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MARCH 2025

Israel Intercepts 4 Missiles Over Golan Heights, Strikes Damascus

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Israel Intercepts 4 Missiles Over Golan Heights, Strikes Damascus

The Israeli-Syrian conflict is once again escalating.

Early on November 19, Syrian state media reported several explosions at the airport of the capital of Damascus. No further details were provided. However, local sources immediately claimed that the explosions were caused by a supposed Israeli strike.

Pro-Israeli sources claim that at least 5 Israeli missiles were launched at targets in southern Damascus. According to this version, at least 2 missiles were intercepted.

At the same time, the Israeli Defense Forces claimed that the Iron Dome had intercepted 4 rockets launched from Syria over the Golan Heights. No casualties were reported.

It’s expected that the Israeli military will carry out more aggressive actions against Syria using the Golan Heights as a pretext for this move.

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Rhodium 10

Accord Al Masdar no Israeli missile hit the airport and around…


Missiles could be raining on ISraeHELL As From Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, Turkey, Irak, IranAfghanistan, Egypt, Lybia, Tunisia, Algeria, Yemen to press the Bloody ISraeHELL Government to free completely Gaza, Golan Heihgts, Westbank and to respect the UN Resolutions !

Jens Holm

But they dont. You should wonder why as well as how many spendable, You have Yourself in this kind of investment.

Hide Behind

Of what strategic value to Syria’s Government, it’s volunteers from Lebanon, Iran and Russia, would the launching of a few rockets onto Golans be? Syria proper, meaning government policy makers, live in reality, and the reality is Golan permanently belongs to Israel. Reality says you throw a stone at Israel they can and will retaliate with a punishing blow. One does not deliberately antagonize an enemy outside ones border that one knows, as we say in US, “can and will clean your clock” when you are in middle of fighting for your life in your own house. There is not even propaganda to be gained, as if the weaklings plea for mercy can be called propaganda and not called whining and crying, as no one will aid you for fear of those much stronger than they combined. A bully looks for excuses to beat down the weak, and in this case there are one heck of a lot more bullies and friends who know just how weak Syria is ready and will if not active participants, be cheering squads and spectators. Not saying there are not some religious or even uber nationalist fanatical nutcases of unreality, who think their actions have a purpose, who would not send rockets on from within Syria, all one has to do is look at Palestinins who majority just want to live peacefully day to day who have nothing to do with rocket attacks on Israel, knowing they can run and hide and let others die in hopes of gaining more adherents, of course there are. So who is in control within Syria, and who within political realms should be stopping the few fanatics or are the fanatics actions not helping them stay in power, they do not want to become targets themselves as they have enough fanatics already trying to kill them. The Dogs of War do not always run in large packs, as there are always the lone wolves and strays who like to survive on the cartoons ofbwarbwith little work on their part. The Syrian government cannot nor dare even make a concerted attempt to defend its people from Israel, acceptable casualties in hopes the many will survive. A single bullet that killed an Austrian Duke sent European derived peoples into two of worlds most destructive and horrible bloodbaths of Warfare; let us hope no such case can be found today or in future.


I enjoyed reading your comment, one of the most objective views I read here. Israel has no intention to strike Syrian targets only Iranian ones, but we haven’t attacked in Syria for weeks till that incident happened. People will try to blame us for anything that happens there, we are not responsible for the rockets fired from Syria but we can and will retaliate for it. It’s always some Iranian proxy that lights the match and dragging the people into some conflict with Israel even if they don’t want to, that is just how it is with fanatic regimes.

Luke Hemmming

It may also be rogue players firing missiles into Israel to start a provocation that would see Syrian forces been blamed and attacked.


I agree, I hope we don’t fall to this trap. We need to find exactly the fire source and only hit there.

Saso Mange

By deception…

Jens Holm

There is no change.

Israel will attack Iranians and Hesbollahs, which include Syrian helpers and Syrian helping facilities.

Saso Mange

Except that Golan is Syrian land and USA violates its own laws by saying differently. Golan is only occupied by Israel and occupying power cannot get legal standing on the occupied land. You cannot make claims over any land anymore. By annexing other nations land Israel is spitting over the charter which were the basis for proclamation of the state of Israel. So keep in your mind – fantasy is not compatible with international law.

Hide Behind

International law is a fantasy, put in place not by populace but by those allied within the most powerfull nations, no more than a “Gentalmans” Agreed upon terms they shall adopt when dealing between themselves. As with all Laws there need be means of enforcement, and who but the few “Gentlemen” have those means, assuredly not the world’s populace at large. The IUN was financed and set into place by but a few of those Gentlemen each of whom retained the power of Veto over if even full body of that organization has voted upon a Resolution. NOTE term resolution. but those other nations cannot enforce their resolved grievances. Nowhere is their written in stone that all Laws must be fair. fairness is but another illusion on the order of Rights, a fantasy. We have figures the so called International Criminal courts haves judged guilty of crimes against humanity that as in Kissinger and.many others roam freely and are toasted royally in their nations and peoples they are supposedly making judgements in their favor. Individuals can be prosecuted and even some small states as violators of International Laws, but name one Powerful nation and its people have been prosecuted and punished by any International body of Law. How many times just since end of WWII have International law bodies violated own mission statements and Charters.as they act at motions the most powerfull tell them to? In an Empire the Rule of Law is by those who benefit most from the Law. And in todays world what US says is the Law becomes the Rule of Law in many lands, and who can challenge their Pronouncements. US and Euros make and break and then enforce their laws imposed upon weaker nations and peoples. Words have no power of their own, nor do spoken or written ideals, all are.worthless unless their are means of enforcement. What good are Ideals when their are none courageous enouh to stand and defend them. What have masses done to aid those individuals who have, besides find keyboards to whine upon No words saved Assange from being held and in effect mentally and bodily tortured. Who tried the US military and portions of its political and financial personages for acts that was once deemed illegal under Internation Laws, Invasion, Occupations of Iraq, Yemen, Syria, Libya and Afghanistan? Majority of worlds most wealthy and so called Democraticly ruled Eurocentric derived nations and peoples aided and profited from US and Their NATO counterparts illegal actions?


International law is a fantasy to criminals just like all laws. What is fantasy is to expect criminals to enforce “their” laws. Israel is a thug state, a mafia state. It is also ruled by coward using snipers to murder women and children from 300 meters distance. Sadly, killing women and children doesn’t prepare you to fight Hezbollah. In the cemetery of history, a plot is reserved for Zionism next to Nazism. Tis the march of history. Nothing is forever.

Jens Holm

You are correct. Muslims has world record in making refugees themselves. Many millions of them has not been alive of the total amount of 40 millions.

That certainly had solved a lot of problems for the rest of us, even I would not se it in my wallet, because I use creditcard.

Unfortunatly Israel was born for very bad and good reasons. Thats the fact. But thats not the same as they have no rights and that can or should be solved as You wish.

Saso Mange

In order to gain legitimacy for terrorism and apartheid – Israel has to destroy international law first. To say that international law is fantasy is contrary to common sense. Why you might ask? Because many great nations respect the law. United nations, world nations are greater than puny Israel and greater than the great USA. Founding fathers of both nations are turning in their graves. Stop spreading fairy tale’s please.

Jens Holm

According to Darwin You will get wings in next generation and can fly to heaven Yourself.

Saso Mange

And you are expert about heavenly affairs?

Jens Holm

Not really. My Grandmother has mobile phone.

Saso Mange

To answer on your intellectual level if above is hard for you to comprehend :

You are an idiot.

Hide Behind

Well this idiot’ minor many a year ago was in American History, and a continuing scholarly interest ever since has shown that all the years of public schooling in regards to American history leading to that minor, was one long mythical journey in fantasy land. Using word such as idiot as a derogatory term towards another’s viewpoint shows lack of having a lack of rational rebuttal. I use the word ignorant not as a derogatory not a mark of low intelligence but as one meaning misinformed or disinformed, and/or lack of access to information. When it comes to truthful information upon founders and founding of US , what has been taught in US public school systems from grades K through 12 are fantacys, nursery rhymes for children, and mythical fairy tales. Some things my wise Grandfather taught me, never argue over religion as there are no answers just opinions, there are no more vindictive people than those consumed by inner guilt, and.stupid people always think they are smarter than you, and ignorance of a subject is not a handicap if one has an open mind, and never argue with the village idiots because no matter what you say they cannot be worthy of your attention, and there is a vast difference between ordinary ignorance and those who are deliberately ignorant, and by your reference to founding fathers I cannot quite figure out which branch of ignorance you belong to. Gramps had an old Irish saying I learned well; “If one does not know truth of their land and family history, then they are as if wee babes born this morn, and like wee babes they will go through life sucking upon any teat put in front of them”. Damn lot of teat suckers in US.

Saso Mange

Your words. Thanks for proving my point by answering to this reply even tho that you were presented with a good choice. What you say who you are is irrelevant. Your argumentation is poor. Good luck with learning the difference between as hominem and argumentation analogy.

Jens Holm

Ignorant is much better then idiot.

Maybee Europeans shoud have floded Arabistan instead of America:)

Jens Holm

Idiots hardly can type something like that.

Saso Mange

Again, you can not understand the argumentation because I didn’t call him idiot, it was picked by him by choice.

Jens Holm

I think I partly agree. After WW2 some main rules were needed and UN was a good try and has made a lot of good results based on that.

Unfortunatly its about 70 years ago and as 70 years old cars it has its limitations.

You are very incorrect about the finaciel parts and its results. 7 Billion people incl. those incl. the many in he muslims deroutes could not be alive or even was born, if it wasnt for an increased productions.

You should take it country by country. You also ignore USA replaced GB and France as Superpowers as well as Sovjet went on its expansion until it collpased in 1971.

After that we have seen so many new countries. Unfortunatly we also has seen different kinds of neocolonialisme, but You pronatly also ignore, that those “neos” actually are countries even they are not themselbves one by one.

Few countries ever has been one by one. You seemes to ignores USA is a part of Western Economics and several billions are happy about that compared to very visible alternatives.

As I wrote last week: I any time prefare to be Govwerned by Americans and Jews compared with Your versions – any time. But I dont think we are. We are depended and sometimes has to be in line and sometimes we even are kept in line.

I therefore as most Westerns and the affiliates in fx China only will change few things unless Your criticists can show anything then we should destyroy ourselves by self detonation and be like You or Your version of dominance and obey.

Jens Holm

None should blame Israel after being overwhelming attacked in Jom Kipur as well as in june 67 that they defend themselves by havin Golan.

I can only see You and Yours certainly has lost all credibility and trust for handling it.

Not many can put hens into eggs. Thats what You demand. Syria, Iran and the mad Hesbollahs not even try to keep internatiol agreements themselves.

Blaming each other incl. Israel to me is criminals blaming criminals and You all should be fenced not being able to make children.

You even blame SDFs stealing Syrian oil. They dont. There is no Syrian oil. Its taken by Assads and the Baathists as private property and sold to the Syrian people, where most profit is drowned in centralized corruption and ineffectiness of the worst kind.

Facts count. Facts are Syria is still there as private property even 550.000 are dead, 10 milions are not in their own home and 5 of them are not even in Syria. And going one. Maybee several million are wounded on body and soul, destroyed infrastructure.

And the base are, You deny devellopments. Here just today You again as usual also blame Kurds(the YPG+J ones) for plans for the future. Well compared to Yours, they any time is better even I dont like Marxisme.

You also lie all the time , where You pretend You speak for all arabs, because Damskus does as an arabic country.

You are so blind about so many things. Arabs are not one like that. Our pigs are less different from each other then You are. And besides that about 30 in the arabic artificial land made by neocolonialisme and not even You are not arabs at all.

I throwing tomatos only on each other dont help – Then try opiom for all. If You choose opium we can understand Your behaving better. I You get, You are came – and if You in periods are like now, You are sick because You as addicts gets none.

Saso Mange

Myth busted long ago. Nasser’s aviation was destroyed by Israel while on ground and even Israeli officials said that it was indeed first strike instead of defensive war. Golan got taken in the other war, the October war. Learn first then talk to me because you look stupid not knowing that Golan wasn’t taken in 1967 for God’s sake man :D


Reality? Israel is a thieving neighbor. It possess stolen Syrian land. The reality, Syria and its allies will one day be strong enough to take it back. To say that Syria has abandoned its Golan Heights is Zionist hasbara fantasy. The reality? One day Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, and Iran will be able to irrefutably retaliate convincingly to any Israeli aggression. The days of Israeli impunity and wanton aggression are coming to an end. Israel has created an enemy that is battle hardened and highly motivated. Soon the United States will exit the Middle East in defeat, and Israel will share the fate of the Kurds. Sholom.

Jens Holm

Arrh, there we go again. Never heard before.

I see no sign on You ever will be strong enough beacuse Assads has not develloped anything in Syria for decades apart from dead and destruction.

Even that is no devellopment because its copoed very well from other parts of the world. Israel is no better, even they seemes to better copists.

Maybee Israel has a more advanced sponsor.

Jens Holm

I think Israelians more and more look and behave as real semittes in a devastaing integration and assimilation.

I never liked the arabs there.


Admin update the readers, we striked again last night alot of Iranian targets in Syria.

Jens Holm

I see no reason for being that proud. Facts are hen and egg still is going strong by small rooster chickens.

Jens Holm

Hen and egg from small chickens thinking they are roosters.

If they all produced tomatoes and used them, it would be a positive de escalation.


Syria continues without being able to shut down Israel planes, despite the S-300 system. WOW !

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