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MARCH 2025

Israel Is About To Demolish Another Village In West Bank. International Criminal Court Says It Would Be War Crime

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Israel Is About To Demolish Another Village In West Bank. International Criminal Court Says It Would Be War Crime

FILE IMAGE: Israeli troops

On October 20th, Israel decided to indefinitely delay the forced evacuation of the West Bank herding village of Khan al-Ahmar.

This was a result of a decision of the Israeli High Court of Justice which ruled that there was no legal barrier to demolish the village, but it preferred to see a negotiated solution.

On the same day, Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman’s office said in response that he opposed the delay and that the decision was taken in spite of his “resolute opposition.”

On October 21st, Lieberman said that the delay was actually due to Israel’s Attorney-General Avichai Mandelblit. He reportedly asked to delay the pending demolition for legal reasons. The Defense Minister spoke after the security cabinet affirmed the delay in hopes of finding a compromise with its residents and avoiding a forced evacuation, according to the Jerusalem Post. According to the outlet, Lieberman voted for the delay, despite speaking strongly against it on the previous day.

According to him, the cabinet has made the decision to demolish the village. “The moment the cabinet approves the evacuation of Khan al-Ahmar, the process is irreversible,” Liberman said.

He explained that Mandelblit had told Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that it was legally important to make one more attempt to negotiate with the 180 residents of Khan al-Ahmar.

Following a meeting with US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin on October 21st, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that the village will be soon “evacuated,” and that the postponement is for a “short, fixed period of time” and not indefinite.

“This is the decision of the court, this is our policy and it will be implemented,” Netanyahu was cited by Al Jazeera.

“I don’t intend to postpone it until further notice contrary to what has been reported, but [make it happen] within a short, fixed period of time. The duration we will give to evacuate it in consent will be decided by the cabinet.”

Israeli authorities set October 1st as the deadline for the residents to dismantle their homes and evacuate after the demolition was approved in September, under the pretext that it had been built without a permit.

However, Palestinians say that building permits are impossible to obtain, in contrast to the rapid expansion of Jewish-only Israeli settlements, which are illegal under international law, as reported by Al Jazeera.

On October 17th, the International Criminal Court’s chief prosecutor warned that Israel’s planned “evacuation by force” of the village could constitute a war crime. As reported by Al Jazeera, Israel is a signatory of the Rome Statute of the ICC, but it has not ratified the agreement.

Earlier, on September 16th, the UN once more warned against the demolition of the village and that it would be in violation of international law. “I am concerned at the intention of the Israeli authorities to demolish the Bedouin village of Khan Al-Ahmar/Abu Al-Helu,” UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Nickolay Mladenov said in a statement.

“Such actions are contrary to international law and could undermine the chances for the establishment of a viable, contiguous Palestinian state,” he further commented.

In the first half of September, the EU also condemned the demolition of the village, saying that it undermines the prospect of peace between Israel and the Palestinians. With a resolution, the EU demands compensation from Israeli government for aid funds invested in the West Bank Bedouin village in addition to demanding the cessation of the demolition.

In a joint statement, France, Kingdom of the Netherlands, Poland, Sweden, United Kingdom, Belgium, Germany, Italy called for a cancellation of the demolition plans, following the Israeli High Court’s decision to reject the petitions by residents of the village on September 5th.

The forthcoming and seemingly inevitable demolition of the Khan al-Ahmar village and the forced evacuation of its residents would most likely lead to more Arab protests against Israeli conduct in the region. This will also trigger possible violence, because Tel Aviv’s strategy, reinforced by the US support of all its conduct, is to respond with force to any protest.

This would further the agenda of the hawks in the Israeli leadership pushing for a war in Gaza. Liberman has recently claimed that there can only be peace if Hamas is dealt a “crushing blow” beforehand.

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Yes and what they do about it if is a war crime? Another worthless voting that it be vetoed ?


THE IDF-TALMUDIC-NEO-BOLSHEVIK-KHAZARIAN-ASHKENAZI-SABBATEAN-ZIO-FASCIST-KID-KILLERS AT WORK: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0beecbaa8d1b62ad8cf89d546e47420e47c1bd51bc5106f398df8edc05173526.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c54ff1aba6726d055be2e7f312fffa79babbb11bcffe9a9f462e17a25acdd6a1.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9f43792ff9747df79e9c03692849f967f4338a4b884013e09d8e8674165b8866.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/84c88a233a59ae17e5c012af7113597f1b4f2731aacba1f977ab3f1bcc76befd.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/da36cd7b78708e673d22288f4b7e081dbd3d60242fc2e5af12f2bb760f5ba963.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/26bf92c2a572c64d81f7d4295db845caf0b2a1829afb7d9b7a8ead296e3f4944.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b4bc701eb328780c30e8b35f810eb80d6d04c7ea0b2d12c8267e34f3587fab46.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9b1f2a239ff17fe76d861827c8f1ab5c796af1ef53c07a9e2bc7100d5abee187.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c23e4a465bea53cb7ca8fe37096c9f01e59e6c8688f38eafa7f53c89db9a6832.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5eccd5d5626e2c558c63cb65c020ef3030789ef5d2ad37c220c25a071c45a9e0.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/31ef2d2f6011b92e605aab910f9942c200c710f469723d201a1efd2bca1e2c4a.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8d6a0db52eb9972f83cfc3748a427900f29654d0e3a5bd069feb93a80814f010.jpg


Israel Is About To Demolish Another Village In West Bank. International Criminal Court Says It Would Be a War Crime. Shit.

That was not a war crime that intruded into Palestine from EU and have butchered millions of Palestinian children and women. Wipe off all US and England trained ISIS and Israel from Palestine. Stop butchering of Palestinian children and women. Stop adding biological and chemical elements in to their drinking water. Be human and hands off on Palestine and Syria.


A Greater Syria would be a good option… Kick the Illegal European Khazarian Ashke Nazis out… they got No Business being up there in a Phoney Rothschild Disneyland called IsraHell… All they do is: Stealing Land & Resources, Create Concentration Camps, Exterminate the Indigenous & Create Trouble in the Middle East… The Middle East should Kick all the Western Occupiers Out… and then they can start building on Peace… not until every Western Imperial Occupier has Left will this be Possible… Divide et Impera

Gregory Casey

Why Oh Why does the International Criminal Court not open Prosecutions against Israel? lt is, after all a Signatory to the Rome Statue that gave birth to the ICC but Israel’s Signature to the International Agreement has not been subsequently ratified domestically by Resolution of the Knesset …… so what! Target and arrest Israeli Lawmakers, Military, Conscripted Soldiers and others associated with the Genocidal Israeli State and put them on Trial at the Hague. As with Putin laying down borders in Syria with deploying of S-300 Systems so too would the arrest and Indictment before ICC at the Hague of notable Israeli Ministers put an immediate STOP to the Rolling Genocide against the Palestinian People of Palestine.

Lazy Gamer

If civil/legal options fail, what else is left for them? What is the UN doing, not giving recognition to Palestinian statehood? Maybe Israeli officials need to be reminded by their older citizens how they were forced to evacuate in countries where they have been before. Do unto others as you want others do unto you.

Samuli Suominen

I’m shamed my goverment (Finnish) is doing business (even arms deals) with the Zionist scum… All the money in the world doesn’t justify what they are doing to humanity

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