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Israel Informed Palestinian Authority That It Will Not Annex Jordan Valley – Report

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Israel has informed the Palestinian Authority, headed by Mahmoud Abbas, that the Jordan Valley will not be included in its plan to annex parts of the Western Bank, Israel’s N12  reported on June 26.

A senior Palestinian official told N12 that Abbas was informed in a message which was delivered to Jordan in a recent meeting between Mossad chief Yossi Cohen and King Abdullah II.

According to the Israeli outlet, the annexation plan will cover two or three settlements blocks. The settlements of Gush Etzion and the city of Ma’ale Adumim, which are located near Jerusalem, will likely be included.

Israel Informed Palestinian Authority That It Will Not Annex Jordan Valley – Report

Click to see full-size map.

The Israeli decision to exclude the Jordan Valley from the annexation plan may have been the result of pressure from the U.S.

A recent report by the London-based al-Hayat newspaper revealed that U.S. President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner had asked Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to suspend the annexation of the Western Bank.

Al-Hayat reported that Kushner is worried that the annexation may have a negative impact on Israel’s newly-founded ties with Arab Gulf states.

Netanyahu, who promised to annex parts of the Western Bank during his last election campaign, is likely planning to please both the U.S. and Arab Gulf states by excluding the Jordan Valley from the annexation.


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It’s not an official statement, I didn’t read anywhere that the U.S doesn’t allow us to annex it. I only saw there was a discussion in the White House and there was no final decision.


So don’t lie SF.


Will Bibi chicken out of his promise? If he does, he successfully made an idiot out of Gantz, not that I’m complaining!

Ooooh… the suspense! The price of this land theft is very high, but since his skin is on the line, I hope no price is too high for him.

S Melanson

See my reply to Iron Zion. In my opinion Israeli elite consensus coalesced into opposition of annexation and so they stepped in To put the boot on the collars.


If Bibi is gone then it’s the best thing that could happen for us, I’m with you on this one.


I hope he never goes away and his trials do not conclude either. I like him being the PM with a sword dangling over his head. He still owes me for that 11 votes I made for him.

Sadly, seems Trump is a goner. daym!

Zionism = EVIL

You are a serious fuckwit PUNK lol

S Melanson

See my reply to Iron Zion


You are a sensible commenter, which is a strength. I must admit, when “israel” is concerned and I am faced with the depraved zioracists, I cannot hold my tongue. That is why I will never be able to persuade any of them, but at least I get a tiny bit of satisfaction of telling them exactly what I think of their racist enterprise that I hate with such a passion.

In any case, my compliments for your polite, well-balanced comments.

S Melanson

Thank you. I wrote a reply to Iron Zion’s reply to me – it may interest you.

To make persuasive arguments I have to understand the motivation, history and mindset of the differing sides. It takes effort, a lot of effort and reflection but when I comment, it shows my brains are loaded before I shoot off my mouth. I have been critical of Palestinians and upfront about it, but I still can engage respectfully, and Israelis have reciprocated.

Peace be with you. Cheers.


I fully agree with your statement about yourself, and I salute you for it, it makes you a much better debater than me.

It is only by remaining calm, getting all the facts out and presenting them in a coherent, well-thought-out fashion that one can engage in a real debate.

I am far too emotional and cannot stand the dishonesty displayed by zioracists (excuse the term but it is the least abusive I can think of, considering the other terms I used in the past).

I also get pretty annoyed by the lies and gratuitous bashing of China, Russia, Iran, Venezuela, Julian Assange, and any other country/person refusing to bend to U.S. diktat. I do at times manage to show a bit more equanimity in those circumstances.

Enough of this self-disclosure. Keep up the good work !

S Melanson

How you say what you say reveals a natural eloquence that would make you a formidable debater, better than me I think, if you put your mind to it. I really hope you do because balanced eloquent voices are what this world needs. Remember, words have power, power to change the world.


Thank you for your kind words. I have tried, but with these words I’ll try even harder.


No need to dish out compliments ;-)

S Melanson

Iron Zion, The Times of Israel has confirmed this. This decision was made at very high levels for reasons I pointed out in an earlier reply to you. What was driving annexation was suspect with inadequate debate on the very considerable downside risk to Israeli security. My response to you was also aimed at senior decision makers to not be drawn in by the seductive wrappings of annexation package. A long hard look was needed beyond the pretty window dressing. Many others sent similar warnings.

So they took a hard look at the reality of annexation stripped of personal conflicts of interest to focus on real implications for Israeli security interests- as it should be. Clearly they did not side with Netanyahu as they understood the long term damage to Israel’s security interests and security has primacy in foreign policy policies and actions. I discuss below briefly what I mean by long term damage that was missing from debate and so under appreciated due in part to Netanyahu’s near total focus on achieving security objectives by military means.

Israeli policy is not to improve security by military means only – but acting as if it does, you undermine the existing peace treaties which plays into the hands of Israel’s enemies and each provocative act will weaken till one day resolve to uphold peace with Israel will break and it will be like Humpty Dumpty. Suddenly, diplomatic Channels and non-military options for resolving outstanding Israeli security issues will be drastically attenuated.

Closing off any options to achieve security goals undermines Israel’s long term security.


Thank you for the comment Melanson. I know that it won’t be good for our security if we annex it, but eventually it will be under our control even under a peace deal because we won’t give up on the border with Jordan. Bibi might have backed down now (like he always does), but Gantz said the same thing regarding the Jordan Vallley. The difference is, Gantz wants ti to be done in a deal, but the PLO still refuses to negotiations so it’s a dead end.

S Melanson

I think what you said is understood by many Seasoned diplomats. The same can be said for the Golan heights. But people in general have little understanding of how we got here and why Israel does what it does. If people made the effort to understand the history, they would understand history as it is in the making and where it is taking us.

Going back to 1947 we can understand how we got to today. What Israel does and her policy positions should be a mystery to no one if you take the time to know what happened.

To begin with, the UN special committee UNSCOP was mandated to prepare a report on Palestine and resolving status of Palestinians and Jews, given ending of the British Mandate. The Committee membership notably lacked experience with or knowledge of the subject matter they were to report on. They also were given an extraordinarily short window of time to conduct there work despite the steep learning curve too bring committee members up to speed – the whole process was basically a summer project, although it would have far reaching consequences.

With a near impossible timetable and a naive membership, it should be no surprise the Report with its majority recommendation for partition would prove disastrous, a casus belli for continuous strife and conflict in the region. Below are several key points crucial to understanding the problem.

1) The Arab nations did not recognize the legitimacy of the UN committee (which had no Arab representation) as it had no right to partition Palestine – in fact the UN committee’s mandate violated the UN Charter regarding principles of National Determination.

2) The Jewish homeland was explicitly referred to as the Jewish State by UNSCOP yet the proposed partition had a large Arab population within the boundaries of the Jewish state revealing the Committee’s utter lack of understanding of the aims of political Zionism to create a Jewish Nation state. If the committee had any clue they would have recognized such a plan would precipitate mass expulsion of Palestinians, which it did, and Ben-Gurion warned as much only days after the vote for Partition:

…the total population of the Jewish State at the time of its establishment will be about one million, including almost 40% non-Jews. Such a [population] composition does not provide a stable basis for a Jewish State. This [demographic] fact must be viewed in all its clarity and acuteness. With such a [population] composition, there cannot even be absolute certainty that control will remain in the hands of the Jewish majority… There can be no stable and strong Jewish state so long as it has a Jewish majority of only 60%

I point out that Part of UNSCOP’s mandate was to ensure any partition would ensure a viable Jewish State. This has far reaching implications because the committee and by extension the UN, failed to deliver on this mandate on multiple levels.

First, a viable Jewish State as conceptualized in Zionism must have a strong Jewish majority.

Swift Laggard II

to talk of strategic depth in a geographic sense as a key component of a credible security concept in a world where missile powers abound is nonzense. israel is a colonio settler project with razist rationalizations far removed from your benign philosophical musings. there is nothing being done now which hittla and his gang did not seek to do in eastern europe with the very same rationalization for land thefts couched in the need for security and living space. and like all colonial projects it is doomed to failure just like apartheid south africa

S Melanson

You are absolutely correct and if you take the time to read my history of comments You will find I point this out and a very recent comment I say the doctrine is rigid and myopic as it fails to address the new reality that the doctrine is obsolete. I have told this to Iron Zion many times, including the Missile forces arrayed against them and obsolescence is implied when I say there are other ways forward. But realize the doctrine is so embedded in their world view that they are struggling to change – it is a worldview rigidly adhered to with only a few exceptions for seventy years.

This is not a uniquely Israeli phenomenon. The US is struggling to accept it has lost hegemonic power as it orders countries around even after they clearly no longer were listening. Movies like Whatever happened to Baby Jane and Sunset Boulevard are about not accepting your days of fame are behind you with destructive results. And my point, the sooner Israeli leaders accept the new reality, the better. I think this is happening.

Please take the time to read my comments on this topic and get back to me. As for philosophical musings, you will find many comments like that. But the comment you are replying to is factual argument based on a historical record. If I wanted to be philosophical, I would have framed my discussion in International Relations Theory, specifically the offensive branch of Realist foreign policy which guides Israeli policy.

Pointing out the new missile reality is actually quite helpful as offensive branch assumes retaliation is limited – this may have been the case decades ago but is clearly not the case now. Israeli involvement in Syria is classic offensive branch to weaken neighbors but it is going to blow up in their faces so the offensive branch approach has to be discarded yet they are still clinging to the philosophy of harming your neighbors improves ones security. Well today’s reality more like, let’s whack that hornets nest.


I agree Melanson, we can not give up on the Golan for the natural defense it gives us, the Litani river was also a good point but we knew we couldn’t stay there forever. I think a conflict will happen eventually for the pure reason that organizations are not states and they don’t respect agreements with us.


The Golan Heights were stolen, they are still Syrian property, the illegal annexation notwithstanding. Moreover, there is no security need, there is no country that threatens “israel”, “israel” invents those threats to “justify” its militaristic imperialism.


Funny, the last time I remember it was Syria that attacked us in 1973, not the other way around. They lost, and the Golan is ours.

Swift Laggard II


this is your future


In 1973 Syria only came to reclaim what had been stolen from them: the Golan Heights. And they are still entitled to them.

Funny how you people always twist things 180°, although it is obvious why: you have no basis for any of your reprehensible activities, so you can only resort to lies.


Which lies? i just stated a fact. Ask the Druze they would tell you who they prefer, trust me it’s not Assad or Syria.


Who on earth are you that I should trust you? You keep spreading lies and whitewashing the zioracist entity’s war crimes and crimes against humanity.

What the Druze think is irrelevant to the war. Syria attacked to get its stolen property back, that’s all there is to it. It was not after “israel”, it was after the Golan Heights, irrespective of what the Druze think.

Traiano Welcome

You liar.

The Druze were protesting on the Golan that they reject Zionist colonial occupation and support Syria. It was in the news for months, you illiterate fool.

Traiano Welcome

Syria attacked with good reason. Attacking thieves is not a crime.


Stop spamming me please.

Traiano Welcome

Stop Lying. Or beg harder.

Concrete Mike

I find it hard to conceive, this notion of Israeli security.

When one treats the palestinians with such open contempt, treated like cattle basically, but we must focus on Israeli security?

Israel will never be safe until they accept the palestinians as their brothers and sisters. Until Israeli and Palestinians are treated equally, israeli security is the least of my concerns.

In fact pandering to “israeli security” makes things worst, and in fact reinforces military solutions to political problems.

I think we should start calling it israel insecurity. It would be a much more accurate terminology.

S Melanson

What you find hard to conceive is part of the problem. I agree about Israeli insecurity – where does it come from? Read my reply to iron Zion reply to me. You will see my point – I am recognizing the motivation for security driven policy. It cannot be made worse since it is primacy already. In fact I have criticized the security doctrine as to rigid and myopic. But my opinion will not be respected if I show no understanding of the motivation and rationale for what they do.


Keep your head stuck in the sand, it’s much more comfortable than the truth about that stinking zioracist garbage dump that is a cancerous boil on the face of the earth.


Who is that ugly face on your prifile picture? I thought it was an ape.


Biology was obviously not your strongest subject, to put it mildly. But then apes always see apes in all human beings.


well, he was kind of an ape wasn’t he? i mean look at him for God’s sake.


To a man with a hammer every problem looks like a nail. To an ape every human being looks like an ape.

And even if he did look like one in your ape’s eyes, the fact is that “israel” was scared out of its wits of him, hence it had him assassinated. That’s the only language it knows: violence. There will be violence as long as “israel” exists in its present form.


So maybe the Iranian soldiers need to pack their bags and leave Syria instead of trying to pick a fight with us, which they would clearly lose next to our border.


They have not picked a fight with anybody else than ISIS. OTOH, “us” has bombed Iranian positions in Syria for no reason whatsoever, and has been supporting ISIS.

So, what are you actually talking about? Which fight has Iran picked with “us”?


Don’t be naive, we all know they are in Syria for their own private war against Israel. They don’t care about Syria just like they don’t care about Lebanon or Iraq, for them it’s just another proxy war in the ME to arm their puppets. Anyway, we are ready to confront them like we did vs Hezbollah and Hamas, we might get hit hard but for them it will be over.

Swift Laggard II


this is your future

Traiano Welcome

And rightly so, since Israel needs to be opposed and defeated.

It is an evil cancer on the face of the middle east. All the best to the Iranian heroes who fight the evil called Israel.


Then don’t complain we kill them, idiot.

Traiano Welcome

Fool. What are you even saying? You post only B.S all day long.


Iran has not attacked nor threatened any country in the last 300 years!!! Iran has been threatened and attacked: the 1980-88 war was at the behest of the U.S., “israel’s” trans-Atlantic poodle.

Thanks to “israel” and its rabid ziofacist supporters in Congress that Iran is suffering sanction that are based on Netanyahu’s lies about Iran’s nuclear weapons. Oh, the irony, the zioracist entity itself has nuclear weapons and lately Netanyahu has been threatening Iran with them.

Traiano Welcome

Maybe the european colonists acting like fake hebrews need to pack their matzo balls and run along back to Europe and Russia where they originate from and leave Palestine to their rightful owners?

Traiano Welcome

You’re a kind of ape, don’t you know ?

Traiano Welcome

That was a hero braver than anything the shitty IDF has ever had in it’s ranks. He did more good than any zionist has in a century of occupying Palestine.

Kenny Jones ™

Guess we’ll see on July 1st, agree on that?


We won’t, Bibi the backstabber betrayed Israelis again. I wish our enemies would have him as a punishment.

Kenny Jones ™

Damn I had something to wait for in a few days, now it will be postponed to after the re-re-re-re-election, somewhere in fall probably..

Traiano Welcome

It is an official statement. It was made and discussed by officials. Doesn’t matter if the final decision has not been made, official discussions are official statements. They reflect the future intentions of governments or they options governments *believe* they have available to them …

Assad must stay

this country needs to go back to 1967 borders and stop stealing other peoples lands

Zionism = EVIL

Zionist perverts are it again:

UN chief ‘shocked and disturbed’ by video of car sex act in Israel

Assad must stay

Hahaha truly sick!

Kenny Jones ™

I’d prefer pre-1948 borders

Assad must stay

Same lol


I’d prefer no Arabs at all, but it’s not realistic too.


shoudnt you be back in Poland with your kind?

Kenny Jones ™

How about Arabs and Jews, as perfectly fine before 1948, peacefully together, call it what you want, holy land is the term I prefer

Swift Laggard II

how can a land where murder killing torture oppression land theft corruption sodomi are common – how can such a land be holy?

Kenny Jones ™

Well it was perfect before 1948 when zionism brought the curse upon the land


They can do it even now, not our fault they want entire Israel.

Traiano Welcome

They deserve the entire Israel, it belongs to them.

Kenny Jones ™

No you don’t understand, it won’t be called israel anymore, it’s just secular land for all 3 abrahamic religions, different flag too

Traiano Welcome

The jews you are referring to were Palestinians, real semites, extinct now. The Jews this guy is referring to are Slavs and Yiddish speaking europeans used as foot soldiers by the British Empire to occupy Arab lands.

Kenny Jones ™

And ethiopian black jews, so cringe that these degenerate creatures come to the holy land

Traiano Welcome

The Ethiopian Jew is an invention of the the early Zionist occupiers of Palestine. They are actually a Christian off shoot who were somehow deluded into thinking they are one of the lost tribes of Judah. The Zionists needed cheap labour and numbers to buffer their claim to Israel, so they shipped in large numbers of fake Jews. Of course, Euro-Slavic Israel is a fundamentally racist construct, so that is why they are now struggling with the concept of “Black Jews”.

Traiano Welcome

We’d prefer no European colonists passing off as fake Hebrews. We’d prefer every last one of you pissed of back to Europe and Russia where you come from.




I love this picture, but still too much green in it.


Spoken like the real Fascist Pigs you Subhuman racist ZioNAZI scum + phony/fake ‘Semites’ you are.


Off topic, but I like the slogan in your avatar.


I’ve heard worse than that, try harder.

Traiano Welcome

Truth hurts for you, doesn’t it?

Traiano Welcome

Soon the only yellow there will be Gaza strip, when the last remaining Slavo-European colonists are packed off to ships back to Slavo-Europea.

AM Hants

What is happening in Israel at the moment? Sputnik reporting something is going on. Wonder who has had enough?




Cry you loser.


Ouch, facts hurt, don’t they.

Kenny Jones ™

Lol what happened, all this deal of the century, in the end just for two settlements? Still, get ready for the third intifada, not one inch more shall be taken by the zionists


I know Kenny, but then again it’s Bibi so now you understand why I hate that man to the bone. He can not keep his own word, how can the public believe anything he says? we can’t. We wanted him out 1 year ago but he still managed to survive the Israeli politics because he bent the rules for his own favour, as long as that man in office you win Kenny. Israel shall never know a worst leader than that ugly creature, so good part is that we have no where to fall anymore and we can only rise after he’s gone.

Traiano Welcome

Nobody cares what you hate. You are part of the same colonial corpse that is rotting away as we speak.

Traiano Welcome

You will be the loser soon, you should cry early because you will not be around later.


So scary man.

Traiano Welcome

Damn right.


There are probably few people who hate the zioracist garbage dump more than I do. Yet, I am disappointed it does not proceed with annexation, because it would have blown up in their face and be the end of that stinking cancerous boil.

Netanyahu and his ziofascist gang of thugs must have realised it; in fact, they probably knew it all along but had political objectives and just wanted to test the waters.


I must admit, our political leadership is a scared sheep that doesn’t let us IDF troops finish the job like we know to do. It’s a sad reality, the cowards hold the decisions, the lions wait for their meal.


The problem is that the IOF is made up of cowards who can only take on defenceless children. The last time they were faced with a real opponent, Hezbollah in 2006, they got such a whipping they had to beg for a truce.

You’re right the lions, Hezbollah, are waiting for their meal, the IOF “soldiers”.


Hezbollah are cowards, you will see them hiding again in civilian population rather than fight us face to face. I wish they did it, it would be so much easier for us to wipe them out, Hamas too.


The hiding among the civilian population is the age-old excuse “us” uses to bomb defenceless civilians and their infrastructure, whether in Lebanon or in Gaza.

But i Lebanon “us” nevertheless got whipped. So much for the “cowards”. It is clear that “us” as well as you have their knickers in a twist, or is it hasbara that is failing in its mission? In any case, an army that pretends to be the most moral one in the world and attacks defenceless citixzens, even children, can only be classified as cowards by anybody’s standard, except the cowards’ standard.

Sorry pal, you’ll need to go back to the drawing board.


It’s not our fault they use Lebanese as human shields, hence that is why even Lebanese hate them you can see it in the protests that are happening right now in Beirut. Regular Lebanese just want what regular Israelis want, a life without war. But if our enemies are challenging us and threaten us with rockets we won’t sit back and wait.

Swift Laggard II


solve this with your bravado

Traiano Welcome

There is no use of Lebanese as human shields by Hezbollah. Hezbollah are Lebanese- they are the people fighting back. When the IDF bombed civilians in Lebanon Hezbollah was not hiding behind civilians. Your shitty littly army bombed people sheltering in a UN mission, with no Hezbollah involved, so your Human Shield argument is another Zionist lie.


No, it’s not your fault, but what is your fault is the lies, and the bombing of defenceless civilians. And nobody has attacked “israel”, but “israel” is always the one that is attacking. That entity has been the cause of 95% of the death and destruction in the region ever since its illegal creation.


Yes, it’s always Israel. Not some Shia Islamic ideology to take over Jerusalem, right?

Traiano Welcome

Right. It is always the Zionists and their shitty ideology plus their wahabbi pals in Saudi Barbaria.


Exactly right. The so-called ideology does not exist, except in obsessed zioracists’ minds.

BTW, who gave “israel” the right to appropriate Jerusalem? It’s supposed to be international ground belonging to all 3 major monotheistic religions. So, why would a Shia take-over, if it existed, be worse than a Zionist take-over? Because the Zios are exceptional? Because they pretend to present world Jewry?

Who are you trying to kid here?


Because Jerusalem was is and will always be a Jewish city, putting a Mosque there doesn’t change it.


No, it is not a Jewish city, that’s pure hasbara nonsense. Had it been, it would have been designated as such. You guys keep flouting international law because you believe you’re exceptional and the law does not apply to.

Jerusalem is the city designated to ALL 3 monotheistic religions. There is no other legal interpretation. Period.

Traiano Welcome

That is not cowardice. That is incredible bravery.

– They face the supposed 4th most powerful army in the world with minimal funding and poor weapons. – They know very well the IOF kills women and children so even of they are ‘hiding among the population’ they know it’s not a defense. So you are lying. – They in fact do not hide among the population, they are the population of Lebanon. Hezbollah is of the people, for the people. People fighting an occupation force cannot hide among themselves. Same reason Hamas is not hiding behind the population of Gaza, they are of and from the population. – The IDF is in fact hiding among the colonial european population exported from Europe and dumped on Palestinian lands. Since every ‘civilian’ Israeli is essentially part of the IDF, no war crimes can be comitted by Hezbollah.


You write alot of BS, I give you that.

Traiano Welcome

Fact hurt don’t they?

Traiano Welcome

The annexation will surely take place.

These lying Zionists never tell the truth. They are only saying the Jordan Valley will be excluded (for now) What they mean is: “We will do phase 1 of the Annexation, which will exclude the Jordan Valley. Then we will do phase #2” That’s the way these Zionist cockroaches operate: Steal land bit by bit.


I agree about their incessant lies.

I am not so sure they will annex, for the simple reason that the Jews will then be a minority and the “country” will be exposed as an apartheid state, which the EU will have to face.

Some countries in the EU, e.g. Germany and Belgium, have already said sanctions would have to be imposed. Even in the U.S. people would not be happy, to put it mildly, and even some Jews there would not be happy.

Traiano Welcome

it puzzles me that only now would they accuse Israel of being an Apartheid state. It is obviously an Apartheid State as it stands, how much more evidence do they need? They keep a few pet Arabs around in their Knesset and treat them nicely – these are called ‘traitors’ in any other culture, then they claim the oppression of the other majority they keep in gulags does not represent Apartheid. The South Africans pulled the same stunt before their state crumbled, but nobody fell for it then. Nobody but dumb Americans and Brits will fall for it now.


it puzzles me that only now would they accuse Israel of being an Apartheid state.

It is not puzzling at all. “israel” and its zioracist supporters in Europe have a stranglehold on the EU, and esp. on Germany. The slightest criticism levelled against the zioracist entity is immediately labelled as anti-Jewish racism.

(Slight sidetrack: I refuse to use the misnomer anti-Semitism because 90%+ of Jews aren’t Semitic. They proudly appropriated the term to get special attention to racism against them and to extract fulfilment of their demands.)

So far the EU has been getting away with looking the other way, despite the fact that the UN published a report in March 2018 that unequivocally demonstrated that there is an apartheid system not only in the West Bank but also in “israel” itself. Unfortunately the U.S. and its master, “israel”, forced the UN to withdraw the report. The report was written by 2 world renowned authorities on apartheid: Richard Falk and Virginia Tilley. I am glad I managed to get a copy before it was withdrawn.

With annexation the EU will no longer be able to look the other way because that annexed land, with all its dual systems (roads, education, infrastructure, property, etc. ) will be part a country they will have official dealings with.

South Africa crumbled because the then BDS movement managed to pull in a lot of countries to support it. In “israel’s” case the U.S. is exerting enormous pressure inside its own territory and on other countries to not support it.

Swift Laggard II

what was supposed to be a light unto the nations has become a criminal thieving ghetto state


You can not steal something that is already yours.

Swift Laggard II

it is not yours. you are thieves devoid of any moral or ethical standing. a total disgrace to the call of the scriptures you purport to believe in, which enjoin truth, righteousness and holy living. but just like all colonial empires which thought themselves invincible, the long arc of history which bends towards justice will sift you like wheat as it has done to all colonial ventures


That’s not how I see it.

Swift Laggard II

Of course a thief, an evil man, will never see truth and knows nothing of righteousness nor justice or mercy or holy living. those are alien concepts to spiritual and moral dwarfs. the evil man exults in his unrighteous power and his ability to harm his neighbour. he prides himself in his mortal strength, forgetting that there is one, the Father of all spirits, who judges righteously and is no respecter of persons, who gave to all the gift of life, and has promised to repay every evil committed by man under the sun,and to recompense every evil man for the things he does in this life. You have been rebels against righteousness since God Almighty called Abraham from Haran to go to the land of Canaan, and up till today you have been stiff necked rebels against God, disobeying his commandments to live righteously and love your neighbour as you love yourself. All we see is the preening of human devilish pride, and the breaking of every bound, of hate and oppression and theft and killing and murder and torture and every evil you can do against a defenseless people. these are the things you pride yourself in. As surely as there is a Living God in heaven, the fruits of these things will be bitter. God commanded you; you shall not oppress the sojourner, for you were slaves in the land of Egypt. You have neither obeyed this commandment, nor do you care in your pride and arrogance.


Can you say those righteous stuff to your Islamic terrorist friends too when they come to kill innocent israelis in buses and restaurants? I’m sure they would listen.

Swift Laggard II


hate begets hate. this is your future, in the words of your own big men. As a Christian I know evil never ever pays. Terra has nothing to do with stealing Palestinian land, or oppressing the whole Palestinian nation. It is a rationalization from evil greedy hearts coveting their neighbours wife. Hittla used to give the same rationalizations for what he did to your people. The day Iran will xplod their first device, you will spend the whole day and night in your toilet, so quesy will your stomach be. You had a chance to be a light unto the nations, but evil was too sweet in your mouth to let go


Again with those “evil” things, live one month in Israel and you will understand this entire conflict. It’s easy to pass judgement far away, not so much when you live here.

Swift Laggard II

i don’t need to live in Israel – what for? I told you i know all about your people, and I have deeply studied the writings of Ben Gurion and many others of your people. Your colonial model cannot work in the modern world, neither can your fake bravado stop the world from moving on and reality from imposing itself.

You shout here every day about attacking this that and the other. I told you they neither fear you, nor care for your false bravado


this is your future. you have made your bed, and you will lie in it


Fine this is our future, then why do you care so much? let go and mind your own business.

Swift Laggard II

i laugh at the empty bravado and cheap threats you love throwing around in every conversation. i consider people who do that very very stuuupid. it shows they live in a world of delusions and fake useless bravado that masks great fear and consternation. people who speak like you are in fact hiding their fear by overcompensating with hyperbole. you have told us a thousand times how you will attack Iran and how they will never have nux. I and many have often told you that your world is fantasy – it existed up till the nineties, and evaporated when Hisbula kicked you out of Lebanon in 2000. Go ahead now and actualize your bravado. Go ahead and attack Iran as you have often sworn you childish fake and fuulish troll


I can only present to you what most Israelis think or feel about the situation, but I CAN NOT influence Bibi to do annexation or go into a war. If I had the power then sure..but I’m just a soldier. Bibi has proven many times his words have no connection to his actions, so it doesn’t surprise me. I take comfort in the fact that his days are numbered, a better leader will come and then it will be different, not just talkings. Meantime, please take my advive and mind your own business, we will go to a war when the time is right and we have a true patriotic leadership.

Swift Laggard II

nothing will be different, whether Bibi, Gantz, Lipkin Shahak, Lieberman, Lapid, etc. Nothing will change. What Israeli citizens feel or do not feel will change nothing: the centrifuges are spinning in Natanz even as we speak here, and they will continue spinning and no one will do anything about it, not even your vaunted Tsahal. Your former Director of the Institution with foremost responsibility for the Iran file has said it plain and clear, no one will stop the Mullahs from getting their device. All your childish bravado is proved to be just that; the rantings of a delusional ill informed clown driven by wishful thinking. Your worst nightmare is coming to pass right before your eyes, and all your combined strength of all your security institutions together with world jewry with all their influence in Western capitals cannot stop it. You have lost an existential struggle to prevent your worst enemy from laying hands on the ultimate equalizer, and there is nothing you can do about it, despite your false bravado and rantings here daily. The day Iran xplods their first device, the whole of your nation will not sleep for a week, such is the ominous nature of this development. It takes away the power to threaten others wantonly as you have done for seven decades, and will ensure peace and quiet over Lebanon, Syria and Iraq – you will never dare attack any of those nations again ever, all your false bravado notwithstanding. Israel had a choice to walk a different road, now you must deal with the consequences of your seventy years of belligerence against your neighbours. Even the usx will not go to war for you this time. My next prediction – I already gave it and in your usual bravado you brushed it aside: you will be isolated like apartheid South Africa, and that movement will start in the West. You will be totally isolated,and sanctions will be imposed on you. You will not be welcome in any major nation, and you will have to live in that ghetto you have created for yourselves without the option of tourism trade and other contact. And it is the West which will mainstream this policy, and it will take root throughout the world. It will not happen immediately, but i give it twenty to thirty years. Your rich elite with dual citizenship will leave and settle elsewhere, and leave an impoverished despised ghetto whose only contact will be with third world dictatorships where your only export will be weapons to kill and nothing else of value. Life will be hell. Make peace with the Palestinians before it is too late.

Lazy Gamer

Harsh but probably will come to pass. lol The world is changing.


We shall see.

Traiano Welcome

We give not a hoot about what most Israelis think. We do care about the thoughts of the oppressed and colonised.


And who said you have any right to interfer with what’s happening here? like, who the fuck asked it from you. Again, mind you own business.

Traiano Welcome

I am God and I give myself rights. I make it my business so piss off.


You are a roach.

Traiano Welcome

You are roach excrement.

Traiano Welcome

We don’t care about you or your business. We care about the Palestinians and their business.


The Palestinians will decide what to do, not you.

Traiano Welcome

I will decide how I view their actions and I will decide how I support their actions.


Okay Traiano, if it makes you feel better why not. It’s not like your opinion would change anything.

Traiano Welcome

Only one things needs to be understood:

Zionist European Jews engaged in a century long theft of Palestinian land, supported by their British colonial masters. This continuing theft is now being supported by their American masters.

Traiano Welcome

What has this got to do with thieving european zionist colonials taking land that is not theirs?

Traiano Welcome

Nobody cares how you see it.

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