you accused george soros?Only cia/soros trolls blames Putin:
Orthodoxy putin,which makes him bigger than you (period) snap both ye wrists! You name just one leader better than putin,keeps the peace,go on then!
Thought not,by the way did a smaller bloke smash the fk outta you at school? (severe size complex fear disorder=wankers) cia/soros trolls like manner since when 170 cm is a midget,cia wanker! try 4 ft 11 hitler/kissinger/napoleon fknuts!
The fact remains 78% voted to keep putin in power(period)unpopular?you lied! Enjoy the fruits of accusation,you may know more than most,but not the truth!!
Lone Ranger <> • 4 hours ago It will be a better world dont worry. Aside from that… Who said Im an American. Im not. Im Hungarian. Im also part jewish.
Your point? It was a response of the fall of the U.S. Empire.
No I did not. You are lying again lil hasbarat….
Did I earn enough Shekels for you today…? Are your superiors happy?:)
I know what did you say and you know that also and God knows also! Rot in hell you kosher pig! LIAR !
Dont be so hard on yourself Shlomo. Its not worth it…
Next time dont wish harm in Russia and China. Filthy hasbarat.
I would brake you in half filthy Hungarian Jewish pig Than why would I touch such peace of shit like you? You are the worst kind of human being
Projecting much Shlomo? You couldnt break your kosher Pretzel in half, beta soyboy :)
Are you hasbarats that angry that not everybody is a ziorat like you…,? Cute…
You human lowest peace of filth
nothing coming from scumbag like you can possibly insult me!
It is obvious why NAZI’s wanted to exterminate Jews like you! i understand them now!
You sound pretty insulted to me Shlomo…:) Time to take your xanax and zoloft… You dont want any flashbacks do you lol… You only prove ziorats supported the nazis in WWII. Tell me something new Shlomo…
Lone Ranger HiaNd • 15 hours ago
Israel is not only threatening Russia and China by the way. Their Samson option is targeting every major city on the northern hemispehere. Their policy is “if we go under, you come with us”, not my words, theirs…
Share › Plus that 500 state of the art ICBMs Jericho IV’s, guarding peace.
True. Indeed. It seems you lil Hasbarats gif angry for exposing your military doctrine… Oy oy…
So I didn’t delete my post…? I thought you said I did… Anymore lies Trollstoy…?
YOU DID DELETE ALL THE POSTS RELATED TO YOUR NUKING OF MOSCOW and BEIJING with “state of the art Jericho VI” (your own words)!!! I just am trying to pick up left overs of the conversation that are not deleted by YOU to make what was your JEWISH RUNT about nuking Russia and China all about!
They arent deleted Trollstoy. And you are the one who would like to throw Russia and China under the bus… But thank you for proving me you are an undervocer Hasbarat. Good to know.. Should have known it, with that soyboy betamale pic…
Lone Ranger <> • It will be a better world dont worry. Aside from that… Who said Im an American. Im not. Im Hungarian. Im also part jewish.
I see you lil hasbarat got triggered…:)
Sorry for exposing your Samson Option… Didn’t know you guys at Tel Aviv were that triggered by it :)
Lone Ranger <> It will be a better world dont worry. Aside from that…. Who said Im an American. I’m not. I’m Hungarian. Im also part jewish.
Stil triggered Shlomo…? Oy oy…:)
Lone Ranger<> • It will be a better world dont worry. Aside from that….. Who said Im an American. Im not. Im Hungarian. Im also part jewish.
Isnt that spamming? Oy oy…
Keep spamming please…:) Triggered Hasbarats…lol
Lone Ranger It will be a better world dont worry. Aside from that… Who said Im an American. Im not. Im Hungarian. Im also part jewish.
You can’t DELETE at least this now you FILTHY JEWISH SON of WHORE !!!
I dont want to delete it Shlomo. Keep crying ziorat :)
You did already DELETING you rotten HALF a JEW ! You are even frustrated for not being true Jew like your bellowed “Iron -ZION” I suppose you slimy peace of vomit !
You are delusional Shlomo ;) Don’t forget to slurp your matzo ball soup before it gets cold… Oy oy…
jew p i g
Don’t be so hard to yourself. It’s not worth it…
You know the pretenders are lying. Hezbollah knows the pretenders are lying. Still, that Israel humiliating itself in this way shows the level of fear Hezbollah instills in the pretenders soulless being. Quite pleasing.
I would not trust what the Zionists are saying. I would keep my guard up But that said this is an interesting back down.
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a8ddf893025135137a3852293959d97c577c2a0f1435b584e7c4d5c351d13979.jpg Hezbollah is always on guard and that is why it is a legend that scares the shit out of the Zionist cowardly cunts.
Is a very good mode……….in real size.
Hezbollah are masters of decoy and camouflage,and that is why they are so successful that they have literally freaked out the Zionist cowards.
After handing them a whuppin’…
Hezbollah, the Party of God, literally put the fear of God into the Zionist child killers.
Whichever way the future wind blows in the Levant, all options and wild cards will lead to the liberation of Palestine. This we can be certain of: the death of Israel. Death at the heels of the fall of the American Empire.
The world will be forever changed with the coming momentous victory for the Axis of Resistance. And the countdown to victory begins
Just as likely it will be a whimper. But yes, liberating Palestine is way overdue. I’ve been following Hezbollah since the Syrian thing started more closely. Like Nasrallah, good leader. Actually all the leaders involved this are the best there is. Rouhani in Iran, the “religious fanatics” that are logical, rational, objective, reasonable, and intelligent independent thinkers. Assad, same way with less religious…something.. Putin…Putin’s the same, except a badass. The West are the zealots, arrogant sociopaths, and lunatics. US Government in particular. It doesn’t represent US citizens, not even the brainwashed sheeples, for the most part. The West has no leader I’d follow. I can say it’s embarrassing as Hell to be a US citizen today.
Hezbollah shoild tell this zionist scum they should announce in all the world media. then only Hezbollah will accept mercy. like this also hezbollah can increasse its force in damascus and near golan hieght. bcuz israel will think 1000times to attach this area. But still revenge still not enough.
Just the loss of one Hezbollah fighter made the Zionist quiver, they won’t be doing much now.
For a minute. The pretenders are up to something. This is deception.
Israel is bully that has lost its stand-over thug protector, the US, so now it can either start a suicidal sapping war or just shut-up and backtrack. Which it has done, since the cost of a conflict will be too high to bear as its cities will be destroyed and most of its dual passport population will flee.
The mighty mouse quickly scurried away at the sight of the ghosts of Hezbollah.
Huahuahuahuahuahua, i told you guys, LITTLE zion is under a rock spamming bullshit inside a bunker huahuahuhahuaaaaaa!
He/she is a very disturbed child. Makes up incredible blood curdling psychopathic invective. I am really a psychiatrist and find his posts quite alarming and fear for his adulthood.
Grandmothers basement.
Let no one believe this face-saving lie. Logic rejects this message completely. Hezbollah wants to de-escalate without losing face as it promised to avenge the death of its fighter. This is an attempt to hide the fact that Hezbollah, and by extension Iran, is chickening out of the fight. An escalation between Hezbollah and Israel that results from Hezbollah’s retaliation will be a God-gift for Donald Trump in the coming election. Expect Israel to rebuff this claim. And don’t expect any retaliation from Hezbollah.
Another one of hasbara with a new memo.
It has been a humiliating Zionist climb down so their hasbara spinners are in a daze.
So Hezbollah somehow managed to trick the pretenders pretenders into making this statement then ? Idiot.
We’ll soon know
No. Hezbollah has decided to stand down. It won’t execute the retaliation threat. But it wanted a face-saving lie to feed it gluttonous supporters. So it came up with this sugar-coated story for people like you. A Hezbollah retaliation that kills an Israeli soldier is highly like to start a war. Netanyahu will escalate in order to help Trump’s reelection campaign as America will likely get involved should Iran and other Shiite militias converge on Israel whether overtly or covertly.
The Zionist are simply lying, they are pathological lairs with a short memory such that they can’t remember the last lie they told. I am convinced they are planning to attack Syria again and will continue to try to sabotage Hezbollah and Iran. Violence and treachery is in the DNA of their state.
The whole Jew narrative from being “chosen” etc is all lies anyway and the Zionists through the dumbass Americunts and Hollywood made it into an artform and now all is unraveling. This is just the beginning.
Yeah sure their bombs will only kill those who don’t have a Lebanese accent.. Militia members from Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan should work on their Lebanese accent ASAP.
There is no Lebanese accent you stupid ignorant PUNK, Syria and Lebanon were one country until Sykes-Picot. Lebanon had traditionally been seen by Syria as part of Greater Syria: under the Ottoman Empire, Lebanon and Syria were included within one administrative entity. Syria officially recognized Lebanon’s sovereignty in 2008.
As usual you do not know what you are talking about.
You are not too well informed. Read up on Lebanon and Syria. They both have large Armenian communities too for centuries and the genocide by Turks increased the numbers. Syrian troops controlled Lebanon until 2005. Same people same accent, same language, same history and same future.
You are wrong. People from different parts of Lebanon also have a slightly different accent. Villagers and townspeople also pronounce different words differently. etc. Not everything can be read online.
You have great pretense of knowledge.
He is an idiot and totally clueless and dumb too as he argues his ignorance to get attention. First sign of a moron :)
“in amerika the danger had been that everybody would be slaves; now the danger is that everybody will become robots”. Erich Fromm “the amerikan ideal is that everybody should be the same”. James Baldwin u have achieved this ideal
Which part is wrong? The historical part? Or the legal one? Specify.
The subject of the Lebanese accent.
I do not speak Arabic but I am told that the language is quite different in different Arab nations—from Morocco, Yemen, Egypt, etc
Indeed, Egyptian and Maghreb Arabic is slightly different like Mexican Spanish and Spanish. Egyptian Arabic, locally known as Colloquial Egyptian, or simply Masri, is the spoken vernacular Arabic dialect of Egypt. Egyptian is a dialect of the Arabic language which is a Semitic branch of the Afro-Asiatic language family. It originated in the Nile Delta in Lower Egypt. However, the idiot did not know that Syrian and Lebanese Arabic dates back to Phoenician era. There are rural dialects and phrases but it is the same. Syria and Iraq are the cradle of Arab civilization. Damascus is one the oldest cities in the world and heir to many dynasties.
Mesopotamia and Levant (Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine) Ayyubid dynasty (1171–1260, based in Damascus and Aleppo) Umayyad caliphate (661–750, based in Damascus) Abbasid caliphate (750–1258, based in Baghdad) Zengid dynasty (1127–1250, based in Aleppo) Burid dynasty (1104–1154) Hamdanid dynasty (890–1004, based in Aleppo) Uqaylid dynasty (990–1096; Syria, Iraq) Bani Assad (990–1081, Iraq) Numayrid (990–1081; Syria, Turkey) Marwanid (983–1085; Syria, Turkey, Armenia, Iraq) Mirdasid dynasty (1024–1080, Syria) Artuqids (1101–1409; Syria, Turkey, Iraq) Baban (1649–1851, Iraq) Soran (1816–1835, Iraq) Emirate of Hakkari (1380s–1845; Turkey, Syria) Bahdinan (1339–1843, Iraq) Bohtan (1330–1855) Principality of Bitlis (1182–1847) Hadhabani (906–1070) Mukriyan (1050–1500) Qarghuyah, Emirate of Aleppo (969–977) Nizari Ismaili state (1090–1256; Iraq, Iran, Syria) Emirate of Aleppo, Lulu’ dynasty (1004–1016) Assaf dynasty (1306–1591, Lebanon) Mamluk dynasty of Iraq (1734–1831) Emirate of Mosul (905–1096, 1127–1222, 1254–1383, 1758–1918) Emirate of Transjordan (1921–1946; Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Iraq) Arab Kingdom of Syria (1920) Kingdom of Iraq (1921–1958)
Iron zion where are you? ??
Hiding under the bed, Hezbollah is coming. ROFLMAO.
Fag-Zion……or Pussy-Zion are better…….
I wrote my comment above, it’s all I can say to all of you and this nonesense.
So, let me get this straight ….. a couple days after it looks like Israel may have bombarded their own troops at the border with lebanon, they are coming out again for more propaganda moves? One, I would not trust Israel, run by BN for any reason, they just don´t keep their word. Second, these guys are obviously extremely afraid of what will happen, when Hez does retaliate. The economy in northern Israel is pratically on lockdown over this. They just need to suck it up, shut the mouth and don´t do it anymore; that´s all. My take.
“these guys are obviously extremely afraid of what will happen, when Hez does retaliate.” – What can Hezbollah do? Why this time Hezbollah will react differently than before? Remember that in the past Hezbollah / Iran didn’t respond at all or reacted in a very minor way. You guys are confusing reality with what you want. And are willing to believe any nonsense that matches your desires.
“What can Hezbollah do” ? Hmm… I don’t know….maybe stomp the shit out of the pretenders. Again. I fear it is you that has confused reality, and believe your own nonsense. See US is not the only country with a massive drug problem. As some have claimed.
go back to sleep
it is reported that since the Hizbollah defeat of Israel in 2006 they have improved dramatically in military capacities, advanced missiles etc.
Indeed, Hezbollah is better armed and more battle tested than most NATO armies.
The Iran allied legendary Lebanese resistance organization Hezbollah is “now more militarily powerful than most North Atlantic Treaty Organization members,” a former
CIA director wrote in an op-ed published Monday in The Wall Street Journal. Hezbollah is now “10 times as strong now as it was in 2006, and its military infrastructure permeates Lebanon,” John Brennen observed.
Hezbollah has thoroughly rearmed with Iranian and Russian assistance, acquiring an estimated 200,000 missiles — more than the combined arsenals of 27 NATO nations — with precision weapons and a range capable of striking “anywhere in Israel” and the ability to “launch 2,000 of them a day,”
Lebanon’s population and president Michael Aoun have also “embraced” Hezbollah’s arsenal as “a principal element of Lebanon’s defense.”
So true hahahahhaha
Bingo. They are geometrically better prepared ……….. and this is not a secret either.
So you keep writing nonsense? You should judge things by deeds and not by rumors and fake news.
Bravado such as yours is intended to stem the tide of emigration from the entity. Promising not to “target” is meaningless, especially when combined with a threat intended more to reassure settlers than to intimidate Hezb. The fellow killed was not “targeted” to begin with, so the entity must simply stop bombing or attacking anywhere within Syria. When Hezb retaliates, the entity will not escalate because they know a full-blown conflict will be the end of the settler entity.
hahaha only one hasbara troll on duty messing up the discussion, HiaND, maybe Iron Zion new log in after embarassment. As soon as I mentioned Iron Zion, he switched to his old log in and NiaND is gone.
Jut take some IDF bastard out and call it quits.
Now all Hezbollah has to do is have at least a few of their personel on each of the iranian bases inside Syria. Since Tel Aviv wil refrain from attacking anay Hezbollah personel they wil be forced to refrain from attacking iranian bases inside Syria too…hahahahaha!
Actually, we also cant be sure that Hezbollah originally suffered a casualty. lol For all we know, it was their way of getting into the conflict since the Syrian-Iran military agreement. Or a reminder that the Lebanese border is going to be another front.
Hezbollah has already done that a few months ago, most of the bases in SW Syria where the Iranian / Syrian army worked together were handed over to Hezbollah, So nearly every SAA base in SW Syria have Hezbollah fighters in order to stop the zionists from attacking it, so am pretty sure Hezbollah has already prepared for such a scenario.
So, after 200 strikes/year in Syria during 5 years, killing Russian senior personnel, generals, first aids, Iranians and hezbollah members in support of ISIS, Israel will now stop targeting Hezbollah members??? I think we can assume US will take over the role yes? Shifting hats again.
an idiot amerikan durak “amerikans live in a thicket of illusions; amerikans demand illusions about themselves”. Daniel Boorstin your insecure feminized CIA propaganda is tiresome
US/Israel claims that attacking sand dunes conflates to defense….farcical
Zionists are dead scared, they never did something like this. I wonder where is Iron Zion now? Getting ready his war tactics. I have never seen something like this before, it must be something hidden behind this.
Sowwy benjey!! woof woof.. juv wil pay, only get free ride from amerikans..
Sunni and Shia MUST unite against IsraHell to destroy it !!!
Pondering to Iranian mullahs ambitions is directly opposite to interests of Islam and Muslims in general! It is as bad as false Zionist “jihad” of Sunni’s totally manipulated by CIA and Israeli Mossad !!!
Muslims are totally manipulated and humiliated! Wake up for fuck sake and look around you ! There are 2 billions of Muslims while tiny IsraHell is on STOLEN MUSLIM LAND KILLING MUSLIMS ! How can you permit that? Don’t you have any dignity left? Wahhabism is Jewish creation ! Everything that divides Muslims is either created or supported by non-Muslims ! Unite and destroy that terrorist country Israel! Only united you win because you are the greatest power on this planet you idiots!!! terrorist Jews control whole planet because we all act like sheep! That must stop now !
And I am Christian.
Israel lies. They think all Goyim are stupid. Hezbollah will retaliate in an appropriate opportunity. That omelette is not returning to the egg. Shalom.
Arab logic at its best. Shalom.
I’ll just sum it up in one sentence – “The Palestinian al-Hadath newspaper reported on August 1, citing Israeli media reports”.
A pali newspaper “citing” unidentified source, more propaganda please. There is nothing like that on our media, not from the military spokesman nor any other political party member. We WILL target them in Syria, wherever they pose a threat and work with their Iranian masters. So don’t be fooled by some fake news article, I expect you to be better than this SF.
hahaha you are back, how embarrassing, where is your unit? bags packed, ready to roll into Tehran?
Lone(Jew)Ranger talking to his Zionist friend “Iron-Zion”
Lone Ranger <<Iron_Zion>> • It will be a better world dont worry. Aside from that… Who said Im an American. Im not. Im Hungarian. Im also part jewish.
part salty & part rected is what you are xD
Qual è il tuo problema?
Ti stavo parlando, forse?
testa di cazzzo
It will be hard for both the pawn told to advance halfway on the board, and the knight told to lay in wait for the pawn or to attack some castles. lol